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Produse ecologice dintr-o singura cutie de bicarbonat de sodiu

Amestecati sare si bicarbonat de sodiu in portii egale si tineti la indemana pentru a curata
aproape orice. Rafturile si chiuvetele vor straluci de curatenie.

Adaugati putin bicarbonat de sodiu in masina de spalat vase, data viitoare cand o incarcati.
Bicarbonatul de sodiu va oferi mai multa putere de curatare, iar vasele voastre vor iesi

Incendiile in casa incep de obicei din bucatarie, in jurul aragazului. Daca aveti un foc izbucnit
din cauza grasimii, puneti bicarbonat de sodiu peste el. Il va stinge fara probleme. Si nisipul
este bun, dar este mai putin probabil sa tinem un recipient cu nisip in bucatarie.

Scurgerea s-a infundat? Uitati de sticla cu chimicale si utilizati bicarbonat de sodiu. Faceti un
amestec dintr-o ceasca cu bicarbonat de sodiu, o ceasca cu sare veche de masa si turnati in
scurgerea infundata. Turnati imediat o jumatate de ceasca cu otet. Lasati sa actioneze timp de
15 minute si apoi turnati 2 litri de apa clocotita. Apoi dati drumul la apa fierbinte pentru 1
minut. Rezultatul? O scurgere desfundata, sigura, ieftina si plina de dragoste pentru Mama
Natura, iar tevile vor fi si ele fericite! Costuri mai mici cu instalatiile, ceea ce este intotdeauna
un lucru bun.

Daca vreti sa cheltuiti mai putini bani cu spalatul rufelor, veti reusi asta utilizand bicarbonatul
de sodiu. Amestecati jumatate-jumatate cu detergent.

Si cu siguranta stiti ca o cutie de bicarbonat de sodiu, lasata deschisa in frigider, va elimina

mirosurile din acesta. Nu uitati totusi sa schimbati cutia!

Daca mocheta sau covorul are nevoie de improspatare, turnati bicarbonat de sodiu, lasati-l sa
stea 10-15 minute si apoi dati cu aspiratorul.

Aveti o intepatura de la o insecta? Faceti o cataplasma din bicarbonat de sodiu si apa si

aplicati in locul dureros. Va alina durerea in cateva clipe.

Daca aveti o iritatie, varicela sau orice alta eruptie neplacuta, scufundati-va in apa calduta in
care ati pus bicarbonat de sodiu intr-o doza generoasa. Stati in apa cat mai mult posibil si cu
siguranta va veti simti mult mai bine. Iar eruptia nesuferita se va vindeca mult mai repede,
deoarece va fi uscata.

Alte utilizari

1. Mai folosesc bicarbonatul pt dezinfectarea tetinelor de la biberoane. ajuta la prevenirea

aftelor in gurita la copii. la 1 l de apa se pune un varf de lingurita bicarbonat si se fierb

2. Bicarbonatul de sodiu se foloseste cu succes in traramentul naturist al sinuzitei

3. Puneti o lingurita de bicarbonat de sodiu 1/2litri apa si faceti spalaturi vaginale de 2 ori pe
4. Pentru mirosul neplacut al picioarelor puneti intr-un lighean apa calda si o mana de
bicarbonat. Tineti picioarele in apa timp de 10 min. Baia se poate repeta si ziua urmatoare
incalzind aceeasi apa.

5. Ajuta si la dedurizarea apei si de folosirea sa pe post de deodorant (in solutie cu apa sau in
combinatie cu anumite unturi vegetale si uleiuri esentiale).

6. Se curata masina de cafea de depunerile de calcar, perdelele se lasa la inmuiat in apa cu

bicarbonat inainte de a le spala,devin albe ca zapada.

Utilizarile zatului de cafea

1.Materie pentru compost – Zatul de cafea corespunde standardelor gradinarilor pentru

material de compost. Zatul, amestecat in pamant, elibereaza nutrient, care imbogatesc solul si
il fac mai acid. Plantele care infloresc in soluri acide vor fi mai sanatoase, deoarece isi obtin
hrana necesara din sol. Daca aveti o rezerva considerabila de zat de cafea, imprastiati-l prin
gradina. Plantele va vor fi recunoscatoare si va vor oferi niste flori minunate.

2. Solutie pentru ingrijirea animalelor de companie – Amestecati zat de cafea cu apa si

obtineti o solutie pentru ingrijirea animalelor de companie. Dupa cateva spalari, solutia va
inmoaie blana animalului, oferindu-i o stralucire frumoasa. Unele persoane sustin chiar ca
aceasta solutie tine la distanta purecii si alti paraziti, desi inca mai este nevoie de teste pentru
a se considera adevarat.

3. Deodorant pentru frigider – Depozitarea diferitelor tipuri de alimente in frigider poate

produce un amestec neplacut de mirosuri. Indepartati aceste mirosuri folosind un bol cu zat de
cafea. Puneti recipientul in frigider, iar deodorantul pe baza de cafea va absorbi gradual
aromele nedorite.

4. Impotriva pisicilor – Puteti sa impiedicati pisicile sa urineze in gradina prin imprastierea

unui amestec de zat de cafea si coji de portocale in zonele pe care doriti sa le protejati.
Animalele de companie vor gasi mirosul prea exotic pentru gustul lor si nu isi vor mai face
nevoile acolo.

5. Exfoliant pentru piele – Masarea pielii cu zat de cafea pare o gluma, dar in realitate este o
idee foarte buna. Extractul de cafea indeparteaza celulele moarte ale pielii, rezultatul fiind o
piele mai frumoasa. Puteti economi o suma importanta de bani folosind acest produs simplu,
in locul sedintelor scumpe la dermatolog sau al cremelor exfoliante din comert.

6. Deodorant pentru incaltaminte – Persoanele active si picioarele urat mirositoare sunt adesea
elemente care se asociaza. Incalcati regulile si puneti zat de cafea in pantofi. Nu va indeparta
complet mirosul picioarelor, dar il va atenua pe cel al pantofilor. Daca doriti sa indepartati
complet mirosul picioarelor, spalati-va pe picioare cu apa calduta si extract de cafea.

7. Lotiune pentru stralucirea parului – Sa recunoastem, toti vrem sa avem un par stralucitor.
Unele persoane cheltuie sume importante de bani pentru a da un aspect imbunatatit parului.
Puteti folosi zatul de cafea pentru a avea un par mai moale si mai stralucitor. Spalati parul cu
ce va ramane de la cafea si clatiti bine. Rezultatele vor aparea in curand.
8. Solutie impotriva furnicilor – Furnicile pot fi enervante, mai ales daca va ajung in baie sau
prin haine. Puteti evita aceste mici insecte prin frecarea podelei sifonierului cu zat de cafea.
Furnicilor nu le place aroma de cafea si nici proprietatile extractului de cafea.

9. Intretinerea semineului – Praful de la semineu este un obstacol important pentru persoane

care curata semineul. Praful poate irita ochii si sinusurile. In plus, pot murdari destul de rau
zonele invecinate. Aruncati niste zat ud in semineu, iar acesta va tine praful la locul lui,
reducand cantitatea ce se ridica la curatarea semineului.

10. Colorant – Daca veti combina extract de cafea cu apa fierbinte veti obtine o vopsea maro
pentru textile, lucrari de arta sau alte intrebuintari.

Utilizările castravetelui

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C,
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber.
Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick
pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice
along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance...

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and
your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the
aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make
them flee the area.

5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try
rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the
phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the
outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to
bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins
and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in
equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used
for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to
thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough
time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will
provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the
problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire
cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the
cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing,
relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students
during final exams.

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of
cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate
bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing
bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of
cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish
and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails
while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to
erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to
decorate the walls!!

Alte produse ecologice de curatenie

1. Malaiul indeparteaza grasimea.Daca ai pete de grasime si te chinui sa le scoti afla ca

solutia cea mai la indemana este malaiul.Presori putin malai peste pata si dupa ce il lasi sa
actioneze cateva ore mizeria se va indeparta mult mai usor.

2. Uleiul de masline da stralucire parchetului si lemnului. Foloseste o carpa moale si

imbibata cu ulei de masline pentru a avea parte de un luciu deosebit.Totodata vei recapata si
aspectul lacuit.

3. Vinul alb scoate petele de vin rosu.Daca din greseala ai dat peste un pahar de vin rosu si ai
patat de pilda covorul afla ca solutia pentru a scoate acea pata este vinul alb.Asadar pune
peste pata facuta putin vin alb dupa care asezi o carpa deasupra pentru a absorbi lichidul.

4. Otetul fiert lungeste viata pensulelor de vopsit.Daca ai o pensula murdara de lac sau de
vopsea afla ca o poti reutiliza si cu alta ocazie daca o pui peste noapte intr-un vas cu otet fiert.

5. Sosul picant de rosii reda culoarea tevilor de cupru.Daca tevile tale de cupru au un aspect
murdar si inestetic freaca-le cu o carpa pe care pui sos picant de rosii dupa care la clatesti cu
apa si le stergi cu o bucata de material moale.

Powdered Laundry Soap: 1 4-oz. bar castile soap (castile soap is a vegetable-based soap
originating in Spain. For a pure, fragrance-free version, see our Online Store.), 1 c. borax, 1 c.
washing soda *
Finely grate the soap bar and mix with borax and washing soda. To do this quickly and
efficiently, purchase an inexpensive food processor for the sole purpose of making laundry
soap. Process soap, add remaining ingredients, and mix. Store in an airtight container.

Use 2 tablespoons per full washer load. For added potency, add 1/2 c. baking soda to each
load and 1/2 c. white vinegar during the rinse cycle.

* Washing soda is sodium carbonate. This is different from baking soda, which is sodium
bicarbonate. Washing soda is higher on the pH scale than baking soda and therefore adds extra
cleaning power. The higher pH also makes it an effective water softener. Washing soda can be
found in the laundry aisle at many stores and is also available online. The most popular
brand's packaging is pictured at right.

Liquid Laundry Soap

2 1/4 c. liquid castile soap, 3/4 c. water, 1/4 c. white vinegar, 1 tbsp. Glycerin, 10-15 drops
essential oil (citrus scents work particularly well)

Combine all ingredients in jar or container. Shake before using. Use 1/4 c. per average washer

Cleaning the Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home. With 10 ingredients or less you can keep your kitchen
clean, warm, and inviting.

Basic ingredients: White vinegar, Liquid castile soap, Baking soda, Borax, Washing soda,
Grapefruit seed extract, Essential oils like lime, lemon, lavender, and tea tree

Equipment: Plastic spray bottles (or glass, if preferred), Mason jars, Shaker jars, Recipes

Dishwashing Liquid: 2-3 c. diluted castile soap, 10 drops tea tree oil, 10 drops lemon oil, 10
drops grapefruit seed extract (optional)

Combine liquid castile soap with water in whatever ratio you prefer (60-75% soap works well,
depending on the mineral content of the water). Add tea tree oil and lemon oil. If desired, add
grapefruit seed extract for increased disinfecting properties.

Automatic Dishwashing Powder: 1 c. washing soda, 1/2 c. borax, 1/2 c. baking soda

Combine ingredients and store in mason jar under the sink. Use 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons for
each dishwasher load, depending on mineral content of water. Use 1/2 cup white vinegar as a
rinsing agent.

Automatic Dishwashing Liquid: 1/2 c. liquid castile soap (using regular soap can result in
too many suds), 1/2 c. water, 1/4 c. white vinegar, 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice, several drops tea
tree oil or grapefruit seed extract
Combine ingredients in mason jar and shake. Use 2 tablespoons for each dishwasher load.
Can be stored in a squeeze bottle.

Spicy Scrubber: 1 c. baking soda, 3 tsp. ground cinnamon, 3 drops orange essential oil

Put ingredients into shaker jar. Mix thoroughly. Sprinkle onto sinks and wipe. Follow with a
vinegar spray for added benefit.

General Cleaning:

Keep spray bottles of white vinegar (diluted, if desired) with added essential oil on hand for
wiping counters and appliances. Lime makes a great addition to vinegar.

Keep cotton cloths in a jar of diluted castile soap to have on hand for spills or wiping. Add
any essential oil of your choice for added scent.

For granite countertops, a solution of liquid castile soap and water is recommended. Because
of its acidic nature, white vinegar can cause etching (dulling) of the granite. The cleaning
cloths soaked in diluted castile soap work nicely for this.

Additional recipes can be found in these two books:

Better Basics for the Home by Annie Berthold-Bond

The Naturally Clean Home by Karyn Siegel-Maier

Cleaning the Bathroom

Scrubbers: Baking soda makes a simple scrubber. Place in jar and sprinkle onto surface. For
a heavy-duty scouring powder, combine 1/2 c. baking soda with 1/2 c. washing soda. This
mixture will require extra rinsing. For a fragrant scouring powder, combine 1 c. baking soda
with 1/4 c. crushed and dried rose petals. Add 2 drops rosemary essential oil.

Toilet Bowls

If needed, wear plastic gloves and remove toilet bowl stains with a pumice stone. Cleaning the
toilet bowl involves two steps, which can be done in either order:

Pour 1 c. borax into the toilet. Let sit overnight. Clean with toilet brush in the morning. Pour
1/2 c. white vinegar into bowl. Add 1/2 c. baking soda. As the vinegar neutralizes the soda, a
fizz is created, which aids in the cleaning process. After the bowl is cleaned, add three drops
tea tree oil (or essential oil of choice) and allow to sit in the water until the next use.

Disinfectant: Hydrogen peroxide. For added protection, follow the white vinegar
cleanser/toilet bowl cleaner with 3% hydrogen peroxide. A study done at Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University concluded that this combination kills almost all Salmonella,
Shigella, and E. coli O157:H7 bacteria.

Vinegar of the Four Thieves. This recipe has been passed down since the time of the Black
Plague, when robbers rubbed a mixture of herbs and vinegar on their bodies to protect
themselves from certain death. The antibacterial herbs vary from recipe to recipe. This is
adapted from the book Better Basics for the Home:

Place a handful each of dried lavender, rosemary, sage, wormwood, rue, and mint in a 1/2
gallon glass jar. Pack them in tightly. Pour raw organic apple cider vinegar over the herbs,
covering them to within 4 inches of the top. Cover jar tightly and set in a cool, dark place for
3-6 weeks. Shake jar daily or several times a week. After the allotted time, strain. Pour
strained vinegar into spray bottles. Dilute if desired. This can also be spritzed into the air of a
sickroom. Be sure to avoid eyes and mouth.

Antibacterial Hand Soap: Conventional antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, a synthetic

antimicrobial agent used in a wide variety of household and personal care products. (See this
article to learn more about the hazards of triclosan.)

A simple alternative begins with a hand soap pump bottle. This can be reused or purchased
new. Fill with a mixture of 1 c. filtered water and 3 tbsp. liquid castile soap. If refilling a
foaming soap dispenser, use less castile soap. To extend the shelf life, add 3 drops grapefruit
seed extract. You can also add several drops of lemon or lavender essential oil.

Drain Cleaners

Plungers or plumber's snakes are often needed for clogged drains. For minor backups, pour 1
c. washing soda into water around drain. Water should go down. If not, try adding 1 c. white
vinegar. Use washing soda weekly to keep drains flowing freely.

Cum sa preparam in casa produse de curatat ecologice

O viata eco nu este usor de sustinut mai ales intr-o perioada de recesiune. Alimentele bio si
produsele ecologice de curatat costa de obicei mai mult decat cele cu chimicale de pe piata.

Realizarea produselor de curatat ecologice, netoxice in casa iti va economisi bani, chiar daca
uleiurile esentiale sunt putin mai scumpe, deoarece sunt in acelasi timp si foarte spornice si
din cantitati extrem de mici poti obtine solutii de curatat pentru luni de zile, daca nu chiar ani.

Iti recomandam sa folosesti recipientele golite ramase de la solutiile de curatat geamuri,

curatate in prealabil prin clatire repetata cu apa si la final cu putin alcool pentru a indeparta
orice reziduuri.

Dezinfectant universal

Combinatia pe care o propunem mai jos are calitatile unui spray dezinfectant/ antibacterian/
antifungic pentru bucatarie si baie cu un parfum extrem de placut.

un sfert de lingurita ulei esential de lamaie, un sfert de lingurita ulei esential de pin, un sfert
de lingurita ulei esential de cimbru, un sfert de lingurita ulei esential de lamiae, un sfert de
lingurita ulei esential de ceai verde, un sfert de lingurita ulei esential de eucalypt, 2 lingurite
otet, 1 lingurita ammoniac, 4 cesti apa, 2 linguri apa minerala
Sticla cu dispozitiv de stropit de la solutiile de curatat geamuri. Turnati toate ingredientele in
recipient si amestecati bine.

Solutie pentru curatarea mobilei

½ lingurita ulei de masline, ¼ ceasca otet sau suc de lamaie

Se amesteca bine ingredientele intr-un borcanel de sticla. Se toarna cateva picaturi pe carpa de
sters praful si se sterge suprafata mobilei. Va curata mobila si ii va da un luciu placut, fara a
afecta lemnul.

Solutie impotriva mucegaiului

2 lingurite ulei esential de ceai verde, 2 cesti de apa

Se toarna intr-un recipient de curatat geamurile, se amesteca bine si se spray-aza pe zonele cu

probleme. Nu se clateste.

Dezinfectant universal pe baza de sapun lichid

un sfert de ceasca sau 60 ml otet, trei sferturi de ceasca sau 180 ml apa, 15 ml sau o lingura
sapun lichid (de casa), 5-10 picaturi ulei esential de lavanda, ceai verde sau lamaie

Se toarna toate ingredientele intr-un recipient si se amesteca.

Pudra de curatat (pentru obiecte sanitare)

1 ceasca sau 250 ml bicarbonat de sodium, un sfert de ceasca sau 60 ml borax

Amestecati intr-un recipient prevazut cu gaurele pentru a presara pudra. Se freaca suprafetele
cu un burete umed. Se clatesc cu apa.

Solutie de curatat pardoseala

60 ml sau un sfert de ceasca de otet, 12 picaturi de ulei esential de lavanda sau ceai verde

Se umple o galeata cu 4 litri de apa calduta peste care se toarna otetul si uleiul esential. Se
sterge podeaua cu un mop udat si bine stors.

Solutie de curatat geamurile

45 ml sau trei linguri de otet, 500 ml sau 2 cesti apa calda

Se toarna produsele intr-un recipient pentru curatat geamurile si se amesteca. Se stropeste pe

suprafetele murdare (oglinzi sau geamuri) si se curata cu o carpa din bumbac sau hartie de

Solutie de desfundat tevile

60 ml sau un sfert de ceasca de otet, 60 ml sau un sfert de ceasca de bicarbonat de sodium,

500 ml sau 2 cesti de apa calda
Se varsa bicarbonatul de sodiu in scurgerea chiuvetei. Se adauga otetul care provoaca o
reactive chimica si se formeaza bule de aer. Se lasa sa actioneze un sfert de ora, dupa care se
toarna apa calda.

Crema de curatat (obiectele sanitare, gresia si faianta)

60 ml sau un sfert de ceasca de bicarbonat de sodium, 30 ml sau 2 linguri borax, 30 ml sau 2

linguri soda de rufe, Sapun lichid, 12 picaturi ulei esential

Amesteci primele trei ingredientele, dupa care adaugi o cantitate de sapun lichid (de casa)
suficienta pentru a produce o pasta cremoasa. Se parfumeaza amestecul adaugand 12 picaturi
de ulei esential.

Odorizant pentru incaperi

1 ml sau un sfert de lingurita bicarbonat de sodium, cateva picaturi de suc de lamaie si/sau
bucatele dintr-un baton de scortisoara,12 picaturi de ulei esential cu aroma preferata sau
combinatii de arome, 125 ml sau o ceasca de apa calduta (de preferat apa distilata)

Se toarna ingredientele intr-un recipient gol de solutie de curatat geamurile si se amesteca

bine. Se lasa cateva ore amestecul pentru a se stabiliza parfumul. Se sprayaza in incaperi.

Daca nu ai o idee prea precisa despre ce uleiuri esentiale ar merge combinate intre ele, iti
recomandam noi cateva:

lavanda si lemongrass (in loc de lemongrass se poate folosi si lamaie): aroma placuta,
refrisanta, mascheaza eventualele mirosuri neplacute

portocala si vanilie: aroma fructata

eucalipt si cedru: purifica aerul

ylang-ylang si lime: exotic si proaspat

chiparos, bergamot si lavanda: odorizant si dezinfectant

Retete de lesie de rufe:

2 pahare de cenusa foarte bine pisata (nu trebuie sa aiba bucati de lemn) se lasa la macerat
intr-un litru de apa, minim 24h dupa care se filtreaza printr-o carpa impachetata in mai multe
straturi sau prin mai multe carpe. Se folosesc 2-3 linguri in masina de spalat. ATENTIE,
LESIA E PUTERNIC COROZIVA!! A se evita contactul cu pielea (in caz de accidente se
clateste rapid cu otet).

metoda rapida: aceeasi cantitate de cenusa se pune intr-o carpa groasa sau in mai multe carpe,
se leaga bine si se fierbe cateva minute in apa clocotita. Se mai lasa la macerat pana cand apa
se raceste apoi se poate folosi.

Mai multe despre lesie: - despre cum poate fi
folosita cenusa - idem - reteta de lesie - alta reteta + imagini (fr.) - idem (fr.)

Carpet Freshner (also good against flees)

1 1/2 - 2 cups of Baking Soda, 20-30 drops of Essential Oils (I recommend this brand)

Optional: 1/2 cup of fine salt

Jar with holes on top

Mix the ingredients in the jar, cover the holes and shake to mix the ingredients. Sprinkle it on
the carpets and let it sit for at least 15- 30 minutes to absorb the odors then vacuum it up!

It's that simple! The strong scent fades after a couple of hours, but the freshness stays and a
mild scent lingers.

If you don't want to use the essential oil blend Purification, then here are some other ideas for
your scent:

Orange and Jasmine

Mint and Orange

Lavender and Frankincense

Grapefruit and Mint

Peppermint and Tea Tree

Lavender and Rose


You can make a simpler dusting spray with just olive oil and vinegar (and essential oils, if
desired). See below for details.

¾ cup water, 1 T olive oil, 2 T vodka (or white vinegar), 2 T white vinegar, 1 T liquid glycerin
(optional) – see where to buy glycerin, 30-40 drops essential oil (clove, orange, lemon, etc), ¼
teaspoon xanthan gum – see where to buy xanthan gum, ½ teaspoon emulsifying wax, melted
– see where to buy emulsifying wax
Place the water, olive oil, vodka, vinegar, glycerin, and essential oils in a blender and blend on
high. While the motor is still running, add in the xanthan gum and emulsifying wax. Process
for 10-15 seconds until slightly thickened.

Pour into a spritz bottle and use once a week. Lasts up to 3 months.

Homemade Disinfectant Spray

Today I have a guest post from April Pointer, who blogs at Oily Wisdom, a site dedicated to
essential oils. April is a wife and homeschool mom to boys and she is passionate about health
and science. While I am not particularly afraid of germs and feel we should all build up our
natural defenses by maintaining healthy gut flora, I am really thrilled to share this recipe with
you for a Homemade Disinfectant Spray as an excellent non-toxic option vs. commercial
sprays. When I am out and about it is nice to have something non-toxic and effective on hand
in case we encounter something icky.

Thieves Essential Oil blend is my HERO!

As a mom to boys I have played my fair share of superhero games, and while I like to play, I
actually do have a favorite superhero I call on when my family needs help. Thieves essential
oil blend is my all time favorite superhero. It has saved the day more times than I can count.

It may seem funny that the name of my hero is “Thieves” but it is actually named after a 15th
century family of thieves who would rob and pillage the dead and those dying from the
Black/Bubonic Plague. They became famous because they were not contracting the this
highly contagious disease. 1 out of 2 people caught the plague, and when contracted they
would die within two days. YIKES! Now, that’s a REAL pandemic! When the law finally
apprehended them, in exchange for a more lenient sentence, they had to divulge how they
stayed healthy. Well, this famous family who had escaped the plague for 40 years…they were
actually spice traders and would rub themselves in these oils and spices to ward off disease.
Clearly it worked! The recipe was posted all over town, on real paper. No doubt thousands of
lives would have been saved had those posts been on Facebook.

Fast forward six centuries. There are now studies to show why these particular oils and spices
kept these robbers healthy. Thieves essential oil is a proprietary blend of cinnamon, clove,
lemon, rosemary, and eucalyptus therapeutic grade essential oils. This concoction is a great
way to support a healthy immune system. In 1997, Weber State University showed Thieves oil
to have a 99.96% success rate against airborne bacteria. After diffusing Thieves, there was an
82% reduction in M. luteus bioaerosol, a 96% reduction in the P. aeruginosa bioaerosol, and a
44% reduction in the S. aureus bioaerosol following only 10 minutes of exposure.

Uses for Thieves

My family has gone to battle against ear and throat infections, colds and flu, bleeding gums,
post-surgery discomfort, dirty produce, germy shopping carts, and to oil up stinky boy feet
after karate all with the help of Thieves oil boosting our immunity naturally. It can be used in
an essential oil diffuser, internally and topically (diluted with olive oil).

Homemade Disinfectant Spray

This spray penetrates beneath the skin’s surface providing a long lasting barrier of protection.

Ingredients: 20 drops of Thieves Essential Oil Blend, 4 oz spray bottle, Distilled water, 1/2
teaspoon sea salt

Directions: Place salt in spray bottle. Drop oil into bottle, aiming towards the salt. Allow salt
to absorb oil. Slowly add water. Put the lid on, shake and spray!

Disinfectant Spray Uses: Sore Throats/Germy shopping carts/Grimy hands/Public toilets &
water fountains/Black mold/Counter & table spray/Fungal Infections/Stinky shoes/Bug
repellant/Diaper pail & garbage cans/Pet accidents/Herbicide in your garden/Clean stuffed
animals/Lunchboxes/Linen spray for dust mites

DIY All-Purpose Cleaning Spray

1 1/2 cups water

1 cup white vinegar

20 drops lemon essential oil

10 drops lavender essential oil

10 drops melaleuca essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a glass spray bottle (essential oils will break down plastic).
Slap on a pretty label and use to clean the surfaces in your home.

All-purpose cleaner

1 1/2 cups water, 1 cup white vinegar, 20 drops lemon essential oil, 10 drops lavender
essential oil, 10 drops melaleuca essential oil.

Remedies for Common Pests

At any given time, there is an estimated ten quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000)

individual insects sharing the planet with us. This is all good and well, until they decide to
settle in and make themselves at home with you.

Getting rid of roaches: Cockroaches are notoriously difficult to get rid, as evidenced by their
long history on earth. While we would be wiped out in a nuclear explosion, experiments have
shown that cockroaches can survive up to 10,000 radon units-equal to the strength of gamma
rays given off by the first atomic bomb-and can live up to 3 months without food and minimal
water. Nonetheless, a strict regime such as sealing up loose cracks and storing any exposed
food, plus the below trap, and sheer determination can overcome them.

1. Roach Dust

Diatomaceous earth is a substance made from the fossilized remains of tiny organisms called
diatoms. Their skeletons are made of a natural substance called silica, which is very abrasive
to insects (but feels like soft powder to us.) It can pierce or coat the waxy exoskeleton of the
cockroach, absorb moisture, and essentially cause death by dehydration. The powdered sugar
mixed into it will attract them. Be sure to get food-grade diatomaceous earth.

You will need…

-1 cup of food grade diatomaceous earth

-1/2 cup powdered (confectioners’ sugar)


Mix together the diatomaceous earth and sugar. Apply around cracks, cervices, and anywhere
else there is an invasion. Reapply as needed.

Warding off Moths: Remember how fusty old Aunt Marge’s clothes would smell? There was
something more sinister lurking behind that odor than your childhood self probably thought-
all you knew was you didn’t want to smell it when she leaned in to pinch your cheek! The
dark truth was that old Aunt Marge was using mothballs.

Moths are notoriously hard to get rid of once they’ve set up camp, and it can be tempting to
turn to those odd, musty smelling mothballs to get rid of them. But what’s in those things
anyways? Made of a deodorant and chemical pesticide, mothballs have a few different
formulations. Older mothballs consisted primarily of naphthalene, which is toxic in small
amounts to children/pets and extremely flammable. However, new formulations using 1,4-
dichlorobenzene aren’t much safer. Both kinds work by undergoing sublimation-evaporating
from a solid state directly into a gas-which is just asking to breathe in bad fumes.

2. DIY Moth Balls

The best way to deal with a moth problem is to not let one happen in the first place-but if you
do find yourself with an invasion, try these moth balls to deter the pests. They consist of a
cotton ball soaked in a blend of essential oils that moths tend to find particularly repulsive and
unappealing. Not only are these safer, they smell a whole lot better too!
Note: Don’t have essential oils? Simply fill a small muslin spice bag with herbs the equivalent
of the oils (e.g. dried lavender, dried peppermint, etc.) to leave out instead.

You will need…

-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

-3 drops of lavender essential oil

-5 drops cedar essential oil

-5 drops clove essential oil

-2 tablespoons of water

-Cotton balls or cedar chips


Blend your essential oils and stir in the water. Soak cotton balls or cedar chips in the liquid (if
using cotton balls squeeze out excess liquid back into bowl), and then let them dry. Once dry,
place in closets, drawers, or anywhere else they are needed. Refresh every 2-3 months.

*Water does not dilute essential oil, so be careful when handling if you think you may have an
adverse skin reaction to them. If this does happen, rinse the spot with warm water and then
rub the spot with olive oil.*

Deter Snails and Slugs: There’s *almost* nothing as painful as watching your beautiful
garden that has been grown on your own blood, sweat and tears, disappear beneath slimy
trails. With insatiable appetites, snails and slugs can devour your lovely plants surprisingly
quickly, given how slowly they move. These garden pests have soft, squishy, bodies, and they
don’t like crawling over sharp objects that can prick, poke, and puncture their vulnerable
flesh. They also dislike the strong smell of garlic. The solution? Lay a prickly trap with an
odor they find offensive to keep them steering clear of your garden. You should also plant
some mint, sage, fennel, chives, or foxglove to further deter the pests.

3. Egg Shell Snail and Slug Wall

This trap recycles old egg shells-which are quite sharp to snails and slugs-and mixes in a bit
of garlic to further deter them. If you don’t have eggs, another (but less natural) version is to
put down coarse sandpaper.

You will need…

-Crushed eggshells


-1 cup of water


Gently mash up 3-4 gloves of garlic and place them in a jar with a tightly fitting lid. Cover
with water and let this mixture infuse overnight. The next day crush up the egg shells so that
they are fairly course, but still fine enough that you can lay them down with their being big
gaps in between them. Generously spray them with the garlic water. Layer around the base of
affected plants, refreshing as necessary.

Keeping Away House Flies: The sound of a fly buzzing around your house is infuriating.
We’ve all been there-creeping around the house, desperately trying to track down the sounds
in hopes that you can find it and get rid of it. And there’s really nothing as unappetizing as
seeing a big fat fly land on your food, or finding one floating in a drink. To clarify though-
they don’t vomit every time they land. Rather, they may excrete saliva when they attempt to
feed which will help break down the food. Technically, this is spitting, or drooling. Not
vomiting. And this doesn’t spread germs-it’s the nasties on their feet when they finish up
feasting on something bacteria laden that do. Below is a simple method to keep them away.

4. House Fly Herb Sacks

Basil and cloves both help repel these pesky insects. Generally speaking, they are deterrents
for a number of pests, but seem to work particularly well with bothersome houseflies. The
most important thing to do to ensure these work their very best is to stay on top of keeping
away any attractants (clean up after the dog; store all foods securely, etc. etc.)

You will need…

-A small handful of fresh basil

-1 teaspoon of dried cloves

-1 drop of clove essential oil (optional)



Purchase some muslin spice sacks, or simply make your own by sewing a few pieces together.
Crush the basil and add it to the sack along with the cloves. For good measure, add a drop of
clove essential oil to the mix. Tie the sack securely, and hang near windows, doors, or any
other place they seem to be hanging around.

Battling Silverfish: Silverfish are mostly harmless, but have been known to do damage by
feeding on things such as wallpaper glue, books, cardboard, and food stores. You’ll typically
notice them first in the bathroom, when they go scuttling away as soon as the light gets
flipped on. They love humidity, reproduce quickly, and being nocturnal, can go unnoticed for
long periods of time. A large infestation can be difficult to get under control, as you need to be
able to manage all stages of life (eggs, nymphs, and adults) but if you suspect you are
catching the problem at the beginning, the method below can help ward them away. In
addition, dehumidify your house.

5. Silverfish Citrus Repellant

Citrus peels contain d-limonene, which is an effective pest preventive, and is even used in flea
and tick products sold in stores. An even simpler version of the below method, if you don’t
have to worry about pets or kids getting into them, is to lay out lemon peels where the
silverfish are harboring.

You will need…

-1 cup of warm water

-10-12 drops of lemon essential oil

-A spray bottle


Mix the essential oil with water in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray around cracks, drains,
and any other place you suspect the silverfish are setting up camp. Oil does not mix with
water, so be sure to shake this thoroughly before using.


(Wellness Mama:

What About Coffee Grounds?

Something that never felt right to me was throwing away used coffee grounds. Many people
wake up in the morning looking forward to their cup of joe and then habitually toss the
grounds that give them this coveted beverage into the trash without a second thought.

As it turns out, there are many wonderful things you can do with these spent coffee grounds.
Before you throw out those grounds after brewing up your morning beverage, give one of
these ideas a try.

If you don’t drink coffee but would still like to try any of the following ideas, you can ask
your local coffee shop to save you their used grounds. Just bring a clean container for them to
toss them into.

Beauty Routine


Coffee grounds are wonderful at exfoliating your hair. After making the switch to natural
shampoo some people experience build-up in their hair as the hair and scalp adjust to being
cleaned with a true soap rather than the harsh chemicals that have previously stripped them of
all natural oils.

To exfoliate hair, use 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup used coffee grounds, depending on hair length. In the
shower, wet hair thoroughly. Massage grounds through hair focusing on the scalp. It helps to
part the hair and work in sections. Once you have covered the whole scalp, thoroughly wet the
hair again. Don’t try to rinse the grounds out as it won’t work. Use your shampoo to work up
a nice lather. Then you can rinse it all out. A second shampooing may be necessary. Finish
with your normal conditioner or apple cider vinegar rinse.

Repeat once a month or as needed. I was amazed at how light and shiny my hair felt after the
first application. If you have light or color-treated hair you may want to test an inconspicuous
area. I didn’t noticed any color change but it is best to make sure before you put it all over.

Exfoliate Skin:

If you have ever tried my Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub you know how invigorating it is. The
coffee grounds and sugar gently exfoliate the skin leaving it soft and smooth. The massaging
action also stimulates blood flow which is beneficial to the health of your skin. Just don’t use
used coffee grounds in a sugar scrub, as the moisture will cause it to go bad, but used coffee
grounds on their own have a similar effect, without the need for added ingredients!

Reduce Cellulite:

In addition to exfoliating the surface of the skin, coffee grounds can help reduce the
appearance of cellulite because the caffeine has a tightening effect.
Make a simple coffee ground/salt scrub by using 1/4 cup coffee grounds, 1/4 cup sea salt and
2 tablespoons coconut oil. Mix the grounds and salt together in a small bowl. You can melt the
coconut oil before you mix it in or just mash it in. This is what I did and it worked great. You
can also add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil. I used peppermint because who doesn’t
love the smell of peppermint coffee?

In the shower, take 1-2 tablespoons of the scrub and massage it into your skin using firm
pressure. Use more as needed. Focus on problem areas such as legs, belly, and derriere.
Repeat 2-3 times a week. This amount should be enough for roughly 6 applications. Store in
the fridge and use within two weeks.

Make Soap:

Coffee grounds make a wonderfully exfoliating addition to homemade soap. Add 1-2
teaspoons per pound of soap at trace.

In The Garden

It is commonly thought that coffee grounds are acidic but used grounds are actually closer to
neutral because most of the acidity is “washed” out when the coffee is brewed.

Compost Them:

Composting is so easy to do and adds beneficial nitrogen to your compost pile, as well as
magnesium and potassium. Coffee grounds are considered green matter for compost and
should not make up more than 25% of your pile. If you are just adding grounds from your
personal consumption you shouldn’t have to worry about adding too much. Go ahead and
throw the filter in as it can also be composted.

Aerate Soil:

Scatter the grounds over the soil in your garden and till them into the top few inches. Doing
this will help aerate the soil and also give plants a nitrogen boost.

Attract Worms:

Worms love coffee grounds. Working them into your soil will help attract these garden

Keep Pests Away:

Slugs and snails, however, do not like coffee grounds. Make a barrier around plants that are
susceptible to slugs and snails. The gritty texture is effective at deterring them.

Grow Mushrooms:

I haven’t personally tried this but it looks like a lot of fun. Here is a good tutorial on how to
grow mushrooms using coffee grounds.

Around The House

Absorb Odors in Fridge:

Place a bowl of used coffee grounds in your refrigerator to absorb odors. Replace them once a
month, but don’t throw them away! Toss them into your compost pile. Congratulations, you
got 3 uses out of this batch!

Remove Smells from Hands:

After chopping onions or garlic, scrub your hands with used coffee grounds to remove the
lingering smell. This will also be effective at removing the smell of fish from your hands.

Weigh Down Ashes for Fireplace Clean-up:

If you have a wood-burning stove or fireplace, those old coffee grounds will become your
best friend. When it is time to clean out the ashes, cover them with a layer of wet coffee
grounds to moisten and weigh them down. This will greatly reduce the amount of ash that will
float up and coat your living room when you scoop them out.

Benefits of Boric Acid

Boric acid has many health and household uses. Some of the top ways you can use boric acid

1. Yeast Infections

Can boric acid actually work as a natural and effective treatment for a vaginal yeast infection?
It sure can. Some experts now recommend vaginal BA capsules as a treatment option for
vaginal yeast infections, particularly infections that can’t be cured by antifungal yeast
infection medicines. (1) That’s quite impressive.

For yeast infections, boric acid is used as a suppository before bed for one to two weeks. The
CDC reports that this regimen has clinical and mycologic (branch of biology that deals with
fungi) eradication rates of approximately 70 percent. (2) A study published in the journal
Diabetes Care has even found that BA vaginal suppositories were more effective against
candida symptoms in diabetic women than an oral azole medication. (3)

2. Roach Killer

Cockroaches can infest homes and restaurants. Not only are they unsightly and repulsive, but
cockroaches can pose serious health risks to humans when they find their way indoors.

Cockroaches pick up germs on the spines of their legs as they crawl through decaying matter,
which may be transferred to humans through food contamination, which can lead to illnesses
such as E. coli and salmonella. In addition, cockroaches are linked to increased asthma and
allergy attacks as their droppings, saliva and shedded skin contain potent allergens known to
trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma symptoms, especially in children.
Thankfully, boric acid is very effective when it comes to getting rid of cockroaches. These
disgusting creepy crawlers succumb to BA simply by crawling over treated areas. The tiny
particles of powder adhere to a cockroach’s body and are ingested as the roach preens the
powder from its legs and antennae. Some BA is also absorbed through the greasy outer
covering of the insect’s body. All species of cockroaches are susceptible to boric acid
provided the powder is applied in areas where the roaches live. (4)

Boric acid is also used to kill ants, fleas, termites, silverfish, beetles, wood borers and other

3. Eyewash

When it’s heavily diluted with water, boric acid can be used to create an easy and effective
eyewash. Whether it’s a minor irritation or the more serious and contagious eye infection, a
BA eyewash solution can help eye problems by treating any bacterial infection and soothing
inflamed eyes. That includes relief of pink eye symptoms. (5)

In case you’re doubting using BA in your eyes, even well-established eye washes list boric
acid as one of the main ingredients. (6) To relieve symptoms of eye irritations and infections,
a homemade boric acid eyewash can easily be made carefully at home.

4. Acne

Some people recommend boric acid for use in home acne treatments. It also appears as an
ingredient in some topical products that treat acne and other skin issues. (7)

BA is naturally antibacterial, and since some acne is linked to bacteria (Propionibacterium

acnes), it can help kill the bacteria causing breakouts. However, BA is not a foolproof acne
remedy and can significantly irritate the skin. Many countries have actually outlawed its use
in cosmetics. It also gets a very high (negative) score of 8 out of 10 for health concerns by the
EWG. (8)

5. Athlete’s Foot

Boric acid power can also treat fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and toenail fungus.
Just a few sprinkles of the BA powder in your socks or stockings can help clear mild
infections and ease the itching associated with athlete’s foot. An added bonus: It can also
neutralize the foot odor from athlete’s foot, providing relief for stinky feet.
Why is BA effective at treating athlete’s foot? The acid changes the pH of your skin and helps
remove dead skin that feeds the fungus. BA is a seriously potent fungicide, and it often clears
up athlete’s foot in cases where antifungal creams have failed. (9)

6. Household Cleaner

Boric acid can also be used around the house as a cleanser, deodorizer, stain remover,
disinfectant and mold killer. You can add boric acid to your next load of laundry for more
stain-fighting power. You can also use it to clean the toilet bowl with very minimal effort
required — simply put it in and wait 30 minutes. (10)

What Is Boric Acid?

What is boric acid? It’s a white powder derived from boron and water that has antibiotic
properties against both fungal and bacterial infections. The Journal of Women’s Health has
found that BA is a safe, alternative, economic option for women with recurrent and chronic
symptoms of vaginal yeast infections when conventional treatment fails. (11)

Boric acid (H3BO3) is a white crystalline, oxygen-bearing acid of boron found in certain
minerals and volcanic waters or hot springs. It’s also called hydrogen borate, boracic acid,
orthoboric acid and acidum boricum.

In 1948, it was first registered in the U.S. as an insecticide to control cockroaches, termites,
fire ants, fleas, silverfish and many other insects. In combination with its use as an insecticide,
BA also prevents and destroys existing wet and dry rot in timbers. It’s also added to salt in the
curing of cattle hides, calfskins and sheepskins. The addition of BA helps control bacteria
development and insects. When it comes to agriculture, it’s used to treat or prevent boron
deficiencies in plants.

Boric acid can be found in:

Antiseptics and astringents

Enamels and glazes

Glass fiber manufacturing

Medicated powders

Skin lotions

Some paints

Some rodent and ant pesticides

Photography chemicals

Powders to kill roaches

Some eyewash products

How to Use Boric Acid

For yeast infections, you can make your own BA suppositories by filling size 0 gelatin
capsules with BA. This equals approximately 600 milligrams of boric acid. The standard yeast
infection treatment is one BA-filled capsule inserted in the vagina at bedtime for seven
continuous days. For recurring yeast infections, the standard yeast infection treatment just
mentioned is done for two weeks, and then BA can be used twice a week for six months to
one year.

To make a boric acid eyewash, you should use pharmaceutical grade boric acid powder. First,
sterilize an eye cup or eyedropper. Next, mix 1/8 of a teaspoon of BA into one cup of cooled,
sterilized water, making sure the acid dissolves completely. If using an eye cup, fill the cup
and lower your eye onto it. Blink and roll your eye around several times. If using an
eyedropper, squeeze the rubber bulb on the top of the dropper. Then dip the open end into the
eyewash. Tip your head back and squeeze the bulb to release the fluid. Repeat several times.
Repeat up to three times per day. Always make sure to sterilize your tools each time.

For athlete’s foot, mix BA and rubbing alcohol in the following ratio: two teaspoons BA to
one cup of rubbing alcohol or water. Apply to feet with cotton swabs. You can also put the dry
powder into the ends of socks or stockings to treat or prevent athlete’s foot.

To kill cockroaches and other unwanted pests, the key to success with BA is proper
application. Kitchens and bathrooms are the most common areas to find cockroaches,
although any area of a home may become infested if the infestation is bad enough.
Cockroaches specifically prefer to live in cracks, crevices and secluded areas close to food,
moisture and warmth.

For best results, the powder should be applied in a very thin layer barely visible to the naked
eye around the area you think the cockroaches are originating from in your home. Key areas
for treatment include under and behind the refrigerator, stove and dishwasher; into the
opening where plumbing pipes enter walls; and into cracks along edges and corners inside
cabinets and pantries. You want to keep children and pets away from the areas where you
apply the acid. Although BA is safer than chemical pesticides, it’s still toxic to pets and
children, especially if ingested.

To remove stains and odor from clothing, simply add half a cup of BA to your regular laundry
load. You can also put half a cup of the acid into your toilet bowl and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Not only does the BA remove stains, but it also removes unpleasant odor.

Boric Acid Recipes

Some of the best boric acid recipes are definitely the ones for two common health problems:
yeast infections and athlete’s foot. Both of these fungal infections will head for the hills once
you introduce BA into the picture.

Boric Acid Vaginal Yeast Infection Recipe


600 milligrams BA

size 0 gelatin capsule


Insert one BA-filled capsule inserted in the vagina at bedtime for seven continuous days.

Boric Acid Athlete’s Foot Recipe

INGREDIENTS: 2 teaspoons BA, 1 cup of rubbing alcohol or water


Mix ingredients and apply to feet with cotton swabs. You can also put the dry BA powder into
the ends of socks or stockings to treat or prevent athlete’s foot.

Boric Acid Precautions

Boric acid should never be used internally by mouth, on open wounds or by children.
Swallowing boric acid can be fatal. If swallowed, seek emergency medical attention.

For this reason, always keep boric acid out of the reach of children. The infant death rate from
boric acid poisonings is high. However, poisoning is considerably rarer than in the past
because the substance is no longer used as a disinfectant in nurseries. (12)
When boric acid is used in capsules as a vaginal suppository, skin irritation can sometimes
occur. BA should not be used in any way if you are pregnant.

Don’t use boric acid eyewash while wearing contact lenses, and wait at least 15 minutes after
using boric acid eyewash before putting your contact lenses in. Don’t use a boric acid
eyewash if you have open wounds in or near the eyes. You should get medical help right away
if you have any such wounds. Of course, you should also see a doctor if you experience any
eye pain, changes in vision, continued redness or irritation of the eye after using a boric acid

Never apply boric acid onto countertops or other exposed surfaces, especially those used to
prepare food. If boric acid gets on your skin, remove it by washing the area thoroughly. If
pure boric acid comes in contact with your eyes, wash them out with cool water for 15
minutes. If boric acid is accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.

How To Make Beeswax Candles – Easy, Healthy and Affordable!


How To Make Beeswax Candles

A Faint Honey Scent . . .

Golden glow and long burn time are just the beginning of a handmade beeswax candle’s
charm. Unlike paraffin candles (which release carcinogens like toluene and benzene into the
air) and their soy counterparts (which are often derived from GMOs), beeswax candles
actually draw toxins out of the air with their cheerful flame as while you knead sourdough in
the kitchen, sip wine in the tub or make shadow puppets on the wall. No really! According to
this article:

“Beeswax releases negative ions when it burns. Pollen, dust, dirt, pollutants, and any other
junk in the air all carry a positive charge, and that is how they can be suspended in the air. The
negative ions released from burning beeswax negate the positive charge of air contaminants,
and the neutralized ions are sucked back into the burning candle or fall to the ground. Many
air purifiers and water filters harness this effective negative ion technology.

Beeswax candles effectively reduce [the symptoms of] asthma, allergies, and hay fever by
drawing pollutants out of the air.”

Now, are you ready for the best part? Making beeswax candles at home – either as a gift or for
yourself – is little more than a melt and pour process. In the tutorial below I’ll show you just
how easy it is.

But First, A Few Considerations . . .

Because beeswax candles are slow burning, they require thicker, sturdier wicks than what is
used for paraffin candles. Below is a chart that can help you determine roughly what size you
Container Diameter Type of Wick Wick Size

Tealight Cotton, square is best #4/0

Votive Cotton, square is best #3/0

2-2.5″ Cotton, square is best #3

2.5-2.8″ Cotton, square is best #4

2.8-3.2″ Cotton, square is best #6

3.2-3.5″ Cotton, square is best #7

3.5-4″ Cotton, square is best #8

Or see here:

1 Inch = 2.54
Keep in mind that the way a wick burns will vary based on many factors, including the size of
the container and how refined the beeswax is. It may take a little experimentation to find the
perfect size for your wax/container combo.

One-hundred percent beeswax candles tend to burn hot and can sometimes crack the jar they
are poured into. My friend Cara over at Health Home & Happiness came up with a brilliant
solution to this for beginners who are just figuring things out – blending beeswax with another
“cooler” oil like palm oil. In the tutorial below I’ve used coconut oil because it’s what I had
on hand. Are you ready to get started? Okay then!

How To Make Beeswax Candles

This recipe makes 40 ounces of candle wax. I divided mine between four 12 oz containers so
that they were filled but not overflowing. Of course, you can make them smaller or larger!

1.5 pounds = 680 g filtered beeswax (see tutorial below if your beeswax is unfiltered. I
recommend using organic because contaminants such as pesticides that are used on industrial
produced hives will collect in the wax.)

1 cup coconut oil (where to buy coconut oil)

about 20 inches of cotton wick – avoid ones that contain a metal core as even the zinc ones
may be contaminated with lead or tin and see above for thickness recommendations

wick clip (optional – I didn’t use one but it does help keep the wick in place when it has
burned down to the last bit)

candle jars – I used four 12 ounce jars, which left about 2 ounces worth of room left at the top
of each jar

double boiler or pot with smaller pot fitted inside


four pencils



Cut a length of wick that is about 2 inches longer than the height of your jar. Tie the wick
around a pencil and position it over the center of the jar.


In a double boiler (or large pot of simmering water with a smaller pot resting inside), gently
melt the beeswax over low heat. When the beeswax is fully melted, add the coconut oil and
stir until everything is melted and combined. Bring the mixture to about 160-165F.


To do this, first pour a thin layer of beeswax in the bottom of your jar, taking care to get some
on your wick . . . and then gently press the tip of the wick into place with your finger or the
end of a pen, and pull on the wick so that it hardens nice and straight – this will take about a
minute or less.


Once the wick has set pour the rest of the wax/oil mixture in and then check the position of
the wick to make sure it is still centered.


how to make beeswax candles

Allow to harden for 24 hours, then trim the wick to about 1/4 inch. Allow to cure for another
24 hours before using. When lighting your candle, direct the flame at the base of the wick so
that some of wax melts and is drawn up into the wick – this helps it burn properly. Allow
candle to burn long enough so the wax melts out to the side of the jar. This helps to prevent
tunneling (when the middle melts down with lots of wax left over around the edges). Never
leave a candle unattended.

For flavor add no more than 2% of perfume related to the volume of the candle


Unfiltered beeswax comes with bits of propolis and other debris that can hinder burning. If
you purchased your beeswax unfiltered, here are three simple steps that will make it candle-

Supplies Needed:

double boiler

old t-shirt or pillowcase

mesh sieve

parchment paper

large bowl



To get out the tiniest bits of grit, line your mesh sieve with a t-shirt or old pillowcase. Also
line the bowl beneath with parchment paper. When you you’ve got everything in place simply
pour the melted wax through the sieve and wait for it to harden. Voila, you’ve filtered

Faza Ingrediente pentru ~ 30 ml Cantitate

A Ceară de soia 27,5 gr

A Pigment mineral 27 violet 0,1 gr

B Ulei esențial de Lavandă 1,2 gr

B Parfumant natural Violete 1,2 gr

Igienizați recipientul dedicat și toate ustensilele cu care lucrați.

Înainte de toate:

Se pregătește recipientul pentru lumânare, fitilul aferent și o bucată de folie de aluminiu tăiată
în formă de pătrat, cu lățimea ceva mai mare decât mărimea fitilului. Din fitil se taie o bucată
de lungime potrivită: înălțimea interioară a recipientului + aprox. 1 cm. Se pregătește într-un
bol mic sau căpăcel cantitatea exactă de pigment și într-un alt bol/pahar mic amestecul
ingredientelor fazei B.

Pregătirea fitilului:

Într-un pahar termorezistent se adaugă ceara și se topește pe baie de apă, amestecând lent. În
ceara topită se pune fitilul pentru cca.1 minut după care se scoate (cu o pensetă sau foarfecă)
și se așează pe bucata de folie de aluminiu, la mijloc, pe orizontală, cât mai drept. Se îndoaie
folia la jumătate, acoperind fitilul și se pune la congelator pentru câteva minute. Fitilul cerat
se inserează în capsa metalică dinspre partea de bază și se trece prin gaură pe cealaltă parte.

Topirea și colorarea: În ceara topită se adaugă pigmentul și se amestecă până la dispersarea

completă a culorii. Se îndepărtează de la sursa de căldură. Se ia cu lingurița o porție din ceara
topită și se pune la baza recipientului, peste care, rapid, se așează partea capsată a fitilului.
Fitilul cu capsă trebuie să stea stabil în recipient înainte de turnarea lumnării.

Parfumarea: În ceara topită - care preferabil are o temperatură între 60-68°C - se adaugă
ingredientele fazei B și se amestecă bine, rapid.

Turnarea: Compoziția se toarnă în recipientul dedicat și se lasă pe o suprafață plană până la


Sfat: pentru a preveni deplasarea fitilului din poziția de mijloc a recipientului, se poate apela
la un pai tăiat pe lungime (vezi mai sus foto 3)

Lumânarea astfel preparată se poate folosi după 48 de ore de la preparare.

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