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Green Associate

1. Low-emitting and fuel efficient vehicles are defined as vehicles that have
achieved a minimum green score of on the ACEEE annual vehicle
rating guide?

A 20

B 30

C 40

D 50

2. The LEED reference guide contains the following:

A Project scorecard

B Previously submitted Credit Interpretation Requests

C List of USGBC company members

D Potential technologies & strategies to achieve credits

3. What must be obtained to confirm materials have been diverted from the waste

A Waste haul receipts

B Site plan denoting collection areas

C Construction waste management plan

D Location of waste management company

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4. How much more energy efficient are LEED buildings when compared to typical

A 8% - 12%

B 15% - 21%

C 25% - 30%

D 37% - 41%

5. A project is undergoing a major renovation and will be phasing out the CFC-
based refrigerant within the HVAC systems. When must the CFC be phased out?

A Prior to project completion

B 6 months after project

C 12 months after project completion

D Prior to project registration

6. Burning coal releases harmful pollutants such as ? (choose three)





7. Choosing to separate construction waste off-site may useful to projects with tight
space constraints. The process of locating all waste in one container is known as:

A Commingled

B Churn

C Postconsumer

D Preconsumer

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8. Which of the following items would qualify for regional material?

A Salvaged beams located in building adjacent to project

B Material extracted 150 miles from project and manufactured 450 miles
from the project

C Mechanical equipment manufactured within 300 miles from project

D Elevators shipped from within the same state as the project

9. The movement of work stations and people within a space is known as:

A Chain-of-custody

B Management plan

C Churn

D Albedo

10. A project purchases RECs equal to 50% of the building’s energy usage. The
project also includes an onsite windmill that provides over 50% of the building’s
energy. What is the maximum amount of energy required to be purchased from
the utility company?

A 0%

B 25%

C 50%

D 75%

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11. Tradable commodities that represent proof that electricity was generated by a
renewable source are:

A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

B Carbon Credit

C FSC coal

D Green-e

12. How many levels of LEED certification are there?

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5

13. A project missed Platinum certification by two points. What level of certification
did it achieve?

A Gold

B Silver

C Bronze

D Gold +

14. Which of the following is not a LEED certification level?

A Gold

B Bronze

C Silver

D Certified

E Platinum

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15. How is an Integrated Project Delivery different from a typical approach?
(choose two)

A Team is assembled early in the project and is collaborative

B Linear process in which info is shared as needed

C Risk is transferred to the greatest extent possible

D Communication is digitally based

16. Which of the following are standards referenced by LEED? (choose three)


B The Energy Policy Act of 1992

C Forest Stewardship Council


E LEED reference guides

17. Graywater is defined by the following?

A ASHRAE 90.1-2007, Appendix G

B EPAct of 1992

C Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix G

D ASHRAE 52.2-1999

18. How is water usage of a water closet denoted?

A Gallons per flush

B Gallons per minute

C Gallons per usage group

D Cubic feet per minute

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19. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) occupants are determined from the following two?

A Building occupancy

B Building floor area

C Full time employees

D Transient occupants

E Usage groups

20. What substances are used in fire-suppression systems and deplete the
stratospheric ozone layer?

A Halons


C Carbon Dioxide

D Ammonia

21. What is the definition of emissivity?

A The ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a

black body at the same temperature

B Measure of the ability of a surface material to reflect sunlight (visible,

infrared and ultraviolet) on a scale of 0 to 1

C Measure of the ability of a surface material to reflect sunlight (visible,

infrared and ultraviolet) on a scale of 0 to 100

D Measure of a material’s ability to reject solar heat as shown by a small

temperature rise

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22. Which requires the most treatment to become potable?

A Graywater

B Stormwater

C Blackwater

D Well water

23. Which strategy can help promote the use of alternative fuel vehicles?

A Additional parking

B Preferred parking

C No parking

D Assigned parking

24. Water calculations are required for which categories? (choose three)

A Sustainable Sites

B Water Efficiency

C Energy & Atmosphere

D Materials & Resources

E Indoor Environmental Quality

25. The architect, HVAC designer and commissioning authority are LEED APs. How
many LEED credits can be earned on the project?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D None

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26. Including a LEED AP will earn a credit in which category?

A Exemplary

B Regional Priority

C Energy & Atmosphere

D Innovation

27. Volatile Organic Compounds are addressed by which categories? (choose two)

A Sustainable Sites

B Materials & Resources

C Indoor Environmental Quality

D Energy & Atmosphere

28. The site area is defined as ?

A The total area within the legal property boundary

B The total area of the property minus the project building

C The total area of the property minus the development footprint

D The total area of the property minus the hardscape areas

29. The following are included in the development footprint? (choose three)

A Vegetated open space

B Access roads

C Nonbuilding facilities

D Hardscapes

E Private park

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30. Waste diversion can not include which items. (choose two)

A Durable goods

B Excavated soil

C Ongoing consumables

D Hazardous Materials

E Recycled materials

31. A recycling program must address the following items? (choose three)

A Glass

B Plastic

C Rubber

D Carpet

E Metals

32. The Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) and ruling process provides ?

A an opportunity for a LEED project team to receive consulting from the

USGBC on the structure of the LEED process

B technical and administrative guidance on how LEED credits apply to the


C a line of communication between the LEED project team and the LEED
project review team.

D Free guidance on LEED projects

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33. What tool assists the LEED project team with an anticipated LEED point total?

A LEED Reference Guide

B Project Registration form

C LEED project scorecard

D USGBC website

34. Projects located in urban areas can reduce stormwater runoff by which of the

A Detention pond

B Retention pond

C Tank and oil separator

D Discharge runoff into master system

35. Which of the following is considered renewable energy?

A Geothermal

B Coal

C Fossil Fuel

D Oil

36. Prerequisites ensure the following:

A LEED project meets all applicable local / state codes

B LEED projects remain within budget

C a minimum level of sustainability is achieved

D projects achieve LEED certification

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37. Triple Bottom Line includes the following guiding principles:

A Economic prosperity

B Environmental stewardship

C Social responsibility

D Integrated approach

E Life-cycle cost

38. Materials found onsite and refurbished to be used for a different function are
considered ?

A Salvaged

B Regional

C Recycled

D Churn

39. Forest Stewardship Council certified wood ensures ?

A The wood has been provided from a local forest

B The wood has been manufactured within a LEED building

C The wood has been extracted by an environmental responsible forest


D The wood will provide a favorable life-cycle cost

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40. A builder would like to achieve an innovation point for the insulation he will be
installing within the attic of a home. What are the steps to ensure the point will be
achieved? (choose three)

A The builder prepares a written Innovative Design Request

B The builder submits the IDR to the USGBC

C The LEED for Homes Provider submits the IDR to the USGBC

D Point is earned once IDR is submitted

E Point is earned upon approval ruling by the USGBC

41. Who enforces building codes?

A Architect

B Government Agency

C Civil Engineer

D LEED Project Administrator

42. A developer owns a 75 year old building and is interested in applying for energy
efficiency grant programs. What should be considered to be replaced to improve
energy efficiency?

A Exterior glass

B Shear walls

C Wood floors

D Plumbing fixtures

E Irrigation system

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43. An owner would like to purchase a building within a TOD (transit-oriented
development) site. Which items may be negatively affected from the site

A Mass transit options

B Available access to district cooling and heating

C Community connectivity

D Stormwater Management

44. A humid, southwest project must give special attention to ?

A Cx qualifications

B Erosion & Sedimentation control requirements

C Material performance of envelope

D Energy modeling integration

45. Which project could apply for O+M certification?

A Registered new building

B LEED certified space renovated for tenant buildout

C LEED certified building on a college campus

D Currently undeveloped building in the preliminary phase of design

46. Why does a project need to develop a vision statement?

A Define environmental / energy goals of project

B Provide clear guidance of which LEED points will be pursued

C Define project budget

D Educate project team members on sustainability

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47. What would you not consider in a Life-Cycle Analysis? (choose two)

A Durability

B Material product selection

C Rentable income

D Reuse potential

E Energy consumption of mechanical systems

F Process energy consumption

48. What should be considered when developing a project’s construction budget?

(choose three)

A Alignment of the budget with the program

B Focus of project’s goals during design and construction

C Development of specific project goals

D Energy consumption of the mechanical systems

E Non-potable water available for irrigation

49. What refers to the consideration of initial cost vs. overall value?

A Life Cycle Cost

B Value engineering

C Full financial accounting

D Bid cost estimating

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50. What should be considered when pursuing LEED in a local community? (choose

A Local attitude of community

B Number of LEED certified projects in community

C Local codes and regulations

D Environmental conditions

E Local incentives

51. The project team has elected to submit a CIR regarding a rainwater capture
system. What should be included in the submission?

A $200

B Contact info of designer of the rainwater capture system

C Supporting photographs and calculations

D LEED project scorecard

E Concise question and possible solution

52. The campus application guide assists with the following?

A Certify a bunch of buildings with one credit

B Certify a single building in a group of buildings

C Define a logical and consistent LEED project boundary

D Register a single building for multiple LEED certifications

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53. Which of the following are recommended for a LEED project’s contractor plan?
(choose three)

A Onsite wastewater and demolition plan

B Construction IAQ management plan

C Erosion & Sedimentation control plan

D Occupant recycling plan

E Ventilation schedule

54. What are CIRs used for?

A Contact with LEED project reviewers

B Design guidance

C Provide project certification under special circumstances

D Technical analysis of how a strategy applies to a LEED credit

55. LEED 2009 online includes new features such as ? (choose three)

A Contact info of LEED project review team

B Ability to sort projects by trait

C Data linkages to auto-populate forms

D Mid-review clarification for major requirements

E Mid-review clarification for minor requirements

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56. Site area is defined as?

A area within the legal property boundary

B development footprint area

C hardscapes and building footprint

D total site area minus the building footprint

E total site area minus the building footprint and hardscapes

57. Which strategy most effectively reduces heat island, mitigates stormwater and
restores habitat?

A Non-native plants

B Pervious pavers

C Photovoltaics located over site hardscapes

D Vegetated roof

58. An environmental site management program with less fertilizers would reduce

A total phosphorous levels

B total suspended solid levels

C stormwater runoff

D heat island

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59. What strategy would help restore the groundwater aquifers? (choose three)

A Vegetated roof

B Pervious paving systems

C Native plants

D Rain gardens

E Graywater systems

60. What must development density calculations include?

A Public parks

B Water bodies

C Public roads

D Right-of-way

E Parking lots

61. What may help reduce vehicle emissions?

A Additional parking

B Assigned parking

C Preferred parking

D No parking

62. Community connectivity ensures what?

A Project is within ¼ mile of transit lines

B Project includes pedestrian access to basic services

C Project restores site to natural habitat

D Project is provided with preferred parking

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63. What is considered a basic service? (choose three)

A Restauraunt

B Hospital

C Day-care

D Museum

E Bank

64. A green roof should return what?

A Save energy in operating costs

B Increased life of roof

C Increased stormwater

D Save site space

65. What is the most effective heat island reduction strategy? (choose two)

A Open grid paving and tree shading

B High albedo surfaces

C Photovoltaics over building and hardscapes

D Vertical green wall

E Locate project in urban area

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66. Low flow fixture saves how much potable water when compared to standard

A 30%

B 60%

C 90%

D Low flow fixtures are waterless

67. Which of the following strategies would help reduce demand for potable water?
(choose three)

A Native plants

B Non-native plants

C Efficient fixtures

D Rainwater capture

E Pervious paving

68. What can graywater be used for? (choose three)

A Landscape irrigation

B Sewage conveyance

C Swimming pools

D Mechanical equipment make-up water

E Showerheads

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69. Which is a flush fixture?

A Water closet

B Waterless urinal

C Shower

D Kitchen sink

E Lavatory

70. Water use reduction calculates the percent water savings by comparing the
baseline case to what?

A Commissioning report of installed plumbing fixtures

B Fixture count and usage groups

C The requirement of the local codes

D Installed and calculated design case

71. What is a benefit of using graywater through a drip irrigation system?

A Reduce heat island effect

B Less chance of human contact

C Increase evapotranspiration rate

D Promote native vegetation

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72. Discharged water in rivers and lakes contains the following contaminants?
(choose three)

A Bacteria

B Nitrogen

C Toxic metals

D Total Suspended Solids

E Carbon

73. What referenced standard addresses indoor air quality?





74. Green power is governed by what?

A Green-e

B Green-c

C Greenfields

D Green seal

E Greenhouse gas emissions

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75. Increasing a building’s ventilation rate would effect which LEED categories?
(choose two)

A Sustainable Sites

B Water Efficiency

C Energy & Atmosphere

D Materials & Resources

E Indoor Environmental Quality

76. What is the most efficient, cheapest and simplest way to comply with the intent of
fundamental refrigerant management?

A Select CFC-based refrigerants

B Select HCFC-based refrigerants

C Select HFC-based refrigerants

D Do not use refrigerants

E Select a building connected to a district cooling system

77. Which are considered to be natural refrigerants? (choose two)






*note: CO2, H2O, NH3, HC and Air are considered to be natural refrigerants

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78. What does not qualify for green power? (choose two)

A Solar

B Geothermal

C Biomass

D Fossil fuels

E Natural gas

79. A college campus has a central plant with an old CFC-11 refrigerant and plans to
replace it with what?

A CFC-12

B HCFC-123

C CFC-114

D HFC-23

80. What causes ozone depletion?

A Climate change and global warming

B Natural refrigerants

C Release of CFC’s

D Charging HVAC equipment with HCFC’s

81. Reducing emissions contribute to what? (choose three)

A Smog

B Acid Rain

C Climate Change

D Greenhouse gases


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82. CFC’s are found in what? (choose two)

A Centrifugal chillers

B Fire suppression systems

C Insulation products

D Roofing materials

83. An office building has a split system with 1% CFC-based refrigerants. Which it

A Project achieves refrigerant prerequisite

B Project achieves refrigerant credit

C Project achieves exemplary performance credit

D Project is ineligible for LEED certification

84. Where are RECs available?

A Almost anywhere

B European market

C North American market

D Participating local utility companies

E Projects with installed on-site renewable sources

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85. What made CFC’s illegal in the United States?

A EPAct of 1992

B Greenbuild



E Montreal Protocol

F Kyoto Rule 14021

86. Why were some refrigerants banned?

A Ozone depletion

B Negative effects of end-of-life use

C Increase global warming

D Discharge into receiving streams and lakes

87. What would you find within a comingled office bin? (choose three)

A Tuna cans

B Local newspaper

C Soda cans

D Ink jet cartridges

E Carpet tiles

Page 26 of 30
88. What should be considered when developing an ongoing recycling plan for a
tenant? (choose three)

A Size of collection area with respect to development footprint

B Size of collection area with respect to building footprint

C Size based on property area

D Collection area to be protected from elements

E Signage of collection area

F Dedicated area to promote easy clean management

89. Which would classify as pre-consumer? (choose three)

A Fabric scraps

B Sawdust

C Peanut shells

D Soda cans

E Used carpet tiles

F Cardboard used to ship office equipment

90. Crushed aggregate from a neighboring, demolished building is used for backfill
on a newly developed site. Which item would this promote?

A Building reuse

B Material reuse

C Recycled content

D Construction Waste Diversion

E Regional Material

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91. What standard references recycled materials?

A ISO 14021

B 40 CFR


D EPAct of 1992

E Green seal

92. Which products are considered rapidly renewable? (choose three)

A Cork

B FSC – wood products

C Bamboo

D Linseed oil

E pre-consumer and post-consumer products

93. The main goals of providing recycled products are? (choose two)

A Reduce demand for raw material extraction

B Promote local economy

C Promote sustainable forestry practices

D Reduce the rate of new construction projects

E Reduce waste disposal

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94. How are regional materials defined?

A Materials extracted & manufactured within 500 miles of project

B Materials extracted with 500 miles of project

C Materials manufactured within 500 miles of the project

D Mechanical equipment extracted & manufactured within 500 miles of site

E Specialty equipment extracted & manufactured within 500 miles of site

95. When is the LEED AP certificate submitted online for a credit?

A Design phase

B Construction phase

C Exemplary phase

D Innovation phase

E Registration phase

96. Which category do exemplary points achieve credit within?

A Sustainable Sites

B Water Efficiency

C Innovation

D Location & Linkages

E Education & Awareness

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97. Innovation in Design should have what attributes?

A Quantifiable environmental benefits

B Quantifiable human benefits

C Quantifiable financial benefits

D Quantifiable political benefits

98. Exemplary performance can be achieved by what strategy?

A Erosion & Sedimentation control plan

B Environmental Tobacco Smoke control plan

C Local & Regional materials

D Recycling program

E Ventilation rate

99. What governs land use and building size?

A Zoning

B Codes


D LEED rating systems

E Architects

100. What may be considered community based open space? (choose two)

A Pedestrian-oriented hardscape

B Parking lots

C Public parks

D Private parks

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