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is a Camera Manufacturer and The Brand objectives I have set are

distancing ourselves from the Competitions minimalistic branding strategies by more complex use of color and design.

To appeal to the seasoned Photographers looking for a reliable upgrade, Frequent Travelers who need a camera made for any environment or Thrill Seekers who need a camera that they can count on.

To show the Durability through our strong typography and use of imagery of hazardous environments and situations to show the audience just what they could do with our cameras.

To Imbue Potential Customers with a sense of higher Quality through our use of Elegant Typography and Rich Color Palette

And finally to Prove our precision Technology with our High Resolution Eye Popping Photography and Complex Use of Typefaces
Direction 1
Direction 1’s Brandmark is a Cursive Script Font Z to represent the Elegance of the Brand while Complementing the Thick and Thins of the other typefaces
The Fenice Typeface was chosen for the Title to Express a sense of Flexibility in the Brand with its thicks and Thins Representative of the Brands ability to be Both Strong and Sophisticated.

The secondary Poiret typeface was picked for its ability to compliment the thins of the Fenice Typeface while not drawing attention away from the Name.
Pointe One was chosen as the typeface to represent the Tagline because of its unique circular letterforms symbolic of camera lenses and the globe.
The Color combinations have appeal in both Masculine and Feminine Applications.
The Colors combinations are inspired by the High Class Night Life to create an Upscale look
The Fenices Contemporary Geometric design Clashes with the minimulist uneven looking Poiret One Typeface to create visual interest.
They Looping Script Zanar Z creates and elegant way to break up space or create an pattern with a sense of movement.
The Photography also incorporate this movement and uses images of movement of man and nature.
Here are A few examples of the possible applications for this system

The Business card

Outdoor Advertisements, all Advertisements would include a photo and The Z Letterform
For a higher end product I thought a polo Shirt would be the most appropriate Apparel which could be for Employees or sold on our online store.
An App for Wirelessly transferring your pictures and uploading them to Social Media.
Direction 2 focuses more on the Prestige of the Product.
A Handwritten cursive Z is packed in-between organic shapes, symbolizing the ability for it to thrive against the Elements while staying keeping its elegance.
Cursive Zanar Script Typeface is used to create a feeling of high class exclusivity that comes with a signature Brand. The slim joe typeface compliment the dainty thins of the Script font without detracting from its prominence.
To create visual impact Slim Joe was picked for its simple and geometric type forms that conjure up images of Mountainous landscapes and City Skyline.
The Colors scheme takes on an almost flag like quality in certain combinations invoking a feeling of pride and nostalgia.
The Royal color palette by its name creates an aura of being part of the elite and that this is a brand to be respected. Gold Foil would be applied to selected printed items to further the brand experience.
The type paring of 2 minimal sans serif typefaces to use line weights to create visual hierarchy. The clean look of the typefaces further creates a professional look.
when the brand mark is aligned in a grid it creates a pattern reminiscent of flowers, leaves and vines.
Crisp photography again dark backgrounds to allow lighter typefaces to be applied in the background.
A few examples of the brand applications to Business cards
Ads will incorporate Powerful imagery to catch the eye and add interesting contrast to the thin typefaces that stand out in the dark background.
Again a Polo Shirt with the logo applied.
An app interface with it applied as well.
Now the third Direction
With this directions logo I went with a minimalistic approach try apply camera shutters to the letterform to make the identity of a camera manufacture easier to interpret.
A Colonius Typeface was chosen for its circular letterform evoking images of camera lenses and the planet itself. I nested the respelling in futura in-between the ascenders of Zuberi to take advantage of the negative space and keep it from out performing the Focus of the Name. Extra Bold Futura was used on the secondary type to create a
striking contrast with the Thinner Geometric Colonius Typeface.
Futura was used for its circular letterforms and the impact it creates with the geometric proportions. Combined with its clean form it gives the brand a look of Efficiency and forward thinking, traits of a brand thats here to stay.
The Earthy Colors clash and vibrate almost as if they were alive.
The Earthy tones creates an exotic look of adventure and Nature.
Bd Colonius was chosen for its circular and minimalistic letterforms with a complementary Futura Type paring for longer bodies of text.
The Camera apertures are aligned on a grid to create a simple but interesting pattern that can be used to isolate elements using the center of the aperture of the shutters.
Photography of Animals and Landscapes to to match the earthy colors and exotic feel of the brand style.
The Business card with the styles applied.
Advertisements creating a eye catching nature scene in the city.
Another Polo Shirt with Logo Applied
And Finally the App with the various element applied.

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