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Blood For Storage Shelf Life Function

Component Temp.
When cryoprecipitated AHF has been 1-6 °C ACD & CPD – 21 days Increase oxygen,
Whole Blood removed from the Whole Blood unit CPDA-1 – 35 days Volume expansion
To inhibit Tcell proliferation 1-6 °C Original volume expansion,
Whole Blood Increase oxygen,
Irradiated prevent GVHD
separation of RBCs from plasma 1-6 °C ACD, CP2D, CPD – 21 increase oxygen level of
RBCs days recipient
CPDA-1 – 35 days
most often transfused during the 1-6 °C CPDA-1 – 35 days increase oxygen
RBC Aliquots neonatal period of infants younger than
4 months
RBC Irradiated - given to immunocompromised 1-6 °C Original expiration or prevents GVHD,
Px; bone marrow or stem cell 28 days after irradiation Increase oxygen
transplant, fetuses undergoing
intrauterine transfusion, inhibits
T-cell proliferation
- performed using Cesium-137 or
RBC Leukoreduced -WBC count= <5x106, must contain 85% 1-6 °C 24 hours febrile non-hemolytic rxn,
of original RBC mass Increase oxygen
-Prestorage – at least 99.9% WBCs are
-Poststorage – WBCs are removed prior
to issuing blood
Washed RBCs ensured that all plasma is removed 1-6 °C 24 hours Px with IgA deficiency
and PNH
Frozen RBCs ≤ -65 °C 10 years for Px with rare
Deglycerolized 1-6 °C 24 hours rare phenotypes,
RBCs increase oxygen
Blood For Storage Shelf Life Function
Component Temp.
Platelet - produced during the routine RT (20-24°C) 5 days thrombocytopenia,
Concentrates conversion of WB into conc. DIC,
RBCs or any apheresis bleeding,
- one unit platelet concentrate = plt. refractoriness
increase the platelet count by
5,000-10,000/uL in a typical 70kg
- RD: contains at least 5.5x1010 plt
- SD: contains at least 3.0x1011 plt
Platelet Aliquots - for neonates with plt below RT (20-24°C) 5 days thrombocytopenia,
50,000/uL and Px experiencing DIC,
bleeding bleeding,
- plt count should be increased by plt. refractoriness
50,000-100,000 with 5-10mL/kg
Platelet RD plt conc must contain <8.3x105 RT (20-24°C) 5 days prevent FNHTR
Leukoreduced WBCs
Platelet Pooled RD/SD plt conc must contain <5x106 RT (20-24°C) 4 hours thrombocytopenia,
Fresh Frozen -produced from WB when obtained from -18°C 1 year coagulation deficiency,
Plasma (FFP) a single, uninterrupted non-traumatic -65C 7 years liver disease
-frozen w/in 6 or 8 hours of collection
PF24 frozen within 8-24 hours of collection -18°C 1 year coagulation deficiency,
-65C 7 years liver disease
Single Donor “recovered plasma” 1-6 °C 5 days after WB volume expansion,
Plasma (SDP) (liquid) expiration stabile clotting factors
Cryoprecipitated prepared from FFP thawed slowly • -18°C • 1 yr (frozen) for Px with Hemophilia A,
AHF between 1-6 °C; contains at least 80 (frozen) • 6 hrs (thawed) vWD,
units of AHF activity and 150 mg • 20-24°C • 4 hrs (pooled) FXIII def.,
fibrinogen (thawed) hypofibrinogenemia
Novo Seven Immune Serum Globulin’
- recombinant activated FVII - Concentrate of plasma gamma globulin in an
- induces hemostasis in life & limb-threatening bleeds & aqueous solution
in major surgery of Hemophilia A & B px in the - Prepared from pooled plasma by cold ethanol
presence of inhibitors fractionation
- F VIIa binds to activated plt and activates small - Immunodeficiency disease, Wiskott-Aldrich
amounts of FX independent of tissue factor & that the Syndrome, for passive Ab prophylaxis against
plt surface FXa can restore platelet surface thrombin hepatitis & herpes
generation in hemophilia
Normal Serum Albumin (NSA)
Factor VIII Concentrates - Prepared from salvaged plasma, pooled &
- treatment of classic hemophilia & hemophilia A & in fractionated by a cold alcohol process, then treated w/
persons deficient of FVIII heat inactivation (60°C for 10 hrs), to remove risk of
- prepared from large volumes of pooled plasma or as hepatitis or HIV
recombinant F VIII using DNA technology - For hypovolemic or hypoproteinemic px
- Techniques used to inactivate or eliminate viral - Shock & burn patients
o Pasteurization Rho(D) Immune Globulin
o Solvent & detergent treatment - A solution of concentrated anti-Rho(D)
o Monoclonal purification - From pooled human plasma of patients who have
o Porcine F VIII been hyperimmunized & contains predominantly IgG
o rFVIII anti-D
- For treatment of ITP & prevention of Rh-HDN
Factor IX Concentrates
1. Prothrombin complex conc. Synthetic Volume Expanders
- Contains F II, VII, IX, X  Crystalloids
2. FIX conc. - Ringer’s lactate & normal isotonic saline
- From monoclonal Ab purification, less - Useful in burn px because of their ability to
thrombogenic than PCC rapidly cross the capillary membrane and
3. Recombinant F IX (rFIX) increase plasma volume
 Colloids
Factor XIII Concentrates - Dextran & HES
- FXIII deficiency is a severe autosomal-recessive - Volume expanders for hemorrhagic shock and
bleeding disorder associated w/ a characteristic burn patients
pattern of neonatal hemorrhage & a lifelong bleeding
diathesis Anti-thrombin III Concentrates
- Plasma-derived - From pooled human plasma & heat-treated to prevent
viral transmission
- Surgical & obstetrical procedures; thromboembolism
- Inhibit F IX, X, XI, XII & thrombin

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