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(After the Homily)

Coordinator: At this point of time, may I call on our elected Altar Servers who will serve as officers for
their induction.

(Officers come forward facing the Altar and raise their right hand)

Priest: Do you have a sufficient knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of your respective
office and of all the rules and regulations of the Altar Servers Ministry of Immaculate
Conception Parish so as to be able to carry them out faithfully?

Officers: We do.

Priest: Do you promise not to allow anything except serious illness or grave reason to keep you
from attending the regular meetings of the said ministry and from attending to your
duties in general?

Officers: We promise.

Priest: Will you work earnestly and zealously to further your own spiritual good and that of
your fellow ministers, as well as to do everything possible to see that Christ, your
Eucharistic King, is served with exactness and honor?

Officers: We will.

Officers: I, _________________, / having been elected as ________________ / of the Altar

Servers Ministry of Immaculate Conception Parish, / hereby pledge my service/ to
Almighty God and his holy Church/ by observing faithfully the rules and obligations/ of
the Ministry of Altar Servers/ and I promise/ to be a loyal member at all times./ I
promise to serve Christ my King,/ Lord of Lords/ with fidelity and honor./ Mary, His
Immaculate Mother,/ shall be my Queen and my Lady,/ and I shall be her devoted
champion./ I further promise to treat others/ with respect and justice,/ to live an
upright personal life/, and to profess and defend/ the rights of God and His Holy Church.
/ So help me God.

Priest: By the power vested in me by the church, I accept your pledge and exhort you to
persevere in your good intentions. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

(Officers go back to their respective seats)

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