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How do different genres of music affect heart rate?

The objective is to figure out if listening to different music affects the heart rates of El 
Capitan students.  
We wanted to find out if heart rate is affected by different genres of music. In order to 
do this, we conducted an experiment on about three classes of El Capitan students. 
First, we had them check their pulse for the control group. Then we played the rock 
song and had them check their pulse. Then we played the country song and they 
checked their pulse. We played the rap song and they checked their pulse. We did the 
same for the jazz song. They recorded all their pulses and also identified their gender. 
Then we did a stratified random sample to find thirty female subjects and thirty male 
subjects. We then made the graphs.  
The population of this study is students at El Capitan.  
The samples are male and females students from Ms. Casso, Ms. B, Ms. Lema, Ms. B, Mrs. 
Husselstein, and Mr. Ruiz’s classes. We chose them because they were available and 
willing to participate.  
There might be bias in this experiment because if a subject likes a certain genre of 
music more than the others, their heart rate might be faster than the rest.  
Our sampling method was a simple random sample. Then we chose the samples that 
we used by labelling all the subjects and using a calculator to find completely random 
samples. We had thirty female samples and thirty male samples.  
The experimental units are the male and female students.  
The explanatory variables are the different genres of music and the control group. This 
includes rock, country, rap, and jazz.   
The response variables are each individual’s heart rate for the control, rock, country, 
rap, and jazz.  
The treatments were the different genres of music. The genres of music we chose were 
rock, country, rap, and jazz.  
There was blocking since we had to separate the males and females. We did this 
because there is a natural variation in the heart rates of males and females.  
Before we imposed the treatments on the subjects, we had the subjects check their 
heart rates without any treatment. We did this to see the subject’s regular heart beat so 
we can compare the heart rates during treatment to it.  


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