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ADDIE Model Reflection

Vanessa Lebrasseur

EEA 534: Learning with Technology

City University of Seattle in Canada


ADDIE Model Reflection

The ADDIE model was an excellent design to implement in my technology plan to

support my school improvement initiative. This instructional design supported the planning

process and avoided any potential gaps that could have arisen. The ADDIE Model has five

phases: Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate.

In the analysis phase, I read through many documents that could help me identify a gap in

my school. I read our James S. McCormick schools ACE Plan and the Wolfcreek Public School

3 Year Plan. I then reviewed the Learning and Technology Policy Framework, International

Society for Technology in Education document, Inspiring Education and the Horizon Report.

My schools ACE Plan and the WCPS 3 Year Plan both had a big focus on literacy and no specific

focus on technology.

After reviewing the documents, I found a potential gap in my school. The potential gap

was: How can teachers utilize technology to develop students’ oral language in both French

Immersion and English classrooms? Once the gap was identified, I used Google Forms to create

a five-point Likert Scale pre-survey for my school. I enjoyed collaborating with my

administrators to discuss the gap and get their input on my survey questions. Creating a survey

involved strategic thinking to maximize the quality of my questions. Having quality questions

gathered informative data that supported my planning. I sent out the survey and had twelve

teachers respond and share their interest in my PD sessions.

Analyzing my survey results confirmed the gap at James S. McCormick. Although

teachers were excited to learn technology tools, they did not know where to start. In the Design

Phase of the ADDIE Model, I started creating a plan for my PD session and kept in mind, the

potential constraints that could occur. The possible constraints were finding tools that could

support a dual track school, be age-appropriate, available technology, cost, time, availability, and

close-mindedness. I enjoyed the process of creating a flowchart using Lucidchart. It challenged

me to think about every step of the process and think on a deeper level. In the Design Page, I

had to create a plan for my PD session. I met with the teachers who were interested in my PD

session to determine a day and time that would work for them. Conveniently, everyone was able

to attend a day a time after school. There were other elements of my session that I had to

remember such as having appropriate documents for staff members, technology tools available

while presenting, and being prepared for any close-mindedness and hesitations.

The implementation phase of the ADDIE Model went very well. I was prepared, and

staff members were eager to learn. I enjoyed collaborating with staff members and supporting

them in this area. I noticed a big ability gap with staff members using technology, which led to

everyone having different questions and needs. The confident and quick learners were able to

support teachers and answer their questions along with me. I was happy to see teachers asking

questions and being involved.

After the PD Session, I checked in with several teachers and supported in any way I

could. The last phase of the ADDIE Model was Evaluate. I created my pre-survey and met with

my administrators again to review my questions. The results in my post-survey had significant

gains. I was happy to see staff members increase their understanding of digital storytelling tools.

Utilizing the ADDIE Model in my project was a positive experience. It allowed me to

look at every step of the process carefully and more consciously. The ADDIE Model allows for

formative assessments in each step of the process. An area that I would reconsider in the future

is introducing one technology tool at a time. For this project, I decided to introduce three tools to

provide every teacher in my building with something that applied to them and the grade level

they taught. I would talk to staff members about the SAMR model to provide them with a better

understanding of how technology tools should be used in classrooms and why they should be

used this way.

As I continue to grow my abilities as an instructional leader, the ADDIE Model is a

process that I will continue utilizing when planning PD Sessions or implementing new materials.

Implementing a structured instructional framework such as the ADDIE Model will allow for

positive changes in schools.

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