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Teacher: Jackie Paxson

Subject: Science
Grade: 1st
Date: 3/12-3/16

Day Objective Vocab & Teaching the Lesson Wrap Homework/ Modifications
Students Materials Up/Exit Assessment
will learn Ticket

Mon. Students will Materials: Warmup: Watch: Exit ticket- No

classify the Inner and completed homework
inner and Outer planet Inner and
outer planets worksheet I Do: Teacher will read the Inner and Outer planets Outer planets
of our solar paper to students. Thinking aloud as she reads, the worksheet.
system. Vocab: teacher will explain that the inner planets are closer
Inner planets to the sun, and the outer planets are farther away, (Save
Outer planets and separated by the “asteroid belt.” She will also worksheet
Asteroid belt highlight the asteroid belt in the picture below the for Friday’s
paragraph. test!)

We Do: Students and teacher will read the Inner

and Outer planet paper again as a class. The
teacher will assist the students in finding and
categorizing the first inner planet, and the first outer
planet they see based on the picture.

You Do: Students will continue to separate the

inner and outer planets using the picture to assist
Tues. Students will Materials: Warmup: Pair share with your partner: describe the Wrap up: No * Pull students into
smaller groups to
identify -Small planet inner and outer planets. Reviewing homework guide struggling
planets fact cards Match the students through
based on -Match the Planet activity/assignment
I Do: Teacher will present and highlight the first 4 involving different
their planet planet fact cards to the students by reading each worksheet as types of weather
descriptions. worksheet. one. a class. * Allow students
additional time to
1.Mercury complete worksheet,
2. Venus prompting students to
Vocab: stay on task
3. Earth
-Mercury 4. Mars
-Earth We Do: Students will highlight the 4 fact cards.
-Mars Students and teacher will complete the first 2
planets (Mercury, Venus) on the Match the Planet
worksheet. As a class they will read the planet
descriptions together, and identify the planet based
on their fact cards.

You Do: Students will complete the next 2 planets

on their Match the Planet worksheet (Earth, Mars)
using their fact cards to assist them.

Wed. Students will Materials: Warm Up: Share with your table group a fact you Exit ticket- No * Pull students into
smaller groups to
identify -Small planet learned about one of the 4 planets reviewed Completed homework guide struggling
planets fact cards yesterday. “Match the students through
based on -Match the Planet” activity/assignment
I Do: Teacher will present and highlight the next 5 involving facts about
their planet planet fact cards to the students by reading each worksheet. different types of
descriptions. worksheet. one. weather
* Allow students
1.Jupiter Match the additional time to
Vocab: 2. Saturn Planet complete worksheet,
-Mercury 3. Uranus worksheet prompting students to
stay on task
-Venus 4. Neptune taken as
-Earth 5. Pluto classwork
-Mars grade.
We Do: Students will highlight the 5 fact cards.
Students and teacher will complete the first 2
planets (Jupiter, Saturn) on the Match the Planet
worksheet. As a class they will read the planet
descriptions together, and identify the planet based
on their fact cards.

You Do: Students will complete the last 3 planets

on their Match the Planet worksheet (Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto) using their fact cards to assist them.

Thurs. Students will Materials: Warmup: Show: a picture of Mars and ask “What Wrap up: No * Pull students into
smaller groups to
recall -Mars reading planet is this? How do you know it is Mars?” Students will homework guide struggling
information comprehension check their students through
about Mars. worksheet. answers to activity/assignment
I Do: Teacher will read the Mars involving writing
comprehension worksheet to the class. She will numbers 4, 5 about weather
Vocab: then read question #1 Mars is the (blank) planet and 6 * Allow students
together as additional time to
from the sun. She will model how she goes complete worksheet,
small groups. prompting students to
back into the story to find this sentence and stay on task
highlight her answer. The highlighted answer
will go in the blank for number one.

We Do: As a class, students will highlight and copy

the answer from #1. Teacher and students will
answer questions 2 & 3, going back into the text,
finding their answer and highlighting it.

You Do: Students will answer numbers 4, 5 and 6

on their own. Referring to the text, and highlighting
their answers.
Fri. Students will Materials: Label the No * Repeat
directions and
label the Label the solar Label the Solar System test Solar homework assist students
solar system system test System in repeating
using a taken as test directions back
(Students may use their inner and outer for
picture as planets picture from Monday as a reference). grade. understanding,
reference. assist students
what to write
about involving
weather terms
* Provide
additional time
to complete
writing prompt

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