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DETAIL SCHEDULE. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1968 - New Hampshire 8:15 a, m, 9:00 a.m, (Harry Trelaeven) RN, Chapin, Sullivan depart enroute Hillsboro, New Hampshire Driving time: :45 Arrive Hillsboro Community Building for morning of TV ads (603) 464-3876 9-10: Farmers! group 11-12: Students' group Morning schedule for Mrs, Nixon, Tricia, Julie 10-11 a, m, (Dale Grubb) 11-12:30 12:30 p.m, 1:15 p,m, Ed Halloran Coffee with ladies of the New Hampshire press arranged in their suite (Room 201-202), New Hampshire Highway Hotel in Concord Mrs, Nixon, Tricia, Julie should eat lunch during this period Mrs, Nixon, Tricia, Julie, Dale Grubb and Nick Ruwe depart by car enroute Manchester, N,H, Arrive St, Anselms College, Manchester Faculty Lounge, 2nd floor, Cardinal Cushing Center (603) 669-1030 RN schedule continued: 12:15 p.m, 1:00 p,m, (Ed Halloran) 1:15 p.m, 1:30 p.m, Sullivan; Make sure sandwiches and milk available for RN RN, Chapin, Sullivan depart enroute Manchester Driving time; :45 Arrive St, Anselms College, Faculty Lounge 2nd floor, Cardinal Cushing Center (603) 669-1030 To holding room Mrs. Nixon, Tricia, Julie join RN Public reception St. Anselms College, Cardinal Cushing Center DETAIL SCHEDULE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1968 (continued) - New Hampshire 3:30 p,m, Or whenever reception ends but not later than 3:45 Depart enroute Concord, New Hampshire Car #1 - RN, Mrs, Nixon, Tricia, Julie, Chapin Car #2 - Staff Any remaining staff please ride press bus departing for Concord at 3:45 p,m, 4:30 p.m, Arrive Concord, New Hampshire, Highway Hotel Staff time 8:15 p.m, (Sullivan: Should stage RN so that he can hear (Ned Sullivan) and see crowd yet in secure area so he gets the feel of the audience before the walk-on and if this not convenient, have RN and family do walk-on before RN is introduced to speak) Stage RN and family for walk-on to kickoff dinner 30 p.m, Congressman Louis Wyman introduces RN, Mrs, Nixon, Tricia, Julie jointly for walk-on to kickoff dinner Highway Hotel Convention Hall 8:40 p.m, RN remarks 9:15 p,m, RN concludes 9:45 p.m, RN and family return to rooms for overnight SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1968 Sullivan arranging a, m, church service for Nixon family Schedule for Mrs. Nixon, Tricia, Julie (May depart anytime they want except that aircraft must be back in New York by 8:00 p.m, Sunday. Below is simply suggested schedule) 12:00 Noon Depart Highway Hotel enroute Manchester Airport (Ned Sullivan Dale Grubb) 12:45 p.m, Arrive Manchester Airport Mrs, Nixon, Tricia, Julie, Grubb board Falcon jet PC 500 (white and blue) 1:00 p,m, Depart enroute Hartford, Connecticut, Bradley Field Air Command Terminal (203) 246-5466 1:25 p,m, Arrive Hartford, Conn,, Bradley Field to deplane Julie

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