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Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond TEST

Dominoes one
SETTING 16 Mrs Hudson was Holmes’s ___.
Choose the best answer. a  doctor b  housekeeper c  maid
d  mother
1 Sherlock Holmes lived in ___.
a  Baker Street b  Brixton Road 17 Mrs Oakshott thought that her brother was ___.
c  Covent Garden d  Tottenham Court Road a  innocent b  intelligent c  terrible
d  wonderful
2 The diamond disappeared from the ___.
a  Alpha b  British Museum 18 The police arrested ___ for taking the blue
c  Cosmopolitan Hotel d  High Court diamond.
a  Catherine Cusack b  Henry Baker
3 Henry Baker got his goose from a ___. c  John Horner d  James Ryder
a  friend b  hotel c  pub d  shop
19 John Horner ___ windows.
4 The Alpha got their geese from ___. a  broke b  made c  repaired d  sold
a  Brixton b  Covent Garden c  Fulham
d  Kilburn 20 When he was younger, John Horner was a ___.
a  cab driver b  prison officer c  police
5 Holmes put the diamond in his ___. officer d  thief
a  jewel box b  money box c  pocket
d  safe 20 marks
6 Mr Windigate worked in a ___.
a  hotel b  prison c  pub d  shop DIALOGUE
Who said this?
7 Holmes took the diamond thief to ___.
a  court b  his home c  the police d  21 ‘First it was a hat, and now you’re talking about
prison a goose. I don’t understand.’
8 The thief saw 24 geese in a ___. a  Detective Bradstreet b  Sherlock Holmes
a  garden b  kitchen c  shop d  street c  Mr Peterson d  Doctor Watson
9 The thief didn’t want to stay in the ___, not with 22 ‘My wife found this in the bird!’
the police everywhere. a  Mr Breckinridge b  Mr Hudson
a  museum b  office c  hotel d  pub c  Mr Oakshott d  Mr Peterson
10 The thief went into his sister’s ___ garden to 23 ‘Every week we all put five or six pence into a
smoke and think. money box . . .’
a  back b  country c  flower d  warm a  Henry Baker b  Mrs Oakshott
20 marks c  Catherine Cusack d  Breckinridge’s boy,
24 ‘I’d like to take that nice new goose home with
Choose the best answer. me, thank you very much.’
11 James Ryder was a ___ man. a  Henry Baker b  John Horner c 
a  famous b  good c  strong d  weak Maudsley d  James Ryder
12 Mr Breckinridge was ___ when James Ryder 25 ‘But those geese weren’t our geese.’
asked him about the geese. a  the Countess b  Mrs Oakshott
a  afraid b  angry c  interested d  quiet c  Mr Windigate d  Breckinridge’s boy, Bill
13 Henry Baker’s hat was ___.
26 ‘Again and again people come and talk to me
a  cheap b  dirty c  new d  small
about those geese and I don’t like it.’
14 Holmes knew the owner of the hat was ___. a  Mr Breckinridge b  Mrs Hudson
a  dead b  ill c  intelligent d  young c  Mr Oakshott d  Mr Windigate
15 James Ryder was the ___ of the Cosmopolitan 27 ‘This is my address book.’
Hotel. a  Henry Baker b  Mr Breckinridge
a  assistant manager b  doorman c  c  Maudsley d  Mr Peterson
d  owner

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond TEST

Dominoes one

28 ‘Then I looked down at the geese in the garden 41 In the story it was ___.
and I thought of something.’ a  spring b  summer c  autumn d 
a  the Countess b  Sherlock Holmes winter
c  John Horner d  James Ryder
42 The thief went to talk to his friend about selling
29 ‘Very well. Catch it, kill it, and take it with you.’ the ___.
a  Mr Breckinridge b  Maudsley a  diamond b  goose c  hat d  house
c  Mrs Oakshott d  Mr Windigate
43 The thief killed a goose with a ___ tail.
30 ‘I think I’m helping Ryder to be a better man.’ a  black b  brown c  grey d  white
a  Detective Bradstreet b  the Countess
44 The thief took the wrong ___ to his friend’s
c  Sherlock Holmes d  Doctor Watson
20 marks
a  diamond b  goose c  jewel box d 
Choose the best answer. 45 When the thief went back, there were no ___.

31 this is in your head and you think with it a  animals b  birds c  hats d  jewels
a  brain b  neck c  nose d  shoulder 46 When the young men hit Mr Baker in the street,
32 this person works to get the answers to a crime they ___ the goose.
a  detective b  questioner c  winner a  took b  left c  killed d  ran after
d  witness 47 Holmes found Henry Baker’s name on a ___.
33 the answer to a problem a  coat b  ticket c  newspaper d  hat
a  accident b  case c  crime d  solution 48 Sherlock Holmes gave Mr Baker a new ___.
34 not false a  goose b  hat c  magnifying glass
a  innocent b  real c  safe d  weak d  walking stick

35 to make something that is broken work again 49 Mrs Peterson ___ the blue diamond.
a  disappear b  feel sorry for c  repair d a  broke b  cooked c  ate d  found
 try 50 Sherlock Holmes knew Horner was ___.
36 to think about something and then do it a  angry b  innocent c  sorry
a  believe b  decide c  forget d  d  the diamond thief
remember 20 marks
37 to take a person to prison
a  arrest b  catch c  free d  question
38 you pay to put this in a newspaper 20 marks
a  advertisement b  letter c  page d 
39 to give money for something
a  bring b  buy c  sell d  take
40 the place in a room where you stand and walk
a  address b  floor c  front door d 
20 marks

Choose the best answer.

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