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Youth Outreach
March 2018

Empowering Young Women

On Saturday, February 10,
2018, young women from
the Jr. Explorer program
attended the Amelia Ear-
hart Luncheon, sponsored
by the Zonta Club of Dal-
las. The purpose of the
luncheon was to expose our
young women to the fields
of science and mathemat-
ics, including aviation,
aerospace, engineering and
medicine. Our speaker for
the day was the amazing
Caroline Richards, PhD, Assistant Professor with the Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Dis-
ease at the University of North Texas Health Science Center. Her presentation was inspiring, telling of
her perseverance, passion, and ability to overcome obstacles. Her message was important to our youth,
giving them the understanding that it’s ok to explore other options and if “Plan A” doesn’t work out,
it’s ok, because there are 25 other letters in the alphabet. We applaud Dr. Richards for sharing her story
and for fostering the growth and development of all young women. Thank you, Zonta Club of Dallas,
for making these events possible and empowering women of all ages worldwide through service and
advocacy. You both have made an impact on our Junior Explorers.

How do you or the other officers in your unit measure your

success in the community?
Glenda Martinez, the mother one of our Dallas Police Explorers helped us answer
that question. “I wanted to share with you with overwhelming joy I feel for my
son who is a senior this year. This Saturday he received the official congressional
nomination from Congressman Marc Veasey for the United States Naval Acade-
my in Annapolis, MD. I share my joy with you in order to thank you and the DPD
Explorers program because I believe this has played a huge role in the nomination
process as well as who he is as an individual. Without your program and Officer
Serrano I believe this wouldn’t have happened! Hopefully this brings happiness to
you and others knowing the impact you all have in our future young men and
women. It takes a village!”

Dallas Police Explorers @ExplorersDallas

Youth Outreach

Partnerships In Actions
The Dallas Junior Police Academy Board of Directors has been in partnership with the Dallas Police Department since
the program’s inception in 2010.

The program was started by Dallas Police Department Volunteer and Community Leader Doug Woodham, whose vi-
sion was to inspire and educate children throughout the Dallas Independent School District.

Since the first class of 12 students, the program has grown to touch the lives of kids all over the Dallas-Fort Worth area
having 80-100 students in a single class. The JPA board is made up of one Dallas Police Officer and seven Citizen Vol-
unteers who are extremely instrumental in the success of this program.

Dallas Police Department– Junior Police Academy @DallasJrPolice

PAL Mentoring – Microsoft Store

One of the programs operated by the Police Activities League team is PAL Mentoring. YOU conducts a number of
Mentoring Programs throughout the City of Dallas, we ultimately seek to build a better relationship with the communi-
ties we serve and provide our students with exposure and opportunities they would otherwise not experience.

In October 2017, Senior Corporal K. Masters, B. Graham, and L. Shepard took a group of 24 students from E.B. Com-
stock Middle School to the North Park Mall Microsoft Store. The Microsoft “Start Your Own Business Program” al-
lowed the students the opportunity to explore a variety of Microsoft devices and participate in a group exercise to cre-
ate a presentation about a business venture they would start. The students were divided into groups and given the task
of creating a PowerPoint presentation that included key components such as: pitching to investors, ways to advertise
their business, marketing strategies and profit and loss.

An essential part of the PAL Mentoring Program is not only to educate the students on a variety of topics in Law En-
forcement but to expose them to many different community partners. The North Park Mall Microsoft Store continues
generous partner to our Youth Outreach Unit. Throughout the year, PAL will continue the Mentoring Groups and will
include a number of field trip experiences that include: Golfing, DFW Aviation & Transportation Career Expo, College
Tours, and visits to the Dallas Police Department Headquarters building. Out of the group of 24 students, 11 have ex-
pressed an interest in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Kudos to our students and all those who make these events

Dallas Police Athletic League/activities league @DallasPAL

Manager’s Message
We are in the full swing of scheduling our 2018 community engagement activities. On March 3 rd, we’ll have several Of-
ficers, Jr. Explorers, Explorers, & PAL youth participating in the Trinity River Levee Run. Best of luck to all those partic-
ipating. Over Spring Break, we’ll have over 20 of our youth going camping and on March 24th we’ll be hosting our Junior
Police Academy Basic Class. As always, I can’t thank enough the awesome team of Youth Outreach Unit Officers and
Sergeants that help make these engagements happen.

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