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Edirin Edewor?

Ebook Profits Mastery
51 mins �


Hello everyone. So yesterday I began a series on profiting from your book and
addressed the issue of delusion. Today, I'll be addressing another issue: KLT.

KLT simply stands for "Know, Like and Trust". There's a popular saying that goes,
"People only buy from people or brands that they know, like and trust". If people
do not know you, like you or trust you, they will not buy from you. It's that

We live in an age and a time where buying decisions are made almost instantly
because people are constantly bombarded with things to buy. You come on Facebook,
you see Jumia a Jumia ad for sneakers. You see an Eben Pagan training on
Productivity for $47. You see a Temi Ashabi Ajibewa II online course with an
enticing Fast Action Bonus. You see an Edirin Edewor with her book that can help
you get published and profiting on Amazon. You want all these things but you cannot
pay for all. Which one you do get?

Consumers make buying decisions on a number of factors. Some of them are:

1. Perceived value
2. Buying power
3. Urgency of the need
4. KLT

Once you understand these factors and work them into your sales message, you will
have people falling over themselves to buy from you. The most important of them
however, is building KLT with your customers.

Tomorrow, I'll delve deeper into how you can build KLT and a cult following of
customers who will buy from you every time.

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