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8.4-6 Boiling Point Rise of Biological in Solution. Determine the boiling point
rise for the following solutions of biological solutes in water. Use the figure
in P1 (p-11-31).
a. A 30 wt % solution of citric acid in water boiling point at 220 ºF.
b. A 40 wt % solution of sucrose in water boiling point at 220 ºF.
Penyelesaian :
Cara Menggunakan Grafik :
1. Tarik garis lurus dari titik suhu ke ° senyawa terus ke garis sebelah kiri
2. Dari titik di garis tersebut tarik garis lurus ke weight per cent solid terus
hingga ke sumbu boiling point rise.
3. Didapat angka boiling point rise larutan yang dicari
a) Boiling Point Rise of Citic Acid 30 wt% is, BPR = 2,2 ºF (1,22ºC)
b) Boiling Point Rise of Sucrose 40 wt% is, BPR = 2,4ºF (1,33ºC)

8.4-7 A single effect evaporator is concentrating a feed of 9072 kg/h of a 10 wt%

solution of NaOH in water to a product of 50% solids. The pressure of
saturated steam used is 42 kPa (gage) and the pressure in the vapor space of
the evaporator is 20 kPa (abs). The over-all heat transfer coefficient is 1988
W/m2.K. Calculate the steam used, the steam economy in kg vaporized/kg
steam, and the area for the following feed conditions:
a) Feed temperature of 288.8 K
b) Feed temperature of 322.1 K

Solution :
Consider NaOH balance :

( )( )

Consider over-all material balance :

For 20 kPa evaporator vapor space pressure, the temperature of the vapor (from
steam table)TV = 60,06 ºC = 333,06 K. Since system is NaOH, it is expected to
have BPE From figure 8.4-2, for 50% NaOH concentration and TV = 333,06 K
(60,06 ºC)
Tsolution = 102 0C
BPE = Tsolution – TV
BPE = 102 – 60,06
BPE = 41,94ºC
From steam table, at 60,06 0C, H = 2609,7 kJ/kg, CP = 1,884 kJ/kg.ºC
qv = V[HV 60,06 + CP,V (BPE)]
qv = (7257,6 kg/h) [2609,7 kJ/kg + (1,884 kJ/kg.ºC) 41,94 ºC]
qv = 19513617.69 kJ/h

a). Feed temperature of 288,8 K

Consider entalphy balance :

From steam table, at 42 kPa gage, = 2230,12 kJ/kg, TS = 110,01ºC

hF = 58,15 kJ/kg at 10% NaOH and 15,6ºC
hF = 534,98 kJ/kg at 50% NaOH and 102ºC
( )( ) ( )( )

S = 8959 kg/h of steam

Economy =

= 0,810
q = UA(TS – Tsoln)

( )

( )( )( )( )
( )( )

A = 295,4 m

b) For feed temperature of 322,1 K (15,6 ºC)

Consider enthaply balances :
FhF + SλS = PhP + VHV


VHV = qV
From steam table, at 42 kPa (gage) λS = 2230,12 kJ/kg and TS = 110,01ºC.
From figure 8.4-3
hF = 174,45 kJ/kg at 10% NaOH and 48.9 ºC
hP = 534,98 kJ/kg at 50% NaOH and 102 ºC
( )( ) ( ) ( )( )

S = 8475,63 kg/h
For steam economy =

= 0,856
For the area following feed conditions
q = UA(TS – Tsolution)


( )( )( )( )
( )( )( )

= 329,72 m2

8.5-6 A double effect evaporator with reverse feed is used to concentrate 4536
kg/h of a 10% wt sugar solution is to 50% wt. Feed enters at second effect at
37,8°C. Saturated steam at 115,6°C enters the first effect and the vapor from
this effect is used to heat the second effect. The absolute pressure in the
second effect is 13,65 kPa (abs). The overall coefficients are U1 = 2270 and
U2 = 1705 W/m2.K. The heating areas both effect are equal. Use boiling
point rise and heat capacity data from Ex. 8.5-1. Calculate the area and
steam consumption.
Initial Assumptions :
Consider sugar balance,
xFF = xpP
( )( )

P = 907,2 kg/h
Consider Overall material balances
V = 4536 kg/h - 907,2 kg/h
V = 3628,8 kg/h
VI = VII = V

VI = VII = (3628,8 kg/h) = 1814,4 kg/h

For 13,65 kPa (abs) the saturation temperature is 51,91ºC from the steam
tables. Using the equation for BPR for evaporator number 2 with x = 0,5
BPR2 = 1,78x + 6,22x2
= 1,78(0,5) + 6,22(0,5)2
= 2,45 ºC
T2 = 51,91ºC + 2,45 ºC = 54,36 ºC
Consider material balance around the 1st effect
P1 = V1 + P
P1 = 1814,4 kg/h + 907,2 kg/h
= 2724,6 kg/h
For the 2st effect,
xF F = x2 P1

x2 =

( )( )
x2 = = 0,17

x2 = x1 = 0,17
To solve for BPR for the 1st effect
BPR1 = 1,78x + 6,22x2
= 1,78(0,17) + 6,22(0,17)2
= 0,482 ºC
∑∆T = TS – TV2 - ∑BPR
= 115,6ºC - 54,36 ºC – (0,482 ºC+2,45 ºC)
= 58,31 ºC
Solve the temperature distribution to assume ∆T, assume equal heat flux

TS = 115,6 ºC
=( ) = ( )
∆T = (U∆T)I = (U∆T)II
=( ) = ( ) TI

U= =
∆TI = ∆T ( ) = ∆T ( ) TII = 54,36 ºC

∆TI =(58,31 ºC) ( ) = 25,01 ºC

∆TII = ∆T ( ) = ∆T ( )

∆TII = (58,31 ºC)( ) = 33,29 ºC

TI = TII + ∆TII = 25,01 ºC + 33,29 ºC = 58,3 ºC
Enthalpy balance around the 1st effect
SHS + PIhPI = V1H1 + ShS + PhP
= HS - hS

PIhPI = V1H1 + PhP - .......................... (1)

Enthalpy balance around the 2nd effect
= HI – hVI
PIhPI = VI + FhF - V1IH1I .............................. (2)
Equate (2) and (1)
VI + FhF - V1IH1I = V1H1 + PhP -
V1I = V -VI

= VI + FhF – (V -VI) H1I - V1H1 - PhP

= VI ( - HI + HII) + FhF – VHII - PhP

The heat capacity of the liquid solution cP = 4,19 - 2,35x kJ/kg.K
P1 = cP = 4,19 - 2,35(0,17) kJ/kg.K = 3,79 kJ/kg.K
F = cP = 4,19 - 2,35(0,1) kJ/kg.K = 3,96 kJ/kg.K
hF = cP F(TF – 0) = (3,96 kJ/kg.K)(37,8+273,15 K) = 1231,362 kJ/kg
hP = cP P(TI – 0) = (3,79 kJ/kg.K)( 89,33+273,15 K) = 1373,79 kJ/kg
From steam table (saturated steam):
HII = 2599,77 kJ/kg at 54,36 ºC
HI = 2606,64 kJ/kg at 58,3 ºC
= 2362,62 kJ/kg at 58,3 ºC
= 2214,85 kJ/kg at 115,6 ºC
= VI ( - HI + HII) + FhF – V2HII - PhP
S(2214,85) = VI (2362,62 – 2606,64 + 2599,77) + 4536 (1231,362) - 3628,8
(2599,77) - 907,2 (1373,79)
S= 2300,332 - VI (1,064).................... (3)
qI = qII
SλS = VIλI
S = 2362,62 kJ/kg (VI) / 2214,85 kJ/kg
S = 1,067 VI ............................ (4)
Equate (3) and (4)
2300,332 - VI (1,064) = 1,067 VI
VI = = 1079,46 kg/h

VII = 3628,8 - 1079,46 = 2549,34 kg/h

q = VIλI
q = (1079,46 kg/h) (2362,62 kJ/kg)
q = 2,55 x 106 kJ/h
S = 1,067 VI = 1,067 (1079,46 kg/h) = 1151,784 kg/h (steam consumption)
Calculate area !
( )( )( )
A1 = = = 1,05 m2
( )( )( )

( )( )( )
A2 = = = 1,05 m2
( )( )( )

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