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Teacher: Stephanie Sbarbaro Course Level: Beginners

Lesson Goals: By the end of the class, students will Materials: “Brown bear, brown bear” story, colored clay,
learn new vocabulary socks, markers, glue, buttons, glossy colored paper,
scissors, a deck of 10 animal cards (11 copies), a rug or
cushions, the board and some markers or chalks. Puppet
and simple animal toys to use as models for the post
reading activity.
Group Profile: small group (10 children), of 5 year Homework: Bring a drawing of the animal they like the
olds, with short concentration span. most.
Background (or Assumptions): Basic knowledge of Anticipated problem: difficulties with the pronunciation of
week days, some songs (circle song, clean up song) some animal names.
and classroom vocabulary. Possible Solution: Repetition.

Stage *Objectives Timing Skill Interaction Procedure

To Focus 10min Repetition Class Work Before the warm up for the activity, as in a routine,
Kinesthetic the students are asked: “Today is…” so the students
Learning complete with the day and the weather.
As a warm up the students make a circle together
WARM UP with the teacher, around the rug or cushions, and
sing the “Cicle Song”
Which will let the kids sitting in a circle ready for
the pre-reading activity.
To Learn 10 min. Repetition Class Work The teacher shows the picture of an animal tells the
Listening name and makes the representation of the animal.
Act. 1 PRE- Speaking After showing each card, she/he makes the students
READING repeat the name of the animal and the sound the
animal makes.

To Listen 15 min Listening Class Work While the teacher reads the story, the kids raise up
Act. 2 WHILE- Repetition the card of the animal they hear. Optional: Do a
READING second reading with the children repeating the story
To practice 20 min Repetition Individual The teacher sets two working stations, where the
Kinesthetic Work kids can choose between making a puppet or a clay
Learning figure with the form of an animal. The teacher
Act. 3 POST- shows the kids the models for the puppets and the
READING clay figures. While the children work, the teacher
goes station by station helping the students and
making them repeat the name and the color they
are using to make the figure or the puppet.
To practice 5 min Listening Class work The kids together with the teacher sing the clean-up
CLOSURE To repeat Speaking song.

* S.M.A.R.T: Objectives must be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed. (Use infinitives to describe
objectives. Bloom’s Taxonomy can help you with “action verbs”)

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