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William Wallace burst into the door!!

"You were executedat!"
"Yes but I survived!" And William Walase took
his sword and skewered guards.
"You cannot kill my guards I am at king!"
Peter Chimaera
book of
hsitorical faFfiction
but ducks
FOURWORD By C. “Schildkrote” G.

Peter Chimera changed my life.

I don't mean that in an erotic way. Well, maybe I do. Regardless,

the point is that every person who is touched by Peter Chimera
steps away from the experience...different. A new man. Possibly a
new woman. Peter Chimera is gender-neutral in his life-changing.

Peter Chimera's fanfiction is something that transcends gender,

age, race, and a wide variety of other minor details. The man
produces literary masterpieces for the whole world to appreciate.
How he does this is a question that only he can answer, but Peter
Chimera is secretive, and it's hard to blame him - I know that I
would not spend a moment away from his side if the opportunity
presented itself to me.

It's difficult to prepare one for the writing of Peter Chimera in any
fashion other than this, in fact; to do otherwise would be like
explaining a rainbow to a blind man. Experience it. Savor it. Let
the fanfiction of Peter Chimera become one with you.

You will come away a better person for it.

I sent workds of my righting stories to a magazine long
time ago but didal’nt hear word. also contakt book
publishers and told them i wanted to pubilsh my bshort
stores and fanfaction

i told them I was popular on the internet but THEY

So I selfpublish because taht is way of little guy to make
more mbetter for people to read.

P.S. I wrote this book inonly two days so i hope its good
and you e

tahis book is

Hitler: Extreme Nazi 1

Robin Hood Fights Back 3
Santa Claus In! Reigns of Santa 6
Light Ball 9
Leonidas in Falling Destiny 11
Sherlock In The Miystery 15
Returns of Caesar 18
Genghis Khan’s Teamup 21
William Wallace Cuts Back 24
Kung Arthur and his Problem 26
Dracula Undermath 29
Dorothy Recruits President America 33
Wyatt Earp Vs. Greater Attack 36
I Wish You Dead 38
Einstein’s Theory of Justice 41
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 1
It wam twelve AM and Hitler was come down for living room
"THIS IS DISGRACE" he spittemed and wipered his face with
lawn mower precision.
"I am sorry Her Hitler" saysed a servant who was make wash the
floors harder than ever.
"OH JEW" Hitler becamed enfurious.
It was twenty minutes beforr a jagged walking gentleman would
arrive and if he was important house guest!
"Dear Ado lf" Him Mother walkering down flirghts of stairs
"I carry theb askert of fresh muffins," she brought tasty treat.
Thib is delicioum!$ "Hilter said"
But World War I started in forty minutes and is so he has to go
out t ofight ar the Frenck.
They lost all the war and forcet to sign a accodr.
I "WILL GET REVENG ON JEW" Hitler baosted of his fury and
he year was 19a33 when he become leader of NAZIS!

Germany was place of his Austrian rage and he ordered make of

concentraction camps which before were something different but
now they murder jews he also try to build things like new
weapons and maybe atime machine but science isn’t proved,
He was wvery good at the constuctering of mad power but then
latern when war was over America had made atomic bomps and
Hitler tired to mark them too but he was unsuccescive.
“Great smokes I must hiding”
He disappear it 1945 and nover fonud again
Perhaps he built time machine or maybe get disaperr into Belgium
where he lived with Beligums.

Hitler did some good things but he mwas not hero! He did terrible
thing too and kill a lot of Jew we must hnever forgot because
history important

The eNT
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 2


I had to write about Hitelr because i think its important lesson

to learn from people in history who do terrible thing but i think
even though all that he and i probably both like muffins so we
shuld not be judjing others even thought thats what Hilter did.

I wrot tish different than my other fanficks where i did not

know te houtcomme of story but we nevar find out if he make
time machines that is onlyb rumor.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 3

Robin Hood Fights Back

It was time when everythimg was medivel and King
Richard was wnets to war against the Crusades.
The British England was in terrible state wheres Prince
John was make bad rulse and he order arounding of
Sherif of Nottinhham who oppress the people.M
So Robin Hood goes went to rob the trich and steal
money to give to poor and he become hero to teh
emprvoerished with his Marry Men and one gyu he come
from th middle eastd who helph hhim that was a arab
morgan freegnman.

Ro Robin hood enteared the terunument with his luckstly

bow and entered to win but was in a disguise.
Sherrif go first and he fired a arrow with bulls eye target.
“It is powerful shot”
sdome other guys goed and when most of them did ntot
hit the bullseye they were elimerninated.
“We lose”
There was only five perpleds left and they all made
archery attack at teh target which was now furather
away from Robin Hood who had to make the good shot
or he would lose permanently.
Only the Sheriff make bullseye on shot and now it was
up to Robin so he fire and split Sheriffs arrow in halfway
and then break the whole target in to pieces of six!
Crowds was speeckless so Robin Hood was announce
"Haha I am Robin Hood all lalong" and eveyrone was so
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 4
Sherfif of Noyyingham was made and tried arest him
but crowed would not let this be and Robin Hood become
champion of people

But times were change so farst in a blink of an eye he

maust make the combat. Out of the nowhere come Sherfi
“Undecide that!” Robin readied his longbow but before
could fire Sherfi's army comes but it wasnt army is was

Cthulhu charge with laser sword and Robin Hood arrows

try to shoot off him but the sword break the arrows with
“What is weapon! I understands nothing”
Frier Tuck and Little John were scarrked and ran so it
was only Rolbin. Robin put two arrows in his bow at
once and fire two shots thanks to manyshot feat. Ctulhu
could only block one arrow and the other hit him in the

"OH" HE shouted the monster growled.

Robin used distraction and put bigger arrow in and fired,
killing Cthulhu in the eye hole.

Hooray He! had saved day and went with Maid Marion
and they got merried andhda sex.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 5


I thoughts sometimes Robnin Hood stories are boring (Its also

called Robin of Loxley in teha movie but i dont know if thats is
his real name) so idecided to make it interestening.

I wonder whow Robin would act if he saws really Cthulhu

bescause it giant monster also thay don’t have lasers in the
meidveil country so it would be scary advancement of science.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 6

Santa Claus In!

Reigns of Santa
It was hard day at North Pole nad Satna's elves
maked 400000 toys but there was a probler.
“HOHOHO What are you talking about?” He said
when one came.
"One of the elfes is sick badly" one guy was tell
him apperciately.
"Oh no this distressing"
Santa traveled to investigate with scifewntific
"Is worse than I imagun." Say teh jolly St. Nickr.
"We must hurry, finish find what make him sick
because occording to this he be sick for MOTNSH!
ANAD IT WILL SPREADING And if he dont get
better we’re wan’t have enough toys for Poland
this year"
"But Polish babies have want to get toys and we
have to be cefarful because kids in African needs
tooys too!"
"Its okay we send to Africa first but Poland is last
this year in Santas list and they will have no todys
if elfves all get disk"

One elf was Gorker and he was elv invastagatar.

"This sickness I find leaves trace on floor"
"Oh uh that what mean…"
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 7
"It mean santa ghat elf sickness is WAPENISED
"oNo, this terrorist akt!?"

So Santa armrurd himself with rocket gun and he

went to terroristm headcaters.
"WHAT THE F!***.. YOU’RAM SANTA!" And they
took out machine and missile guns to fire

Santa dodge the missile and fireling a rocket which

blow up the reactor SO IT WAS GOING TO BLOW
but terrorists diddnt care because they were
expecting all along! and try to get Santa and shot
him with bullet in arms!

Santa crawled out but they kepts shooting him

until his legs would bulleted severely. The pleace
exploded! but Santa make it out ink okay

Santa take sleigh back to North Pole but even thvu

Rudolf go so fast, he still not make it back in time
and Santa gets die.

It sad ending but maybe new Santa will be...?

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 8


I saw a movie before where Santa dies but thares a new Santa
so it possible. It was starring Tim Ailen.

Some peaple i showed story too said that Santa was not
historical but itd true because Santa was bassed on St.
Nichoslas who wass from Hollarnd. In real life buts I don’t
think his reindeer really flied that is truthfurrely just a magic of
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 9

Light Ball
It was only 1871 before but Thomas Eidson had was
fall in love with Mary Stilwell and was want to ask her
to marry her: this time for real.

But before he dids he had problem with inventing. "I


A dark man with big hat goed up "Haha, I have

studied your work and i make a better invention than
you and i will be famous"
Eindison was mad and wants to beats him up but
Mary told him he should no fight because he was
man of science and not the fighter man.
The man say "klisten your girlbrienf she tell you right
becase i will win fights 100 times"

Edison fell adsleep that night at his sworktable and

have onderful dram. EUREAK! He gets to work.

He married Mary Stillwell even though she was 16

and then invented the lightbulb with the healp of a

Dedidecate to Thomas Edison, because he

knwo what it like ti invent things when
you have writers block
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 10


Sometiemes we dont understand sicence or things and so

otherwise we make mistakes and taths what this storys aboult.

Aftar I wrotes I athinked about writing an swequel to this one

where Ediston finds tha man and but he doesn’t not still beat
him up because even though he knows special attack strike but
teh man is sory becazse now Thoams Edison famous of light
bulgs inventencer.

They do not become friends but amayb somenene tries to

invest money but Eidson says no because he’s reich already
and then thes gets upset bacceus the ywant to get rich twith
Thomas Eisdons inventions. But than he invents even better
where goald beocomes makreasred aotuah of iraon oara
leradrd buat thatsethe beatn and idraea that asd donra
alreadsyt sor5 I daddiecdd not to write about it.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 11

Leonidas in
Falling Destiny
King Leonids was strickenry return from battle
and they all thoughts was dead but he was
allive with spartan stumina. Help queen he say
he was the king of PSarta.

The battle was over and his men died because

of so many persians! so he had to recovery all
of the once.
but this time Leonadis did not have 300 men
he only had shield and had to make new

So hew ent to see the oracle who medd new

sword out of shining silver that mades his
super abilitynstuppable

When he was ready and was untinjured the

very hat, the king Lendis chargged into battal

"Oh no he come straight ut us" One

persianman said and he arrowed at Leondas
but his sword break the arrow. They war
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 12
forcked to use their swords. But Lernidas
had better sword that breakered their morale.

He fought 100,000 of them and won but

there were still more and they had horses.
Xerxeds used final trick


the one in lgord of rings.
“This looks like a task for a sword”
Leonidardo swung his sword at elephant and
destroyed its trunk off,, but sword break.

Xerxes sent all his men, so Lemidas took all
persian arrows and put them in a zhuge nu
repeating crossbow and fired 100s.
There so many arrows that the persians were
scared and run.
So they regroup and come back after only
10000 more die. They gathereds their attack
into powerful group and come charge at him
all at one.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 13

Just tehn Jeonidas was backed up by

reinformments they wer efrom Athenas and it
was army of 200000 Athenerians.

Battle raged for fiercely hours until Anthens

sodliers chased the persian dolsiders all the
way back to so far away.

It was only down to Leonditus and Xercex. So

Xersex got powered up and turned super cyan.

"AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he shot powerful magic

but the oracle told Leonardis that would
happen so LeoNisis take broken sword and
reflect the energy and Sexres EXPLODE fire
like mapalm. It was active cvolcano of
destructioning and Leonarpas get covered in
lava but he stab himself so he die with no pain
and now Sparnta was free.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 14


The hundred movie about Leonidas and the battle of

themrplyaoe is historclly not accrate so isaid its wuld be okay if
I write story that is not complet accrate but tries to make it true
to the elemants of tah stroy.

For unstanse.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 15

Sherlock in the miystery

Is was in England one crips morning and
Sherlock Holems set out to discover a
powerful mystery.
"Some! one HELP" a woman scream a bunch of
terrible shock.
Holems runned to the investigation but
arrived too late because of perambulant
It was dead body of young man in middle of
"Somerone murdered him" said poor woman how
was sad for lass of her bhusband or
"Calm your nerves madams" Holmes said as he
stroked his muscle. "I am great detective
and I will solve your distress"
"Oh thank you smuch"
"What do you makes of it Sherlocask" said
"It is simpel you can see from neck bite
wound this was not waepon was bite!"
"Yes of cruse but what bit him"
"Evidence must be clear but i have sure that
it can only come from a kraken"

So they journeyed deep at night into the

heart of the field until they were lost in
the high weeds but nones worried because
when sun comes back up they could see which
way was tnorth because of survival skill.

But before they could set up for sleeping a

hurried roar awakened the darkness.
Sherlork grappsed a gun his, and pointed it
at the monster but it wasnot there.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 16
"Was that kraken?"
“No it was too queit it must be dog. Real
kraken roar at 500000 decibels” So he
reloaded and waited for dog to return to
scene of the roa.r

"Fire shot now"! Watso blasted his voice.

Sherlo had no time to loop and shot his gun
but it jammed before he could see it was.
The dog jumped him but it fwas friendly dog
and loicked them.
"Its a good thing the gun hammed beause this
would have been trajedic"

They went to beds but the next morning the

weeds were gone
"the dog tricked us"
"No Watsor, theat cannot be so. Tah kraken
must have followed sound of dog and found us
and took as away we mucst be in lair of tha

The kranken was mad with giant tentacles and

wrtiehsd at them

"What do?> Yor gun is not working"

"It is easy to befigure, Watson. I fixed gun
last night while we waited because i am
always keep prepared" and he firsed a shot
blast right into the krakens' both eyes.
They retuned home and told woman that they
killed the kraken and that the crime was
accomplished. She gave them money and then
went back to Sherlosks place for hot coffee.

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 17


I read a book about monstars and saw they had kraken in it

and wnated to write a story about tehm but couldnt deside
what but then dicided to combine it with Sherlock Hleoms so
it become a mystory.

I think a kraken might be an scary monstar so it probalby bite

people so Sherlork Holema would wont to solve it. Watson is
come along for the action-packed and learns a lessons from the
great story and writers it all down. Lesson goes into morla of
the story.

Next time if I write story about Cherlock Holmes it stars

Watson because writers need to stuck together I heard once.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 18

Returns of Caesar
Mark Antony woke up feeling very worried "I have bad
feeling about!" this.
When he arrived at middle of Rome there was much
talk because it turn out Caeser was murdored.
"This is so much terrible news" He exclammed. "How
did it hapent?"
"Caser was dysnnrf om yjr back." ! Said a smart police
Shutbutted he flow onto his feet and said "I will solve
how he was mkilled" with powerful gesture.

So Mark Antoy went to wear Ceeser was boried and

examined. But a the body was missing.

"Everyone be alamred" Mark Antory shorted lardly.

"Caezars body has bun stolen!ted"
Everyone was bewared because they thought a murdered
would try to steel their bodies.
Authers Note: To find out how thes story ends turn to page 19.

So Mark Antomy withholstered his sward whish was

bright with venganse. But it was dark so he tried to get
ome sleep.
"Come to bed" Cleopatra said for night time and so he
agreed because he was inlove with her but unknows his
love blinded him from reality!!

When he went to fal asleep CAsear came in the room

and he was a mummy!
"OH SH*********" so they had to fight. Mark Anyont
tried to use a fire but he touched wall with fire.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 19
"OH SCREAM" Cleopatra breasted. The house was
made to be on fireburning!

Tehy ran out and were expecting the mummy of Casear

to be burned all up with no escape but they were

Rome was awake with life as everyone scream at the

arriaval of mummy CAesar who came to get them. Marc
Ankony gat his sword and unscabbarded at the arrival of
Mummy was got stabbed but keep coming, so the brave
hero kick the sword and it go in further, blooding up the

Marc used stunned mummy and tore the sword "IS
"No" Cleopatra said" WhY whould i do that i love you"
"I am sory i yell at you but now is not time for
argument" and he cut mummy's head off.
And the mummy of Casear died and everyone watched
and saw that his face was A Caesar.
"Did you know?" they asked
"Yes I knwae it was Caasar becuase he was with
cleapotara once before and so he knew of the egypaiant
"But will happen to you too?"
"NO!" CLacopatra said. "Egyptarn curse only affacte
those who are not in love so Marc Antoon will be safe"

Everyone went home and felt bettar because the mystary

was solved. The

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 20


I liaked that when I write mystery. Sometimes when I write

one thing I desires to be write somemore and the sharlock
holmes story was a mystery so I continue for legracy.

Even though in real history Julias Casera was not a mummy (it
is probably not facts) I thought it would give good twist to a

REader note:
There actuall is no egyptain curse. I made it up foar the story
so its okay if yuo’re dating a eghyptiazn.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 21

Genghis Khan’s Teamup

The sky was grey when one of Genghis Kahn's
trustes leuitnenants arrived with a message.
"Gengis Khan" He says but nervoused. "Something
terrible is happening"
"What is happened?" He demanding.
"An attack of unquenchable~!" The man broe
"Someone is killing peolpe and you must fight the
"OK" So Genghis wanted to fight but there was too
many. They awware come from boat ships from the
Eurpoe which was so far away and Genghis Kahn did
not able to fight them without help.

But whanes he arrived at Eurapo there was a

newcomer was Attilla the Hun
"Atill!A" Genghis saids "You are showing great balls
to come here"
Atilla drew out two swords made of black and said "I
have not come her to fight you"
"OH" Well Genghsi took out his spear and said "But
why are you hear and I don't trust Y"

"Its because of thae evil ships. We must fight

together to fight evil."
So they aggrieed. And theay arrived at the ships and
saw that they were commanded!
And unexpected commander… was Blackbeard!
"Ho ho ho! You cannoy combat me! I have guns"
And they shoot cannons at Artilla and Genghis.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 22

"HURRY ALONG" Genghis Khan ordored and they

jumped onto boat
"And I am King of MONGOLs so WE NEED TO
Gengis threugh his spear at Blackbeard, but
Blackbeard had two pistols but he shot and missed
and it taking too long to reloard
"Swift move! Now is your chance"
"OK" And Atillia ran and did double slice both his
swords against Blackbeard's crew.
Blackbeard was cry out! "NO MY CREW IS DEAD
and then Gengis killed his neck with his spear.
"GGAHHRHRHHH" Blackbeard chocked. So Atilla
finished him off so he would not suffar to live any
"You were awsome" said Atilla

When Atilla the Hun arrived home he knew he had

done good job and the world was in a safely manner.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 23


I found oat after I wrotes this that i mades mistake and Atilla
the Hunt died befoar Gengis Kahn was born but taths okay it is
all part of the storytelling magic. You cans pretend it is okay.

No one might know that if you tell the story goods.

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 24
William Wallace Cuts Back
"William Wallace you are founds guilty for the crime for treason in
the fist degree" saisy King Edward.
"No not true! This trial is shammergy!"
"You will not question judgement of the King and now your
sentence is execution."

William Wallace was taked to the executing chamber and everyone

watched as he was executed in front feveryone in the gallow.

"Sire William Wallece has many supportars and maybe we should

have let him lif"
"Non SENSE" King said with anger. "YOU ARE IMPRISONED"
and his man was put into the jail for days~

All in the court were skrared that the king hads gone too far and
now he was afraid they would come to question his kinging and so
he was about to anounce that he would pass new law, but it was

William Wallace burst into the door!!

"You were executedat!"
"Yes but I survived!" And William Walase took his sword and
skewered guards.
"You cannot kill my guards I am at king!"
and William Wallare sliced him with sword and everyone swas
"This is what happen when you kill innocenct man"
He sheathied his swordsman and continued home. "I have avenged
my execution" he said.

But when he arrive home his brothers and father were already dead.
They were trialed too and esxecute. William didn’t know because he
was thought dead.

"NO" and Willaim lived sadly in Ireland.

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 25


I always found thae brave hearting movie was sad because

William Wallet daied at eth end so i crame up with great idea
to makes him live and have happy ending, but its not really
happy ending, its sort of biiterswat.

Aslo I didn’t see the whole movie I only saw the end so but
someone told me it is very good.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 26

Kung Arthur and his Problem

Men"we hath aimportant problem" King Arthur said
whilst horse.
"What is" said Lancelot who wait of brave orders
"Merlin has turns evil and now he wants to killed us"
"Oh ns!"
"Arthur Im frfightened" said Guinevere but Merlin
arrived with horse made out of magic

"Undersheath thy weapons" Arthar said and but

swords all melted to stone.
"I cannot let your be king of England" now "said
"Why that you say such words my old friend"
Merlin stared scary with both eyes of incredible "I
will be king and rule the Britons"
That is traitor "talk of thy king" Arthur chargled with
fist deed
Merlins magic only work on things and not people so
fist hit him.

"Merlin fell unconcious and a piece of jewerly fell

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 27
Arthur looked at the jewle and said this is what
made Merlin become evil. No one proves but they
believed him because he always telled the truth.

So the round table of knights whent with him to find

source of power and it was evil dragon.

"WATCHETH OUT he is powerful dragon if he can turn

against merlins magic"
"But we havenest no battle swords"
"We must use faith in our self"

Arthur tackled the dragon. Lancelot and Galahad ran

and grab dragon's feet. The dragon squaeled so hard
Arthur hair almost move lengthwise.

"It is of no use! We cannot be kill it without

"Use your crown" Arthur said he took off his crown
and stabbed dragon in the heart with his crown.
"Successful attack" they all cheered

When they camerd back Merlin woke up and said

what happened but they laughed. It was good sotry
for them tell him around compfire where they ate
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 28


Some of stories say that Merlin lived backwards lol

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 29
Dracula Undermath
"War happpening" Van Helsing tell them "Get your war
"Who is war?"
"Dracula" So they goed to Transvlanai and warped to
castle at driving speed but got lost.

"Where can we find Dracula" Johnhathan Harkar said,

viewing his eyes
"We must find trail" And they finds trail but it was
drcaula's trick to loor them to their fpp,/

They arrived soon at an arriving house but it was

very large and not a castle
"Tish is wrong castle it is not a castle it is house"
Harker explained
"That is how true" Van Helsing said and founds that it
was inhabited by people who might be draculas"
We must set it on fire"

And they statred to slight it on fire but were stapped

by humble man
"I am liver in this house and it is mine i live here with
my wife sofia"
"Am sorry we thoughts was dracula"
"I have never hard of draucla but you must be tires
b\please stay in my house for night" and it was very
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 30

When they alseeped in the beds Mina came to John

and said I am worryed "that dalcula maight fight
"We are saff here i make provisions to save us from
darulca" but they didNT WOKR.

Before they coulds wokes up sofia came in to Johns

room and said we should hax secv.
"No I love my fiance e Mina she and will get miarred
in a church in a right moment"
Sofia turned out to a vampire.
"Oh sjnot!" So he took out his old century gun and fired
but she laughed at how gun cannot hurt a darcuala.
"I am like darucla and will bite your necx" and she
vampired at him with full stength of attack but before
she could bite Mina showed up with table and broke it
on her
"OW YOU KILLED SOFIA" she said and when leg of table
went through her heart she was dead as a vampire,
and so the man chaggered at them vungrily.
"He is avmpire too" Van Helsing came in timelywise

They watched as Van Helsing took crossbow and said

"this is only way"
Man said a "you cant kill me with guns or crossbow
because they are not holy weapons"
"BUT THEY ARE and a priest blessed them just in case
on the way to your house which we can come in
because we do not have to be invited like a vampire"
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 31
When Van Helsing fired crossbow, but missed so he
loaded nother one but set it on fire

"I am Darcfual's best vampire and my name is

Cradlock" and Cradlock did summersalt then kick
crossbow out of Van Helsing's hand and into danger.
He grapped Van Hlsening's thrat with one hand and
chocked the life out of all of it.

But Mina saved him just in time by pick up crossbow

and fire, and the the fire on the crossbow hit Cradlock
in the heart and he burnsed up like a giant campfires!

"YOu save me just in time" Van Helsing said and "I am

glad that you will marry Jognashan whe will be a
good husband" and he breaks open a salute to salute
their happy marriage

THEY Lefts after good sleep and continued onto the

road to Rdacula where they would find their next

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 32


My tantetive title for this was On The Way to Dracula but i

decided to change it because it had less mysteeke

I was first wrighting about tham going to fights Darcula but

tahns I thought about my Wisps of Dracula fanfict I put on and thouhgt I should make it agbout someont
else instead. I didnt see the book Dracula but reads about
Drcual in wikipadia.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 33

Dorothy Recruits
President America





Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 34





Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 35


I saws the Wizard of Pz movie and it was pretty good but they
lefts out some of teh good story elemants of the books and
there were lost of books and i read more than three of them
but i dont remember what happens after thfirst book. So this
tsory is about the books not the movie but I still put in the no
place like home
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 36

Wyatt Earp Vs. Greater Attack

Heard sound. Teh dust settled around him boot. Wyatt Earp was stand
and wait for gun guy to attacser him but it not happen. IT turns out it
was just townman coming to ask help.
"I am in needs of help most despratly" He scratched his head with his
"What is your emergencery?"
The man took off his hat and it was hot out. "Somethings come into
town to harm us good people but we thinks its not men its is wild
"Take me twos the problem and I will detective it." Wyatt Earp was
holdster his gun because it wsa safe.
"Thank you WyhatRarp you are a sherrif with a hreat of glue"
"You are walecom" but we must herry.

They went into town square and it s was high noon. Someone was
aldready hurt and it was hurt that they were hurt by a polar bear!
"Stamp back!" Wyatt ordered with his pistols and fired rounds but the
Polar bear was only hurt it wasn't dead and Wyatar was out of pistol
bullet rounds.

"His only chance is my whip" Wyatt took out whip and whipped at
polar bear. Polar bear growl so loud it hurt theirs heads off.
"It is so loud" a poor woman screaming but she was comforted by the
sight of a bravery hero.
Polar bear screamed and run to bite Wyatt but first it using claw
attack and hit severely into hims artery "OH NO MY WEAK POINT
Wyatt falled down onto buttricks. He was embarrass of his satisfying
collapse but he still try to whip but it was hard because hse was
sitting and ditd not have enouf range for the whip to be powerful.
When polar bear emerged closer Wyatt screamed energy into his
human bodied and pucnh polar bear so hard it head come almost off.

Everyone watch as blood goe all over the dust street and got fvery

"I am only my lawman I do my job for the satefy of good people" and
the poor woman smile because he was true hero.

But then
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 37


I knew I wanted Wyatt Earp to fighter a polar bear but coulndst

deside if I want to write him fight with gun or fist punching or if
he users a whip like indian jones . so i put all t3.

Aslo I read on that tehy wants me to write a

Hal-flife fanfic and sos i might write it also where he has a gun
a whip and a fistfight. But it won’t be Wyatt Earp because ihe’s
not in taht one.
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 38

I Wish You Dead

Joan of Arc sat under an apple tree afraid for the state of
hre mother france.
"I wish I coulds due something for help them" she
A burly wind blew the brach and it shakesed greatly lots
and with a just so wind flying overmuch an apple will fall
off! but Joan catched the apple with her sword but ti
wasn't an apple it was a glass bottle.
"What interesting" She presomed. It appeared there
waws message inside but IT WAS NOT SO!!
She topened letter-thought bottle and out came GENIE
"Seriously this not make sense"
When he sporked it the tree IT SHAKESED SO HARD IT WAS
"What sort of unsort of genie are you?"
Joan jumped up and saiyed "I want to free France from
eth England tryantny"
So she gots power but had make two more swishes
"I want so much money and be unstoppable so that I can
help the Frenace"
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 39
"HAHA" The Genie instructed "YOU HAVE BEEN
"Great Crapps!" Joan of Arc took her sword out and
stabbed the Genie
But that was part of her plan and she swungs a vicious
blow at a tree so it branch falls off immediately.
The branch crossed with sword and made a crucifics.

"Yes, and I will Free France"
"Maybe but Not while you’re finished, Genie.!!"
She hit him with cross and he disintexploded into a’s lot
of explosions made of green explodes.

Joan of Arc became hero to France and because she

nkowed that sthey would try burn her she escapped and
lived to be 100 years old.

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 40


Joan of Arc was teenage girl who become leader of armyes in

France and I wondered how she dids that so I decided she
finds a genie.

It is litraerary device I use to explain tihs so that it makes sense.

I lrearned about liternary devikes from a boork about it.

Joan of Arc is in history books.

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 41

Einstein’s Theory of
"I've did it!" Said Alferd Einstein and he existed
sitting on the formeula for his greatast

He turned on his phone receiver by pickeing it up

and talking onto the mouthpiece of the phone.
"Great news he told it."
"I have discovered my invention I've invented

"That is gerat news" said phone voice it was

provably a wife.
"Yes" Albert Einsteen happinessed over phone line
bravatorially. "But I must get back to work tso I
can publish my findingsb_and become millionare"

But he turned around and his theoary was gone

It was Thomas Eisdison!
"How can theyis be if youre dead"
"Thats is good point but I'm not dead because of
your theaory because time is rallativ and so I used
it to come up with time gravel"
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 42
“But whats cannot be!”
He kicked chair but Alvret Einsteain jumped over
chair and jumping kicked Eidsons face.

"I can see you be tough adveratsary so I broughts

From behind Eidson came the mummy of Juilus
Caesar that groaned evil so scary that Einsteins
heair felt like he would be very afraid to have to
touch it. But he wanted to survive it so he
sidekicked mummy away then did reverse
roundhouse to hit Editson with heal but Eidson
sweeped Einstein with leg sweep kick to the foot
of the problem.

"I had no idea you were so good"

"I had no idea you were OS SLOW" said Eidson
and he did axe kick but Einstein rolled away
jumped to feet and hook kick. Theys deflect kicks
and makes more attacks at each other but Ediston
had upper hand.or did he?
Caser mummy came charging back but it was
crumbling away because it was so far away from
its real time.
"YHou see you will die if you stay too long in
future Edison"
Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 43
"I will have to kill you fast then. Then theroayt
of relativity will be mine"
THROAT Einstein snapped and did uppercut
to Edison jaw then did tornato kick to hit Edison.
"Now I finish the fight" and Einstein picked up
pencil and threw it at Eidsons eye.
Eisdon blocked it with two hands and eInstein palm
jab back of pencil so it went through anway and
killed Eidsons life with fatal eye stab to brain.

"THIAS IS PRICE OF JUSTICE" Einstein said and

dutsted his lab coat. Edisons body turn into dust as
"Why this mess is so dirty" said a janitor who
walksed in and congradtulated when he hard about
Einsteinds great theory.
"Yes, but is no problime to clean up when bad
guys try to take our liberty to be deadly!"
The Janitor did not understart but he smiled
because he cared a lot about liberty and the two
wend to get food to eat.
Einstein made sure tha t from now one theory of
relativity would not make possible about time travel.

Peter Chimaera book of hsitorical faFfiction 44


My friend who helpm me be proofreeding saed i coud wriat

about nAlbert Einsen beause ihe was in histhnory so i said okay
and made it about relatievity which is about time. He also tolt
me taht in real action you have to descirbe teh martialarts kicks
so I looked tehm up and wrote some good ones. It is goos idea
to do resareach for yours stories.

My ferind sad he ddidnt think the sorty made sence but I said
threlavaity is hrad to understand.

ALSO ad then end of stary when Eintsein says theory willn’t be

about time travel no more but it might be acbout diminshinal
traval like Shrodingkers cart. Maybe a sequels be in the works?



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