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"For every dark night there is a brighter day." -Tupac Shakur

This beautiful quote describes how to start your day. Good times and bad times both keep on coming
and going. So always remember that there is a bright day after a dark night. You should be optimistic
enough to think on the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up
and keep on putting your best. Always love your work.///

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." -Budha

Whatever we receive, is the result of our thoughts. All the achievements are the result of our attitude
and power of thinking. Miracles take place in our mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest
until you achieve your goals.///

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." -Henry David Thoreau

Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as an animal. So the best in life
comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of
world were big dreamer. They dreamed of impossible things and worked hard to convert them into

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." -Unknown

Nothing is impossible. Every task needs passion, positive energy and will power. Long time ago, journey
in air was impossible but today we can do it. We can fly in air. So impossible is nothing. We have reached
to moon. We all have all the powers of doing anything we wish for. We just need to wake up and
motivate ourselves to realize our hidden talent.///

E pamundur është një fjalë që gjendet vetëm në fjalorin e budallenjve.

Asgjë nuk wshtw e pamundur. Çdo detyrë ka nevojë për pasion, energji pozitive dhe vullnet. Shumë kohë
më parë udhëtimi në ajër ishte i pamundur, por sot ne mund ta bëjmë atë. Mund të fluturojmë në ajër.
Ne kemi arritur në hënë.
Pra, asgjw s’wshtw e pamundur.
Të gjithë ne i kemi të gjitha kompetencat për të bërë çdo gjë që dëshirojmë. Ne vetëm duhet të zgjohemi
dhe të motivojmw vetveten për të realizuar talentin tonë të fshehur. ///
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time you fall." -Anonymous

Failure and success are the part of life. Many people give up after facing failure. But they should not do
that. They must get up and try again with double level of their energy, because now they have gained
more experience. Never forget that the failures are the pillar of success.

So do your best to achieve the best with motivational quotes and proverbs. Life is great teacher. Learn
from it and be a real winner.///

1. "Only a genius can do things his own way. You? You're no genius."
I worked a construction job one summer and kept questioning what I was told to do. The
foreman finally, in no uncertain terms, set me straight. It's OK to reinvent the wheel, but
only after you know how the current wheel works. Never assume you know better when
you don't really know anything.

2. "If you want to know how much you'll be missed when you're gone, put
your finger in a bucket of water and then remove it. The hole that's left will
be how much you are missed."
No one is irreplaceable. No one. Not even this guy. Instead of being depressing, the
thought that you're professionally replaceable is liberating. You may not leave a hole,
but you can leave a mark on a person, a team, or a culture that lives on after you're
You may not be missed, but you can be remembered--in the best possible way.
3. "We all have limits. Almost no one reaches theirs. You definitely haven't."
You could swim faster if a shark was after you. You could run faster if your child was in
danger. You could work harder if the payoff was truly exceptional.

What you think you can do is always--always--less than what you can do if you
really, reallytry. You always have a little more in you. Find your true limits and you may
find that success is limitless.
4. "Unless you're the lead dog of the sled, the view never changes."
Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd. You don't want that.
5. "There are two types of pain you will go through in life: the pain of
discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, while regret
weighs tons."
(Original to Jim Rohn.) The worst words you can say are, "I just wish I had..." Push
yourself to do what you hope to do so you will never have to regret not having tried.

6. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

(Gotta love Dean Wormer.) I haven't overcome the stupid part, but I'm trying.
7. "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one."
(Original to Ernest Hemingway.) Think about easing into a cold ocean; every inch is
excruciating. Dive in and it sucks big time, but then it's over. It's even worse to turn
away from what scares you, because when you do, deep inside, a little piece of you
withers and dies.

Dive in. It's never as cold, or as bad, as you think.

8. "Today's pain is tomorrow's power. The more you suffer today, the stronger
you are tomorrow."
Self-pity is self-defeating. Tomorrow's success is based on today's discomfort. Plus,
willpower is like a muscle: The more you exercise it, the stronger your will gets.

And the easier it is to call on when dedication and persistence make all the
difference. ////

9. "Bravery means finding something more important than fear."

Courage without meaning is just recklessness. Brave people aren't fearless; they've
simply found something that matters more to them than the fear they're facing. Say
you're scared to start a business. Find a reason that has greater meaning than the fear:
your family's future, your desire to make a difference, or your dream of a more fulfilling

When you find a greater meaning, you'll find the courage to overcome your fear.

10. "Do it or not. There is no try."

(Original to Yoda, philosopher and avant-garde sentence constructor.) A boss once gave
me what I thought was an impossible task. I said, "OK. I'll try." He explained that I would
finish as long as I didn't quit. Trying didn't enter into it. Persistence was all that
Often someone says, "I'll try..." because it gives the person an out. Once the person
says, "I will," his or her perspective changes. What previously seemed insurmountable
is no longer a matter of luck or chance but of time and effort and persistence.

When what you want to do really matters, never say, "I'll try." Say, "I will," and keep that
promise to yourself.

11. "Stop waiting for the 'right time.' Success is a numbers game: the
number of times you take a shot."
You'll never create the perfect business plan, never find the perfect partners, the perfect
market, the perfect location, but you can find the perfect time to start.

That time is now.

alent, experience, and connections are important, but put your all into enough new
things and some will work. Take enough shots, and over time you'll grow more skilled,
more experienced, and more connected. And that will mean a greater percentage of
your efforts will succeed. Take enough shots, learn from what didn't work, and in time,
you'll have all the skills, experience, and connections you need.

Ultimately, success is all about taking your shot, over and over again. Sometimes you
may win, sometimes you will definitely lose, but the more things you try, the more
chances you have of succeeding. Put the power of numbers on your side. Take as many
shots as you can. There's no guarantee of success, but when you don't take a shot,
there's a definite guarantee of failure.

12. "Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die."
The same holds for bitterness. And jealousy. And dislike. Let it go. If you don't, the only
loser is you.///

13. "The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland."

(Me.) People say they go the extra mile, but almost no one actually does. Most people
think, "Wait, no one else is here. Why am I doing this?"

That's why the extra mile is such a lonely place. That's also why the extra mile is a place
filled with opportunities. Be early. Stay late. Make the extra phone call. Send the extra
email. Do the extra research. Help a customer unload or unpack a shipment. Don't wait
to be asked; offer. Every time you do something, think of one extra thing you can do--
especially if other people aren't doing that one thing.

Sure, it's hard.

But that's what will make you different--and over time, it will make you incredibly


When you've already spent time sitting with yourself and understanding
your mind, you probably don't have issues getting what certain quotes are
about, and you can discard all the nonsensical ones. But getting to that
point can sure be an uphill climb with a whole lot of landslides.

Today, I'll share some of my favorite quotes with you with my interpretations of
them, hoping that they can serve as tiny pieces of clear explanations in the sea of
this confusing land of spirituality.

"If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to
eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself.
Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation." -
Lao Tzu

We do not change the world by forcing our own beliefs and way of life on others. I
always try to consider the following question: What would the world be like if
everyone on Earth acted like me? Because all the impact we have in this world
is that of our own choices and actions. It does matter what companies you support
with your money. It does matter how kind you are to strangers. It does matter how
you react to your own anger. Because that is all you will do. And it is of great
"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself." - Wayne

I love this one so much, and it often amuses me when people are not aware of it. I
know so many people who love to go on and on about how others are lesser than
them in some way, but are still more respected and earn more money. The world is
so unfair in their eyes. They think that what they're saying says something about
those people, the world even. They don't see how all that they're conveying is how
bitter they themselves are. What you say says absolutely nothing about who
you're talking about. It sure says a lot about you though.

"A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners
of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to their own selves." - Maharaji

Other people, society or the world has no power to define us. Only we have the
power to do that to ourselves. We sometimes want to seem a certain way to others
(smart, pretty), or we think we are something we don't want to be (like ugly or
stupid). What we don't realize is that these are all just thoughts. They have no
meaning, they are not reality, but we are slaves to them, because we believe them
to be true. Reality cannot be fit under a label. But if we refuse to let these go, we
only strengthen our own chains. And it is so very exhausting to see ourselves
and everybody else as a label. We are all free to let it all go.

These next couple of quotes all stand for the same thing:

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having
new eyes." - Marcel Proust
"Things don't change, only the way you look at them." - Carlos Castaneda
"We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are." - Anaïs Nin
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." -
Wayne Dyer
"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale

They are all about the importance of perception. Sometimes, we tend to think that
our perception is how the world actually is. But perceptions are just thoughts, and
they can be altered at will. Our brains can be rewired if we work on them. It is
possible to see every experience as beautiful, even if you've been a complete
pessimist up until now. It has been scientifically proven, and I've experienced it
myself. You can go anywhere in the world, but you will always be there, so
train your eyes to see the wonder in every moment - there is plenty.

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." - Dalai Lama

We all have to go through hardships in life. Sadness, grief, anxiety - we all know
them well. What makes a difference is how we react to them. Because we can't
control what goes on outside, but we can control what goes on inside. And
we can always choose to react with peace, acceptance and kindness to everything
that happens to us, even our own feelings.

"When you learn to love hell, you will be in heaven." - Thaddeus Golas
"Know that you cannot help but judge. What you then do with your judgment is your
choice." - Story Waters
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no
matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become
enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." -
C.G. Jung

These are very important ones, and I know they are not the easiest to understand.
They talk about the importance of accepting our own dark side, and the freedom we
gain by embracing life's challenges. We all have bad thoughts, judgments, feelings,
but the truth is that they are all natural parts of us. There is nothing inside us
we should fear. Our thoughts and feelings don't define who we are, the way we
choose to react to them does. And once you decide to react to all that is inside (and
outside) you with peace and love, you will be free to be at peace, always.

"Past and future are in the mind only - I am now." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Worrying about the future and wondering about the past are just thoughts. They
have nothing to do with what is, the present moment. By thinking about past or
future, we miss life, which only takes place now. And we're all free to enjoy it of we
choose to. What you worry about will never happen anyway. Remember that it's
just a thought.

“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” - Eckhart Tolle

We usually have a hard time accepting bad feelings, situations. Sometimes, we

would do anything to avoid them - sadness, anxiety, pain. But they are all natural,
they are a part of being human. By wanting to push them away, we only make them
stronger. We fear our own fear, we are angry at our own anger, we are sad
over our sadness - we basically double them. If we react to them with
acceptance and peace, they will pass on their own time, since everything is

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." - Luke 23:34

A very powerful and important part of the Bible even religious people don't fully
grasp, I feel. This beautiful quote from Thich Nhat Hanh is very fitting here as well:
"When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You
look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less
sun. You never blame the lettuce. Yet if we have problems with our friends or family,
we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow
well, like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to
persuade using reason and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no
reasoning, no argument, just understanding."

Every action has a reason. Calling someone crazy or evil only says something about
the one who says it (see second quote). No one thinks of their own actions as bad.
They are all doing the right thing in their own mind. Which does not make it right or
acceptable, of course, but it does make it understandable. Behind every
seemingly horrible action, there's a whole life story. I believe that if we all
looked out for each other, loved each other, there would be no violence in the world,
because there would be no hurt it could stem from. We would all be beautiful,
healthy lettuces.

That is why:

"When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within
himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs
help. That's the message he is sending." - Thich Nhat Hanh


My first favorite life quote is "Life is like writing with a pen. You can cross out your past but
you cannot erase it." The origin of this life quotes is unknown. However, it has the truth that
most of us are not aware though we know it. It's saying the past are not changeable. So, we
should give attention to the present and make something beautiful out of our life. Howard
Martin has once said we are writing story of our life, one moment at a time.

The second life quote is "When life gives you hundred reasons to cry, show life that you
have thousand reasons to smile." I love this life quote and lots of people that I've told this
quotes loves the saying. This life quote inspires us by making us strong to face the
challenges that appears in our life. No matter what happens, there's always something good
worth to be happy for.

The third life quote is "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's
why they call it present." This quote originally written by Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. This quote
tells us the same the first quote above have taught us. However this life quotes tells it in
beautiful way and adds present and future. Yesterdays are there for us to learn from it.
Tomorrow will only be revealed tomorrow. All we can joy for is today.. it's called present.


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that

won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison
What does it mean?
They say failure is the mother of success. People tend to look at failure as a bad thing. We must be
able to learn from our mistakes and grow from it. Edison believed that even though he tried
something countless times without the expected results, it doesn’t mean that he failed. He never
gave up in his beliefs and always tried one way after the other. Edison said that our greatest
weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Thomas Alva Edison was an inventor and a businessman. During his time, he invented the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long lasting electric light bulb as it influenced the
entire world. He is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory and he
was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teams to the
process of invention. Edison was a huge believer of working hard and definitely an inspiration to
those who do. One of my favourite quotes from Thomas A. Edison is “Genius is one percent
inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be

present during my success.” – Will Smith

What does it mean?

Hard times will reveal your true friends. Those who fail to provide aid when you are in most need are
just your general friends. These are Friends who are just there to hangout with because of a common
interest or lifestyle. Yes these friends are indeed a ton of fun, but try not to rely on them when you
need help. You need to realize which are your true friends that you could count on when you are in
moments of struggle. Sometimes you will not know who your true friends are, and when they don’t
carry through the help that you expect, it’s going to hurt. You’ll be heartbroken during those times
but will also learn a valuable lesson. You live and you learn.
This quote defines and separates the real and fake friends. Your true friends will be there and
support you during your moments of struggle but only the worthy should deserve your sharing of
fame, achievements and benefits during your success.
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without
losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

What does it mean?

You’re going to go through life making mistakes. There’s no getting around that. Mistakes happen for
a reason. They allow you to learn, grow and develop as an individual. However, what separates the
good from the great is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. It’s the idea
of being able to get up after falling down and continuing to move forward, rather than wasting time
counting all the setbacks you’ve had. If you are able to learn from your mistakes and continue to
strive enthusiastically, you will begin to embody the concept and idea of success. Being afraid of
failure will not get you far in life. You will spend your time boxed in a comfort zone, significantly
hindering your ability to succeed. Those who risk rejection have a higher chance at surpassing goals
and turning dreams to reality.

1. “And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve
it.” Paulo cuelho

2.”When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better

3. “Life has a way of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by
having everything happen at once.”

4. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve
always wanted. Do it now.”

5. “Be Brave. Take Risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”

6. “If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule – Never lie to yourself.”

7. “The act of discovering who we are will force us to accept that we can go further than
we think.”

8. “The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”

9. “Don’t waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear.”

10. “Don’t give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.”

11. “At a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our
lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.”

12. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of

13. “When you repeat a mistake, it is not a mistake anymore: it is a decision.”

14. “People are capable at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”

15. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

1. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Seize the moment, live without regrets, do what you have to do. Don’t postpone
things for tomorrow, because tomorrow might not come. Be a lifelong learner, it’s never too late to
learn something, there is always something new that can change your perspective on things, keep
an open mind.

2. “It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest
might weaken and the wisest might err.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Be humble because life is about ups and downs, one day you’re up next day you could
be down, who knows? Wisdom is good, but don’t be overconfident about it, you might be on the
negative end one day, keep learning keep getting sharp, don’t stop.
3. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Your true value goes beyond you, you can only find it when you are serving others for
the greater good, not for selfish reasons.

4. “A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: It takes courage to love, to show love, and to follow what you love, despite what
others think about it. Running away from love it’s not noble, it’s easy and requires no brave act or

5. “There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous
results.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Anyone has the ability to do something amazing in their life, but it requires spirituality
to come into play. We have to allow it and be worth it of it, you have to plant the seed and believe
amazing things can happen.

6. “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison
my mind.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: The mind is the most powerful tool one can have, no one can take your freedom of
thought. Persistence and resilience can take you to places you never thought of.

7. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: To keep resentment is something weak because it can trap you and freeze you from
taking action. Let go and forgive, turn the page, carry on to the next chapter don’t hang on
resentment or your live won’t advance.

8. “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: Love can override anything, while the obsession with power can destroy anything.

9. “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most
of the world's problems.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: If you ask most people if they are giving their all, most will answer no. That’s the
problem but also the solution, image if most people give all their effort and dedication, instead of
doing pointless things that don’t solve anything? That’s the point!

10. “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Our thought become words, words become actions, and actions make you or break
you. So think the right thoughts and become the think you want, it’s that simple.
11. “In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Put your heart in anything you do, because when love is involved nothing can’t stop,
you go that extra step, the necessary extra step to make it. While, on the other hand, when love is
not involved it’s easy to give up and don’t achieve anything.

12. “You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no
results.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: That’s as sure thing, if do nothing you get nothing. If you do something, whatever it is,
you get a result. So, you have to take action, it’s an indispensable step if you want to produce a

13. “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: An eye for and eye it’s a philosophy that suggests one should respond to violence with
violence, if they hit you hit right back in the same way. Gandhi uses great word play to describe what
he thinks about that philosophy, man can become blind when it comes to violence for violence, and
forget about more important things than to destroy their own kind. Imagine if the whole world
adopts this philosophy? Everything will be destroyed…

14. “Fearlessness is the first requisite of spirituality. Cowards can never be moral.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: Fear requires nothing. It takes courage to have faith and believe what it’s not visible at
first sight.

15. “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Yes, to achieve great things small actions are required. Those small actions you think
are easy and you can postpone for tomorrow (insignificant), are the most important things you can,
because if done with consistency, they can change everything.

16. “The path is the goal.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote explained: It’s not the destination, it’s the journey that is worth it. It’s the journey that takes you
from nothing to something, that is irreplaceable, that makes you grow and become something

17. “There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Doing things faster with more intensity it’s good. But it’s not the quantity of action that
makes the difference, but rather the quality of your actions. Content is king.
18. “Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting
accordingly.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: You have a unique vision and perspective on things. Your thoughts and opinions really
matter, not letting the world know about it it’s a coward act, because you’re neglecting the power
you have and the world needs to make a change.

19. “To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Actions speak louder than words, when you take action you can change things. A
prayer by itself, will not change anything, unless it makes you act. Random acts of kindness are
possible to any of us, make use of this power and help people in need.

20. “There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: School curriculums won’t teach you everything you need to know about life, but a
strong home education can do that. Schools has its place, but parents are the number one
responsible force to raise a child.

21. “Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: You cannot hold faith, it’s not something you hold and expect to gain something from.
You have to practice it and practice, you have to believe time in and time out, so eventually you get
the necessary strength to transform yourself and grow into something better.

22. “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote explained: You are in control, don’t get it twisted. Circumstances happen to us all, but it’s not the
outside that is responsible for our feelings, it’s the inside. You can only get hurt if you let it.

23. “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Love is the strongest force one can have. The non-violence Gandhi philosophy at his
best, compassion and love for mankind can make you unstoppable.

24. “Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: When everyone agrees on a matter stay alert it could represent no growth, because
people can agree just to stay in their comfort zone and don’t have to make any change. But, no
change no progress. It’s when people are honest and speak their mind that improvement can be
reached. Adjustments have to be made time to time, let your voice be heard and take the time to
hear others.

25. “Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside
circumstances.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: If you can control something in your life it’s from your inside, that’s what you should
focus on. Outside circumstances happen to us all, it’s the way we deal with them, the way we think
and react to them that dictates your outcome. You can only do that from within.

26. “The future depends on what you do today.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote explained: Past experiences can bring you down, to focus on them prevents people from acting
in the present moment. But whatever you’ve gone by, you can only make a change if you
concentrate on today, that’s how you can make a different future. Seize the opportunity every today

27. “Where there is love there is life.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote explained: Love is the fuel of life. It makes us achieve impossible things, it makes us keep on
going when logic tells you to quit.

28. “Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Live fully die empty, that’s the philosophy underneath. There is always a new
opportunity each day, make the best of it, and move on to the next day.

29. “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: It doesn’t matter what other people think, as long as you are certain of what you’re
doing. Build yourself up inside, with strong values and beliefs.

30. “There is no such thing as ‘too insane’ unless others turn up dead due to your actions.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: Most people who succeed in life were considered insane somewhere in time. As long
as killing your own kind isn’t your mojo, you’re good, let them call you insane and make fun of you.
You know what you’re doing and don’t have time to care about what others think.

31. “If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Gandhi’s life story is full of struggles and setbacks. Despite this, is way of dealing with
circumstances is to have a sense of humor, something to laugh about. No matter how bad situations
turn out for you, a great sense of humor can help you solve your problems.

32. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: What makes a bodybuilder lift a weight no one else can, it’s not his physical attributes
but the will to be the best he can possible be. He’s driven and committed to his goals. Define your
goals and develop the desire to achieve them that’s what strength is all about.

33. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: You don’t need much to have a great life. Happiness it’s not on things, it’s on doing
and achieving. Materialism will give you just momentary satisfaction.

34. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: This one of the most known Gandhi quotes. People follow examples, not advices. That
is the best way to influence someone to do something. Don’t tell them, show them! Congruency with
your words and actions, that’s what you should chase.

35. “Action expresses priorities.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote explained: You can say what you want, you can wish it, but nothing will change unless you do
something about it. That is to turn a thought into reality. Some people talk a good game, but do the
exact opposite of what they say. They have their priorities mixed up. For instances, you say you want
a degree but you stay partying and hanging out all night, your priority is to have fun when it should
be to study.

36. “Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: Once again love, and this time one of the great characteristics love has. Anyone can
love, anyone can be loved. It requires no resources just you, your heart and your desires.

37. “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: You can’t control what other people do, but you can control who enters your mind or
not. Take advantage of this ability anyone has, if they put their mind to it.

38. “To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: What you believe you become, your thoughts turn into words, and words turn into
actions. That is the process to succeed, if you neglect one of the stages you won’t achieve your
outcome. If you believe really hard in something but don’t practice it, you’re not being congruent,
you’re perpetrating the fraud.

39. “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” ― Mahatma
Quote explained: Don’t be so hard on you, that you don’t forgive yourself for your own mistakes. Inner
freedom to take risks and to commit some errors is necessary to learn with life and eventually to

40. “They cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Quote explained: No one can bring you down, only if you give them permission to it. You can’t control
what people say, but you can control how you react to it. Don’t get caught up with critics.

41. “My life is my message.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Quote explained: For all that I am, not much I need to say. Actions speak louder than words. You don’t
need to say much, if you’re diligent and deliver. Your legacy it’s not what you say but it’s actually
what you do.

1. When first meeting someone for the first time you will want to make eye contact. This may sound like
a simple thing to do but so many fail miserably at doing it. This remains one of the most impactful
mistakes a person can make when conversing with someone. When you are able to look a person in the
eyes it shows that you are full of confidence and poised. You will want to implement this skill
immediately. Just know that it requires no training or special talent. It just takes the commitment to look
a person in the eyes while conversing with them.

2. After looking the person in the eyes you want to give them a firm handshake. You don't want to crush
their hand, but you want them to know that you are a person of substance. You don't want to want to
wimp out by shaking hands with a limp and feeble handshake. Research shows that people decide
whether or not they like you within several seconds of meeting you. A firm handshake contributes
largely to that first impression, as does a strong carriage and confident body language.

3. Hey, don't forget to give the other person that bright warm smile along with the first two skills I just
covered. It is OK to laugh and tell jokes for the most part. Most people unconsciously mirror the people
they are communicating with. If you want to be accepted and admired, try using positive body language.
What you put out is usually what you get back in return.

4. Rule of thumb; cut your cell phone off and put it away. There is nothing ruder than a person constantly
looking down at their cell phone while you are trying to converse with them. It would be to your best
interest to keep your phone put away until after your meeting is over. For those that don't know, that's
just plain common courtesy. Once again, this requires no training or special talent to do.
5. If you want to gain positive points with the person that you are conversing with, you will want to call
them by name. Everyone wants to go where everyone knows their name. If nothing else, you may want
to write this one down and don't forget it. So, the next time when someone uses your name or uses your
name during a conversation, think back and remember just how good it felt when they did it. Now, if you
have trouble remembering peoples names you might want to use a trick I use when first meeting people.
I try to write their name down on something and I try to use their name as many times as I can when I
first meet them. This helps me remember their name right away.

6. Finally, you want to actively listen to the person you are conversing with. Simply hearing words doesn't
make the grade. People that want to be accepted and admired should learn the forgotten art of listening.
Most people are thinking about what they are going to say before the other person has finished
speaking. This is why people cut off a person while they are talking. By you doing such a thing shows that
you are very disrespectful and unconcerned with what the other person is saying.

Active listening consists of several steps: The first step would be hearing the person you are conversing
with. The second step to listening would be to interpret what the other person is saying without
interrupting them. The third step would be evaluating what was said by the other person. The last step
would be waiting for the right time to respond to what the other person has said.

Now you are armed with the vital information that the pros are armed with. These skills are learnable
and coachable. It does not take a brain scientist to follow any of these steps mentioned in this article but
the willingness to execute them.


Of all the things you can do to be a success, the one which always wins out is working hard especially if
you're relatively new to your career. Successful people works an extra mile and go beyond the call of

Get up early. This one seems funny but it's true. Hard workers get up early.Try getting up early and you'll
be amazed what happens. You will not only find it productive but also you stay focus throughout the day.
Getting up early is also good mental exercise. It gives you mental toughness and discipline. Plus getting
up early gives you the time and focus on staying organized during the day.
Focus on what matters. Each day. The biggest problem we have today at work is a distraction. Twitter,
Facebook, text messages, phone calls, meetings, emails... they're all distracting. Successful people take
the time to focus. As the day becomes busy I find myself continuously trying to "refocus" on what's

The more focused you are the clearer you become about what you're accountable for - and all of us are
accountable for something. #3. Pay attention to detail. This one is really important. Pay attention to
detail. When you have a project to complete, a proposal to write, or presentation to produce, give it your

It's often easy to "gloss over the numbers" in a rush. Don't do it. Do everything in your power to make
sure your work is accurate, complete... and has detail behind it. People who do their homework carefully
and don't make mistakes are needed in every profession, and you will stand out as an exceptional

Do more listening, less talking. Not listening is an easy mistake to make - your mind is racing, you know
what you want to say or do, and you're half-listening to the person or people around you. And when I
was younger I was convinced that "doing my job" was the most important thing I could focus on. It turns
out that one of the best ways to "work hard" is to build great relationships with the people around you.

Develop yourself. Learn to use the tools around you. High performers are great learners. Make
"continuous learning" part of your career. And don't be afraid to learn tools. People who "learn fast"
make great leaders.Practice mental toughness. This one may be the most important of all. Know what it
feels like to push yourself at the gym? A professional career or job demands the same kind of toughness.

Well, you just have to push ahead. Mental toughness means telling yourself that "I'll figure this out." This
means you should get comfortable with mistakes. You're going to blow it at times. Pick yourself up and
push ahead. That's life: everyone has been through such failures.

Have fun. Then hard work is easy!

Strong challenge is commonly connected with strong results. Hard work can be used to achieve positive
long-term results regardless of the specifics. When it is coupled with discipline, you gain access to a
realm of results that are denied everyone else.


1. "We must train from the inside out. Using our strengths to attack and nullify any weaknesses. It's not
about denying a weakness may exist but about denying its right to persist." - Vince McConnell

This quote is motivational because it tells us that we need to focus on using our strengths to blast past
our overall weakness. If we give in to our weaknesses then we lose who we are and the potential that is
inside of us.

2. "Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they
were impossible." - Doug Larson

What this quote is saying is that what we believe is impossible will stay that way. In our minds we create
the impossibilities that arise and unless we can over look the impossible we will never succeed.

3. "To give any less than your best is to sacrifice a gift." - Steve Prefontaine

Here we are being told that when you don't allow yourself to give all of yourself to your dream you
sacrifice it instead. This means that you waste a chance at allowing yourself to be great, and by taking it
for granted, you lose part of the greatness behind it.

4. " It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog." - Magic Johnson

The motivation behind this quote is that in every one of us is the power to achieve our goals and dreams
no matter any limitations we have. It all comes down to the individual's determination, they could be the
shortest man on the basketball court or the smallest man in the boxing ring but if they have the strength
of will and determination to win they will.

5. " The harder you work, the luckier you get." - Gary Player

This quote means success in sport or life in general is about hard work and perseverance. You will be
successful more frequently in proportion to the effort you put in. Its not about luck its about hard work,
determination and the will to push on. Ultimately the athletes who are "the luckiest" if you take a closer
look are the hardest working.

As you can see from these different quotes the underlying message of each is to believe in yourself. In
every way you are going to be the most important person in your success and not giving your all will end
in failure for you every time.

Take some time and memorize each of these quotes. When you feel like the journey you are taking is
getting too tough, or practice isn't going your way remember those are walls you are building. You won't
always win, but those loses you do have will make you stronger overall. It is about building and growing
as the person that you are. Allow yourself to grow and remember as long as you are giving your best, you
never fail.


Your success in life depends on how much confident you are. The life you are leaving today and the life
you will live in future decided by your confidence level. It's a simple formula. The more confident you
are, the more successful and happy life you will live.

This article explains how everyone can boost his self confidence with a simple habit of reading
motivational life quotes. This article tells you why Motivational Quotes about life are so powerful and
how they can change your beliefs and thoughts and how you can use them effectively to become the
person you always wanted to be.

One of the biggest obstacles in the path of success is your thoughts and beliefs. What you thought you
become. The life you are living today is the result of your thoughts in your mind. The very first thing you
need to do is to believe in yourself. You need to believe that you can do it. You need to believe that
everything is possible. You need to believe in your abilities.

When you believe that you can do it, you mind automatically finds out way to do things. You will be
surprised at how creative your mind is when you believe that you can do. You mind gives you thousand
of ways to accomplish your goals when you believe that it is possible and it can be done.

But to change your beliefs you need something that can motivate you and help you find your inner self.
Motivational Life Quotes are true words of wisdom that can significantly change that way you think
about yourself. They completely re-write that negative thoughts of your mind and increase your
confidence. They give you motivation to accomplish your goals.

Motivational Quotes about Life are being quoted by famous personalities from all over the world who
are able to understand the true meaning of life. They are able to get success in life facing all the
challenges and obstacles on their way. Now reading these master minded geniuses quotes make you
believe that you can also get success. Suddenly an inner voice comes from your soul sayings "I CAN DO
EVERYTHING." And when this inner voice comes, it means you are now changed and you are ready to
face all challenges and you will get success in life.

So now you believe in yourself and you have kicked out all the negative thoughts from your mind. But
don't stop here. You need to take action. You need to take action NOW. Don't say I will start from
tomorrow or from next week or from next month. JUST DO IT NOW. Be Action taker. Those who
immediately take action towards accomplishment of goals are those who are going to get success. And
those who procrastinate will go nowhere.

A dream will remain dream unless you take action to make it reality. So take action now. Motivational
Life Quotes are there to help you. They inspire you to act upon your dreams. They motivate you to take
action and accomplish your goals.

Motivational Quotes about Life change your beliefs and thoughts. They change the way you look at
yourself. They inspire you to take action. And most important advice these Inspirational Life Sayings gives
you is that NEVER SELL YOURSELF FOR SHORT. All these things lead to significantly increase in self
confidence and thus you become wholly new person who is confident, positive thinker and action taker
and for whom nothing is impossible.
Article Source:


“For every dark night there is a brighter day.” -Tupac Shakur

This beautiful quote describes how to start your day. Good times and bad times both keep on coming
and going. So always remember that there is a bright day after a dark night. You should be optimistic
enough to think on the positive side. After your hard work, success is bound to come. So never give-up
and keep on putting your best. Always love your work.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” -Budha

Whatever we receive, is the result of our thoughts. All the achievements are the result of our attitude
and power of thinking. Miracles take place in our mind, so think high and work hard. Do not take rest
until you achieve your goals.
“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.” -Henry David Thoreau

Dreams give us a vision to work on. A person without dreams is as good as an animal. So the best in life
comes when you watch big dreams with open eyes. Dreams keep us inspired. All the big achievers of
world were big dreamer. They dreamed of impossible things and worked hard to convert them into

“Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.” -Unknown

Nothing is impossible. Every task needs passion, positive energy and will power. Long time ago, journey
in air was impossible but today we can do it. We can fly in air. So impossible is nothing. We have reached
to moon. We all have all the powers of doing anything we wish for. We just need to wake up and
motivate ourselves to realize our hidden talent.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time you fall.” -Anonymous

Failure and success are the part of life. Many people give up after facing failure. But they should not do
that. They must get up and try again with double level of their energy, because now they have gained
more experience. Never forget that the failures are the pillar of success.

So do your best to achieve the best with motivational quotes and proverbs. Life is great teacher. Learn
from it and be a real winner.


1. "Only a genius can do things his own way. You? You're no genius."

I worked a construction job one summer and kept questioning what I was told to do. The foreman finally,
in no uncertain terms, set me straight. It's OK to reinvent the wheel, but only after you know how the
current wheel works. Never assume you know better when you don't really know anything.

2. "If you want to know how much you'll be missed when you're gone, put your finger in a bucket of
water and then remove it. The hole that's left will be how much you are missed."

No one is irreplaceable. No one. Not even this guy. Instead of being depressing, the thought that you're
professionally replaceable is liberating. You may not leave a hole, but you can leave a mark on a person,
a team, or a culture that lives on after you're gone.

You may not be missed, but you can be remembered--in the best possible way.

3. "We all have limits. Almost no one reaches theirs. You definitely haven't."

You could swim faster if a shark was after you. You could run faster if your child was in danger. You could
work harder if the payoff was truly exceptional.

What you think you can do is always--always--less than what you can do if you really, really try. You
always have a little more in you. Find your true limits and you may find that success is limitless.
4. "Unless you're the lead dog of the sled, the view never changes."

Following the crowd means living the same life as the crowd. You don't want that.

5. "There are two types of pain you will go through in life: the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.
Discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons."

(Original to Jim Rohn.) The worst words you can say are, "I just wish I had..." Push yourself to do what
you hope to do so you will never have to regret not having tried.

6. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

(Gotta love Dean Wormer.) I haven't overcome the stupid part, but I'm trying.

7. "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one."

(Original to Ernest Hemingway.) Think about easing into a cold ocean; every inch is excruciating. Dive in
and it sucks big time, but then it's over. It's even worse to turn away from what scares you, because
when you do, deep inside, a little piece of you withers and dies.

Dive in. It's never as cold, or as bad, as you think.

8. "Today's pain is tomorrow's power. The more you suffer today, the stronger you are tomorrow."

Self-pity is self-defeating. Tomorrow's success is based on today's discomfort. Plus, willpower is like a
muscle: The more you exercise it, the stronger your will gets.
And the easier it is to call on when dedication and persistence make all the difference.

9. "Bravery means finding something more important than fear."

Courage without meaning is just recklessness. Brave people aren't fearless; they've simply found
something that matters more to them than the fear they're facing. Say you're scared to start a business.
Find a reason that has greater meaning than the fear: your family's future, your desire to make a
difference, or your dream of a more fulfilling life.

When you find a greater meaning, you'll find the courage to overcome your fear.

10. "Do it or not. There is no try."

(Original to Yoda, philosopher and avant-garde sentence constructor.) A boss once gave me what I
thought was an impossible task. I said, "OK. I'll try." He explained that I would finish as long as I didn't
quit. Trying didn't enter into it. Persistence was all that mattered.

Often someone says, "I'll try..." because it gives the person an out. Once the person says, "I will," his or
her perspective changes. What previously seemed insurmountable is no longer a matter of luck or
chance but of time and effort and persistence.

When what you want to do really matters, never say, "I'll try." Say, "I will," and keep that promise to

11. "Stop waiting for the 'right time.' Success is a numbers game: the number of times you take a shot."

You'll never create the perfect business plan, never find the perfect partners, the perfect market, the
perfect location, but you can find the perfect time to start.
That time is now.

Talent, experience, and connections are important, but put your all into enough new things and some
will work. Take enough shots, and over time you'll grow more skilled, more experienced, and more
connected. And that will mean a greater percentage of your efforts will succeed. Take enough shots,
learn from what didn't work, and in time, you'll have all the skills, experience, and connections you need.

Ultimately, success is all about taking your shot, over and over again. Sometimes you may win,
sometimes you will definitely lose, but the more things you try, the more chances you have of
succeeding. Put the power of numbers on your side. Take as many shots as you can. There's no
guarantee of success, but when you don't take a shot, there's a definite guarantee of failure.

12. "Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die."

The same holds for bitterness. And jealousy. And dislike. Let it go. If you don't, the only loser is you.

13. "The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland."

(Me.) People say they go the extra mile, but almost no one actually does. Most people think, "Wait, no
one else is here. Why am I doing this?"

That's why the extra mile is such a lonely place. That's also why the extra mile is a place filled with
opportunities. Be early. Stay late. Make the extra phone call. Send the extra email. Do the extra research.
Help a customer unload or unpack a shipment. Don't wait to be asked; offer. Every time you do
something, think of one extra thing you can do--especially if other people aren't doing that one thing.

Sure, it's hard.

But that's what will make you different--and over time, it will make you incredibly successful.

14. "It's just a flesh wound."

The Black Knight never gives up.

And neither should you.


Success is one of those slippery terms that seems to mean different things to different people. That is
O.K., but if you are going to go after it, you’d better have a clear sense of what it means to you.

What is it you are aiming for?


What is your purpose?

For me, success is built around time. I want to have enough of it to enjoy my kids while they are young,
enough to spend time with my wife, enough to pursue passions of my own. As best I can, I purposefully
build my life around the concept of time. I continually ask myself, “Is this project/task/work worth the
time it will take?”

My definition of success is what lead me to embark on a career as a freelance resume writer. If I have to,
I can get my work done at 2 in the morning while the rest of my family is asleep. Luckily that doesn’t
happen too often.

However, your definition of success may be quite different. Perhaps you have a 5-year plan with concrete
goals you want to hit. Maybe you have a dream job that you are carefully laying the groundwork for.
Maybe your idea of success is helping others reach their goals.

Whatever your concept of a successful life, sometimes it helps to stop and really think about what it will
take to achieve your goals. With that in mind, what follows are the 5 most searched quotes on success
with a brief explanation of what they mean.
1. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Fear of failure is a real, honest-to-god, stumbling block for many of the most successful people in the
world. What sets them apart is that they want to succeed more than they are afraid to fail. Cultivating a
desire to succeed should be the first step towards becoming successful.

2. The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of
knowledge, but rather a lack of will. ~ Vince Lombardi

Once you have the desire to achieve your goals, you have to build the will to keep at it no matter what
may come. Because trust me, you will hit road bumps, blocks and outright detours a long the way. When
that happens don’t think you are too weak or too uneducated to keep at it. It is will more than anything
that allows successful people to make it.

3. To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. ~ Mark Twain

Everyone should have someone in their life who has their best interests in mind and will be straight with
them when they need it. But, for the most part, you should hold fast to your goals no matter what others
think. Sometimes others will criticize you for continuing along your path. A little self-imposed ignorance
goes along way. Don’t let yourself get rationalized out your you idea of success. At the end of the day,
this is about your story, not everyone else’s.

4. If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it! ~ Jonathan Winters

Your dream isn’t going to just show up on your doorstop one day. More often than not it won’t even
meet you half way. You need to go get it. To succeed requires action, the more the better.

5. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. ~ Winston Churchill
Finally, keep reminding yourself that each failure is another stepping stone on the road to success.
Edison failed over 1,000 times before inventing the light bulb and I am pretty sure everyone would
consider him a success.



Stop Looking for Perfect


Stop Looking for Perfect

When we are young, we dream of what our lives will become. We see our careers as a straight line on
progressive advancement with each job complete with a boss who nurtures our potential and co-
workers who both recognize and respect our talents. We see a spouse and a couple of healthy kids living
in a nice house in the suburbs. We see weekends that look more like beer commercials than real life.

This fantasy future we see is completely understandable given what our culture feeds us pretty much
from birth, but of course once we get a few years under our belt we come to realize the life that TV and
the rest of the media fed us from childhood wasn’t exactly true.

There are two paths we can take once this realization hits. One path is bitterness and disappointment,
and it is a very appealing path when we feel like life has not lived up to our expectations for it. When our
career track looks more like a scatter-plot graph than a straight line headed north we look for people to
blame- bosses who were intimidated by our talents, co workers who stole credit, an economy that
simply did not reward achievement. When our family life hits the inevitable pitfalls of life we can blame
our spouse.

This path leads to a life that is never good enough and always lacking. Clearly, this isn’t the way we want
to go.

The second path we can take once we realize that life is not a Hallmark movie is acceptance with
purpose. The world is not perfect and neither is mankind, and because of this life will always be
something of a roller-coaster ride. But as the philosopher Josef Pieper said, ” he alone can do good who
knows what things are like and what their situation is.” Acknowledge the world and your place in it- and
then get to work making your corner of it better.

It is tempting to look for perfect. Sometimes it almost feels like we deserve it. But perfect doesn’t exist,
and the sooner we can accept that, the sooner we can learn to appreciate what life is- pretty darn
amazing. Would we like a well-paying job in a company that rewards hard work and is loyal to its workers
that we can stay in for 25 years? Of course. But remember that “work” as we think of it today is a pretty
new concept. Historically most people slaved away on small patches of land to scrape out a living,
constantly worrying of they could feed their family. Would we like the perfect home with the white
picket fence and a weed free, gloriously green yard? Sure! But I’ll take my slightly run down 120 year old
house with no yard to speak of over living in the tenement housing many of my ancestors did when they
first came to this country.

Accepting the world as it is doesn’t mean settling; it means looking at life objectively for what it is and
realizing that it really is pretty good. When we can see that it is so much easier to get back in the
trenches and do the work we were meant to do and make the world just a little bit better.


“Success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

What does it mean?

You’re going to go through life making mistakes. There’s no getting around that. Mistakes happen for a
reason. They allow you to learn, grow and develop as an individual. However, what separates the good
from the great is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. It’s the idea of being
able to get up after falling down and continuing to move forward, rather than wasting time counting all
the setbacks you’ve had. If you are able to learn from your mistakes and continue to strive
enthusiastically, you will begin to embody the concept and idea of success. Being afraid of failure will not
get you far in life. You will spend your time boxed in a comfort zone, significantly hindering your ability to
succeed. Those who risk rejection have a higher chance at surpassing goals and turning dreams to reality.

If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.” – Will Smith

What does it mean?

Hard times will reveal your true friends. Those who fail to provide aid when you are in most need are just
your general friends. These are Friends who are just there to hangout with because of a common
interest or lifestyle. Yes these friends are indeed a ton of fun, but try not to rely on them when you need
help. You need to realize which are your true friends that you could count on when you are in moments
of struggle. Sometimes you will not know who your true friends are, and when they don’t carry through
the help that you expect, it’s going to hurt. You’ll be heartbroken during those times but will also learn a
valuable lesson. You live and you learn.

This quote defines and separates the real and fake friends. Your true friends will be there and support
you during your moments of struggle but only the worthy should deserve your sharing of fame,
achievements and benefits during your success.

“Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” – Donald Trump ///

What does it mean?

Failure often casts a shadow and we are bred to believe that failure should always be avoided. However,
there is a concept called failure forward. Failure doesn’t always have to be a negative thing. It can
actually be nurturing and inspirational if we choose to accept and learn from our mistakes. Failure
promotes self reflection and growth, and can eventually lead us to success if we take the time to
understand and grasp the message that comes with it. ///
We need to learn how to be okay with not being perfect. By accepting the reality that it is impossible to
be perfect all the time, we actually become more relaxed and less anxious with how we present
ourselves. Acknowledging our imperfections allows us to step out of our comfort zone and more often
than not, discover new things that we are potentially good at – opening new doors towards success.///

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