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Jimmy is visiting New Hampshire with his family for a relaxing winter

vacation . He has just bought a SuperSpeed Slick SledzBoy™ which tops out at
an amazing “30 m/s” ! The hill is 50 meters from the top to the bottom. At the
top of the hill he is sitting on his sled but is talking to his brother about how
much he loves his SledzBoy™. Then suddenly 3 his brother pushes him down.
His SledzBoy™speeds up to 3 m/s . Near the bottom Jimmy’s SledzBoy™hits a
rock. All of sudden he is now flying on his SledzBoy™for 10 seconds and keeps
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on going for 40m then goes at 1 m/s into a fence where he is stopped . He
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looks to see his brother sledding at 4 m/s laughing at him. Jimmy sighs.

Questions for the Readers:

1. What is another term for negative acceleration and provide an example
of it in the article provided
2. Which (object) in the article had a greater rate of acceleration than the
other? Provide evidence to support your answer.
3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use to imply that (an)(object) is
at rest, as in it is not moving?
4. What (two) pieces of information does the writer include that are
misleading and/or irrelevant to the article as in it relates to calculating
speed or acceleration?
Jimmy is visiting New Hampshire with his family for a relaxing winter
vacation. He has just bought a SuperSpeed Slick SledzBoy™ which tops out at an
amazing “30 m/s”! The hill is 50 meters from the top to the bottom. At the top
of the hill, he is sitting on his sled but is talking to his brother about how much
he loves his SledzBoy™ . Then suddenly his brother pushes him down. His
SledzBoy™speeds up to 3 m/s. Near the bottom, Jimmy’s SledzBoy™hits a rock.
All of sudden he is now flying on his SledzBoy™for 10 seconds and keeps on
going for 40m then goes at 1 m/s into a fence where he is stopped.. He looks to
see his brother sledding at 4 m/s laughing at him. Jimmy sighs.

Questions for the Readers:

1.What is another term for negative acceleration and provide an example of it
in the article provided
Another term for negative acceleration is deceleration. When Jimmy
hits the rock, his speed is 1 m/s instead of the original 3 m/s which is causing
the rate of acceleration to decrease.
2. Which (object) in the article had a greater rate of acceleration than the
other? Provide evidence to support your answer.
Jimmy when starts down the hill he has greater rate of acceleration then
when he hits the rock because when he goes down the hill he accelerates at
0.18m/s2 while when Jimmy hits the rock he accelerates at 0.1m/s2.
3-0=3/16 = 0.18 m/s2 4 m/s - 3m/s = 1 m/s / 10 seconds = 0.1 m/s2
3. What term and/or phrase did the writer use to imply that (an)(object) is at
rest, as in it is not moving?
The writers used the words “stopped” and “sitting on his sled” to imply
that Jimmy isn’t moving.
4. What (two) pieces of information does the writer include that are
misleading and/or irrelevant to the article as in it relates to calculating speed or
Some relevant information is that his brothers speed is 4m/s, that the
Sledzboy™tops out at 30m/s, and that the hill is 50m long.

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