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Little Crab Game Final Project

Here is the rubric for our first Greenfoot project. There is a section for the minimum requirements (the programming you are told to
do in the Exercises in the textbook and on the Assignments page) and sections for the various extra features you might choose to
implement. You must implement three additional features in order to receive a 100!

Minimum Requirements Possible Points

Points Earned
The name of the scenario being graded is little-crab-final 5

The program starts each time with 1 Crab, 3 Lobsters, and 10 Worms 5 (Crab)
(Note: If you choose to implement “levels” then your 1st level CAN be different from this without
penalty) 5 (Lobsters)

10 (Worms)
Crab and Lobster placement can be fixed locations, and should provide a “fair chance” for the Crab
each time 10

Worms should be at random locations each time 10

When the Crab moves its legs should appear animated (Sections 4.3 – 4.9) 5

And they should be slowed down by some type of delay (Exercise 4.18) 10

If the Crab eats at least 8 worms, the fanfare sound plays and the game ends. 10
(Note: If you choose to implement levels then the number of worms eaten to complete level 1 can
be different; completing the final level should end the game.)

Extra Features Possible Points

Points Earned
Multiple Levels

Implement 3 levels of play: game should end when the 3rd level is completed 2
Each level starts without any Actors being “left over” from previous level 2
Each level has a different number of Worms when started and a different number that has to be 2
eaten to complete the level
The number of Lobsters is different on each level 2
The behavior of the Lobsters (speed, ability to track Crab, etc.) is different on each level 2

A power up is another Actor that randomly appears in the world (add an act() method to the
CrabWorld class and use a random chance conditional). When “eaten” by the Crab, the Crab
temporarily gains an extra ability (e.g. moves faster, can’t get eaten by Lobsters). You can have up
to 2 Power-ups total, but each must provide a different special ability.

Addition of Power-up actor 2

Power-up randomly appears 2
Power-up disappears after short amount of time if not eaten by Crab 2
Power-up gives Crab special ability 2
Special ability goes away after a short amount of time, or when next level is started 2

Similar to Power-ups, Power-downs are actors that appear randomly in the world. When “eaten” by
the Crab, the Crab is negatively affected in some way (e.g. moves slower, extra Lobsters added,
Lobsters get faster/smarter, control limited [can only turn left], etc.). You can have up to 2 Power-
downs total, but each must provide a different disability/penalty.

Addition of Power-down actor 2

Power-down randomly appears 2
Power-down disappears after short amount of time if not eaten by Crab 2
Power-down gives Crab some type of disability/penalty 2
Disability goes away after a short amount of time, or when next level is started 2
You can turn Little Crab Game in a multi-player game by duplicating the Crab class and having the
duplicate be controlled by other keys (e.g. “a” and “d”). The game can be cooperative or
competitive. In the case of cooperative play, the worm counting would need to be moved in the
CrabWorld class and you would need to add methods in CrabWorld to allow the players to let it
know when they eat worms. In competitive play, each player can still keep its own count, but keep in
mind how many worms there needs to be in order for one player to win.

Second player class created 2

Second player class responds to different control keys 2
Lobsters can eat both players 2

Cooperative Play – worm counting moved to CrabWorld 2

Cooperative Play – success reached based on total worm count 2
Competitive Play – success reached when one player reaches goal 2
Competitive Play – some type of notification on which player wins 2

Worm Behavior
Normally the worms just sit there and do nothing. You can add behaviors:

Use the animation technique from Crab to make the worms wiggle 2
Create another type of worm that randomly moves to different locations 2
Create a smart worm that moves to a new location whenever a player gets within 50 pixels of it 2
Create a smart worm that when eaten adds more worms to the world and causes the number of
worms that need to be eaten to win the game go up. 2
To be fair, worms that cause bad things to happen should have a slightly different appearance than 2
the normal worms

Total Points ____________/ 100

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