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Justin Chapman <justin@chapmanconsultinginc.


September 1, 2010 Toronto, On

Justin Chapman <> 2 September 2010 11:33

I know what real terrorism is and what is fake terrorism. I have been in contact with an Islamic group in Pakistan
Shaheen Intelligence Service. What these guys intentions are I am not sure of at this point. I just know what I
have said. I know what I have said to Prime Minister Harper and what I have submitted to the FBI, CIA, and
Secret Service. You guys will have to figure out what is Chapman Security it is the intelligence arm of Chapman
Consulting Group, Inc. This is an intelligence operation at this point to prevent further acts of terrorism both by
the CIA and Islamic terrorists this is to stop the Depleted Uranium Genocide on Muslims and on Islamic
lands......and this is to prevent the invasion of Iran. I know there is alot of nuclear materials missing from the
former Soviet Union and I know there is a gun trafficking connection here with what I believe is organized crime
my hunch is it is the Russian Mafia considering their historical presence in Toronto and their Connections in Tel-
Aviv and possibly Mossad. This is getting really scary for myself, yesterday was the first time in a long time I
have felt safe....... You follow the laundered money and God knows where this goes and how far up it goes.
Everyone knows the CIA is involved in the drug trade, come on get real. Everything at this point is strategic in
2002 I took an Oath to protect the Constitution and to protect the American people against all enemies both
foreign and domestic...... I don't know how far this goes.....and at this point I don't know who is involved and who
is not. I am worth much more alive than dead I know that much, but this is getting very scary. I have a close
personal friend in the Executive Office of the President of the United States, Sharon Mar of California, who is a
public policy person!/profile.php?id=1207179&v=info&ref=ts . I know I
have an application into the CIA. I know what I am doing and I only have the best interests for America in
mind......This is getting very scary at this point. I know if I further escalate things.....that the consequences could
be very dire for myself and my family. That is why I will reveal things to people strategically.... no one needs to
be scared, but at this point I am calling the shots..... I will not be murdered by my own government. I will work
with you have no idea how much I really know but I promise it is alot, but is it worth my life I don't
think so...... I am not crazy I know what is going on and I have to be very careful at this point.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Justin Chapman <>
Date: 2 September 2010 10:42
Subject: September 1, 2010 Toronto, On

Here is a rough draft of the intelligence operation that occurred September 1, 2010 at Pearson International
Airport. I will be sending the full report to President Obama when I am back on US soil. Because of my contact
with Shaheen Intelligence in Pakistan..... and my outspoken posts against the American Genocide in the Middle
East by Depleted Uranium, I felt after I saw signs at the airport I needed to escalate things after the actions of
Peel Police here at the airport. I was removed from my flight 2 nights ago, I was processed through border and
customs 2 times and then a third attempt to fly home was denied. I know this was after I had contacted the FBI
and Prime Minister Harper. Here is the rough draft of the September 1, 2010 incident.

September 2, 2010

Chapman Security Press Release

Toronto, Ontario
Yesterday, there was an incident at Pearson International Airport in Mississauga, Ontario. The danger was and is
real. The danger is especially real for myself and my family. This was not planned and as the situation escalated,
measures were taken by the Chapman Security, the Intelligence Division of Chapman Consulting Group, Inc.
There was a heavy police presence provided by the Peer Police, the Airport Police of the Lester B. Pearson
Airport. I, Justin Chapman was detained by the Peer Police the night before on August 31. I was released and I
walked to the Airport and was issued another ticket, however the ticket was not issued for a late enough flight for
me to pass through Customs and Border Patrol in time to catch my flight. I do believe this was done on purpose.
I then tried to get another flight at point, a uniformed Police Officer from the Peer Police said I would have to go
back on the other side of security back into harms way. I was not told why, and I was repeatedly lied to by the
officer who escorted me out the secured area, I was told I would have to book again. This would have been the
3rd flight within 24 hours. Something did not seem right about the situation and considering the type of work I do I
am very careful which flights I take and who is on my flight. I attempted 3 times to leave Canada but there was
every attempt to keep me from leaving Canada. At which point, I contacted the FBI and sent an email to Prime
Minister Harper to inform them partially of some intelligence I have gathered on an Islamic Group in Pakistan. I
then told them what I had said to this group, that it appears that the Pentagon is intentionally using Depleted
Uranium munitions as a form of genocide against Iraqis and although the Pentagon denies the use of Depleted
Uranium in Afghanistan, high levels of uranium have been found in samples collected in Afghanistan. It very
much does appear that the Pentagon is intentionally using high levels of Depleted Uranium munitions in the
Middle East to infuriate Muslims in order to perpetuate this War on Terrorism. The result is that Islamic people
are being poisoned by radiation especially in Fallujah and the threat of invading Iran and other Islamic countries in
the region could be seen as further Genocide against Islamic lands and Muslims. The US soldiers are being
poisoned by radiation as well. This was all publicly discussed by myself. I also have been the victim of a series
of crimes by what appears to me to be a gang in Scarborough. I have worked with the 42nd Division Major Crime
Unit but until myself and my family are on US soil I do not care to elaborate further other than I have been in
contact with some people on Jane and Finch and I created a "Toronto Anti-gang and Gun Taskforce" Facebook
page that I will be asking Prime Minister Harper and President Obama to authorize with contact information of the
Buffalo Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario
Provincial Police, and the Toronto Police Department. After I sent an email to Prime Minister Harper today,
things appeared to get much more serious at Pearson International Airport. I was mostly concerned about my
safety considering what all I know about many different things and what my earlier actions were. In my email to
Prime Minister Harper, I stated that things appeared to be very strange at the airport and that he needed to deal
with this. Simultaneously I was in contact with the Federal Bureau of Investigation giving them any information I
had about the situation on the ground as well as some information I had about my contacts in Pakistan. For
several hours everyone was on edge at the airport there was a heavy police presence, I used this for my own
protection, but I also reminded Prime Minister Harper that this is September and it has been 9 years since
September 11, 2001. I do believe that whoever was responsible for the events of September 11, 2001 planned
things on symbolic days and although most people see the 10th anniversary as the most dangerous day for
another terror attack I believe that this month could very well be or could have been. I took this strange behavior
by the police as a sign that there could be something up and they knew something……so I further escalated
things by my presence. I cannot confirm or deny my affiliation with United States Intelligence agencies other than
I work for Chapman Security. I strategically let certain people know what was really gone on and that this turned
into an Intelligence Exercise in preparation for a real terror attack. I must say that everyone did their job and it
really was beautiful to see everyone in that airport remembering what is important which is their loved ones and to
be careful and watchful. It was a tense situation for everyone involved especially me considering I am working
with the police and taking the lead to find the link and route of the gun trafficking in Toronto. This is dangerous
work, but I know what I am doing and I know how to deal with anyone. I have what I believe a very good lead on
a link between an organized crime organization and the gun trafficking that I believe is coming from Buffalo and
possibly Detroit. I was never afraid after the escalation with Prime Minister Harper and I was so proud of
everyone involved in this. I actually felt safe for the first time in a long time. I was considering going back to
West Virginia and never speaking ever again about what I know because I do not feel that my life or my family's
lives worth helping the authorities with intelligence and police work. I have a 2 month old Filipino-American-
Canadian son, Justin Brian Chapman to see grow up and protect, and a wonderful girlfriend. I am not going to
hide I think that plenty of people know who I am, but I am going to request some type of compensation through
Chapman Consulting Group, Inc. and Chapman Educational Services, Inc. to eradicate these illegal guns on the
streets of Toronto and to help those involved in the gangs of Toronto find an alternative trade and education so
that they can provide society with the benefits of their skills rather than provide us with gunshots and danger. I
am a very forgiving person, but considering the diverse immigrant population of Toronto, and how many of these
immigrants are refugees are escaping war zones and want to avoid violence, this is why I would like to see these
illegal guns off the streets. This needs authorization from Prime Minister Harper and there needs to be some type
of amnesty program so people can turn in their guns….no questions asked, no prosecution. You are seeing a city
on edge from sometimes racially motivated violent crime. The police have so many problems to deal with in what
used to be a very safe city. I would like to see this once again, and the resources from Ottawa to really make
this work allocated. I believe that this starts with Jane and Finch and in Scarborough as well and as the success
mounts, you will see a city who has a "black eye" start to heal. That was what happened yesterday, what are you
going to do today?

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