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Reading strategy

1- Manage your time:

2- Moving your eyes:

- Pursue the select tool with your eyes.
- Don't try to spell out the words out loud.
- Relax your facial muscles.
- Don't read word by word, read whole sentences.
- Avoid Distractions.

3- Manage Weird Words

- Read the whole sentence.
- Focus on the Definition, Appositive, Punctuations, Organizing
words, Clauses, Or, V-to be, Reference, Contrasts.
- Don't spend much time on one word just guess or Improvise.
- Blank the unknown word, and read the whole sent. to figure it out.

4- What to read
- Read the First sentence of each paragraph only.
- Don't spend more than one minute reading them.
- Skim the rest of the introduction paragraph.
- Read the Questions first, and then read the paragraph that includes
the answer.
5- Define the type of questions

6- Detail question (10/30):

- Read the ques. First
- Read every word in the answer carefully.
1) Identify the detail Ques. (According to - WH Ques.)
2) Understand the answer (cause - noun - place - time - kind of verb).
3) Identify keywords in the Ques. Itself.
4) Scanning for the keywords in the paragraph.
- Just scan the whole paragraph until you find it, and 60% the answer will
be in the first sentence - 30% in the next sentence and 10% in the
following sentence.
5) Look to the answers and POE.
- Pay attention to common false answer
A) the opposite answer with NOT.
B) Same words with bad connection to each other.
C) Away wrong ques.
- there are two types of this ques. Factual info: use the same idea with
different words.
Negative factual: Eliminate the true ones and pick the false.

7- Summary Question (more than one point):

- Don't read the whole passage again.
- Read the prompt ques. Sentence very carefully and summarie it.
- The answer have to be:
1) General statement, Avoid specific statements (times, names, places..)
2) Support the key words and main ideas of the summarized statement.
3) Eliminate the impossible answers before you choose.
- There are two types of this ques. Filling the schematic table or chart.

8- Vocabularies Question:
- Identify: What is this mean - Find the meaning - what word - "word".
- Strategy: - IF you know the dictionary definition, pick the answer.
- If you Don't, Blank out the "word" and read to Determine it.
- look for the Synonyms words around the word.
- Determine the structure, punctuation and sentence parts.
- Remember Weird words strategy.
- If you don't GUSE and move on.
9- Inference Question:
- Identify: words like ( infer- imply - suggest).
- Strategy: - Same like detail ques. Strategy.
- Make sure what you understand from that reading or,
what can you draw from this context.
10- Pronounce Question:
- Identify: Asks about single or plural pronounce like (It - They)
- Strategy: - Look to the noun before it in same sentence or, the previous

11- Plug in Question:

- Identify: Fit this sentence in this context.
- Strategy: - Determine the content word in the plug in sentence and
draw the keywords from it.
- Find where the keywords appear in the other answers.
- use other clues Like: pronounces ( it, they..) or linking words (However,
- Your sentence should confirm the idea of the continuous idea or the
previous one and be sure that is a match.

12- Paraphrase Question:

- Identify: which answer say the same concept of the sentence

- Strategy: - break down the sentence pieces by pieces.
- Focus on the main clause of the sentence.
- Now focus on the other parts of the sentence like (times,
nouns, adjectives, places).
- Double check the answer after POE.
- Make sure that the answer sentence has the whole concept
of all pieces of information.

13- Purpose Question:

- Identify: Why does the author say this word, mention this idea, To
illustrate what.
- Strategy: - Read the sentence before.
- in the logical academic English must be before it.
- the understanding of the previous sentence will illustrate
that the Perfect choice.

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