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The incubator is a closed

system with a heating

element underneath and a
transparent hood or
canopy around the baby

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Heat Loss is

Keseimbangan produksi dan

1. Warm delivery room (> 25°C)
kehilangan panas
2. Warm resuscitation
3. Immediate drying
4. Skin-to-skin contact between
baby and the mother
5. Breastfeeding
6. Bathing and weighing
1. Umur postponed
2. Berat badan
3. Luas permukaan tubuh
4. Kondisi lingkungan Vasokontriksi periper
5. Mekanisme termoregulasi Subcutaneous lemak
(Non-Shivering Fetal position
1. Lack of attention to thermoregulation
continues to be a cause of unnecessary
deaths in the neonatal population.

2. Maintaining a stable body temperature

is essential to ensure optimal growth

3. Heat loss from a body might occurs

by conduction, convection,
radiation or evaporation
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1. Aktifitas berkurang
2. Lethargi
3. Malas menyusu dan kemampuan menurun
4. Tangisan lemah
5. Cutis marmorata
6. Ekstremitas teraba dingin
7. Sianosis :acrosianosis
8. Pernafasan melambat dan tidak teratur
9. Denyut jantung lemah dan melambat
11.Asidosis metabolik
12.Pucat Sklerema
(a) Peripheral vasoconstriction
-Acrocyanosis Monitor axillary
-Cool extremities temperature
-Decreased peripheral perfusion every :
(b) CNS depression
-Lethargy a. ½ hour till it
-Bradycardia reaches 36.5 °C
-Poor feeding b. then hourly for
(c) Increased metabolism next 4 hours
-Hypoxia c. 2 hourly for 12
-Metabolic acidosis hours thereafter
(d) Increase of pulmonary artery
pressure d. 3 hourly as a
-Distress routine
(e) Chronic signs
-Weight loss, poor weight gain

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Usia dan Berat Suhu ◦ C
( PONEK ) badan Awal Kisaran
Usia dan Berat Suhu ◦ C 24 - 36 Jam
badan Awal Kisaran < 1200 gram 34,0 34,0 - 35,0
0 - 6 Jam 1201 - 1500 gram 33,6 33,1 - 34,2
< 1200 gram 35 34 - 35,1 1501 - 2500 gram 32,6 31,6 - 33,6
> 2500 gram 32,1 30,7 - 33,5
1201 - 1500
36 - 48 Jam
gram 34,1 33,9 - 34,4 < 1200 gram 34,0 34,0 - 35,0
1501 - 2500 1201 - 1500 gram 33,5 33,0 - 34,1
gram 33,4 32,8 - 33, 8 1501 - 2500 gram 32,5 31,4 - 33,5
> 2500 gram 32,9 32,0 - 33,8 > 2500 gram 31,9 30,5 - 33,5
6 - 12 Jam 72 - 96 Jam
< 1200 gram 34,0 34,0 -35,0
< 1200 gram 35 34,0 - 35,4
1201 - 1500 gram 33,5 33,0 - 34,0
1201 - 1500 1501 - 2500 gram 32,2 31,1 - 33,2
gram 34 33,5 - 34,4 > 2500 gram 31,3 29,8 - 32,8
1501 - 2500 4 - 12 Hari
gram 33,1 31,4 - 33,8 < 1500 gram 33,5 33,0 - 34,0
> 2500 gram 32,8 31,4 - 33,8 1501- 2500 gram 32,1 31 - 33,2
12 - 24 Jam > 2500 gram
4 - 5 Hari 31,0 29,5 - 32,6
< 1200 gram 34 34 - 35,4 5 - 6 Hari 30,9 29,4 - 32,3
1201 - 1500 6 - 8 Hari 30,6 29,0 - 32,2
gram 33,8 33,3 - 34,8 8 - 10 Hari 30,3 29,0 - 31,8
1501 - 2500 10 - 12 Hari 30,1 29,0 - 31,4
gram 32,8 31,8 - 33,8
> 2500 gram 32,4 31,0 - 33,7

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1. Temperature Control mode
a. Air mode
b. Skin mode
2. Humidifikasi : menurunkan IWL
500 ml air steril + 1-2 ml cuka : mencegah
kolonisasi bakteri
3. Disinfeksi : internal dan eksternal dibersihkan &
disinfeksi : gluteraldehyde (Cidex®, Sonacide®,
Sporicidin®, Hospex®, Omnicide®, Metricide®, Rapicide®
and Wavicide)
4. Maintanance :filter, kalibrasi

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• Cleaning : The physical removal of
material (e.g., dust, soil) and organic
(e.g., blood, secretions, excretions,
• Cleaning physically removes rather
kills microorganisms. It is accomplished
with water, detergents and
mechanical action
• Disinfection: The inactivation of
disease-producing microorganisms.
Disinfection does not destroy bacterial
4. Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide Surface Disinfectant 7%
Accel Surface Cleaner Disinfectant Concentrate
5. Sabun pembersih : PERHATIKAN mengandung Chlorine/
(High-level disinfectants include 2% glutaraldehyde, 6%
hydrogen peroxide, 0.2% peracetic acid, 7%
accelerated hydrogen peroxide and 0.55% ortho-
phthalaldehyde (OPA)

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