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Review Article

Analytical relationships for prediction of the mechanical properties of

additively manufactured porous biomaterials

Amir Abbas Zadpoor,1 Reza Hedayati1,2

Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering, Delft University of
Technology (TU Delft), Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD, Delft, The Netherlands
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Received 9 March 2016; revised 8 July 2016; accepted 4 August 2016

Published online 23 August 2016 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35855

Abstract: Recent developments in additive manufacturing density, elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, yield stress, and
techniques have motivated an increasing number of buckling limit of regular porous structures based on various
researchers to study regular porous biomaterials that are types of unit cells. The reviewed analytical relationships are
based on repeating unit cells. The physical and mechanical used to compare the mechanical properties of porous bioma-
properties of such porous biomaterials have therefore terials based on different types of unit cells. The major areas
received increasing attention during recent years. One of the where the analytical relationships have improved during the
areas that have revived is analytical study of the mechanical recent years are discussed and suggestions are made for
behavior of regular porous biomaterials with the aim of future research directions. V
C 2016 The Authors Journal of Biomed-

deriving analytical relationships that could predict the relative ical Materials Research Part A Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
density and mechanical properties of porous biomaterials, J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 104A: 3164–3174, 2016.
given the design and dimensions of their repeating unit cells.
In this article, we review the analytical relationships that have Key Words: bone substitutes, mechanical properties, 3D
been presented in the literature for predicting the relative printing, modeling, orthopedics

How to cite this article: Zadpoor AA, Hedayati R. 2016. Analytical relationships for prediction of the mechanical properties of
additively manufactured porous biomaterials. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2016:104A:3164–3174.

INTRODUCTION properties through rational design of the microarchitecture of

Porous biomaterials that have arbitrarily complex and precisely porous biomaterials. To answer the aforementioned question,
controlled porous microarchitectures have been the center of one may therefore need to study the shape–property relation-
attention of an increasing number of scientists during the last ships that describe the relationship between the microarchitec-
few years. That is partly due to the emergence and maturation ture of porous biomaterials and the various types of their
of several 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies properties.
in the last few years that are capable of manufacturing arbitra- Mechanical properties of regular porous biomaterials
rily complex microarchitectures with unprecedented accuracy. including both static8–12 and fatigue13–15 properties are shown
Given the fact that almost any microarchitecture is now possible to be strongly dependent on the microarchitecture of the
to manufacture, the next natural question to ask is “how can porous structure including the type of repeating unit cell and
biomaterials performance benefit from this increased flexibility its dimensions. One could therefore change both the type of
in manufacturing of complex micro-architectures?” Probably unit cell and the dimensions of the unit cell to obtain the
one of the most important points to consider when answering mechanical properties that optimize the performance of the
this question is the fact that the physical1, biological2, and biomaterial. In most cases, optimizing the performance of
mechanical3–7 properties of porous biomaterials are functions porous biomaterials translates to maximizing the volume and
of their microarchitecture. It may therefore be possible to obtain quality of the regenerated tissue. The mechanical properties of
the optimal combination of physical, biological, and mechanical porous scaffolds play important roles in regulating their tissue

Correspondence to: A.A. Zadpoor; e-mail:

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
This article was published online on 23 August 2016. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print ver-
sions to indicate that both have been corrected 01 September 2016.


regeneration performance. On one hand, the porous biomateri-

als should be strong enough to support the regeneration of the
tissue. On the other hand, they should not be over stiff,
because that would result in shielding the regenerating tissue
from the mechanical load that is essential for its regeneration.
Optimal design of porous biomaterials requires tools
that could be used to predict the mechanical properties
resulting from any given set of design parameters. As previ-
ously mentioned, the design parameters include the type of
the repeating unit cell and the dimensions of the unit cell.
The dimensions of the repeating unit cell determine the
properties of the porous structure such as porosity, pore
size, strut diameter, and so forth. There are three
approaches that could be used for predicting the mechanical
properties of porous biomaterials, given the aforementioned
design parameters, namely, experimental, computational,
and analytical. The experimental approach is probably the
most accurate approach but requires manufacturing and
mechanical testing of a large number of specimens. This
might be feasible for testing the final optimized design but
is unfeasible for the design optimization process, where a
large number of alternative designs may need to be eval-
uated. The computational and analytical approaches do not
require manufacturing and mechanical testing of a large
number of samples and, are therefore suitable for the
design optimization process. The advantage of the computa-
tional approach as compared to the analytical one is the
possibility to create models that better represent the actual
porous biomaterials. For example, the imperfections caused
by the manufacturing process could be implemented in
computational models16, whereas they cannot be easily
accounted for in the analytical approach. However, analytical
solutions are much simpler to use, as no computational
models need to be built. Moreover, it takes very little time
(e.g., a fraction of a second) to calculate the mechanical
properties using an analytical equation. This significantly
reduced lead-time and computation times are particularly FIGURE 1. Different unit-cell types reviewed in this article.
important when the mechanical properties of porous bioma-
terial are optimized together with the other types of their
properties, and yield stress of the porous structures given
properties such as physical and biological properties. In
those multiobjective optimal design problems, the mechani- the type and dimensions of the unit cell and the mechanical
cal properties of many thousands of alternative designs properties of the parent material. In the rest of this article,
need to be evaluated by the optimization algorithm. we will first briefly review the porous biomaterials and
Given the aforementioned advantages and the ease of their advantages. Then, we will review the analytical rela-
use of analytical equations, researchers have been develop- tionships that are available in the literature for different
ing relationships for predicting the mechanical properties of types of unit cells. The article concludes with a section
porous structures. The first of those analytical relationships where the applicability of the reviewed analytical relation-
appeared several decades ago, but the number of unit cells ships and limitations of the analytical approach are dis-
for which analytical solutions were available was limited cussed and suggestions are made for future research.
unit recently. That was partly due to the fact that not many
unit cell types could be manufactured using the conven- ADDITIVELY MANUFACTURED POROUS BIOMATERIALS
tional foam-making technologies. Given the seemingly Perhaps the largest difference between additive manufactur-
unlimited manufacturing possibilities offered by additive ing techniques and other techniques for production of
manufacturing during recent years, researchers have been porous biomaterials is the ability to precisely control the
increasingly motivated to develop analytical relationships microarchitecture of the fabricated porous biomaterials. It is
for many more types of repeating unit cells (Fig. 1). It is within this context that the design and study of highly regu-
therefore a good time to review the analytical relationships lar porous structures based on repeating unit cells start to
that are available in the literature. In most cases, these ana- make sense. Using additive manufacturing, it is possible to
lytical relationships predict the relative density, elastic manufacture complex porous structures with varying unit

cells, for example, to create functionally graded porous bio- it is much more difficult to derive analytical relationships
materials or multiregion porous biomaterials where the for imperfect porous structures.
microarchitecture of the porous structures changes from
one region to another. It is, nevertheless, important to first ANALYTICAL RELATIONSHIPS
study highly regular porous structures with one single Based on the assumptions presented in the previous sec-
repeating unit cell, because systematic study of porous bio- tions, the problem of deriving analytical relationships for
materials consisting of one single repeating unit cell could estimating the mechanical properties of porous biomaterials
provide information that is at least partially applicable to is reduced to the study of the mechanical behavior of highly
more complex constructions particularly when those con- regular fully interconnected porous structures with one sin-
structions are made from sufficiently large regions with one gle repeating unit cell (Fig. 1) that is repeated in all direc-
single-unit type of repeating unit cell. Most studies in the tions and consists of struts with a uniform cross-section all
literature have therefore focused on porous structures that over their lengths. For most relevant applications of such
are made from one single type of repeating unit cell. biomaterials, relatively large porosities and small densities
As far as porous biomaterials are concerned, most appli- are needed to ensure mass transport through these struc-
cations require open-pore structures to allow for transport of tures. The representative dimension of the cross-section
oxygen, nutrients, and waste within the biomaterial. The unit (e.g., the diameter in circular cross-sections) of struts should
cell is often chosen to be some type of polyhedron. To make therefore be relatively small and often much smaller than
the length of struts. Under such assumptions, it is natural to
the entire porous structure from the same type of polyhe-
use the beam theory to derive the analytical relationships.
dron unit cell, the polyhedron should be space-filling17,
The Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories are the
meaning that it should be possible to tessellate the three-
most widely used beam theories for estimation of analytical
dimensional space with that unit cell or, in simple terms, it
relationships applicable to porous biomaterials. Up until
should be possible to cover the entire three-dimensional
recent years, the vast majority of studies used the Euler–Ber-
space by repeating the unit cell in different directions. Space-
noulli beam theory, which neglects the shear terms and
filling polyhedral have been studied by mathematicians. As
assumes the cross-section of the beam to remain perpendic-
nicely summarized by Weisstein18 based on a number of ular to the bending line. The neglected terms are of limited
studies19–21, space-filling convex polyhedra with regular faces importance for highly slender struts but become increasingly
are limited to five including cube, triangular prism, hexagonal relevant as the density of the structure increases.
prism, truncated octahedron, and gyrobifastigium. The same To derive analytical relationship for any given porous
source puts the number of space-filling hexahedra, heptahe- structure with infinite dimensions, one could simply study
dra, and octahedral, respectively, at 27, 34, and 49 based on the deformations of one single-unit cell with periodic
the research performed by Michael Goldberg during the boundary conditions. In practice, the periodic boundary con-
1974–1980 period18. There are many more space-filling poly- ditions could be interpreted as specific symmetries that
hedra with larger number of faces18. However, the practical impose constraints to the deformation of the various
importance of the space-filling polyhedra decreases as the degrees of freedom of the involved beams25.
number of faces increases. That is because additive manufac-
turing of porous biomaterials based on unit cells with a large RELATIVE DENSITY
number of faces becomes increasingly more challenging with- The simplest analytical relationships that could be obtained
out necessarily yielding clear practical advantages. for porous structures are those aimed at estimating the rel-
Analytical relationships have been derived for estimating ative density of the porous biomaterials given the dimen-
the mechanical properties of porous biomaterials made from sions of the unit cell (e.g., the length and diameter of
a number of these space-filling polyhdera (Fig. 1). The struts). The volume occupied by a single-unit cell, Vuc , is
repeating unit cells that could be used for constructing first calculated. Only a part of that entire volume is occu-
porous biomaterials are, however, not limited to these struc- pied by the struts constituting the unit cell, which is then
tures and many more polyhedral with less regular geometries calculated by summing up the volume of all struts of the
could be used for constructing open-pore porous structures. unit cell. The total volume of the struts is then divided by
Even though the microarchitecture of porous biomateri- the total volume of the unit cell to calculate the relative
als can be accurately controlled with additive manufacturing density of the porous structure. The analytical relationships
techniques, there are imperfections in what is ultimately presented in different studies for predicting the relative
produced. These manufacturing imperfections have been density of porous structures with various types of repeating
shown to significantly influence the mechanical behavior of unit cells are presented in Table I.
porous biomaterials and generally result in decreased stiff- The aforementioned approach suffers from one funda-
ness due to weak spots within which strain could localize16. mental problem. The beams are not actually one-
This is comparable with the effects of imperfections22,23 in dimensional lines and occupy space in reality. At the inter-
limiting the deformability of other materials such as those section of struts, the volumes of different intersecting struts
caused by machining imperfections24. However, the micro- overlap, meaning that intersecting struts share part of their
architecture of porous structures is almost always consid- volume (Fig. 2). In other words, the aforementioned
ered perfect when deriving analytical relationships because approach for calculating the relative density of porous


TABLE I. List of Relative Density Formulas for Open-Cell Structures with Different Microgeometries

Circular Cross-Section Circular Cross-Section Other

(Approximate) (Exact) Cross-Sections

Cube62  2 r 2 pffiffiffir 3 䉱
3p rl 3p l 28 2 l

Isocube63 b2 -
l for 䊏
 2 r 2 r 3
Rhombicuboctahedron25 pffiffi r
36p pffiffi
2 12ð71
pffiffi 䉱
ð71 5Þ l ð71 5Þ l ð 5Þ l 䊏
r 2
Truncated cube62 15p
pffiffi 3 - 䉱
ð11 2Þ l 䊏
Truncated cuboctahedron36 ðr Þ
2 2
2pðr Þ 25:1475ðr Þ

48p pffiffil 3 24 l pffiffi 3 l 䊏
ð2 211Þ ð2 211Þ
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi  2  3
Octahedral64 3 2 lA2 3 2p rl 221:85612 rl 䉱

pffiffi   pffiffi   pffiffi  
Rhombic dodecahedron26 3 3 r 2 3 3 r 2 27 2 r 3 䉱
2 p l 2 p l 2 4 l 䊏
pffiffiffi 2
Body-centered cubic (BCC)65 4p 3 rl - -
pffiffi   pffiffi   
Truncated octahedron (Tetrakaidecahedron)26 3 2 r 2 3 2 r 2 8 r 3 䉱
4 p l 4 p l 23 l 䊏
Diamond26  2  2 pffiffiffi 3 䉱
2p rl 2p rl 22 6 rl

structures overestimates the relative density due to multiple cells. A number of studies16,27–32 have used the direct
counting of this shared volume. The importance of this issue approach. The disadvantage of the direct approach is that it
was not realized unit recently26, where it was shown that quickly becomes complex and error-prone for more complex
multiple counting could result in significant deviation of unit cells. In the second approach, the superposition princi-
analytical solutions from numerical results and experimental ple is used to derive the stiffness matrix of the porous
observations. Those deviations were minimized when multi- structure. To apply the superposition principle, each degree
ple counting was corrected26. When comparing the mechan- of freedom of the unit cell is displaced by unity while keep-
ical properties of the porous structures with each other, we ing all other degrees of freedom unchanged. The loads
have used both approximate (i.e., uncorrected) (Fig. 3) and needed for imposing such a displacement are then calcu-
exact (i.e., exact) (Fig. 4) values of relative density to dem- lated using the equations of the applied beam theory. The
onstrate the importance of this correction in obtaining more relationships between that load and displacement are then
accurate mechanical properties. used to form one column of the stiffness matrix correspond-
ing to that particular degree of freedom. By repeating the
ELASTIC MODULUS same procedure for all the degrees of freedom of the unit
The displacement of the unit cell under an applied force is cell, the entire stiffness matrix can be obtained which can
used to derive the analytical relationships that describe the then be inverted to calculate the effective mechanical prop-
elastic modulus and other properties of porous structures. erties of the porous structures as explained below. This is a
Depending on the type of the repeating unit cell, the porous very systematic approach that minimizes the risk of errors
structure may be isotropic or anisotropic. To derive the and has been used for deriving the analytical relationships
elastic modulus as well as other properties of anisotropic of unit cells with up to 15 degrees of freedom. Table II
porous structures, loads should be separately applied in all presents an overview of the analytical relationships
relevant directions of anisotropy and the response of the
porous structure to the applied loads should be studied sep-
arately in every direction. Different analytical relationships
will then be obtained for elastic moduli in different direc-
tions. As far as porous biomaterials are concerned, compres-
sion is the most widely used mode of loading particularly
when porous biomaterials are aimed for application as bone
substituting biomaterials. Loading is primarily in compres-
sion in such applications.
Two primary approaches could be used for determining
the response of the unit cell to an applied load. In the first
approach, the governing equations of the deformation of
individual beams are written while simultaneously consider-
ing all the possible loads and displacements. The advantage
of this approach is that it may require relatively few steps
when deriving the analytical relationships of simpler unit FIGURE 2. Overlapping of 4 struts at their intersection.

is the same (Figs. 3 and 4). This highlights the importance
of having access to a library of unit cells with known
mechanical properties, so that the mechanical properties
could be adjusted independent from other morphometric
parameters of the unit cell such as porosity. In addition, it
is clear that the use of exact values of apparent density
(compare Figs. 3 and 4) could significantly influence the

FIGURE 3. Comparison of (a) relative elastic modulus, (b) Poisson’s

ratio, and (c) relative yield stress of open-cell structures with different
microgeometries (approximate density).

obtained in different studies for estimating the effective

elastic modulus of porous structures with various types of
repeating unit cells.
Comparison between the elastic moduli obtained for var-
ious types of unit cells (Table I) shows that the elastic mod-
FIGURE 4. Comparison of (a) relative elastic modulus, (b) Poisson’s
ulus could largely vary between porous structures based on ratio, and (c) relative yield stress of open-cell structures with different
different types of unit cells even when the relevant density microgeometries (exact density).


TABLE II. List of Euler–Bernoulli Analytical Elastic Modulus Formulas for Open-Cell Structures with Different Microgeometries

Other Unequal
Circular Cross-Section Cross-Sections Strut Lengths

Cube62 p rl 2
䉱 Not applicable

Isocube63 b 4 - Not applicable
l for 䊏
Rhombicuboctahedron25 4pðrl Þ
2 2
41108ðrl Þ 1 207ðrl Þ 181ðrl Þ 1G
4 6 2 4
E 3119ð l Þ 145ð l Þ 118ð l Þ 
2 r r r 6
䉱 Yes
pffiffi 䊏
3ð11 2Þ 81 70ðr Þ2 1105ðr Þ4 127ðr Þ6 1 G 4113ðr Þ2 123ðr Þ4 16ðr Þ6
l l l E 3 l l l

Truncated cube62 r 2 1 1 9ðrl Þ 2

䉱 Yes
pffiffi 2p 2 䊏
ð 2 1 1Þ l 5121ðrl Þ
n o
Truncated cuboctahedron36 9A
pffiffi b
ð26a1 5Þ1 4 ð296a 169Þb1 864 ð5a1 3Þb2 䉱 Not applicable
l2 ð2 2 1 1Þ ð16a13Þ172 ð19a 1 4Þb 172 ð275a 1 81Þb2 19504ð5a1 3Þb3 䊏
with a5 GEss JI and b5 AlI 2
Octahedral64 2AðAl 2 1 36I Þ 䉱 Not applicable
3l 2 ðAl 2 1 4I Þ 䊏
16,27 sin u
Rhombic dodecahedron E1 E2 27sin - No
Es 5 Es 5
3l 4 18 l 2
4 1 2
pr pr
E3 4 cos u
Es 59pr 2l 4 sin2 u with u554:73
Face-centered cubic (FCC)- 63 pffi3 A 䉱 No
rhombic dodecahedron28
2 2
7914 3l l A 䊏
Body-centered cubic (BCC)65 4 3 - Yes
l2 4
1 l
pr 2 2pr 4

Truncated octahedron 21bl b 2 䉱 [66] No

1:06 18 l for 䊏
pffiffi 3 2 r 4
Diamond30 6pð4Þ ð l Þ 䉱 Not applicable
1132ðrl Þ
2 䊏
Rhombic 䉱 No
3  9 pffi  A
trapezoidal-dodecahedron28 4 11 4 1318m 12 3l 2 l2 䊏

Tetrahedral31,32 33 3 2 䉱 No
20p l 䊏

obtained mechanical properties. It is therefore important to behavior of porous structures. Most importantly, the Euler–
make sure the exact values of relative density are obtained Bernoulli beam theory predicts negative values of the Pois-
when deriving analytical relationships that describe prop- son’s ratio for specific ranges of relative density of certain
erty–density relationship of porous biomaterials. Finally, for unit cells. Materials with negative values of the Poisson’s
the few structures where both Euler–Bernoulli and Timo- ratio called auxetic materials and have important applica-
shenko beam theories are used for deriving the analytical tions in various areas of research33–35. It is therefore impor-
relationships, there is potentially large difference between tant to know the exact values of the Poisson’s ratio of
both theories particularly for larger values of relevant den- porous biomaterials. Comparison of the values of the Pois-
sity (Fig. 5). That is because the shear terms neglected in son’s ratio obtained using the Euler–Bernoulli theory with
the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory play increasingly impor-
tant role in the deformation of porous structure, as the rela-
tive density of the porous structures increases. This
highlights the importance of using the Timoshenko beam
theory for deriving the analytical relationships, whenever
possible (Table III).

Once the response of the porous structure to the applied
force is determined (see the previous section), it is rela-
tively straightforward to calculate the Poisson’s ratio and
other mechanical properties of the porous structure. As for
the Poisson’s ratio, it is sufficient to divide the lateral defor-
mation of the porous structure by the axial deformation.
Table IV presents an overview of the analytical relationships
presented in the literature for calculating the Poisson’s ratio
of various porous structures.
An important observation regarding the Poisson’s ratio
FIGURE 5. Comparison of predicted relative elastic modulus of open-
is that the use of correct type of beam theory could be very cell structures by Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories for
important for accurate description of the mechanical octahedral and diamond unit cells.

TABLE III. List of Timoshenko Analytical Elastic Modulus Formulas for Open-Cell Structures with Different Microgeometries

Circular Cross-Section Other Cross-Sections Unequal Strut Lengths

Octahedral 64
2Að12I 1 Ajl 2 1 36Ij 1 12Ims Þ 䉱 NA
3Es l 2 ðAjl 2 1 12I 1 4Ij 1 12Ims Þ 䊏
pffiffi 3 2 r 4
Diamond 30
6pð4Þ ð l Þ 1 䉱 NA
1132ðrl Þ cos 2 u 䊏
11 2 jAG s
l cos 2 u1sin2 u
12Es I Es A

those obtained using the Timoshenko theory and numerical chosen struts are, indeed, the most stressed struts in all rel-
simulations shows that neglecting the shear terms might evant conditions. The analytical relationships obtained for
result in inaccurate values of the Poisson’s ratio and false the yield stress are listed in Table V.
prediction of auxetic behavior in porous structures that are
actually not auxetic (see for example Fig. 18 in Ref. 25). BUCKLING LIMIT
Similar to the yield stress, one needs to determine which
YIELD STRESS strut of the unit cell is most susceptible to buckling to cal-
A porous structure is assumed to have yielded once the culate the buckling limit of a regular porous structure. The
maximum stress in the repeating unit cell has reached the buckling limit of that strut can then be calculated using the
yield stress of the bulk material from which the struts are Euler formula for stability analysis and applying the correct
made. Given that the stress values of the beams could be boundary conditions considering the symmetries and con-
simply obtained from the analytical relationships obtained strains imposed by the periodicity of the porous structure.
in the previous steps, the most important issue is determin- Table VI presents an overview of the buckling limits of the
ing which struts experiences the maximum stress. In some porous structures with different repeating unit cells that
unit cells, this is relatively easy to determine while this is have been studied in the literature.
not very clear in some other unit cells. Numerical analysis One important question regarding the failure of porous
is sometimes performed to determine which struts is expe- structures is whether yielding or buckling occurs first. By
riencing the maximum stress36. It is, however, important to dividing the analytical relationships obtained for the buck-
realize that there is no guarantee that the same strut experi- ling stress with those for the yield stress, one could plot the
ences the maximum stress for all relevant dimensions of the ratio of those stresses for the various types of porous struc-
unit cell and all porosity values. It is therefore essential that tures studied in the literature (Fig. 6). According to such
numerical simulations are performed for a wide range of calculations, for all cases where analytical relationships for
geometrical dimensions and porosity values to ascertain the predicting both yield stress and buckling stress are

TABLE IV. List of Analytical Poisson’s Ratio Formulas for Open-Cell Structures with Different Microgeometries

Other Unequal
Circular Cross-Section Cross-Sections Strut Lengths

Cube62 0 䉱 NA

Isocube 63
0.3 for 䊏 - NA
Rhombicuboctahedron25 2 4 2 4
8212ðrl Þ 236ðrl Þ 1GEss 432ðrl Þ 29ðrl Þ 䉱 Yes
3 8 1 70 r 2 1 105 r 4 1 27 r 6 1 Gs 41 13 r 2 123 r 4 16 r 6
ðl Þ ðl Þ ð l Þ Es 3 ðl Þ ðl Þ ðl Þ
Truncated cube62 123ðrl Þ
䉱 Yes
5 121ð r 2
Þ 䊏

Truncated Cuboctahedron36 0:5ð16a 13 Þ19ð50a111Þb1108ð2 7a14Þb2 23024ð5a13Þb3 䉱 NA

ð16a1 3Þ172 ð19a14Þb172ð275a181Þb2 19504ð5a13Þb3 䊏
with a5 GEss JI and b5 AlI 2
Octahedral64 2 23AlAl 2 1 12I 䉱 NA

2 1 4I

Rhombic Dodecahedron m13 50, m31 5m32 50, m12 51 - No
 pffiffi 2 
Face-centered cubic (FCC)- l
7 41 p3ffi A 䉱 No
Rhombic dodecahedron28 8 79 3l 2 䊏
41 A

Body-centered cubic (BCC)65 2 1

1 l
pr 2 4pr 4
- Yes
1 l2
pr 2 2pr 4

Truncated Octahedron 1 Al 2 212I 䉱 NA

2 Al 2 112I

Diamond30 123ðrl Þ
䉱 NA
213ð r 2
Þ 䊏

Rhombic 1 9 pffi 䉱 No
12 䊏
trapezoidal-dodecahedron28 4 1712 A3l


TABLE V. List of Analytical Yield Stress Formulas for Open-Cell Structures with Different Microgeometries

Circular Cross-Section Other Cross-Sections Unequal Strut Lengths

Cube 62
p rl 2 䉱 NA
b 3 䊏
Isocube 0:3 l for - NA
r 2
Rhombicuboctahedron25 4p
pffiffi 2 l 䉱 Yes
ð 211Þ 䊏
r 2
Truncated cube62 pffiffi
2 䉱 Yes
ð 211Þ l 䊏
Truncated Cuboctahedron36 Lengthy (see appendix) 䉱 NA
pffiffi h i 䊏
Octahedral 64 2 2A
Al 1 36I
ð3l118c ÞðAl 2 1 4I Þ1ðl26c Þð2 Al 2 112I Þ
䉱 NA
pffiffi   䊏
r Y1 rY2 3 6 b 3
Rhombic Dodecahedron 67
rYs 5 rYs 5 8 l for 䊏 - No
Body-centered cubic (BCC)68 32 2 r
3 l - No
Diamond30 pffiffi r
4 6 l
䉱 NA

available, the buckling stress is several times larger than the wider range of regular porous structures are now possible
yield stress (Fig. 6). The only exceptions are extremely small using analytical relationships. This has a number of practical
relative densities for which the buckling stress may be consequences for the study and design of porous biomateri-
smaller than the yield stress. These extremely small relative als. Comparison between regular porous structures based on
densities have limited biomedical applications. It can be different types of unit cells (Figs. 3 and 4) shows that the
therefore concluded that it is for most practical applications mechanical properties of these porous structures could
of porous biomaterials, yielding precedes buckling. widely differ depending on the type of repeating unit cell
even for the same porosity values. Analytical relationships are
DISCUSSION particularly useful to understand the difference between the
The recent advances in additive manufacturing technologies deformation mechanisms of all types of regular porous struc-
tures, because individual terms of the analytical relationships
have motivated renewed interest in derivation of analytical
could be traced back to specific types of deformation of the
relationships that could be used to estimate the mechanical
unit cells. Moreover, the differences between the mechanical
properties of regular porous structures. Because of this
properties of porous structures that are based on different
renewed interest, a number of developments have occurred
types of unit cells expand the parameter space and loosen the
during the last few years. First, analytical relationships are
constraints that need to be applied when designing optimal
derived for a large number of unit cells that could not be porous biomaterials. For example, it may be desirable to keep
easily manufactured using conventional manufacturing tech- the pore size or porosity constant throughout a multiregion
niques but are now accessible thanks to additive manufac- porous structure to ensure proper oxygenation and nutrition
turing technologies. Second, the Timoshenko beam theory is of cells that invade the porous structure, either in the lab or
increasingly used for derivation of the analytical relation- when the porous biomaterial is implanted in the human body.
ships. Finally, it has become clear that mass multiple count- At the same time, it is often desirable to optimize the distribu-
ing could result in significant inaccuracies that could be tion of the mechanical properties throughout the volume of
overcome by excluding the multiple-counted mass from the the implant. Using porous biomaterials with various types of
relationships used for calculating the relative density of repeating unit cells would allow us to simultaneously satisfy
porous structures. both requirements.
Thanks to the three aforementioned developments, much Analytical relationships presented here could be used
more accurate estimations of the mechanical properties of a for fast estimation of the mechanical properties of the

TABLE VI. List of Analytical Buckling Stress Formulas for Open-Cell Structures with Different Microgeometries

Circular Cross-Section Other Cross-Sections Unequal Strut Lengths

Cube 62 2
4p Es I 䉱 NA
l4 䊏
Isocube63 b4  2
2 - NA
0:03 l 11 bl Es for 䊏
Truncated cube62 16 p E I
pffiffi 2 s4
䉱 Yes
ð11 2Þ l 䊏
Truncated Cuboctahedron 36 16p2 Es I
pffiffi 䉱 NA

l 4 ð2 211Þ
pffiffi 2  
Rhombic Dodecahedron67 6p b 4
䊏 - No
16ffiffi Es l for
Diamond30 3 3 p 3
Es l r 4 - NA

that simulate the behavior of the human body during spe-
cific physical activities such as running or walking. Extend-
ing the analytical relationships in the aforementioned
directions will further enhance the value of such relation-
ships in practical applications that require rational design of
porous biomaterials. Examples of such applications include
bone substitution, bone tissue regeneration, and implant
The analytical relationships used for estimating the
mechanical properties of regular porous biomaterials based
on various types of repeating unit cells were reviewed in this
article. Direct estimation of mechanical properties given the
geometry and dimensions of the unit cell can be both replaced
by and complemented by the use of computational techniques
such as homogenization and (topology) optimization55–59.
While homogenization techniques could be used for estima-
FIGURE 6. Comparison of ratio of buckling stress to yield stress of tion of the mechanical properties of regular and irregular
open-cell structures with different microgeometries. porous biomaterials, topology optimization methods could be
instrumental in optimal design of the ultrastructure of porous
different zones of the multizone porous structures. Fast esti- biomaterials. A combined approach to the design of additively
mation of the mechanical properties of different zones is manufactured porous biomaterials based on combination of
particularly important when the distribution of mechanical analytical relationships and computational techniques will be
properties is optimized using iterative optimization algo- particularly welcome possibly in combination with theoretical
rithms that require many iterations. Furthermore, the opti- models that could be used for simulating bone tissue fracture
mization algorithm may have an objective function that healing60 and adaptation61.
consists of the distribution of not only mechanical proper- Even though we primarily focused on biomedical appli-
ties but also mass transport properties such as permeability cations of regular porous structures, the analytical relation-
and diffusivity. Alleviating the computational burden of cal- ships reviewed here have many more applications in other
culating the mechanical properties will leave more computa- areas of research. The recent advances in derivation of more
tional power for estimating the other physical properties accurate analytical relationships for an increasing number of
that could not be calculated using analytical relationships unit cells and some of the suggested ideas for future
and, thus, require more computational resources. research may therefore have much wider implications in
Despite recent advances, there are still multiple areas other industries, where structural properties of porous
that require further research. First, it is desirable to take structures are of interest including the automotive and air-
the irregularities caused by the additive manufacturing pro- craft industries.
cess into account when deriving the analytical relationships.
This could further increase the accuracy of analytical rela- CONCLUSIONS
tionships16, but is associated with increased technical diffi- Analytical relationships that have been proposed for predict-
culty because stochastic processes that simulate creation of ing the relative density and mechanical properties of regular
irregularities during the additive manufacturing need to be porous biomaterials were reviewed in this article. From the
analytically modeled. Second, analytical relationships that reviewed literature, it is clear that the recent years have
currently cover the elastic range of deformations need to be seen a surge of interest in the mechanical properties of reg-
extended to include larger deformations that lead to failure ular porous biomaterials largely fueled by the recent advan-
of porous structures. Use of advanced failure prediction the- ces in additive manufacturing technologies. As a result of
ories similar to the ones used for predicting the failure of those recent studies, the accuracy of the available analytical
engineering materials37–41 would be particularly enlighten- relationships has improved. Using the Timoshenko beam
ing. Third, full-field strain measurement techniques such as theory for deriving the analytical relationships and correct-
digital image correlation42–46 should be used to validate the ing for the mass shared by multiple struts have been the
predictions of the analytical relationships at the strut level major ways through which the accuracy of the analytical
and to see where do the largest differences between the relationships has been improved. Moreover, analytical rela-
analytical predictions and experimental observations origi- tionships have been derived for a larger number of unit
nate from. Finally, more complex loading scenarios should cells for which no analytical relationships existed in the
be used in addition to simple compression to evaluate the past. Several areas of interest for future research were also
mechanical behavior of porous biomaterials under more identified and discussed in the article. Widespread availabil-
realistic loading conditions. More realistic loading conditions ity of additive manufacturing techniques, decreasing produc-
could be obtained using either large-scale musculoskeletal tion cost, expansion of biomaterials that could be processed
models47–50 or at least mass-spring-damper models51–54 using additive manufacturing, and enhancement in flexibility


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