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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?

<!-- The key words of the supported languages, don't touch them! -->
<Language name="normal" ext="txt" />
<Language name="actionscript" ext="as mx" commentLine="//"
commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Keywords name="instre1">add for lt tellTarget and function ne this
break ge new typeof continue gt not var delete if on void do ifFrameLoaded
onClipEvent while else in or with eq le return instanceof case default
<Keywords name="type1">arguments constructor class dynamic false
extends implements import interface intrinsic newline null private public super
static true undefined Accessibility Arguments Array Boolean Button Camera
ContextMenu ContextMenuItem CustomActions Color Date Error Function Key LoadVars
LocalConnection Math Microphone Mouse MovieClip MovieClipLoader NetConnection
NetStream Number PrintJob Object TextField StyleSheet TextFormat TextSnapshot
SharedObject Selection Sound Stage String System XML XMLNode XMLSocket Void abs
acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos exp floor log max min pow random round sin sqrt tan
onActivity onChanged onClose onConnect onData onDragOut onDragOver onEnterFrame
onID3 onKeyDown onKeyUp onKillFocus onLoad onLoadComplete onLoadError onLoadInit
onLoadProgress onLoadStart onMouseDown onMouseMove onMouseUp onMouseWheel onPress
onRelease onReleaseOutside onResize onRollOut onRollOver onScroller onSelect
onSetFocus onSoundComplete onStatus onUnload onUpdate onXML addListener addPage
addProperty addRequestHeader allowDomain allowInsecureDomain appendChild apply
applyChanges asfunction attachAudio attachMovie attachSound attachVideo beginFill
beginGradientFill call ceil charAt charCodeAt clear clearInterval cloneNode close
concat connect copy cos createElement createEmptyMovieClip createTextField
createTextNode curveTo domain duplicateMovieClip endFill escape eval evaluate exp
findText floor fscommand flush fromCharCode get getAscii getBeginIndex getBounds
getBytesLoaded getBytesTotal getCaretIndex getCode getCount getDate getDay getDepth
getEndIndex getFocus getFontList getFullYear getHours getInstanceAtDepth getLocal
getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth getNewTextFormat getNextHighestDepth getPan
getProggress getProperty getRGB getSeconds getSelected getSelectedText getSize
getStyle getStyleNames getSWFVersion getText getTextExtent getTextFormat
getTextSnapshot getTime getTimer getTimezoneOffset getTransform getURL getUTCDate
getUTCDay getUTCFullYear getUTCHours getUTCMilliseconds getUTCMinutes getUTCMonth
getUTCSeconds getVersion getVolume getYear globalToLocal gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop
hasChildNodes hide hideBuiltInItems hitTest hitTestTextNearPos indexOf insertBefore
install isActive isDown isToggled join lastIndexOf lineStyle lineTo list load
loadClip loadMovie loadMovieNum loadSound loadVariables loadVariablesNum
localToGlobal log mbchr mblength mbord mbsubstring min MMExecute moveTo nextFrame
nextScene parseCSS parseFloat parseInt parseXML pause play pop pow prevScene print
printAsBitmap printAsBitmapNum printNum push random registerClass removeListener
removeMovieClip removeNode removeTextField replaceSel replaceText reverse round
seek send sendAndLoad setBufferTime set setDate setFocus setFullYear setGain
setHours setInterval setMask setMilliseconds setMinutes setMode setMonth
setMotionLevel setNewTextFormat setPan setProperty setQuality setRate setRGB
setSeconds setSelectColor setSelected setSelection setSilenceLevel setStyle
setTextFormat setTime setTransform setUseEchoSuppression setUTCDate setUTCFullYear
setUTCHours setUTCMilliseconds setUTCMinutes setUTCMonth setUTCSeconds setVolume
setYear shift show showSettings silenceLevel silenceTimeout sin slice sort sortOn
splice split sqrt start startDrag stop stopAllSounds stopDrag substr substring
swapDepths tan toggleHighQuality toLowerCase toString toUpperCase trace unescape
uninstall unLoadClip unloadMovie unloadMovieNum unshift unwatch updateAfterEvent
updateProperties useEchoSuppression valueOf watch endinitclip include initclip
__proto__ _accProps _alpha _currentframe _droptarget _focusrect _framesloaded
_global _height _highquality _level _lockroot _name _parent _quality _root
_rotation _soundbuftime _target _totalframes _url _visible _width _x _xmouse
_xscale _y _ymouse _yscale activityLevel align allowDomain allowInsecureDomain
attributes autoSize avHardwareDisable background backgroundColor bandwidth
blockIndent bold border borderColor bottomScroll bufferLenght bufferTime
builtInItems bullet bytesLoaded bytesTotal callee caller capabilities caption
childNodes color condenseWhite contentType currentFps customItems data deblocking
docTypeDecl duration embedFonts enabled exactSettings firstChild focusEnabled font
fps gain globalStyleFormat hasAccessibility hasAudio hasAudioEncoder
hasEmbeddedVideo hasMP3 hasPrinting hasScreenBroadcast hasScreenPlayback
hasStreamingAudio hasStreamingVideo hasVideoEncoder height hitArea hscroll html
htmlText indent index italic instanceof int ignoreWhite isDebugger isDown isFinite
italic language lastChild leading leftMargin length loaded localFileReadDisable
manufacturer maxChars maxhscroll maxscroll menu message motionLevel motionTimeout
mouseWheelEnabled multiline muted name names NaN nextSibling nodeName nodeType
nodeValue os parentNode password pixelAspectRatio playerType previousSibling
prototype quality rate restrict resolutionX resolutionY rightMargin scaleMode
screenColor screenDPI screenResolutionX screenResolutionY scroll selectable
separatorBefore showMenu size smoothing status styleSheet tabChildren tabEnabled
tabIndex tabStops target targetPath text textColor textHeight textWidth time
trackAsMenu type underline url useCodepage useEchoSuppression useHandCursor
variable version visible width wordWrap xmlDecl</Keywords>
<Language name="ada" ext="ada ads adb" commentLine="--" commentStart=""
<Keywords name="instre1">abort abstract accept access aliased all and
array at begin body case constant declare delay delta digits do else elsif end
entry exception exit for function generic goto if in is limited loop new not null
of others out or package pragma private procedure protected raise range record
renames requeue return reverse select separate subtype tagged task terminate then
type until use when while with</Keywords>
<Language name="asm" ext="asm" commentLine=";" commentStart=""
<Keywords name="instre1">aaa aad aam aas adc add and call cbw clc cld
cli cmc cmp cmps cmpsb cmpsw cwd daa das dec div esc hlt idiv imul in inc int into
iret ja jae jb jbe jc jcxz je jg jge jl jle jmp jna jnae jnb jnbe jnc jne jng jnge
jnl jnle jno jnp jns jnz jo jp jpe jpo js jz lahf lds lea les lods lodsb lodsw loop
loope loopew loopne loopnew loopnz loopnzw loopw loopz loopzw mov movs movsb movsw
mul neg nop not or out pop popf push pushf rcl rcr ret retf retn rol ror sahf sal
sar sbb scas scasb scasw shl shr stc std sti stos stosb stosw sub test wait xchg
xlat xlatb xor bound enter ins insb insw leave outs outsb outsw popa pusha pushw
arpl lar lsl sgdt sidt sldt smsw str verr verw clts lgdt lidt lldt lmsw ltr bsf bsr
bt btc btr bts cdq cmpsd cwde insd iretd iretdf iretf jecxz lfs lgs lodsd loopd
looped loopned loopnzd loopzd lss movsd movsx movzx outsd popad popfd pushad pushd
pushfd scasd seta setae setb setbe setc sete setg setge setl setle setna setnae
setnb setnbe setnc setne setng setnge setnl setnle setno setnp setns setnz seto
setp setpe setpo sets setz shld shrd stosd bswap cmpxchg invd invlpg wbinvd xadd
lock rep repe repne repnz repz cflush cpuid emms femms cmovo cmovno cmovb cmovc
cmovnae cmovae cmovnb cmovnc cmove cmovz cmovne cmovnz cmovbe cmovna cmova cmovnbe
cmovs cmovns cmovp cmovpe cmovnp cmovpo cmovl cmovnge cmovge cmovnl cmovle cmovng
cmovg cmovnle cmpxchg486 cmpxchg8b loadall loadall286 ibts icebp int1 int3 int01
int03 iretw popaw popfw pushaw pushfw rdmsr rdpmc rdshr rdtsc rsdc rsldt rsm rsts
salc smi smint smintold svdc svldt svts syscall sysenter sysexit sysret ud0 ud1 ud2
umov xbts wrmsr wrshr</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">f2xm1 fabs fadd faddp fbld fbstp fchs fclex
fcom fcomp fcompp fdecstp fdisi fdiv fdivp fdivr fdivrp feni ffree fiadd ficom
ficomp fidiv fidivr fild fimul fincstp finit fist fistp fisub fisubr fld fld1 fldcw
fldenv fldenvw fldl2e fldl2t fldlg2 fldln2 fldpi fldz fmul fmulp fnclex fndisi
fneni fninit fnop fnsave fnsavew fnstcw fnstenv fnstenvw fnstsw fpatan fprem fptan
frndint frstor frstorw fsave fsavew fscale fsqrt fst fstcw fstenv fstenvw fstp
fstsw fsub fsubp fsubr fsubrp ftst fwait fxam fxch fxtract fyl2x fyl2xp1 fsetpm
fcos fldenvd fnsaved fnstenvd fprem1 frstord fsaved fsin fsincos fstenvd fucom
fucomp fucompp fcomi fcomip ffreep fcmovb fcmove fcmovbe fcmovu fcmovnb fcmovne
fcmovnbe fcmovnu</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">ah al ax bh bl bp bx ch cl cr0 cr2 cr3 cr4 cs cx
dh di dl dr0 dr1 dr2 dr3 dr6 dr7 ds dx eax ebp ebx ecx edi edx es esi esp fs gs si
sp ss st tr3 tr4 tr5 tr6 tr7 st0 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 mm0 mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4
mm5 mm6 mm7 xmm0 xmm1 xmm2 xmm3 xmm4 xmm5 xmm6 xmm7</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">.186 .286 .286c .286p .287 .386 .386c .386p .387
.486 .486p .8086 .8087 .alpha .break .code .const .continue .cref .data .data?
.dosseg .else .elseif .endif .endw .err .err1 .err2 .errb .errdef .errdif
.errdifi .erre .erridn .erridni .errnb .errndef .errnz .exit .fardata .fardata? .if
.lall .lfcond .list .listall .listif .listmacro .listmacroall .model .no87
.nocref .nolist .nolistif .nolistmacro .radix .repeat .sall .seq .sfcond .stack
.startup .tfcond .type .until .untilcxz .while .xall .xcref .xlist alias align
assume catstr comm comment db dd df dosseg dq dt dup dw echo else elseif elseif1
elseif2 elseifb elseifdef elseifdif elseifdifi elseife elseifidn elseifidni
elseifnb elseifndef end endif endm endp ends eq equ even exitm extern externdef
extrn for forc ge goto group gt high highword if if1 if2 ifb ifdef ifdif ifdifi ife
ifidn ifidni ifnb ifndef include includelib instr invoke irp irpc label le length
lengthof local low lowword lroffset lt macro mask mod .msfloat name ne offset
opattr option org %out page popcontext proc proto ptr public purge pushcontext
record repeat rept seg segment short size sizeof sizestr struc struct substr
subtitle subttl textequ this title type typedef union while width db dw dd dq dt
resb resw resd resq rest incbin equ times %define %idefine %xdefine %xidefine
%undef %assign %iassign %strlen %substr %macro %imacro %endmacro %rotate .nolist
%if %elif %else %endif %ifdef %ifndef %elifdef %elifndef %ifmacro %ifnmacro
%elifmacro %elifnmacro %ifctk %ifnctk %elifctk %elifnctk %ifidn %ifnidn %elifidn
%elifnidn %ifidni %ifnidni %elifidni %elifnidni %ifid %ifnid %elifid %elifnid
%ifstr %ifnstr %elifstr %elifnstr %ifnum %ifnnum %elifnum %elifnnum %error %rep
%endrep %exitrep %include %push %pop %repl struct endstruc istruc at iend align
alignb %arg %stacksize %local %line bits use16 use32 section absolute extern global
common cpu org section group import export</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type3">$ ? @b @f addr basic byte c carry? dword far
far16 fortran fword near near16 overflow? parity? pascal qword real4 real8 real10
sbyte sdword sign? stdcall sword syscall tbyte vararg word zero? flat near32 far32
abs all assumes at casemap common compact cpu dotname emulator epilogue error
export expr16 expr32 farstack flat forceframe huge language large listing ljmp
loadds m510 medium memory nearstack nodotname noemulator nokeyword noljmp nom510
none nonunique nooldmacros nooldstructs noreadonly noscoped nosignextend nothing
notpublic oldmacros oldstructs os_dos para private prologue radix readonly req
scoped setif2 smallstack tiny use16 use32 uses a16 a32 o16 o32 byte word dword
nosplit $ $$ seq wrt flat large small .text .data .bss near far %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
%6 %7 %8 %9</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type4">addpd addps addsd addss andpd andps andnpd
andnps cmpeqpd cmpltpd cmplepd cmpunordpd cmpnepd cmpnltpd cmpnlepd cmpordpd
cmpeqps cmpltps cmpleps cmpunordps cmpneps cmpnltps cmpnleps cmpordps cmpeqsd
cmpltsd cmplesd cmpunordsd cmpnesd cmpnltsd cmpnlesd cmpordsd cmpeqss cmpltss
cmpless cmpunordss cmpness cmpnltss cmpnless cmpordss comisd comiss cvtdq2pd
cvtdq2ps cvtpd2dq cvtpd2pi cvtpd2ps cvtpi2pd cvtpi2ps cvtps2dq cvtps2pd cvtps2pi
cvtss2sd cvtss2si cvtsd2si cvtsd2ss cvtsi2sd cvtsi2ss cvttpd2dq cvttpd2pi cvttps2dq
cvttps2pi cvttsd2si cvttss2si divpd divps divsd divss fxrstor fxsave ldmxscr lfence
mfence maskmovdqu maskmovdq maxpd maxps paxsd maxss minpd minps minsd minss movapd
movaps movdq2q movdqa movdqu movhlps movhpd movhps movd movq movlhps movlpd movlps
movmskpd movmskps movntdq movnti movntpd movntps movntq movq2dq movsd movss movupd
movups mulpd mulps mulsd mulss orpd orps packssdw packsswb packuswb paddb paddsb
paddw paddsw paddd paddsiw paddq paddusb paddusw pand pandn pause paveb pavgb pavgw
pavgusb pdistib pextrw pcmpeqb pcmpeqw pcmpeqd pcmpgtb pcmpgtw pcmpgtd pf2id pf2iw
pfacc pfadd pfcmpeq pfcmpge pfcmpgt pfmax pfmin pfmul pmachriw pmaddwd pmagw pmaxsw
pmaxub pminsw pminub pmovmskb pmulhrwc pmulhriw pmulhrwa pmulhuw pmulhw pmullw
pmuludq pmvzb pmvnzb pmvlzb pmvgezb pfnacc pfpnacc por prefetch prefetchw
prefetchnta prefetcht0 prefetcht1 prefetcht2 pfrcp pfrcpit1 pfrcpit2 pfrsqit1
pfrsqrt pfsub pfsubr pi2fd pf2iw pinsrw psadbw pshufd pshufhw pshuflw pshufw psllw
pslld psllq pslldq psraw psrad psrlw psrld psrlq psrldq psubb psubw psubd psubq
psubsb psubsw psubusb psubusw psubsiw pswapd punpckhbw punpckhwd punpckhdq
punpckhqdq punpcklbw punpcklwd punpckldq punpcklqdq pxor rcpps rcpss rsqrtps
rsqrtss sfence shufpd shufps sqrtpd sqrtps sqrtsd sqrtss stmxcsr subpd subps subsd
subss ucomisd ucomiss unpckhpd unpckhps unpcklpd unpcklps xorpd xorps</Keywords>
<Language name="asp" ext="asp" commentLine="&apos;">
<Keywords name="instre1">addhandler addressof andalso alias and ansi as
assembly attribute auto begin boolean byref byte byval call case catch cbool cbyte
cchar cdate cdec cdbl char cint class clng cobj compare const continue cshort csng
cstr ctype currency date decimal declare default delegate dim do double each else
elseif end enum erase error event exit explicit false finally for friend function
get gettype global gosub goto handles if implement implements imports in inherits
integer interface is let lib like load long loop lset me mid mod module mustinherit
mustoverride mybase myclass namespace new next not nothing notinheritable
notoverridable object on option optional or orelse overloads overridable overrides
paramarray preserve private property protected public raiseevent readonly redim rem
removehandler rset resume return select set shadows shared short single static step
stop string structure sub synclock then throw to true try type typeof unload
unicode until variant wend when while with withevents writeonly xor</Keywords>
<Language name="autoit" ext="au3" commentLine=";" commentStart="#CS"
<Keywords name="instre1">and byref case continueloop dim do else elseif
endfunc endif endselect exit exitloop for func global if local next not or return
select step then to until wend while exit</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">abs acos adlibdisable adlibenable asc asin
atan autoitsetoption autoitwingettitle autoitwinsettitle bitand bitnot bitor
bitshift bitxor blockinput break call cdtray chr clipget clipput controlclick
controlcommand controldisable controlenable controlfocus controlgetfocus
controlgetpos controlgettext controlhide controlmove controlsend controlsettext
controlshow cos dec dircopy dircreate dirmove dirremove drivegetdrive
drivegetfilesystem drivegetlabel drivegetserial drivegettype drivesetlabel
drivespacefree drivespacetotal drivestatus envget envset envupdate eval exp
filechangedir fileclose filecopy filecreateshortcut filedelete fileexists
filefindfirstfile filefindnextfile filegetattrib filegetlongname filegetshortname
filegetsize filegettime filegetversion fileinstall filemove fileopen fileopendialog
fileread filereadline filerecycle filerecycleempty filesavedialog fileselectfolder
filesetattrib filesettime filewrite filewriteline guicreate guicreateex
guidefaultfont guidelete guigetcontrolstate guihide guimsg guiread guirecvmsg
guisendmsg guisetcontrol guisetcontroldata guisetcontrolex guisetcontrolfont
guisetcontrolnotify guisetcoord guisetcursor guishow guiwaitclose guiwrite hex
hotkeyset inidelete iniread iniwrite inputbox int isadmin isarray isdeclared
isfloat isint isnumber isstring log memgetstats mod mouseclick mouseclickdrag
mousedown mousegetcursor mousegetpos mousemove mouseup mousewheel msgbox number
pixelchecksum pixelgetcolor pixelsearch processclose processexists
processsetpriority processwait processwaitclose progressoff progresson progressset
random regdelete regenumkey regenumval regread regwrite round run runasset runwait
send seterror shutdown sin sleep soundplay soundsetwavevolume splashimageon
splashoff splashtexton sqrt statusbargettext string stringaddcr stringformat
stringinstr stringisalnum stringisalpha stringisascii stringisdigit stringisfloat
stringisint stringislower stringisspace stringisupper stringisxdigit stringleft
stringlen stringlower stringmid stringreplace stringright stringsplit stringstripcr
stringstripws stringtrimleft stringtrimright stringupper tan timerstart timerstop
tooltip traytip ubound urldownloadtofile winactivate winactive winclose winexists
wingetcaretpos wingetclasslist wingetclientsize wingethandle wingetpos wingetstate
wingettext wingettitle winkill winmenuselectitem winminimizeall winminimizeallundo
winmove winsetontop winsetstate winsettitle winwait winwaitactive winwaitclose
<Keywords name="type1">@appdatacommondir @appdatadir @autoitversion
@commonfilesdir @compiled @computername @comspec @cr @crlf @desktopcommondir
@desktopdir @desktopheight @desktopwidth @documentscommondir @error
@favoritescommondir @favoritesdir @homedrive @homepath @homeshare @hour @ipaddress1
@ipaddress2 @ipaddress3 @ipaddress4 @lf @logondnsdomain @logondomain @logonserver
@mday @min @mon @mydocumentsdir @osbuild @oslang @osservicepack @ostype @osversion
@programfilesdir @programscommondir @programsdir @scriptdir @scriptfullpath
@scriptname @sec @startmenucommondir @startmenudir @startupcommondir @startupdir
@sw_hide @sw_maximize @sw_minimize @sw_restore @sw_show @systemdir @tab @tempdir
@userprofiledir @username @wday @windowsdir @workingdir @yday @year</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">{!} {#} {^} {{} {}} {+} {alt} {altdown} {altup}
{appskey} {asc} {backspace} {browser_back} {browser_favorites} {browser_forward}
{browser_home} {browser_refresh} {browser_search} {browser_stop} {bs} {capslock}
{ctrlbreak} {ctrldown} {ctrlup} {del} {delete} {down} {end} {enter} {esc} {escape}
{f1} {f10} {f11} {f12} {f2} {f3} {f4} {f5} {f6} {f7} {f8} {f9} {home} {ins}
{insert} {lalt} {launch_app1} {launch_app2} {launch_mail} {launch_media} {lctrl}
{left} {lshift} {lwin} {lwindown} {media_next} {media_play_pause} {media_prev}
{media_stop} {numlock} {numpad0} {numpad1} {numpad2} {numpad3} {numpad4} {numpad5}
{numpad6} {numpad7} {numpad8} {numpad9} {numpadadd} {numpaddiv} {numpaddot}
{numpadenter} {numpadmult} {numpadsub} {pause} {pgdn} {pgup} {printscreen} {ralt}
{rctrl} {right} {rshift} {rwin} {rwindown} {scrolllock} {shiftdown} {shiftup}
{sleep} {space} {tab} {up} {volume_down} {volume_mute} {volume_up}</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type3">#include #include-once</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type4">#region #endregion</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type5" />
<Language name="bash" ext="sh bsh" commentLine="#">
<Keywords name="instre1">alias ar asa awk banner basename bash bc bdiff
break bunzip2 bzip2 cal calendar case cat cc cd chmod cksum clear cmp col comm
compress continue cp cpio crypt csplit ctags cut date dc dd declare deroff dev df
diff diff3 dircmp dirname do done du echo ed egrep elif else env esac eval ex exec
exit expand export expr false fc fgrep fi file find fmt fold for function functions
getconf getopt getopts grep gres hash head help history iconv id if in integer jobs
join kill local lc let line ln logname look ls m4 mail mailx make man mkdir more mt
mv newgrp nl nm nohup ntps od pack paste patch pathchk pax pcat perl pg pr print
printf ps pwd read readonly red return rev rm rmdir sed select set sh shift size
sleep sort spell split start stop strings strip stty sum suspend sync tail tar tee
test then time times touch tr trap true tsort tty type typeset ulimit umask unalias
uname uncompress unexpand uniq unpack unset until uudecode uuencode vi vim vpax
wait wc whence which while who wpaste wstart xargs zcat</Keywords>
<Language name="batch" ext="bat cmd nt" commentLine="REM">
<Keywords name="instre1">rem set if else exist errorlevel for in do
break call copy chcp cd chdir choice cls country ctty date del erase dir echo exit
goto loadfix loadhigh mkdir md move path pause prompt rename ren rmdir rd shift
time type ver verify vol com con lpt nul defined not errorlevel
<Language name="c" ext="c" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">if else switch case default break goto return
for while do continue typedef sizeof NULL</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">void struct union enum char short int long
double float signed unsigned const static extern auto register volatile</Keywords>
<Language name="caml" ext="ml mli sml thy" commentLine="" commentStart="(*"
<Keywords name="instre1">and as assert asr begin class constraint do
done downto else end exception external false for fun function functor if in
include inherit initializer land lazy let lor lsl lsr lxor match method mod module
mutable new object of open or private rec sig struct then to true try type val
virtual when while with</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">option Some None ignore ref lnot succ
<Keywords name="type1">array bool char float int list string
<Language name="cmake" ext="cmake" commentLine="#">
<Keywords name="instre1">add_custom_command add_custom_target
add_definitions add_dependencies add_executable add_library add_subdirectory
add_test aux_source_directory build_command build_name cmake_minimum_required
configure_file create_test_sourcelist else elseif enable_language enable_testing
endforeach endif endmacro endwhile exec_program execute_process
export_library_dependencies file find_file find_library find_package find_path
find_program fltk_wrap_ui foreach get_cmake_property get_directory_property
get_filename_component get_source_file_property get_target_property
get_test_property if include include_directories include_external_msproject
include_regular_expression install install_files install_programs install_targets
link_directories link_libraries list load_cache load_command macro make_directory
mark_as_advanced math message option output_required_files project qt_wrap_cpp
qt_wrap_ui remove remove_definitions separate_arguments set
set_directory_properties set_source_files_properties set_target_properties
set_tests_properties site_name source_group string subdir_depends subdirs
target_link_libraries try_compile try_run use_mangled_mesa utility_source
variable_requires vtk_make_instantiator vtk_wrap_java vtk_wrap_python vtk_wrap_tcl
while write_file</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2" />
<Language name="cobol" ext="cbl cbd cdb cdc cob" commentLine="*">
<Keywords name="instre1">configuration data declaratives division
environment environment-division file file-control function i-o i-o-control
identification input input-output linkage local-storage output procedure program
program-id section special-names working-storage</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">accept add alter apply assign call chain close
compute continue control convert count delete display divide draw drop eject else
enable end-accept end-add end-call end-chain end-compute end-delete end-display
end-divide end-evaluate end-if end-invoke end-multiply end-perform end-read end-
receive end-return end-rewrite end-search end-start end-string end-subtract end-
unstring end-write erase evaluate examine exec execute exit go goback generate if
ignore initialize initiate insert inspect invoke leave merge move multiply open
otherwise perform print read receive release reload replace report reread rerun
reserve reset return rewind rewrite rollback run search seek select send set sort
start stop store string subtract sum suppress terminate then transform unlock
unstring update use wait when wrap write</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">access acquire actual address advancing after
all allowing alphabet alphabetic alphabetic-lower alphabetic-upper alphanumeric
alphanumeric-edited also alternate and any are area areas as ascending at attribute
author auto auto-hyphen-skip auto-skip automatic autoterminate background-color
background-colour backward basis beep before beginning bell binary blank blink
blinking block bold bottom box boxed by c01 c02 c03 c04 c05 c06 c07 c08 c09 c10 c11
c12 cancel cbl cd centered cf ch chaining changed character characters chart class
clock-units cobol code code-set col collating color colour column com-reg comma
command-line commit commitment common communication comp comp-0 comp-1 comp-2 comp-
3 comp-4 comp-5 comp-6 comp-x compression computational computational-1
computational-2 computational-3 computational-4 computational-5 computational-6
computational-x computational console contains content control-area controls
conversion converting core-index corr corresponding crt crt-under csp currency
current-date cursor cycle cyl-index cyl-overflow date date-compiled date-written
day day-of-week dbcs de debug debug-contents debug-item debug-line debug-name
debug-sub-1 debug-sub-2 debug-sub-3 debugging decimal-point default delimited
delimiter depending descending destination detail disable disk disp display-1
display-st down duplicates dynamic echo egcs egi emi empty-check encryption end
end-of-page ending enter entry eol eop eos equal equals error escape esi every
exceeds exception excess-3 exclusive exhibit extend extended-search external
externally-described-key factory false fd fh--fcd fh--keydef file-id file-limit
file-limits file-prefix filler final first fixed footing for foreground-color
foreground-colour footing format from full giving global greater grid group heading
high high-value high-values highlight id in index indexed indic indicate indicator
indicators inheriting initial installation into invalid invoked is japanese just
justified kanji kept key keyboard label last leading left left-justify leftline
length length-check less limit limits lin linage linage-counter line line-counter
lines lock lock-holding locking low low-value low-values lower lowlight manual
mass-update master-index memory message method mode modified modules more-labels
multiple name named national national-edited native nchar negative next no no-echo
nominal not note nstd-reels null nulls number numeric numeric-edited numeric-fill
o-fill object object-computer object-storage occurs of off omitted on oostackptr
optional or order organization other others overflow overline packed-decimal
padding page page-counter packed-decimal paragraph password pf ph pic picture plus
pointer pop-up pos position positioning positive previous print-control print-
switch printer printer-1 printing prior private procedure-pointer procedures
proceed process processing prompt protected public purge queue quote quotes random
range rd readers ready record record-overflow recording records redefines reel
reference references relative remainder remarks removal renames reorg-criteria
repeated replacing reporting reports required resident return-code returning
reverse reverse-video reversed rf rh right right-justify rolling rounded s01 s02
s03 s04 s05 same screen scroll sd secure security segment segment-limit selective
self selfclass sentence separate sequence sequential service setshadow shift-in
shift-out sign size skip1 skip2 skip3 sort-control sort-core-size sort-file-size
sort-merge sort-message sort-mode-size sort-option sort-return source source-
computer space spaces space-fill spaces standard standard-1 standard-2 starting
status sub-queue-1 sub-queue-2 sub-queue-3 subfile super symbolic sync synchronized
sysin sysipt syslst sysout syspch syspunch system-info tab tallying tape terminal
terminal-info test text than through thru time time-of-day time-out timeout times
title to top totaled totaling trace track-area track-limit tracks trailing
trailing-sign transaction true type typedef underline underlined unequal unit until
up updaters upon upper upsi-0 upsi-1 upsi-2 upsi-3 upsi-4 upsi-5 upsi-6 upsi-7
usage user using value values variable varying when-compiled window with words
write-only write-verify writerszero zero zero-fill zeros zeroes</Keywords>
<Language name="coffeescript" ext="litcoffee" commentLine="#"
commentStart="" commentEnd="">
<Keywords name="instre1">new instanceof do return break continue throw
for while until loop if else unless switch when then in of by typeof delete where
try catch finally prototype jQuery case default function var void with const let
enum export import native __hasProp __extends __slice __bind __indexOf</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">Object Number Boolean Array String RegExp
Function Date Math eval setInterval clearInterval setTimeout clearTimeout isFinite
isNaN parseFloat parseInt escape unescape console encodeURI encodeURIComponent
decodeURI decodeURIComponent window document navigator location history screen
alert prompt process GLOBAL require exports</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">false true yes no on off undefined null NaN
<Language name="cpp" ext="h hpp hxx cpp cxx cc" commentLine="//"
commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Keywords name="instre1">alignof and and_eq bitand bitor break case
catch compl const_cast continue default delete do dynamic_cast else false for goto
if namespace new not not_eq nullptr operator or or_eq reinterpret_cast return
sizeof static_assert static_cast switch this throw true try typedef typeid using
while xor xor_eq NULL</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">alignas asm auto bool char char16_t char32_t
class const constexpr decltype double enum explicit export extern final float
friend inline int long mutable noexcept override private protected public register
short signed static struct template thread_local typename union unsigned virtual
void volatile wchar_t</Keywords>
<Language name="cs" ext="cs" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">abstract as base break case catch checked
continue default delegate do else event explicit extern false finally fixed for
foreach goto if implicit in interface internal is lock namespace new null object
operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sealed
sizeof stackalloc switch this throw true try typeof unchecked unsafe using virtual
<Keywords name="type1">bool byte char class const decimal double enum
float int long sbyte short static string struct uint ulong ushort void</Keywords>
<Language name="css" ext="css" commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Keywords name="instre1">-khtml-border-radius -khtml-opacity -khtml-
background-clip -khtml-background-origin -khtml-background-size -khtml-border-top-
left-radius -khtml-border-top-right-radius -khtml-border-bottom-right-radius
-khtml-border-bottom-left-radius -moz-animation -moz-animation-delay -moz-
animation-direction -moz-animation-duration -moz-animation-fill-mode -moz-
animation-iteration-count -moz-animation-name -moz-animation-play-state -moz-
animation-timing-function -moz-appearance -moz-background-clip -moz-background-
inline-policy -moz-background-origin -moz-background-size -moz-binding -moz-border-
bottom-colors -moz-border-end -moz-border-end-color -moz-border-end-style -moz-
border-end-width -moz-border-image -moz-border-left-colors -moz-border-radius -moz-
border-radius-bottomleft -moz-border-radius-bottomright -moz-border-radius-topleft
-moz-border-radius-topright -moz-border-right-colors -moz-border-start -moz-border-
start-color -moz-border-start-style -moz-border-start-width -moz-border-top-colors
-moz-box-align -moz-box-direction -moz-box-flex -moz-box-flex-group -moz-box-
flexgroup -moz-box-ordinal-group -moz-box-orient -moz-box-pack -moz-box-shadow
-moz-box-sizing -moz-column-count -moz-column-gap -moz-column-rule -moz-column-
rule-color -moz-column-rule-style -moz-column-rule-width -moz-column-width -moz-
float-edge -moz-force-broken-image-icon -moz-image-region -moz-linear-gradient
-moz-margin-end -moz-margin-start -moz-opacity -moz-outline -moz-outline-color
-moz-outline-offset -moz-outline-radius -moz-outline-radius-bottomleft -moz-
outline-radius-bottomright -moz-outline-radius-topleft -moz-outline-radius-topright
-moz-outline-style -moz-outline-width -moz-padding-end -moz-padding-start -moz-
radial-gradient -moz-stack-sizing -moz-text-decoration-color -moz-text-decoration-
line -moz-text-decoration-style -moz-transform -moz-transform-origin -moz-
transition -moz-transition-delay -moz-transition-duration -moz-transition-property
-moz-transition-timing-function -moz-user-focus -moz-user-input -moz-user-modify
-moz-user-select -moz-window-shadow -ms-filter -ms-transform -ms-transform-origin
-o-transform -webkit-animation -webkit-animation-delay -webkit-animation-direction
-webkit-animation-duration -webkit-animation-fill-mode -webkit-animation-iteration-
count -webkit-animation-name -webkit-animation-play-state -webkit-animation-timing-
function -webkit-appearance -webkit-backface-visibility -webkit-background-clip
-webkit-background-composite -webkit-background-origin -webkit-background-size
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius -webkit-
border-horizontal-spacing -webkit-border-image -webkit-border-radius -webkit-
border-top-left-radius -webkit-border-top-right-radius -webkit-border-vertical-
spacing -webkit-box-align -webkit-box-direction -webkit-box-flex -webkit-box-flex-
group -webkit-box-lines -webkit-box-ordinal-group -webkit-box-orient -webkit-box-
pack -webkit-box-reflect -webkit-box-shadow -webkit-box-sizing -webkit-column-
break-after -webkit-column-break-before -webkit-column-break-inside -webkit-column-
count -webkit-column-gap -webkit-column-rule -webkit-column-rule-color -webkit-
column-rule-style -webkit-column-rule-width -webkit-column-width -webkit-columns
-webkit-dashboard-region -webkit-font-smoothing -webkit-gradient -webkit-line-break
-webkit-linear-gradient -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse -webkit-margin-collapse
-webkit-margin-start -webkit-margin-top-collapse -webkit-marquee -webkit-marquee-
direction -webkit-marquee-increment -webkit-marquee-repetition -webkit-marquee-
speed -webkit-marquee-style -webkit-mask -webkit-mask-attachment -webkit-mask-box-
image -webkit-mask-clip -webkit-mask-composite -webkit-mask-image -webkit-mask-
origin -webkit-mask-position -webkit-mask-position-x -webkit-mask-position-y
-webkit-mask-repeat -webkit-mask-size -webkit-nbsp-mode -webkit-padding-start
-webkit-perspective -webkit-perspective-origin -webkit-radial-gradient -webkit-rtl-
ordering -webkit-tap-highlight-color -webkit-text-fill-color -webkit-text-security
-webkit-text-size-adjust -webkit-text-stroke -webkit-text-stroke-color -webkit-
text-stroke-width -webkit-touch-callout -webkit-transform -webkit-transform
-webkit-transform-origin -webkit-transform-origin-x -webkit-transform-origin-y
-webkit-transform-origin-z -webkit-transform-style -webkit-transition -webkit-
transition-delay -webkit-transition-duration -webkit-transition-property -webkit-
transition-timing-function -webkit-user-drag -webkit-user-modify -webkit-user-
select alignment-adjust alignment-baseline animation animation-delay animation-
direction animation-duration animation-iteration-count animation-name animation-
play-state animation-timing-function appearance azimuth backface-visibility
background background-attachment background-break background-clip background-color
background-image background-origin background-position background-repeat
background-size baseline-shift binding bleed bookmark-label bookmark-level
bookmark-state bookmark-target border border border-bottom border-bottom-color
border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-style border-
bottom-width border-collapse border-color border-image border-image-outset border-
image-repeat border-image-slice border-image-source border-image-width border-left
border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-radius border-right
border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing border-
style border-top border-top-color border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius
border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom box-align box-decoration-
break box-direction box-flex box-flex-group box-lines box-ordinal-group box-orient
box-pack box-shadow box-sizing break-after break-before break-inside caption-side
clear clip color color-profile column-count column-fill column-gap column-rule
column-rule-color column-rule-style column-rule-width column-span column-width
columns content counter-increment counter-reset crop cue cue-after cue-before
cursor direction display dominant-baseline drop-initial-after-adjust drop-initial-
after-align drop-initial-before-adjust drop-initial-before-align drop-initial-size
drop-initial-value elevation empty-cells filter fit fit-position float float-offset
font font-effect font-emphasize font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch
font-style font-variant font-weight grid-columns grid-rows hanging-punctuation
height hyphenate-after hyphenate-before hyphenate-character hyphenate-lines
hyphenate-resource hyphens icon image-orientation image-rendering image-resolution
inline-box-align left letter-spacing line-height line-stacking line-stacking-ruby
line-stacking-shift line-stacking-strategy list-style list-style-image list-style-
position list-style-type margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top
mark mark-after mark-before marker-offset marks marquee-direction marquee-play-
count marquee-speed marquee-style max-height max-width min-height min-width move-to
nav-down nav-index nav-left nav-right nav-up opacity orphans outline outline-color
outline-offset outline-style outline-width overflow overflow-style overflow-x
overflow-y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top page page-
break-after page-break-before page-break-inside page-policy pause pause-after
pause-before perspective perspective-origin phonemes pitch pitch-range play-during
position presentation-level punctuation-trim quotes rendering-intent resize rest
rest-after rest-before richness right rotation rotation-point ruby-align ruby-
overhang ruby-position ruby-span size speak speak-header speak-numeral speak-
punctuation speech-rate stress string-set table-layout target target-name target-
new target-position text-align text-align-last text-decoration text-emphasis text-
height text-indent text-justify text-outline text-overflow text-shadow text-
transform text-wrap top transform transform-origin transform-style transition
transition-delay transition-duration transition-property transition-timing-function
unicode-bidi vertical-align visibility voice-balance voice-duration voice-family
voice-pitch voice-pitch-range voice-rate voice-stress voice-volume volume white-
space white-space-collapse widows width word-break word-spacing word-wrap z-
<Keywords name="instre2">active after before check checked disabled
empty enabled first first-child first-letter first-line first-of-type focus hover
indeterminate invalid lang last-child last-of-type left link not nth-child nth-
last-child nth-of-type nth-last-of-type only-child only-of-type optional read-only
read-write required right root selection target valid visited</Keywords>
<Language name="d" ext="d" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">abstract alias align asm assert auto body bool
break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal
dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern
false final finally float for foreach foreach_reverse function goto idouble if
ifloat import in inout int interface invariant ireal is lazy long mixin module new
null out override package pragma private protected public real return scope short
static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeid
typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar
while with</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2" />
<Language name="diff" ext="diff patch" />
<Language name="fortran" ext="f for f90 f95 f2k" commentLine="C">
<Keywords name="instre1">access action advance allocatable allocate
apostrophe assign assignment associate asynchronous backspace bind blank blockdata
call case character class close common complex contains continue cycle data
deallocate decimal delim default dimension direct do dowhile double doubleprecision
else elseif elsewhere encoding end endassociate endblockdata enddo endfile
endforall endfunction endif endinterface endmodule endprogram endselect
endsubroutine endtype endwhere entry eor equivalence err errmsg exist exit external
file flush fmt forall form format formatted function go goto id if implicit in
include inout integer inquire intent interface intrinsic iomsg iolength iostat kind
len logical module name named namelist nextrec nml none nullify number only open
opened operator optional out pad parameter pass pause pending pointer pos position
precision print private program protected public quote read readwrite real rec recl
recursive result return rewind save select selectcase selecttype sequential sign
size stat status stop stream subroutine target then to type unformatted unit use
value volatile wait where while write</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">abs achar acos acosd adjustl adjustr aimag
aimax0 aimin0 aint ajmax0 ajmin0 akmax0 akmin0 all allocated alog alog10 amax0
amax1 amin0 amin1 amod anint any asin asind associated atan atan2 atan2d atand
bitest bitl bitlr bitrl bjtest bit_size bktest break btest cabs ccos cdabs cdcos
cdexp cdlog cdsin cdsqrt ceiling cexp char clog cmplx conjg cos cosd cosh count
cpu_time cshift csin csqrt dabs dacos dacosd dasin dasind datan datan2 datan2d
datand date date_and_time dble dcmplx dconjg dcos dcosd dcosh dcotan ddim dexp
dfloat dflotk dfloti dflotj digits dim dimag dint dlog dlog10 dmax1 dmin1 dmod
dnint dot_product dprod dreal dsign dsin dsind dsinh dsqrt dtan dtand dtanh eoshift
epsilon errsns exp exponent float floati floatj floatk floor fraction free huge
iabs iachar iand ibclr ibits ibset ichar idate idim idint idnint ieor ifix iiabs
iiand iibclr iibits iibset iidim iidint iidnnt iieor iifix iint iior iiqint iiqnnt
iishft iishftc iisign ilen imax0 imax1 imin0 imin1 imod index inint inot int int1
int2 int4 int8 iqint iqnint ior ishft ishftc isign isnan izext jiand jibclr jibits
jibset jidim jidint jidnnt jieor jifix jint jior jiqint jiqnnt jishft jishftc
jisign jmax0 jmax1 jmin0 jmin1 jmod jnint jnot jzext kiabs kiand kibclr kibits
kibset kidim kidint kidnnt kieor kifix kind kint kior kishft kishftc kisign kmax0
kmax1 kmin0 kmin1 kmod knint knot kzext lbound leadz len len_trim lenlge lge lgt
lle llt log log10 logical lshift malloc matmul max max0 max1 maxexponent maxloc
maxval merge min min0 min1 minexponent minloc minval mod modulo mvbits nearest nint
not nworkers number_of_processors pack popcnt poppar precision present product
radix random random_number random_seed range real repeat reshape rrspacing rshift
scale scan secnds selected_int_kind selected_real_kind set_exponent shape sign sin
sind sinh size sizeof sngl snglq spacing spread sqrt sum system_clock tan tand tanh
tiny transfer transpose trim ubound unpack verify</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">cdabs cdcos cdexp cdlog cdsin cdsqrt cotan
cotand dcmplx dconjg dcotan dcotand decode dimag dll_export dll_import
doublecomplex dreal dvchk encode find flen flush getarg getcharqq getcl getdat
getenv gettim hfix ibchng identifier imag int1 int2 int4 intc intrup invalop
iostat_msg isha ishc ishl jfix lacfar locking locnear map nargs nbreak ndperr
ndpexc offset ovefl peekcharqq precfill prompt qabs qacos qacosd qasin qasind qatan
qatand qatan2 qcmplx qconjg qcos qcosd qcosh qdim qexp qext qextd qfloat qimag qlog
qlog10 qmax1 qmin1 qmod qreal qsign qsin qsind qsinh qsqrt qtan qtand qtanh ran
rand randu rewrite segment setdat settim system timer undfl unlock union val
virtual volatile zabs zcos zexp zlog zsin zsqrt</Keywords>
<Language name="gui4cli" ext="">
<Keywords name="instre1" />
<Keywords name="instre2" />
<Keywords name="type1" />
<Keywords name="type2" />
<Keywords name="type3" />
<Language name="haskell" ext="hs lhs las" commentLine="--">
<Keywords name="instre1">as case class data default deriving do else
hiding if import in infix infixl infixr instance let module newtype of proc
qualified rec then type where _</Keywords>
<Language name="html" ext="html htm shtml shtm xhtml hta" commentLine=""
commentStart="&lt;!--" commentEnd="--&gt;">
<Keywords name="instre1">!doctype a abbr accept accept-charset
accesskey acronym action address align alink alt applet archive area article aside
audio axis b background base basefont bdo bgcolor big blockquote body border br
button canvas caption cellpadding cellspacing center char charoff charset checkbox
checked cite class classid clear code codebase codetype col colgroup color cols
colspan command compact content contenteditable contextmenu coords data datafld
dataformatas datalist datapagesize datasrc datetime dd declare defer del details
dfn dir disabled div dl draggable dropzone dt em embed enctype event face fieldset
figcaption figure file font footer for form frame frameborder frameset h1 h2 h3 h4
h5 h6 head header height hgroup hidden hr href hreflang hspace html http-equiv i id
iframe image img input ins isindex ismap kbd keygen label lang language leftmargin
legend li link longdesc map marginheight marginwidth mark marquee maxlength media
menu meta meter method multiple name nav noframes nohref noresize noscript noshade
nowrap object ol onabort onafterprint onbeforeonload onbeforeprint onblur oncanplay
oncanplaythrough onchange onclick oncontextmenu ondblclick ondrag ondragend
ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange
ondurationchange onemptied onended onerror onfocus onformchange onforminput
onhaschange oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata
onloadedmetadata onloadstart onmessage onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout
onmouseover onmouseup onmousewheel onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow onpause
onplay onplaying onpopstate onprogress onratechange onreadystatechange onredo
onreset onresize onscroll onseeked onseeking onselect onselect onstalled onstorage
onsubmit onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate onundo onunload onunload onvolumechange
onwaiting optgroup option output p param password placeholder pre profile progress
prompt public q radio readonly rel reset rev rows rowspan rp rt ruby rules s samp
scheme scope script section select selected shape size small source span spellcheck
src standby start strike strong style sub submit summary sup tabindex table target
tbody td text textarea tfoot th thead time title topmargin tr tt type u ul usemap
valign value valuetype var version video vlink vspace wbr width xml
<Language name="ini" ext="ini inf reg url" commentLine=";" />
<Language name="inno" ext="iss" commentLine=";" commentStart=""
<Keywords name="instre1">code components custommessages dirs files
icons ini installdelete langoptions languages messages registry run setup types
tasks uninstalldelete uninstallrun _istool</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">allowcancelduringinstall allownoicons
allowrootdirectory allowuncpath alwaysrestart alwaysshowcomponentslist
alwaysshowdironreadypage alwaysshowgrouponreadypage alwaysusepersonalgroup
appcomments appcontact appcopyright appenddefaultdirname appenddefaultgroupname
appid appmodifypath appmutex appname apppublisher apppublisherurl appreadmefile
appsupporturl appupdatesurl appvername appversion architecturesallowed
architecturesinstallin64bitmode backcolor backcolor2 backcolordirection backsolid
changesassociations changesenvironment compression copyrightfontname
copyrightfontsize createappdir createuninstallregkey defaultdirname
defaultgroupname defaultuserinfoname defaultuserinfoorg defaultuserinfoserial
dialogfontname dialogfontsize direxistswarning disabledirpage disablefinishedpage
disableprogramgrouppage disablereadymemo disablereadypage disablestartupprompt
diskclustersize diskslicesize diskspanning enablesdirdoesntexistwarning encryption
extradiskspacerequired flatcomponentslist infoafterfile infobeforefile
internalcompresslevel languagedetectionmethod languagecodepage languageid
languagename licensefile lzmanumfastbytes mergeduplicatefiles minversion
onlybelowversion outputbasefilename outputdir outputmanifestfile password
privilegesrequired reservebytes restartifneededbyrun setupiconfile
showcomponentsizes showlanguagedialog showtaskstreelines slicesperdisk
solidcompression sourcedir timestamprounding timestampsinutc titlefontname
titlefontsize touchdate touchtime uninstallable uninstalldisplayicon
uninstalldisplayname uninstallfilesdir uninstalllogmode uninstallrestartcomputer
updateuninstalllogappname usepreviousappdir usepreviousgroup useprevioussetuptype
useprevioustasks useprevioususerinfo userinfopage usesetupldr versioninfocompany
versioninfocopyright versioninfodescription versioninfotextversion
versioninfoversion welcomefontname welcomefontsize windowshowcaption
windowstartmaximized windowresizable windowvisible wizardimagebackcolor
wizardimagefile wizardimagestretch wizardsmallimagefile</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">afterinstall attribs beforeinstall check comment
components copymode description destdir destname excludes extradiskspacerequired
filename flags fontinstall groupdescription hotkey infoafterfile infobeforefile
iconfilename iconindex key languages licensefile messagesfile minversion name
onlybelowversion parameters permissions root runonceid section source statusmsg
string subkey tasks type types valuedata valuename valuetype workingdir</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">append define dim else emit endif endsub error
expr file for if ifdef ifexist ifndef ifnexist include insert pragma sub
<Keywords name="type3">begin break case const continue do downto else
end except finally for function if of procedure repeat then to try until uses var
while with</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type4" />
<Language name="java" ext="java" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">instanceof assert if else switch case default
break goto return for while do continue new throw throws try catch finally this
super extends implements import true false null</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">package transient strictfp void char short int
long double float const static volatile byte boolean class interface native private
protected public final abstract synchronized enum</Keywords>
<Language name="javascript" ext="js" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">abstract boolean break byte case catch char
class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum export extends
final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof int
interface long native new package private protected public return short static
super switch synchronized this throw throws transient try typeof var void volatile
while with true false prototype</Keywords>
<Language name="jsp" ext="jsp" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
commentEnd="*/" />
<Language name="kix" ext="kix" commentLine=";" commentStart=""
<Keywords name="instre1">? and beep big break call cd cls color cookie1
copy debug del dim display do until exit flushkb for each next function endfunction
get gets global go gosub goto if else endif md or password play quit rd redim
return run select case endselect set setl setm settime shell sleep small use while
<Keywords name="instre2">abs addkey addprinterconnection
addprogramgroup addprogramitem asc ascan at backupeventlog box cdbl chr cint
cleareventlog close comparefiletimes createobject cstr dectohex delkey
delprinterconnection delprogramgroup delprogramitem deltree delvalue dir enumgroup
enumipinfo enumkey enumlocalgroup enumvalue execute exist existkey
expandenvironmentvars fix formatnumber freefilehandle getdiskspace getfileattr
getfilesize getfiletime getfileversion getobject iif ingroup instr instrrev int
isdeclared join kbhit keyexist lcase left len loadhive loadkey logevent logoff
ltrim memorysize messagebox open readline readprofilestring readtype readvalue
redirectoutput right rnd round rtrim savekey sendkeys sendmessage setascii
setconsole setdefaultprinter setfileattr setfocus setoption setsystemstate settitle
setwallpaper showprogramgroup shutdown sidtoname split srnd substr trim ubound
ucase unloadhive val vartype vartypename writeline writeprofilestring
<Keywords name="type1">address build color comment cpu crlf csd curdir
date day domain dos error fullname homedir homedrive homeshr hostname inwin
ipaddress0 ipaddress1 ipaddress2 ipaddress3 kix lanroot ldomain ldrive lm logonmode
longhomedir lserver maxpwage mdayno mhz monthno month msecs pid primarygroup priv
productsuite producttype pwage ras result rserver scriptdir scriptexe scriptname
serror sid site startdir syslang ticks time userid userlang wdayno wksta wuserid
ydayno year</Keywords>
<Language name="lisp" ext="lsp lisp" commentLine=";">
<Keywords name="instre1">not defun + - * / = &lt; &gt; &lt;= &gt;=
princ eval apply funcall quote identity function complement backquote lambda set
setq setf defun defmacro gensym make symbol intern symbol name symbol value symbol
plist get getf putprop remprop hash make array aref car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar
cadadr caddar cadddr cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr cons
list append reverse last nth nthcdr member assoc subst sublis nsubst nsublis remove
length list length mapc mapcar mapl maplist mapcan mapcon rplaca rplacd nconc
delete atom symbolp numberp boundp null listp consp minusp zerop plusp evenp oddp
eq eql equal cond case and or let l if prog prog1 prog2 progn go return do dolist
dotimes catch throw error cerror break continue errset baktrace evalhook truncate
float rem min max abs sin cos tan expt exp sqrt random logand logior logxor lognot
bignums logeqv lognand lognor logorc2 logtest logbitp logcount integer length
<Keywords name="instre2" />
<Language commentLine="--" ext="lua" name="lua">
<Keywords name="instre1">and break do else elseif end false for
function goto if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">_ENV _G _VERSION assert collectgarbage dofile
error getfenv getmetatable ipairs load loadfile loadstring module next pairs pcall
print rawequal rawget rawlen rawset require select setfenv setmetatable tonumber
tostring type unpack xpcall string table math bit32 coroutine io os debug package
__index __newindex __call __add __sub __mul __div __mod __pow __unm __concat __len
__eq __lt __le __gc __mode</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">byte char dump find format gmatch gsub len lower
match rep reverse sub upper abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos cosh deg exp floor
fmod frexp ldexp log log10 max min modf pow rad random randomseed sin sinh sqrt tan
tanh arshift band bnot bor btest bxor extract lrotate lshift replace rrotate rshift
shift string.byte string.char string.dump string.find string.format string.gmatch
string.gsub string.len string.lower string.match string.rep string.reverse
string.sub string.upper table.concat table.insert table.maxn table.pack
table.remove table.sort table.unpack math.abs math.acos math.asin math.atan
math.atan2 math.ceil math.cos math.cosh math.deg math.exp math.floor math.fmod
math.frexp math.huge math.ldexp math.log math.log10 math.max math.min math.modf
math.pi math.pow math.rad math.random math.randomseed math.sin math.sinh math.sqrt
math.tan math.tanh bit32.arshift bit32.bnot bit32.bor bit32.btest
bit32.bxor bit32.extract bit32.lrotate bit32.lshift bit32.replace bit32.rrotate
<Keywords name="type2">close flush lines read seek setvbuf write clock
date difftime execute exit getenv remove rename setlocale time tmpname
coroutine.create coroutine.resume coroutine.running coroutine.status coroutine.wrap
coroutine.yield io.close io.flush io.input io.lines io.output io.popen io.tmpfile io.type io.write io.stderr io.stdin io.stdout os.clock
os.difftime os.execute os.exit os.getenv os.remove os.rename os.setlocale os.time
os.tmpname debug.debug debug.getfenv debug.gethook debug.getinfo debug.getlocal
debug.getmetatable debug.getregistry debug.getupvalue debug.getuservalue
debug.setfenv debug.sethook debug.setlocal debug.setmetatable debug.setupvalue
debug.setuservalue debug.traceback debug.upvalueid debug.upvaluejoin package.cpath
package.loaded package.loaders package.loadlib package.path package.preload
<Language name="makefile" ext="mak" commentLine="#" />
<Language name="matlab" ext="m" commentLine="%" commentStart=""
<Keywords name="instre1">break case catch continue else elseif end for
function global if otherwise persistent return switch try while</Keywords>
<Language name="nfo" ext="nfo" />
<Language name="nsis" ext="nsi nsh" commentLine=";" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">Abort AddBrandingImage AddSize
AllowRootDirInstall AllowSkipFiles AutoCloseWindow BGFont BGGradient BrandingText
BringToFront Call CallInstDLL Caption ChangeUI CheckBitmap ClearErrors
CompletedText ComponentText CopyFiles CRCCheck CreateDirectory CreateFont
CreateShortCut Delete DeleteINISec DeleteINIStr DeleteRegKey DeleteRegValue
DetailPrint DetailsButtonText DirText DirVar DirVerify EnableWindow EnumRegKey
EnumRegValue Exch Exec ExecShell ExecWait ExpandEnvStrings File FileBufSize
FileClose FileErrorText FileOpen FileRead FileReadByte FileReadUTF16LE FileSeek
FileWrite FileWriteByte FileWriteUTF16LE FindClose FindFirst FindNext FindWindow
FlushINI Function FunctionEnd GetCurInstType GetCurrentAddress GetDlgItem
GetDLLVersion GetDLLVersionLocal GetErrorLevel GetExeName GetExePath GetFileTime
GetFileTimeLocal GetFullPathName GetFunctionAddress GetInstDirError GetLabelAddress
GetTempFileName Goto HideWindow Icon IfAbort IfErrors IfFileExists IfRebootFlag
IfSilent InitPluginsDir InstallButtonText InstallColors InstallDir InstallDirRegKey
InstProgressFlags InstType InstTypeGetText InstTypeSetText IntCmp IntCmpU IntFmt
IntOp IsWindow LangString LangStringUP LicenseBkColor LicenseData
LicenseForceSelection LicenseLangString LicenseText LoadLanguageFile LockWindow
LogSet LogText ManifestDPIAware ManifestSupportedOS MessageBox MiscButtonText Nop
Name OutFile Page PageEx PageExEnd PluginDir Pop Push Quit ReadEnvStr ReadINIStr
ReadRegDWORD ReadRegStr Reboot RegDLL Rename RequestExecutionLevel ReserveFile
Return RMDir SearchPath Section SectionEnd SectionGetFlags SectionGetInstTypes
SectionGetSize SectionGetText SectionGroup SectionGroupEnd SectionIn
SectionSetFlags SectionSetInstTypes SectionSetSize SectionSetText SendMessage
SetAutoClose SetBrandingImage SetCompress SetCompressionLevel SetCompressor
SetCompressorDictSize SetCtlColors SetCurInstType SetDatablockOptimize SetDateSave
SetDetailsPrint SetDetailsView SetErrorLevel SetErrors SetFileAttributes SetFont
SetOutPath SetOverwrite SetPluginUnload SetRebootFlag SetRegView SetShellVarContext
SetSilent SetStaticBkColor ShowInstDetails ShowUninstDetails ShowWindow
SilentInstall SilentUnInstall Sleep SpaceTexts StrCmp StrCmpS StrCpy StrLen
SubSection SubSectionEnd Unicode UninstallButtonText UninstallCaption UninstallIcon
UninstallSubCaption UninstallText UninstPage UnRegDLL UnsafeStrCpy Var
VIAddVersionKey VIFileVersion VIProductVersion WindowIcon WriteINIStr WriteRegBin
WriteRegDWORD WriteRegExpandStr WriteRegStr WriteUninstaller XPStyle !AddIncludeDir
!AddPluginDir !appendfile !cd !define !delfile !echo !else !endif !error !execute !
finalize !getdllversion !if !ifdef !ifmacrodef !ifmacrondef !ifndef !include !
insertmacro !macro !macroend !macroundef !packhdr !searchparse !searchreplace !
system !tempfile !undef !verbose !warning</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">$0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $R0 $R1 $R2 $R3
$TEMP $TEMPLATES $VIDEOS $WINDIR $$ $\n $\r $\t</Keywords>
TEMPORARY all auto both bottom bzip2 checkbox colored current false force hide
ifdiff ifnewer lastused leave left listonly lzma nevershow none normal off on pop
push radiobuttons right show silent silentlog smooth textonly top true try
<Keywords name="type2" />
<Language name="objc" ext="" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Keywords name="instre1">if else switch case default break goto return
for while do continue typedef sizeof NULL self super nil NIL</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">interface implementation protocol end private
protected public class selector encode defs</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">void struct union enum char short int long
double float signed unsigned const static extern auto register volatile id Class
SEL IMP BOOL</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">oneway in out inout bycopy byref</Keywords>
<Language name="pascal" ext="pas inc" commentStart="{" commentEnd="}">
<Keywords name="instre1">and array asm begin case cdecl class const
constructor default destructor div do downto else end end. except exit exports
external far file finalization finally for function goto if implementation in index
inherited initialization inline interface label library message mod near nil not
object of on or out overload override packed pascal private procedure program
property protected public published raise read record register repeat
resourcestring safecall set shl shr stdcall stored string then threadvar to try
type unit until uses var virtual while with write xor</Keywords>
<Language name="perl" ext="pl pm plx" commentLine="#">
<Keywords name="instre1">NULL __FILE__ __LINE__ __PACKAGE__ __DATA__
alarm and atan2 bind binmode bless caller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot
close closedir cmp connect continue cos crypt dbmclose dbmopen defined delete die
do dump each else elsif endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent
endservent eof eq eval exec exists exit exp fcntl fileno flock for foreach fork
format formline ge getc getgrent getgrgid getgrnam gethostbyaddr gethostbyname
gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getpeername getpgrp getppid
getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwent getpwnam getpwuid
getservbyname getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt glob gmtime goto grep
gt hex if index int ioctl join keys kill last lc lcfirst le length link listen
local localtime lock log lstat lt m map mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd my ne
next no not oct open opendir or ord our pack package pipe pop pos print printf
prototype push q qq qr quotemeta qu qw qx rand read readdir readline readlink
readpipe recv redo ref rename require reset return reverse rewinddir rindex rmdir s
scalar seek seekdir select semctl semget semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent
setpgrp setpriority setprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift shmctl shmget
shmread shmwrite shutdown sin sleep socket socketpair sort splice split sprintf
sqrt srand stat study sub substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread sysseek system
syswrite tell telldir tie tied time times tr truncate uc ucfirst umask undef unless
unlink unpack unshift untie until use utime values vec wait waitpid wantarray warn
while write x xor y</Keywords>
<Language name="php" ext="php php3 phtml" commentLine="//"
commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Keywords name="instre1">filesize filemtime ksort sort count shell_exec
disk_free_space disk_total_space file_exists strip_tags htmlentities stripslashes
mysql_real_escape_string session_start error_reporting define str_replace pathinfo
date time version_compare sha1 sha1_file md5 md5_file ignore_user_abort and or xor
__dir__ __method__ __namespace__ __file__ __line__ array as break case cfunction
class const continue declare default die do echo else elseif empty enddeclare
endfor endforeach endif endswitch endwhile eval exit extends for foreach function
global if include include_once isset list new old_function print require
require_once return static switch unset use var while __function__ __class__
php_version php_os default_include_path pear_install_dir pear_extension_dir
php_extension_dir php_bindir php_libdir php_datadir php_sysconfdir
php_localstatedir php_config_file_path php_output_handler_start
php_output_handler_cont php_output_handler_end e_error e_warning e_parse e_notice
e_core_error e_core_warning e_compile_error e_compile_warning e_user_error
e_user_warning e_user_notice e_all true false bool boolean int integer float double
real string array object resource null class extends parent stdclass directory
__sleep __wakeup interface implements abstract public protected private printf
print_r php_major_version php_minor_version php_release_version php_version_id
php_extra_version php_zts php_debug php_maxpathlen php_sapi php_eol php_int_max
php_int_size php_prefix php_mandir php_config_file_scan_dir php_shlib_suffix
php_windows_version_major php_windows_version_minor php_windows_version_build
php_windows_version_platform php_windows_version_sp_major
php_windows_version_sp_minor php_windows_version_suitemask
php_windows_version_producttype php_windows_nt_domain_controller
php_windows_nt_server php_windows_nt_workstation e_deprecated e_user_deprecated
e_strict __compiler_halt_offset__ extr_overwrite extr_skip extr_prefix_same
extr_prefix_all extr_prefix_invalid extr_prefix_if_exists extr_if_exists sort_asc
sort_desc sort_regular sort_numeric sort_string case_lower case_upper count_normal
count_recursive assert_active assert_callback assert_bail assert_warning
assert_quiet_eval connection_aborted connection_normal connection_timeout ini_user
ini_perdir ini_system ini_all m_e m_log2e m_log10e m_ln2 m_ln10 m_pi m_pi_2 m_pi_4
m_1_pi m_2_pi m_2_sqrtpi m_sqrt2 m_sqrt1_2 crypt_salt_length crypt_std_des
crypt_ext_des crypt_md5 crypt_blowfish directory_separator seek_set seek_cur
seek_end lock_sh lock_ex lock_un lock_nb html_specialchars html_entities ent_compat
ent_quotes ent_noquotes info_general info_credits info_configuration info_modules
info_environment info_variables info_license info_all credits_group credits_general
credits_sapi credits_modules credits_docs credits_fullpage credits_qa credits_all
str_pad_left str_pad_right str_pad_both pathinfo_dirname pathinfo_basename
pathinfo_extension path_separator char_max lc_ctype lc_numeric lc_time lc_collate
lc_monetary lc_all lc_messages abday_1 abday_2 abday_3 abday_4 abday_5 abday_6
abday_7 day_1 day_2 day_3 day_4 day_5 day_6 day_7 abmon_1 abmon_2 abmon_3 abmon_4
abmon_5 abmon_6 abmon_7 abmon_8 abmon_9 abmon_10 abmon_11 abmon_12 mon_1 mon_2
mon_3 mon_4 mon_5 mon_6 mon_7 mon_8 mon_9 mon_10 mon_11 mon_12 am_str pm_str
d_t_fmt d_fmt t_fmt t_fmt_ampm era era_year era_d_t_fmt era_d_fmt era_t_fmt
alt_digits int_curr_symbol currency_symbol crncystr mon_decimal_point
mon_thousands_sep mon_grouping positive_sign negative_sign int_frac_digits
frac_digits p_cs_precedes p_sep_by_space n_cs_precedes n_sep_by_space p_sign_posn
n_sign_posn decimal_point radixchar thousands_sep thousep grouping yesexpr noexpr
yesstr nostr codeset log_emerg log_alert log_crit log_err log_warning log_notice
log_info log_debug log_kern log_user log_mail log_daemon log_auth log_syslog
log_lpr log_news log_uucp log_cron log_authpriv log_local0 log_local1 log_local2
log_local3 log_local4 log_local5 log_local6 log_local7 log_pid log_cons log_odelay
log_ndelay log_nowait log_perror msql_connect msql_close msql msql_create_db
msql_createdb msql_drop_db msql_drop_db msql_select_db msql_select_db msql_pconnect
msql msql_create_db msql_createdb msql_drop_db msql_drop_db msql_select_db
msql_select_db msql_db_query msql_list_dbs msql_list_fields msql_list_tables
msql_query msql msql_affected_rows msql_data_seek msql_dbname msql_fetch_array
msql_fetch_field msql_fetch_object msql_fetch_row msql_field_seek msql_field_table
msql_field_flags msql_field_len msql_field_name msql_field_type msql_num_fields
msql_num_rows msql_numfields msql_numrows msql_result mssql_connect mssql_query
mssql_select_db mssql_close mssql_pconnect mssql_query mssql_select_db mssql_query
mssql_data_seek mssql_fetch_array mssql_fetch_field mssql_fetch_object
mssql_fetch_row mssql_field_length mssql_field_name mssql_field_seek
mssql_field_type mssql_num_fields mssql_num_rows mssql_result mssql_free_result
mysql_connect mysql_affected_rows mysql_change_user mysql_create_db mysql_data_seek
mysql_db_name mysql_db_query mysql_drop_db mysql_errno mysql_error mysql_insert_id
mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_fields mysql_list_tables mysql_query mysql_result
mysql_select_db mysql_tablename mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info
mysql_get_server_info mysql_close mysql_pconnect mysql_affected_rows
mysql_change_user mysql_create_db mysql_data_seek mysql_db_name mysql_db_query
mysql_drop_db mysql_errno mysql_error mysql_insert_id mysql_list_dbs
mysql_list_fields mysql_list_tables mysql_query mysql_result mysql_select_db
mysql_tablename mysql_get_host_info mysql_get_proto_info mysql_get_server_info
mysql_db_query mysql_list_dbs mysql_list_fields mysql_list_processes
mysql_list_tables mysql_query mysql_unbuffered_query mysql_data_seek mysql_db_name
mysql_fetch_array mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_field mysql_fetch_lengths
mysql_fetch_object mysql_fetch_row mysql_fetch_row mysql_field_flags
mysql_field_name mysql_field_len mysql_field_seek mysql_field_table
mysql_field_type mysql_num_fields mysql_num_rows mysql_result mysql_tablename
mysql_free_result ocilogon ociplogon ocinlogon ocicommit ociserverversion
ocinewcursor ociparse ocierror ocilogoff ocinewdescriptor ocirollback
ocinewdescriptor ocirowcount ocidefinebyname ocibindbyname ociexecute ocinumcols
ociresult ocifetch ocifetchinto ocifetchstatement ocicolumnisnull ocicolumnname
ocicolumnsize ocicolumntype ocistatementtype ocierror ocifreestatement odbc_connect
odbc_autocommit odbc_commit odbc_error odbc_errormsg odbc_exec odbc_tables
odbc_tableprivileges odbc_do odbc_prepare odbc_columns odbc_columnprivileges
odbc_procedurecolumns odbc_specialcolumns odbc_rollback odbc_setoption
odbc_gettypeinfo odbc_primarykeys odbc_foreignkeys odbc_procedures odbc_statistics
odbc_close odbc_pconnect odbc_autocommit odbc_commit odbc_error odbc_errormsg
odbc_exec odbc_tables odbc_tableprivileges odbc_do odbc_prepare odbc_columns
odbc_columnprivileges odbc_procedurecolumns odbc_specialcolumns odbc_rollback
odbc_setoption odbc_gettypeinfo odbc_primarykeys odbc_foreignkeys odbc_procedures
odbc_statistics odbc_prepare odbc_binmode odbc_cursor odbc_execute odbc_fetch_into
odbc_fetch_row odbc_field_name odbc_field_num odbc_field_type odbc_field_len
odbc_field_precision odbc_field_scale odbc_longreadlen odbc_num_fields
odbc_num_rows odbc_result odbc_result_all odbc_setoption odbc_free_result
openssl_get_privatekey openssl_get_publickey openssl_sign openssl_seal openssl_open
openssl_verify openssl_free_key xml_parser_create xml_parser_create_ns
xml_set_object xml_set_element_handler xml_set_character_data_handler
xml_set_processing_instruction_handler xml_set_default_handler
xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler xml_set_notation_decl_handler
xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler xml_parse xml_get_error_code xml_error_string
xml_get_current_line_number xml_get_current_column_number
xml_get_current_byte_index xml_parse_into_struct xml_parser_set_option
xml_parser_get_option xml_parser_free gzopen gzeof gzgetc gzgets gzgetss gzpassthru
gzputs gzread gzrewind gzseek gztell gzwrite gzclose bzopen bzerrno bzerror
bzerrstr bzflush bzread bzwrite bzclose com_load com_invoke com_propget com_get
com_propput com_set com_propput imagecreate imagecreatefromgd imagecreatefromgd2
imagecreatefromgd2part imagecreatefromgif imagecreatefromjpeg imagecreatefrompng
imagecreatefromwbmp imagecreatefromstring imagecreatefromxbm imagecreatefromxpm
imagecreatetruecolor imagerotate imagearc imagechar imagecharup imagecolorallocate
imagecolorat imagecolorclosest imagecolorexact imagecolorresolve imagegammacorrect
imagegammacorrect imagecolorset imagecolorsforindex imagecolorstotal
imagecolortransparent imagecopy imagecopyresized imagedashedline imagefill
imagefilledpolygon imagefilledrectangle imagefilltoborder imagegif imagepng
imagejpeg imagewbmp imageinterlace imageline imagepolygon imagepstext
imagerectangle imagerotate imagesetpixel imagestring imagestringup imagesx imagesy
imagettftext imagefilledarc imageellipse imagefilledellipse imagecolorclosestalpha
imagecolorexactalpha imagecolorresolvealpha imagecopymerge imagecopymergegray
imagecopyresampled imagetruecolortopalette imagesetbrush imagesettile
imagesetthickness image2wbmp imagealphablending imageantialias
imagecolorallocatealpha imagecolorclosesthwb imagecolordeallocate imagecolormatch
imagefilter imagefttext imagegd imagegd2 imageistruecolor imagelayereffect
imagepalettecopy imagesavealpha imagesetstyle imagexbm imagedestroy imageloadfont
imagechar imagecharup imagefontheight imagepsloadfont imagepstext imagepsslantfont
imagepsextendfont imagepsencodefont imagepsbbox imagepsfreefont curl_copy_handle
curl_init curl_copy_handle curl_errno curl_error curl_exec curl_getinfo curl_setopt
curl_close dba_open dba_delete dba_exists dba_fetch dba_firstkey dba_insert
dba_nextkey dba_optimize
dba_replace dba_sync dba_close dba_popen dba_delete dba_exists dba_fetch
dba_firstkey dba_insert dba_nextkey dba_optimize dba_replace dba_sync strstr
strtoupper strtolower strpos explode implode closedir getdir floatval rtrim fwrite
extension_loaded final catch clone goto instanceof namespace throw try
trigger_error ftp_connect ftp_ssl_connect ftp_close ftp_login ftp_pwd ftp_cdup
ftp_chdir ftp_mkdir ftp_rmdir ftp_nlist ftp_rawlist ftp_systype ftp_pasv ftp_get
ftp_fget ftp_put ftp_fput ftp_size ftp_mdtm ftp_rename ftp_delete ftp_site
ftp_alloc ftp_chmod ftp_exec ftp_get_option ftp_nb_continue ftp_nb_fget ftp_nb_fput
ftp_nb_get ftp_nb_put ftp_raw ftp_set_option imap_open imap_close imap_append
imap_body imap_check imap_createmailbox imap_delete imap_deletemailbox imap_expunge
imap_fetchbody imap_fetchstructure imap_headerinfo imap_header imap_headers
imap_listmailbox imap_getmailboxes imap_get_quota imap_status imap_listsubscribed
imap_set_quota imap_set_quota imap_getsubscribed imap_mail_copy imap_mail_move
imap_num_msg imap_num_recent imap_ping imap_renamemailbox imap_reopen
imap_subscribe imap_undelete imap_unsubscribe imap_scanmailbox imap_mailboxmsginfo
imap_fetchheader imap_uid imap_msgno imap_search imap_fetch_overview
array_change_key_case array_chunk array_combine array_count_values array_diff
array_diff_assoc array_diff_key array_diff_uassoc array_diff_ukey array_fill
array_fill_keys array_filter array_flip array_intersect array_intersect_assoc
array_intersect_key array_intersect_uassoc array_intersect_ukey array_key_exists
array_keys array_map array_merge array_merge_recursive array_multisort array_pad
array_pop array_product array_push array_rand array_reduce array_replace
array_replace_recursive array_reverse array_search array_shift array_slice
array_splice array_sum array_udiff array_udiff_assoc array_udiff_uassoc
array_uintersect array_uintersect_assoc array_uintersect_uassoc array_unique
array_unshift array_values array_walk array_walk_recursive arrayaccess
arrayiterator arrayobject fclose flock floor flush fmod fnmatch fopen fpassthru
fprintf fputcsv fputs fread fscanf fseek fsockopen fstat ftell __construct
<Language name="postscript" ext="ps" commentLine="%">
<Keywords name="instre1">$error = == FontDirectory StandardEncoding
UserObjects abs add aload anchorsearch and arc arcn arcto array ashow astore atan
awidthshow begin bind bitshift bytesavailable cachestatus ceiling charpath clear
cleardictstack cleartomark clip clippath closefile closepath concat concatmatrix
copy copypage cos count countdictstack countexecstack counttomark currentcmykcolor
currentcolorspace currentdash currentdict currentfile currentflat currentfont
currentgray currenthsbcolor currentlinecap currentlinejoin currentlinewidth
currentmatrix currentmiterlimit currentpagedevice currentpoint currentrgbcolor
currentscreen currenttransfer cvi cvlit cvn cvr cvrs cvs cvx def defaultmatrix
definefont dict dictstack div dtransform dup echo end eoclip eofill eq erasepage
errordict exch exec execstack executeonly executive exit exp false file fill
findfont flattenpath floor flush flushfile for forall ge get getinterval grestore
grestoreall gsave gt idetmatrix idiv idtransform if ifelse image imagemask index
initclip initgraphics initmatrix inustroke invertmatrix itransform known kshow le
length lineto ln load log loop lt makefont mark matrix maxlength mod moveto mul ne
neg newpath noaccess nor not null nulldevice or pathbbox pathforall pop print
prompt pstack put putinterval quit rand rcheck rcurveto read readhexstring readline
readonly readstring rectstroke repeat resetfile restore reversepath rlineto rmoveto
roll rotate round rrand run save scale scalefont search setblackgeneration
setcachedevice setcachelimit setcharwidth setcolorscreen setcolortransfer setdash
setflat setfont setgray sethsbcolor setlinecap setlinejoin setlinewidth setmatrix
setmiterlimit setpagedevice setrgbcolor setscreen settransfer setvmthreshold show
showpage sin sqrt srand stack start status statusdict stop stopped store string
stringwidth stroke strokepath sub systemdict token token transform translate true
truncate type ueofill undefineresource userdict usertime version vmstatus wcheck
where widthshow write writehexstring writestring xcheck xor</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">GlobalFontDirectory ISOLatin1Encoding
SharedFontDirectory UserObject arct colorimage cshow currentblackgeneration
currentcacheparams currentcmykcolor currentcolor currentcolorrendering
currentcolorscreen currentcolorspace currentcolortransfer currentdevparams
currentglobal currentgstate currenthalftone currentobjectformat currentoverprint
currentpacking currentpagedevice currentshared currentstrokeadjust
currentsystemparams currentundercolorremoval currentuserparams defineresource
defineuserobject deletefile execform execuserobject filenameforall fileposition
filter findencoding findresource gcheck globaldict glyphshow gstate ineofill infill
instroke inueofill inufill inustroke languagelevel makepattern packedarray
printobject product realtime rectclip rectfill rectstroke renamefile resourceforall
resourcestatus revision rootfont scheck selectfont serialnumber setbbox
setblackgeneration setcachedevice2 setcacheparams setcmykcolor setcolor
setcolorrendering setcolorscreen setcolorspace setcolortranfer setdevparams
setfileposition setglobal setgstate sethalftone setobjectformat setoverprint
setpacking setpagedevice setpattern setshared setstrokeadjust setsystemparams
setucacheparams setundercolorremoval setuserparams setvmthreshold shareddict
startjob uappend ucache ucachestatus ueofill ufill undef undefinefont
undefineresource undefineuserobject upath ustroke ustrokepath vmreclaim writeobject
xshow xyshow yshow</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">cliprestore clipsave composefont
currentsmoothness findcolorrendering setsmoothness shfill</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">.begintransparencygroup
.begintransparencymask .bytestring .charboxpath .currentaccuratecurves
.currentblendmode .currentcurvejoin .currentdashadapt .currentdotlength
.currentfilladjust2 .currentlimitclamp .currentopacityalpha
.currentoverprintmode .currentrasterop .currentshapealpha .currentsourcetransparent
.currenttextknockout .currenttexturetransparent .dashpath .dicttomark
.discardtransparencygroup .discardtransparencymask .endtransparencygroup
.endtransparencymask .execn .filename .filename .fileposition .forceput .forceundef
.forgetsave .getbitsrect .getdevice .inittransparencymask .knownget .locksafe
.makeoperator .namestring .oserrno .oserrorstring .peekstring .rectappend
.runandhide .setaccuratecurves .setblendmode .setcurvejoin .setdashadapt
.setdebug .setdefaultmatrix .setdotlength .setfilladjust2 .setlimitclamp
.setmaxlength .setopacityalpha .setoverprintmode .setrasterop .setsafe
.setshapealpha .setsourcetransparent .settextknockout .settexturetransparent
.stringbreak .stringmatch .tempfile .type1decrypt .type1encrypt .type1execchar
.unread arccos arcsin copydevice copyscanlines currentdevice finddevice findlibfile
findprotodevice flushpage getdeviceprops getenv makeimagedevice makewordimagedevice
max min putdeviceprops setdevice</Keywords>
<Language name="powershell" ext="ps1 psm1" commentLine="#"
commentStart="&lt;#" commentEnd="#&gt;">
<Keywords name="instre1">break continue do else elseif filter for
foreach function if in return switch until where while</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">add-content add-history add-member add-
pssnapin clear-content clear-item clear-itemproperty clear-variable compare-object
convertfrom-securestring convert-path convertto-html convertto-securestring copy-
item copy-itemproperty export-alias export-clixml export-console export-csv
foreach-object format-custom format-list format-table format-wide get-acl get-alias
get-authenticodesignature get-childitem get-command get-content get-credential get-
culture get-date get-eventlog get-executionpolicy get-help get-history get-host
get-item get-itemproperty get-location get-member get-pfxcertificate get-process
get-psdrive get-psprovider get-pssnapin get-service get-tracesource get-uiculture
get-unique get-variable get-wmiobject group-object import-alias import-clixml
import-csv invoke-expression invoke-history invoke-item join-path measure-command
measure-object move-item move-itemproperty new-alias new-item new-itemproperty new-
object new-psdrive new-service new-timespan new-variable out-default out-file out-
host out-null out-printer out-string pop-location push-location read-host remove-
item remove-itemproperty remove-psdrive remove-pssnapin remove-variable rename-item
rename-itemproperty resolve-path restart-service resume-service select-object
select-string set-acl set-alias set-authenticodesignature set-content set-date set-
executionpolicy set-item set-itemproperty set-location set-psdebug set-service set-
tracesource set-variable sort-object split-path start-service start-sleep start-
transcript stop-process stop-service stop-transcript suspend-service tee-object
test-path trace-command update-formatdata update-typedata where-object write-debug
write-error write-host write-output write-progress write-verbose write-
<Keywords name="type1">ac asnp clc cli clp clv cpi cpp cvpa diff epal
epcsv fc fl foreach ft fw gal gc gci gcm gdr ghy gi gl gm gp gps group gsv gsnp gu
gv gwmi iex ihy ii ipal ipcsv mi mp nal ndr ni nv oh rdr ri rni rnp rp rsnp rv rvpa
sal sasv sc select si sl sleep sort sp spps spsv sv tee where write cat cd clear cp
h history kill lp ls mount mv popd ps pushd pwd r rm rmdir echo cls chdir copy del
dir erase move rd ren set type</Keywords>
<Language name="props" ext="properties" commentLine=";" />
<Language name="python" ext="py pyw" commentLine="#">
<Keywords name="instre1">and as assert break class continue def del
elif else except exec False finally for from global if import in is lambda None not
or pass print raise return triple True try while with yield</Keywords>
<Language name="r" ext="r" commentLine="#">
<Keywords name="instre1">if else repeat while function for in next
break TRUE FALSE NULL NA Inf NaN</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">abbreviate abline abs acf acos acosh
addmargins aggregate agrep alarm alias alist all anova any aov aperm append apply
approx approxfun apropos ar args arima array arrows asin asinh assign assocplot
atan atanh attach attr attributes autoload autoloader ave axis backsolve barplot
basename beta bindtextdomain binomial biplot bitmap bmp body box boxplot bquote
break browser builtins bxp by bzfile c call cancor capabilities casefold cat
category cbind ccf ceiling character charmatch chartr chol choose chull citation
class close cm cmdscale codes coef coefficients col colnames colors colorspaces
colours comment complex confint conflicts contour contrasts contributors convolve
cophenetic coplot cor cos cosh cov covratio cpgram crossprod cummax cummin cumprod
cumsum curve cut cutree cycle data dataentry date dbeta dbinom dcauchy dchisq de
debug debugger decompose delay deltat demo dendrapply density deparse deriv det
detach determinant deviance dexp df dfbeta dfbetas dffits dgamma dgeom dget dhyper
diag diff diffinv difftime digamma dim dimnames dir dirname dist dlnorm dlogis
dmultinom dnbinom dnorm dotchart double dpois dput drop dsignrank dt dump dunif
duplicated dweibull dwilcox eapply ecdf edit effects eigen emacs embed end
environment eval evalq example exists exp expression factanal factor factorial
family fft fifo file filter find fitted fivenum fix floor flush for force formals
format formula forwardsolve fourfoldplot frame frequency ftable function gamma
gaussian gc gcinfo gctorture get getenv geterrmessage gettext gettextf getwd gl glm
globalenv gray grep grey grid gsub gzcon gzfile hat hatvalues hcl hclust head
heatmap help hist history hsv httpclient iconv iconvlist identical identify if
ifelse image influence inherits integer integrate interaction interactive intersect
invisible isoreg jitter jpeg julian kappa kernapply kernel kmeans knots kronecker
ksmooth labels lag lapply layout lbeta lchoose lcm legend length letters levels
lfactorial lgamma library licence license line lines list lm load loadhistory
loadings local locator loess log logb logical loglin lowess ls lsfit machine mad
mahalanobis makepredictcall manova mapply match matlines matplot matpoints matrix
max mean median medpolish menu merge message methods mget min missing mode
monthplot months mosaicplot mtext mvfft names napredict naprint naresid nargs nchar
ncol next nextn ngettext nlevels nlm nls noquote nrow numeric objects offset open
optim optimise optimize options order ordered outer pacf page pairlist pairs
palette par parse paste pbeta pbinom pbirthday pcauchy pchisq pdf pentagamma person
persp pexp pf pgamma pgeom phyper pi pico pictex pie piechart pipe plclust plnorm
plogis plot pmatch pmax pmin pnbinom png pnorm points poisson poly polygon polym
polyroot postscript power ppoints ppois ppr prcomp predict preplot pretty princomp
print prmatrix prod profile profiler proj promax prompt provide psigamma psignrank
pt ptukey punif pweibull pwilcox q qbeta qbinom qbirthday qcauchy qchisq qexp qf
qgamma qgeom qhyper qlnorm qlogis qnbinom qnorm qpois qqline qqnorm qqplot qr
qsignrank qt qtukey quantile quarters quasi quasibinomial quasipoisson quit qunif
quote qweibull qwilcox rainbow range rank raw rbeta rbind rbinom rcauchy rchisq
readline real recover rect reformulate regexpr relevel remove reorder rep repeat
replace replicate replications require reshape resid residuals restart return rev
rexp rf rgamma rgb rgeom rhyper rle rlnorm rlogis rm rmultinom rnbinom rnorm round
row rownames rowsum rpois rsignrank rstandard rstudent rt rug runif runmed rweibull
rwilcox sample sapply save savehistory scale scan screen screeplot sd search
searchpaths seek segments seq sequence serialize setdiff setequal setwd shell sign
signif sin single sinh sink smooth solve sort source spectrum spline splinefun
split sprintf sqrt stack stars start stderr stdin stdout stem step stepfun stl stop
stopifnot str strftime strheight stripchart strptime strsplit strtrim structure
strwidth strwrap sub subset substitute substr substring sum summary sunflowerplot
supsmu svd sweep switch symbols symnum system t table tabulate tail tan tanh tapply
tempdir tempfile termplot terms tetragamma text time title toeplitz tolower topenv
toupper trace traceback transform trigamma trunc truncate try ts tsdiag tsp typeof
unclass undebug union unique uniroot unix unlink unlist unname unserialize unsplit
unstack untrace unz update upgrade url var varimax vcov vector version vi vignette
warning warnings weekdays weights which while window windows with write wsbrowser
xedit xemacs xfig xinch xor xtabs xyinch yinch zapsmall</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">acme aids aircondit amis aml banking barchart
barley beaver bigcity boot brambles breslow bs bwplot calcium cane capability cav
censboot channing city claridge cloth cloud coal condense contourplot control corr
darwin densityplot dogs dotplot ducks empinf envelope environmental ethanol fir
frets gpar grav gravity grob hirose histogram islay knn larrows levelplot llines
logit lpoints lsegments lset ltext lvqinit lvqtest manaus melanoma melanoma motor
multiedit neuro nitrofen nodal ns nuclear oneway parallel paulsen poisons polar qq
qqmath remission rfs saddle salinity shingle simplex singer somgrid splom stripplot
survival tau tmd tsboot tuna unit urine viewport wireframe wool xyplot</Keywords>
<Language name="rc" ext="rc" commentLine="//" commentStart="/*"
<Language name="ruby" ext="rb rbw" commentLine="#">
alias and begin break case class def defined? do else elsif end ensure false for if
in module next nil not or redo rescue retry return self super then true undef
unless until when while yield</Keywords>
<Language name="scheme" ext="scm smd ss" commentLine=";">
<Keywords name="instre1">+ - * / = &lt; &gt; &lt;= &gt;= =&gt; abs acos
and angle append apply asin assoc assoc assq assv atan begin boolean? caar cadr
call-with-current-continuation call/cc call-with-input-file call-with-output-file
call-with-values car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr
cddar cdddr caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr cdaaar cdaadr
cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr case ceiling char-&gt;integer char-
alphabetic? char-ci&lt;=? char-ci&lt;? char-ci=? char-ci&gt;=? char-ci&gt;? char-
downcase char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-ready? char-upcase char-upper-case?
char-whitespace? char&lt;=? char&lt;? char=? char&gt;=? char&gt;? char? close-
input-port close-output-port complex? cond cons cos current-input-port current-
output-port define define-syntax delay denominator display do dynamic-wind else
eof-object? eq? equal? eqv? eval even? exact-&gt;inexact exact? exp expt floor for-
each force gcd if imag-part inexact-&gt;exact inexact? input-port? integer-&gt;char
integer? interaction-environment lambda lcm length let let* let-syntax letrec
letrec-syntax list list-&gt;string list-&gt;vector list-ref list-tail list? load
log magnitude make-polar make-rectangular make-string make-vector map max member
memq memv min modulo negative? newline not null-environment null? number-&gt;string
number? numerator odd? open-input-file open-output-file or output-port? pair? peek-
char input-port? output-port? positive? procedure? quasiquote quote quotient
rational? rationalize read read-char real-part real? remainder reverse round
scheme-report-environment set! set-car! set-cdr! sin sqrt string string-&gt;list
string-&gt;number string-&gt;symbol string-append string-ci&lt;=? string-ci&lt;?
string-ci=? string-ci&gt;=? string-ci&gt;? string-copy string-fill! string-length
string-ref string-set! string&lt;=? string&lt;? string=? string&gt;=? string&gt;?
string? substring symbol-&gt;string symbol? syntax-rules transcript-off transcript-
on truncate unquote unquote-splicing values vector vector-&gt;list vector-fill!
vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector? with-input-from-file with-output-to-
file write write-char zero?</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2" />
<Language name="smalltalk" ext="st" commentStart='&quot;'
<Keywords name="instre1">ifTrue: ifFalse: whileTrue: whileFalse: ifNil:
ifNotNil: whileTrue whileFalse repeat isNil notNil</Keywords>
<Language name="sql" ext="sql" commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/"
<Keywords name="instre1">abs absolute access acos add add_months
adddate admin after aggregate all allocate alter and any app_name are array as asc
ascii asin assertion at atan atn2 audit authid authorization autonomous_transaction
avg before begin benchmark between bfilename bigint bin binary binary_checksum
binary_integer bit bit_count bit_and bit_or blob body boolean both breadth bulk by
call cascade cascaded case cast catalog ceil ceiling char char_base character
charindex chartorowid check checksum checksum_agg chr class clob close cluster
coalesce col_length col_name collate collation collect column comment commit
completion compress concat concat_ws connect connection constant constraint
constraints constructorcreate contains containsable continue conv convert corr
corresponding cos cot count count_big covar_pop covar_samp create cross cube
cume_dist current current_date current_path current_role current_time
current_timestamp current_user currval cursor cycle data datalength
databasepropertyex date date_add date_format date_sub dateadd datediff datename
datepart datetime day db_id db_name deallocate dec declare decimal decode default
deferrable deferred degrees delete dense_rank depth deref desc describe descriptor
destroy destructor deterministic diagnostics dictionary disconnect difference
distinct do domain double drop dump dynamic each else elsif empth encode encrypt
end end-exec equals escape every except exception exclusive exec execute exists
exit exp export_set extends external extract false fetch first first_value file
float floor file_id file_name filegroup_id filegroup_name filegroupproperty
fileproperty for forall foreign format formatmessage found freetexttable from
from_days fulltextcatalog fulltextservice function general get get_lock getdate
getansinull getutcdate global go goto grant greatest group grouping having heap hex
hextoraw host host_id host_name hour ident_incr ident_seed ident_current identified
identity if ifnull ignore immediate in increment index index_col indexproperty
indicator initcap initial initialize initially inner inout input insert instr
instrb int integer interface intersect interval into is is_member is_srvrolemember
is_null is_numeric isdate isnull isolation iterate java join key lag language large
last last_day last_value lateral lcase lead leading least left len length lengthb
less level like limit limited ln lpad local localtime localtimestamp locator lock
log log10 long loop lower ltrim make_ref map match max maxextents mid min minus
minute mlslabel mod mode modifies modify module month months_between names national
natural naturaln nchar nclob new new_time newid next next_day nextval no noaudit
nocompress nocopy none not nowait null nullif number number_base numeric nvl nvl2
object object_id object_name object_property ocirowid oct of off offline old on
online only opaque open operator operation option or ord order
ordinalityorganization others out outer output package pad parameter parameters
partial partition path pctfree percent_rank pi pls_integer positive positiven
postfix pow power pragma precision prefix preorder prepare preserve primary prior
private privileges procedure public radians raise rand range rank ratio_to_export
raw rawtohex read reads real record recursive ref references referencing reftohex
relative release release_lock rename repeat replace resource restrict result return
returns reverse revoke right rollback rollup round routine row row_number rowid
rowidtochar rowlabel rownum rows rowtype rpad rtrim savepoint schema scroll scope
search second section seddev_samp select separate sequence session session_user set
sets share sign sin sinh size smallint some soundex space specific specifictype sql
sqlcode sqlerrm sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning sqrt start state statement static
std stddev stdev_pop strcmp structure subdate substr substrb substring
substring_index subtype successful sum synonym sys_context sys_guid sysdate
system_user table tan tanh temporary terminate than then time timestamp
timezone_abbr timezone_minute timezone_hour timezone_region tinyint to to_char
to_date to_days to_number to_single_byte trailing transaction translate translation
treat trigger trim true trunc truncate type ucase uid under union unique unknown
unnest update upper usage use user userenv using validate value values var_pop
var_samp varbinary varchar varchar2 variable variance varying view vsize when
whenever where with without while with work write year zone</Keywords>
<Language name="tcl" ext="tcl" commentLine="#">
<Keywords name="instre1">after append array auto_execok auto_import
auto_load auto_load_index auto_qualify beep binary break case catch cd clock close
concat continue dde default echo else elseif encoding eof error eval exec exit expr
fblocked fconfigure fcopy file fileevent flush for foreach format gets glob global
history if incr info interp join lappend lindex linsert list llength load lrange
lreplace lsearch lsort namespace open package pid pkg_mkIndex proc puts pwd read
regexp regsub rename resource return scan seek set socket source split string subst
switch tclLog tclMacPkgSearch tclPkgSetup tclPkgUnknown tell time trace unknown
unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">bell bind bindtags button canvas checkbutton
console destroy entry event focus font frame grab grid image label listbox menu
menubutton message pack place radiobutton raise scale scrollbar text tk tkwait
toplevel winfo wm</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">@scope body class code common component
configbody constructor define destructor hull import inherit itcl itk itk_component
itk_initialize itk_interior itk_option iwidgets keep method private protected
<Keywords name="type2">tkButtonDown tkButtonEnter tkButtonInvoke
tkButtonLeave tkButtonUp tkCancelRepeat tkCheckRadioInvoke tkDarken tkEntryAutoScan
tkEntryBackspace tkEntryButton1 tkEntryClosestGap tkEntryInsert tkEntryKeySelect
tkEntryMouseSelect tkEntryNextWord tkEntryPaste tkEntryPreviousWord
tkEntrySeeInsert tkEntrySetCursor tkEntryTranspose tkEventMotifBindings
tkFDGetFileTypes tkFirstMenu tkFocusGroup_Destroy tkFocusGroup_In tkFocusGroup_Out
tkFocusOK tkListboxAutoScan tkListboxBeginExtend tkListboxBeginSelect
tkListboxBeginToggle tkListboxCancel tkListboxDataExtend tkListboxExtendUpDown
tkListboxMotion tkListboxSelectAll tkListboxUpDown tkMbButtonUp tkMbEnter tkMbLeave
tkMbMotion tkMbPost tkMenuButtonDown tkMenuDownArrow tkMenuDup tkMenuEscape
tkMenuFind tkMenuFindName tkMenuFirstEntry tkMenuInvoke tkMenuLeave tkMenuLeftArrow
tkMenuMotion tkMenuNextEntry tkMenuNextMenu tkMenuRightArrow tkMenuUnpost
tkMenuUpArrow tkMessageBox tkPostOverPoint tkRecolorTree tkRestoreOldGrab
tkSaveGrabInfo tkScaleActivate tkScaleButton2Down tkScaleButtonDown
tkScaleControlPress tkScaleDrag tkScaleEndDrag tkScaleIncrement tkScreenChanged
tkScrollButton2Down tkScrollButtonDown tkScrollButtonUp tkScrollByPages
tkScrollByUnits tkScrollDrag tkScrollEndDrag tkScrollSelect tkScrollStartDrag
tkScrollToPos tkScrollTopBottom tkTabToWindow tkTearOffMenu tkTextAutoScan
tkTextButton1 tkTextClosestGap tkTextInsert tkTextKeyExtend tkTextKeySelect
tkTextNextPara tkTextNextPos tkTextNextWord tkTextPaste tkTextPrevPara
tkTextPrevPos tkTextResetAnchor tkTextScrollPages tkTextSelectTo tkTextSetCursor
tkTextTranspose tkTextUpDownLine tkTraverseToMenu tkTraverseWithinMenu tk_bisque
tk_chooseColor tk_dialog tk_focusFollowsMouse tk_focusNext tk_focusPrev
tk_getOpenFile tk_getSaveFile tk_messageBox tk_optionMenu tk_popup tk_setPalette
tk_textCopy tk_textCut tk_textPaste</Keywords>
<Language name="tex" ext="tex" commentLine="%" />
<Language name="vb" ext="vb vbs" commentLine="REM" commentStart=""
<Keywords name="instre1">addhandler addressof andalso alias and ansi as
assembly attribute auto begin boolean byref byte byval call case catch cbool cbyte
cchar cdate cdec cdbl char cint class clng cobj compare const continue cshort csng
cstr ctype currency date decimal declare default delegate dim do double each else
elseif end enum erase error event exit explicit false finally for friend function
get gettype global gosub goto handles if implement implements imports in inherits
integer interface is let lib like load long loop lset me mid mod module mustinherit
mustoverride mybase myclass namespace new next not nothing notinheritable
notoverridable object on option optional or orelse overloads overridable overrides
paramarray preserve private property protected public raiseevent readonly redim rem
removehandler rset resume return select set shadows shared short single static step
stop string structure sub synclock then throw to true try type typeof unload
unicode until variant wend when while with withevents writeonly xor</Keywords>
<Language name="verilog" ext="v sv vh svh" commentLine="//"
commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/">
<Keywords name="instre1">always and assign attribute begin buf bufif0
bufif1 case casex casez cmos deassign default defparam disable edge else end
endattribute endcase endfunction endmodule endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask
event for force forever fork function highz0 highz1 if ifnone initial inout input
integer join medium module large localparam macromodule nand negedge nmos nor not
notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos posedge primitive pull0 pull1 pulldown
pullup rcmos real realtime reg release repeat rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1
scalared signed small specify specparam strength strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1
table task time tran tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg unsigned
vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 while wire wor xnor xor alias always_comb always_ff
always_latch assert assume automatic before bind bins binsof break constraint
context continue cover cross design dist do expect export extends extern final
first_match foreach forkjoin iff ignore_bins illegal_bins import incdir include
inside instance intersect join_any join_none liblist library matches modport new
noshowcancelled null packed priority protected pulsestyle_onevent
pulsestyle_ondetect pure rand randc randcase randsequence ref return showcancelled
solve tagged this throughout timeprecision timeunit unique use wait_order wildcard
with within class clocking config generate covergroup interface package program
property sequence endclass endclocking endconfig endgenerate endgroup endinterface
endpackage endprogram endproperty endsequence bit byte cell chandle const
coverpoint enum genvar int local logic longint shortint shortreal static string
struct super type typedef union var virtual void</Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2">SYNTHESIS $assertkill $assertoff $asserton
$bits $bitstoreal $bitstoshortreal $cast $comment $countdrivers $countones
$dimensions $display $dist_chi_square $dist_erlang $dist_exponential $dist_normal
$dist_poisson $dist_t $dist_uniform $dumpall $dumpfile $dumpflush $dumplimit
$dumpoff $dumpon $dumpvars $error $exit $fatal $fclose $fdisplay $fell $feof
$ferror $fflush $fgetc $fgets $finish $fmonitor $fopen $fread $fscanf $fseek
$fstrobe $ftell $fullskew $fwrite $get_coverage $getpattern $high $history $hold
$increment $incsave $info $input $isunbounded $isunknown $itor $key $left $list
$load_coverage_db $log $low $monitor $monitoroff $monitoron $nochange $nokey $nolog
$onehot $onehot0 $past $period $printtimescale $q_add $q_exam $q_full $q_initialize
$q_remove $random $readmemb $readmemh $realtime $realtobits $recovery $recrem
$removal $reset $reset_count $reset_value $restart $rewind $right $root $rose $rtoi
$sampled $save $scale $scope $set_coverage_db_name $setup $setuphold $sformat
$shortrealtobits $showscopes $showvariables $showvars $signed $size $skew
$sreadmemb $sreadmemh $sscanf $stable $stime $stop $strobe $swrite $time
$timeformat $timescale $timeskew $typename $typeof $uandom $ungetc $unit
$unpacked_dimensions $unsigned $upscope $urandom_range $value$plusargs $var
$vcdclose $version $warning $width $write</Keywords>
<Language name="vhdl" ext="vhd vhdl" commentLine="--">
<Keywords name="instre1">access after alias all architecture array
assert attribute begin block body buffer bus case component configuration constant
disconnect downto else elsif end entity exit file for function generate generic
group guarded if impure in inertial inout is label library linkage literal loop map
new next null of on open others out package port postponed procedure process pure
range record register reject report return select severity shared signal subtype
then to transport type unaffected units until use variable wait when while
<Keywords name="instre2">abs and mod nand nor not or rem rol ror sla
sll sra srl xnor xor</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1">left right low high ascending image value pos
val succ pred leftof rightof base range reverse_range length delayed stable quiet
transaction event active last_event last_active last_value driving driving_value
simple_name path_name instance_name</Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2">now readline read writeline write endfile
resolved to_bit to_bitvector to_stdulogic to_stdlogicvector to_stdulogicvector
to_x01 to_x01z to_UX01 rising_edge falling_edge is_x shift_left shift_right
rotate_left rotate_right resize to_integer to_unsigned to_signed std_match
<Keywords name="type3">std ieee work standard textio std_logic_1164
std_logic_arith std_logic_misc std_logic_signed std_logic_textio std_logic_unsigned
numeric_bit numeric_std math_complex math_real vital_primitives
<Keywords name="type4">boolean bit character severity_level integer
real time delay_length natural positive string bit_vector file_open_kind
file_open_status line text side width std_ulogic std_ulogic_vector std_logic
std_logic_vector X01 X01Z UX01 UX01Z unsigned signed</Keywords>
<Language name="xml" ext="xml xsml xsl xsd kml wsdl xlf xliff"
commentLine="" commentStart="&lt;!--" commentEnd="--&gt;" />
<Language name="yaml" ext="yml" commentLine="#" />
<Language name="searchResult" ext="">
<Keywords name="instre1" />
<Keywords name="instre2" />
<Keywords name="type1" />
<Language name="" ext="" commentLine="" commentStart="" commentEnd="">
<Keywords name="instre1"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="instre2"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="type1"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="type2"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="type3"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="type4"></Keywords>

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