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7º ano
1- Antes de responder às atividades, releia o material entregue sobre Sugestão de
Como Estudar.
2 - Os exercícios devem ser resolvidos em folha timbrada e entregues no dia da
Prova de Recuperação.

- Food and drink – página 54
- Countable and uncountable nouns – página 55
- Some and any – página 55
- A lot of / much / many – página 57
- How much / How may – página 57
- A little / a few – página 57
- Transportation – página 62
- Present Progressive for future – página 63
- How long…? + take – página 65

1. Write the “Food and Drink” in English:
a) Maçã:
b) Banana:
c) Doce:
d) Cenouras:
e) Cereal:
f) Queijo:
g) Frango:
h) Chocolate:
i) Biscoitos:
j) Ovo:
k) Presunto:

l) Sorvete:
m) Leite:
n) Suco de laranja:
o) Ervilhas:
p) Batata frita:
q) Batatas:
r) Refrigerante:
s) Chá:
t) Torrada:
u) Tomate:
v) Água:
w) Iogurte:

2. Complete the chart with the words in the box.

bread carrot cheese cookie coffee egg mango

orange juice tea tomato


3. Complete the sentences with SOME or ANY.

a) There are ____________________ carrots in the kitchen.
b) We don’t have ____________________ cheese.
c) There aren't ____________________ apples on the table.
d) We need ____________________ sugar for this recipe.
e) Can I have ____________________ water, please?

4. Complete the sentences with A LOT OF, MANY or MUCH.

a) I eat ____________________ apples.
b) There aren’t ____________________ eggs in the refrigerator.
c) My sister doesn’t eat ____________________ meat.
d) I have ____________________ friends.
e) Did you meet ____________________ new people on vacation?

5. Complete the questions with HOW MANY or HOW MUCH. (1,0 – 0,2 each)
a) ____________________ people are coming to the party?
b) ____________________ pasta did they eat?
c) ____________________ ice cream do you want?
d) ____________________ oranges do we need?
e) ____________________ milk do you like in your coffee?

6. Complete the sentences with A FEW or A LITTLE. (1,0 – 0,2 each)

a) I like ____________________ sugar in my coffee.
b) We only need ____________________ potatoes.
c) I bought ____________________ apples and oranges.
d) We only have ____________________ milk.
e) I want ____________________ cookies.

7. Write the transportation in English.

a) Avião:
b) Bicicleta:
c) Barco:
d) Ônibus:
e) Carro:
f) Helicoptero:
g) Moto:
h) Metrô:
i) Taxi:
j) Trem:
k) Caminhão:

8. Complete the sentences with the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE FORM of the verbs in
a) They _____________________ in a small apartment. (live)
b) Maria _____________________ his homework in the evening. (do)
c) Sarah and Susan _____________________ Geography at school. (study)
d) My dog _____________________ a beautiful house. (have)
e) The children _____________________ their hair. (wash)

9. Write questions and answers using HOW LONG.
a) how long / take / drive from your house to the swimming pool? (10 minutes)
b) how long / take / walk from your house to school? (20 minutes)
c) how long / take / do your English homework? (one hour)

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