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RSharpe - Final Reflection

My project topic is emotional intelligence. Once finished, long after this class is completed, the

complete course will be titled ‘EQ @ ECU.’ I have continued to develop this particular subject in each

course during my tenure as a Stout student. There are many complexities and numerous methodologies

that can be utilized when designing courses on this topic. Each course in the program has allowed me to

look at EQ differently and develop different frameworks depending on the context of delivery and

audience composition. I have reaffirmed that I am my own worst enemy. At times, being the subject

matter expert worked against me - occasionally it served me well.

After the title slide, the RLO begins with a short navigational how-to slide in order to help ease

the anxiety of the learner if they have never taken a course that was produced in Storyline 360. Many of

the buttons are the same, but I did not want to make any assumptions. This was something that was

added after the Udutu prototype assignment. I am familiar with Articulate, so while learning the new

authoring tool, I made the re-discovery of how difficult and frustrating it can be to be put in the novice


Initially, I was going to begin the module with a question that asked the learner to define

intelligence. This method worked well in the face-to-face training I developed and delivered in a past

role. I soon realized it did not translate as well (if at all) when used in a CBT training. Because it is

intended for the workplace, I made the decision to create the office backdrop and assigned two

characters (one male (Matthew), one female (Emma)) to serve as the focal points. They are introduced

on slide three, after the title and navigation instructions have been delivered. It proved to be a better

way to introduce the topic.

I choose darker backgrounds and white lettering on the non-office background slides. I kept a

consistent font style (Calibri) for readability purposes. After the usability testing results were in, I

inserted a solid gray border at the bottom of every slide to allow less of the imagery to be covered up by
RSharpe - Final Reflection

the closed caption text box. I chose to not use audio on the Emma and Matthew sides to provide variety

in delivery. I avoided using red, blue or green text for emphasis. If I needed the learner to take notice of

something I increased the font size or bolded it. I also avoided using italics so as not to cause anyone

with low-vision any difficulties reading the text. I kept the Menu and Notes tabs at the top of the screen

to allow for maximum use of the screen’s real estate. A learner may be viewing the module on an iPad

or their phone and anything on the side that was not necessary would only distract them.

When there was text on the slide I made sure to create a different script so that the learner

would not be overloaded by trying to read and listen at the same time. After the usability testing, I

reworked the pyramid slide and removed the definition of self-awareness that was originally included.

That response confirmed what I thought might be an issue.

The assessment methods I chose to use were ungraded knowledge checks. There are correct

and incorrect responses, but there is no results slide at the end of the module. This subject is potentially

new to the learners. I did not want them to feel pressured into knowing the right answers and getting

discouraged in the first of what will be a total of four modules. The first assessment was to have the

learner identify whether or not, based on the brief description, the person described had low or high

self-awareness. The next assessment was a drag-and-drop activity on the five core human emotions.

Again, many people inaccurately identify what it is that they are feeling. The role-over hotspots provide

a short description and possible physical sensations of each emotion.

There were easily 10-15 versions of this CBT before the usability test was conducted. In the

future, I will be bringing in testers sooner. The module’s look and feel changed several times throughout

the process. I would know what I wanted in my head and had to be patient as I worked through different

scenarios in order to make it work. I almost abandoned the comparison between the intensities of color

(based on the primary colors) and the levels intensities of emotions (based on the core five). I am glad
RSharpe - Final Reflection

that I didn’t give up. It was very important to me to be able to make a comparison that would be easy to

understand when such an abstract concept (for some) is being introduced.

Moving forward, I will be investigating other instructional designer’s work for inspiration and to

continue to learn. Throughout this class I have been finding various blogs and using Articulate’s

eLearning Heroes site in search of idea jump-off points. I have discovered that I really miss training in

the classroom – regardless of what the future holds, everything I am taking with me is going to be of a

benefit. I can supplement my missing the face-to-face interaction by engaging testers and conducting

branch visits to discover what my peers want and need from future elearning training courses.

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