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Past future perfect tense is a form of phrase used to express something that will be
done and done in the past. Tense is usually used with 2 parts, part of the events that
have been done and the condition of the incident can be completed. This form is also
widely used in sentences that state the assumption of something that can and has been
done in the past, but can not happen because there are conditions that are not met


1. To explain events or activities that have ever predicted or planned to be has occured
or has been done before/ until a certain time limit in the past.
Note :
In general, tenses is start with clause that contains the meaning of predictions,
expectations or planned. The verb are think, hope, expect, plan, intend, assume, etc.
2. To declare a presupposition in the past, precisely as the parent sentence in the third
type conditional sentences or conditional sentences type-3.
3. To talk about past events that did not happen but should happen
4. To talk about things that can be done in the past but not done or unsuccessful
5. To discuss possibilities in the past

1. In Nominal

The Kind of Pattern

(+) Subject + Would/Should + Have + Been + Complement
(-) Subject + Would/Should + Have + not + Been + Complement
(?) Would/Should + Subject + Have + Been + Complement
2. In Verbal
The Kind of Pattern
(+) Subject + Would/Should + Have + VerbIII (Past Participle) +
(-) Subject + Would/Should + Have + not + VerbIII (Past Participle)
+ Compliment
(?) Would/Should + Subject + Have + VerbIII (Past Participle) +


1. In Nominal
1.1 Positive
Subject + Would/Should + Have + Been + Complement
Subject Would/Should Have Been Compliment
I at studio
You in the market
We a teacher
They Would/Should Have Been a graduation
She a beautiful girl
He a father
It die

1.2 Negative
Subject + Would/Should + Have + not + Been + Complement
Subject Would/should Have not Been Compliment
I At studio
You In the market
We A teacher
They Would/Should Have not Been A graduation
She A beautiful girl
He A father
It die

1.3 Interrogative
Would/Should + Subject + Have + Been + Complement
Would/Should Subject Have Been Compliment
Would/Should I Have Been At studio
You In the market
We A teacher
They A graduation
She A beautiful girl
He A father
It die
2. In Verbal
2.1 Positive
Subject + Would/Should + Have + VerbIII (Past Participle) + Compliment
Subject Would/Should Have VerbIII Compliment
I written a story
You bought a shirt
We cleaned the room
They Would/Should Have played tennis
She gone to school
He give a present
It swum very fast

2.2 Negative
Subject + Would/Should + Have + not + VerbIII (Past Participle) + Compliment
Subject Would/Should Have Not VerbIII Compliment
I written a story
You bought a shirt
We cleaned the room
They Would/Should Have Not played tennis
She gone to school
He give a present
It swum very fast

2.3 Interrogative
Would/Should + Subject + Have + VerbIII (Past Participle) + Compliment
Would/Should Subject Have VerbIII Compliment
I written a story
You bought a shirt
We cleaned the room
Would/Should They Have played tennis
She gone to school
He give a present
It swum very fast
1. To explain events or activities that have ever predicted or planned to be has occured
or has been done before/ until a certain time limit in the past.
 I assumed that John would have traveled around the world before he got married
last year.
 She thought that she would have read the entire book before she went to campus
yesterday afternoon.
 I predicted that I would already have had enough time to eat before I played
badminton last night.

 They thought he would have already bought a gift before he went to his
girlfriend’s birthday party last night.
 I once predicted that he would have had more than 50 wives before he died. I was
wrong. He turned out to be a very loving husband long time before he died last

2. To declare a presupposition in the past, precisely as the parent sentence in the third
type conditional sentences or conditional sentences type-3.
 If you had saved your jewelry and foreign currency in a safety deposit box, they
wouldn’t have gone

3. To talk about past events that did not happen but should happen
 You should have recieved your refund by now.

4. To talk about things that can be done in the past but not done or unsuccessful
 I could have bought that car, but I prefered to save money and wait for the manual

5. To discuss possibilities in the past

 The traveler looks far from happy. He may have waited for his flight for hours.

Another example :

In this example I’ll give you a sentences in the Past Future Perfect Tense and then I’ll give a
fact of sentences so you can easy to understand.

Look at this :
Sentences The Fact
If his Visa had been approved, he would have but his Visa wasn’t approved (tapi Visa-nya
been working abroad for a week. tidak disetujui)
(Jika visa dia telah disetujui, dia akan telah
bekerja selama seminggu.)

If we had set the tanks in a proper way, the but we didn’t set them in a proper way
water would have been flowing out of tank X
into tanky at a constant rate.
(Jika kita telah mengatur tank-tank tersebut
dengan cara yan benar, air akan telah mengalir
dari tangki X ke dalam tangki Y dengan laju

Nisa and her family would have been living at but its construction didn’t finish (tapi
their new house if its construction had finished. konstruksinya tidak selesai)
(Nisa dan keluargaya akan telah menempati
rumah baru mereka jika konstruksinya sudah



In English, the best way to write and speak is almost always with the active voice. Basically,
the active voice puts emphasis on the most important part of the sentence, so it’s the clearest,
most direct way to share information.

With the active voice, the subject acts, so we can say that the subject is being “active.” In
other words, the subject does the action to the object: A does B to C.

Characteristics of active voice

We shall see the characteristics of this form.

In active voice-

 The subject of sentence in active form is at the starting of the sentence.

 Subject is followed by the form of ‘to be’, verb and object.
 We can say that verb is in the Active Voice.
 An active voice tells clearly about the action who has done it.

The conclusion, Active voice is a sentence in which verb shows that subject does an action

Since we usually write and speak using the active voice, it’s important to know about its
opposite: the passive voice. You’ve probably heard that the passive voice is “bad,” but may
not know why. The main reason is that the passive voice changes the focus of a sentence by
stating its meaning in a less direct way.

With the passive voice, the subject is acted upon, so we can say that the subject is being
“passive” in the sentence. It receives the action instead of doing it and “gets” the verb from
the object: A gets B by C.

Characteristics of passive voice

The Characteristics of this form are-

 When we change the sentence from active to passive voice, the object becomes the
 We can use sentences with only transitive verbs in passive voice that is we can change
the sentences having object into this voice.
 This form may or may not tell clearly about the action who has done it.
 To make clear the action who has done it we should add ‘by

The conclusion Passive voice is the sentence in which the form of verb shows that an
action is done to the subject.


 Active: Would+ not+ S+ have+ verb 3+ O

 Passive: Would+ not+ O+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S

Example active:

 Wouldn't he have established his factory- if his parents hadn't allowed him? (Apakah
dia belum bakal mendirikan perusahannya jika orang tuanya belum mengizinkan?)
 Wouldn't Jaka Tingkir have found the cave- if he didn't walk to the west? (Apakah
Jaka Tingkir belum bakal menemukan gua itu jika dia tidak berjalan ke barat?)
 Wouldn't Linna have ironed my clothes- if I didn't wash it? (Apakah Linna belum
bakal menyeterika bajuku jika aku tidak mencucinya?)
 Wouldn't Tom have bitten Jerry- if he's still satisfied? (Apakah Tom belum bakal
menggigit Jerry jika dia masih kenyang?)
 Wouldn't the referee have blown the whistle before at 7 pm? (Apakah wasit belum
bakal meniup peluitnya sebelum jam 7 malam?)
Example passive:

 Wouldn't his factory have been established by him- before his parents allowed him?
(Apakah perusahaannya belum bakal ia dirikan sebelum orang tuanya mengizinkan?)
 Wouldn't the cave have been found by Jaka Tingkir- until he walked to the west?
(Apakah gua itu belum bakal ditemukan Jaka Tingkir sampai dia berjalan ke barat?)
 Wouldn't my clothes have been ironed by Linna- if I didn't wash it? (Apakah bajuku
belum bakal diseterika Linna jika aku tidak mencucinya?)
 Wouldn't Jerry have been bitten by Tom- if Tom was still satisfied? (Apakah Jerry
belum bakal digigit Tom jika Tom masih kenyang?)
 Wouldn't the whistle have been blown by the referee before at 7 pm? (Apakah
peluitnya belum bakal ditiup wasit sebelum jam 7 malam?)

Another Example :

 Active: S+ would+ have+ verb 3+ O

o Wiro Sableng would have made Bawang Merah happy- if they married ( Wiro
Sableng bakal sudah membuat Bawang Merah bahagia seandainya mereka
 Passive: O+ would+ have+ been+ verb 3+ by+ S
o Bawang Merah would have been made happy by Wiro Sableng- if they
married (Bawang Merah bakalan sudah dibahagiakan oleh Wiro Sableng
seandainya mereka menikah)


Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in the past. An action could have happened
in the past if a certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were different then, however. We
just imagine, what would have happened if the situation had been fulfilled.
If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
Explanation :
Some time in the past, I wanted to send an invitation to a friend. I didn't find her address,
however. So in the end I didn't send her an invitation.
If John had had the money, he would have bought a Ferrari.
I knew John very well and I know that he never had much money, but he loved Ferraris. He
would have loved to own a Ferrari, but he never had the money to buy one.

Also notice that sometimes the 'if clause' is implied rather than spoken, especially in
spoken English.
 I'd have done it. ("if you had asked me but you didn't.")
 I wouldn't have said that. ("if I'd been there.")
 He wouldn't have let him get away with that. ("if he had tried that with me.")
Last night it was dry, so I went out.
If I had (+ past participle) ..., If it had rained last night, I would have
I would have (+ past participle) ... stayed at home.

We use the third conditional when we talk

Instead of would, we can use could or about an imaginary or hypothetical situation
might in the past.
. In the above example,
the real situation was that it did not rain.

If I had known that he was there, I wouldn't

have come.
I would have said hello if I had seen you.
If he hadn't been so tired, he could have
finished the race.

Things to remember :

1. We do not use would in the if -part of the sentence:

If it would have rained had rained last night, I would have stayed at home.
2. The if -part of the sentence can go at the beginning or at the end:
If it had rained, I would have stayed at home.
I would have stayed at home if it had rained.
3. We can say'd instead of would or had :
If it had rained, I'd have stayed at home.
I would have said hello, if I'd seen you.
4. We normally say 'd had instead of had had :
If I had had 'd had time, I would have sent you an email.
5. The third conditional always refers to the past. The second conditional refers to
the present or future:
If it had rained last night, I would have stayed at home. (It didn't rain last night - past)
If it was raining now, I would stay at home. (It isn't raining now - present)



Practice 1
Complete the sentences below.
1.Simon woke up late and was 30 minutes late for work. If he............ (wake up) early,
he............(not/be) late for work.

2.I stayed at home yesterday because of the rain. If it..............(not/rain), I.......(go

3.The tennis player didn't train at all, but he still won the match. If he.......(not/be) so talented,
he ...........(not/win).

4.I was almost ready to start looking for another job, but then my boss gave me a promotion.
If he.............(not/give) me a promotion, I........(look) for another job.

5.James won the lottery, so he didn't need to work anymore. He..........(not/quit) his job if
he.............(not/win) the lottery.

6.Debbie was at the party, but I don't think she saw me. If she..........(see) me,
she.............(say) hello.

7.I thought the meeting was at 9am, not 8am. I.........(not/be) late if I.............(know) what time
it started.

8.Mike failed his university exams. If he.........(study) harder, he.........(pass) them.

Practice 2
Yesterday, Nick had a lot of problems. Read each problem and write a third conditional
sentence using the ideas below.
 pay
 his
 internet
 bill
 change the oil
 cook his lunch properly
 do some shopping
 have an umbrella
 keep a diary

1. He was not able to use the internet.

If he had paid his internet bill, he would have been able to use the internet.
2. He forgot his best friend's birthday.
If he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. His car broke down.
His car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. He ran out of coffee.
If he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. He was soaking wet.
If he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. He got food poisoning in the evening.
If he . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THE ANSWER of the Practice :

Practice 1
1.had woken up; wouldn't have been
2.hadn't rained; would have gone
3.hadn't been; wouldn't have won
4.hadn't given; would have looked
5.wouldn't have quit; hadn't won
6.had seen; would have said
7.wouldn't have been; had known
8.had studied; would have passed

Practice 2
2.If he had kept a diary, he would have remembered his best friend's birthday.
3.His car wouldn't have broken down if he had changed the oil.
4.If he had done some shopping, he wouldn't have run out of coffee.
5.If he'd had an umbrella, he wouldn't have been soaking wet.
6.If he had cooked his lunch properly, he wouldn't have got food poisoning in the evening

Conditional Sentences – Third Condition

Verb Tenses in Third Conditional Sentences

Directions: Choose the correct verb tense in each of the following sentences.

1. If Marty had gone to the party, I ___________________ too.

a) went
b) would have gone
c) had gone

2. If you ___________________ me the money, I wouldn’t have bought the ticket.

a) didn’t lend
b) don’t lend
c) hadn’t lent

3. I wouldn’t have stayed at that hotel if you __________________ it to me.

a) hadn’t recommended
b) don’t recommend
c) didn’t recommend

4. She would have been hurt in the car accident if she _________________ her seat belt.
a) wouldn’t worn
b) didn’t wore
c) hadn’t worn

5. If you __________________ me, I would have helped you.

a) had asked
b) asked
c) ask

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