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Teacher ID: 24981 Assessor Name: FM Tessanne Lesson Date:030917

Teacher Name: Dayleen Student Name: Tess Lesson Time: 16:00

Teacher Batch: FM/NC Responsible: Duration: 17:20
Lesson Detail: Material/Level/Unit/Lesson
It’s a sheep
Scoring Rubric.
Score “1” Did not do at all.

Score “2” Did not do this often or well.

Score “3” Did this okay, but more would be much better.
Score “4” Did this often and well.

Score “5” Was excellent throughout in this criteria.

Criteria including aspects to consider Scores

1. Appropriate Attitude in Class: To see if the teacher…

➢ was patient throughout the class.
➢ gave full attention to the student, class, and materials
➢ displayed cultural sensitivity by not asking questions or giving comments that could
offend the student. 5
➢ acknowledged the answers / ideas of the student before moving on to the next
question or part of the class.

The T was patient all throughout the class, full attention was given.

2. Effective and Various Interaction: To see if the teacher…

➢ used various gestures, teaching strategies, and multi-sensory methods, pictures,
realia, music / visual cues, vocal expression, action / dances, etc.
➢ interacted with the student, if there was an exchange of ideas, if the student
responded to the teacher’s questions or corrections.
➢ made sure that the student was engaged in the class by making the class lively, and 4
projected enthusiasm and interest in teaching.

Prepared animal cutout, prepared hand puppets to make the class more fun

Gave sample song related to the class

3. Genuine and Specific Praise: To see if the teacher…

➢ gave genuine praise, by using positive words or phrases combined with the
appropriate facial expressions, gestures, and using proper intonation while doing so.
➢ gave specific praise, by indicating to the student where s/he deserved the praise. For
example, “well done! I love your pronunciation!” or “That’s great! You pronounced the
word correctly.”
➢ gave young learners constant, high frequency praise.

Clapped hands while saying praises, wonderful

Used “good job” most of the time

T could have given more specific praises

4. Simple and Clear Instructions: To see if the teacher…

➢ used appropriate terms, making sure the terms are short and simple, to match the
student’s level. Did not use a demanding tone.
➢ gave instructions at a suitable pace for the level of the student.
➢ avoided the overuse of Chinese and / or translations. 5

T gave simple instructions that the Stu was able to follow

No CN translation used

5. Effective use of the Materials: To see if the teacher…

➢ was very familiar with the materials presented, key points and teaching objectives.
➢ gave proper extension of the teaching content when the student showed a clear
understanding of the materials.
➢ gave clear and simple explanations and definitions for new words/phrases. 4
➢ allocated a suitable amount of time for every page, taking into account the student’s
participation and understanding.

Enough time was spent on each module but failed to inform Stu to move to module 2.

6. Pronunciation and Modeling: To see if the teacher…

➢ gave consistent and error free modelling.
➢ modeled new words / structures consistently and frequently.
➢ gave clear and error free pronunciation with appropriate intonation.
➢ corrected the students pronunciation with a clear and neutral accent.

The teacher made several errors when it comes to grammar: 3

The sound of a sheep make “Baaa”, The sound of a horse can make “neigh”

“They are how many sheep?”

Pronunciation of three

7. Appropriate Error Treatment: To see if the teacher…

➢ provided an opportunity for the student to self-correct.
➢ did not skip critical errors and / or errors related to the materials taught.
➢ corrected errors in a positive and non-offensive way.
➢ paid attention to errors.

didn’t correct “sheep” 3

Didn’t correct “four animal”

“Fanny like farm”

“Animal live in farm.”

8. Complete and Clear Questioning: To see if the teacher…

➢ used full sentences whilst questioning.
➢ repeated or rephrased the questions as necessary.
➢ allowed the appropriate amount of time for the students to comprehend the question.
➢ followed the KISS (keep it simple and short) principle, asked questions in simple and
understandable language.
➢ asked follow up questions as needed.
➢ used a suitable amount of open and closed questions.

Do you know what a sheep make sound?

Signboard, objective

Who will you want to be?

Are they total in seven?

9. Personal Qualities: To see if the teacher…

➢ was energetic enough to involve the student if the student was reluctant to participate
in an activity.
➢ was able to bring the students back to the topic when their attention wavered.
➢ provided a positive atmosphere for learning.
➢ was flexible enough to modify his / her teaching based on the student’s level.

The T was good in making the class lively by using TPR, cutouts, puppets

10. Maximized Student’s Practice Inc. Eliciting: To see if the teacher…

➢ allocated enough time for the student to practice.
➢ encouraged the student to speak in full sentences.
➢ asked the student to come up with their own examples, questions, thoughts, or ideas. 4

Could have asked questions related to Stu’s own experiences about animals.

Encouraged the Stu to speak in sentences

Total Score 40/ 50
CPE Summary


1. T prepared puppets, cutouts and used TPR in class


1. Can you questions should be avoided

2. T forgot to wrap up the lesson

I confirm I have given verbal feedback. Assessor:___FM Tessanne___ Date:__03092017__

I confirm I have explained the report. FM/NC/TD:__________________ Date:_________

I confirm I have received the above. Teacher:____________________ Date:_________

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