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Title : Description Of Hemoglobin Level In Santri Boarding

School Al-Istiqomah Village Sumberharjo Sub District

Buay Madang East District OKU East 2017.

Name : Mei Rani

Student ID Number : 1405016

Majors : Academy Of Health Analist

Year : 2017


Hemoglobin is a read blood cell protein compound that plays an importent role in
the oxygen transport process. Hemoglobin is influenced by nutritional intake, sex,
age, activity, menstruation. Hemoglobin levels are influenced by several factors
such as gender, age, nutritional intake, smoking, physical activity, duration of
work, and rest periods. Daily psychal activity that person can affect hemoglobin
levels. In individuals who perform physical activity on regular basis hemoglobin
levels will slightly rise, whereas will be decreased in people with physical activity
of heavy intensity performed continously as done by santri. The purpose of this
research is to know the description of hemoglobin level in santri at boarding
school. The research used is descriptive analytic. The sample used in this study
amounted to 20 students santri in accordance with cretiria and willing to be res.
Research method using purposive sampling. The result of the study obtained
respondens. The result of the study obtained respondents who have normal
hemoglobin level of 13 people (65%) and who have abnormal hemoglobin level
of 7 people (35%). Conclusion : from result of research can be concluded that
picture of hemoglobin level in santri mostly (65%) have normal hemoglobin level.

Keywords : hemoglobin level, santri in the boarded pesantren.

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