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Horizon School Division

Teacher: Kaitlyn Smith

School: Vauxhall Elementary School

Date: November 10, 2015; January 11, 2016; April 13, 2016; April 26, 2016

Grade/s: Combined Grade one and two class

Subjects: All subjects

FTE: 1.0 ETE Probationary


KSA #1: Teachers apply pedagogical knowledge, skills and attributes based on their
continuing analysis of contextual variables

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher analyzes context and variables and applies appropriate
knowledge, skills and attributes in all performance areas.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher recognizes, considers and applies where appropriate:

• student variables,

• regulatory variables,

• school variables,

• parent and societal variables,

• teacher variables.

KSA #4: The teacher understands that there are many approaches to teaching and

KEY INDICATOR: Teachers know there are many approaches to teaching and learning.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• appreciates individual differences and believes all students can learn,

Horizon School Division
• recognizes students’ different learning styles and individual needs and accommodates
instruction accordingly,

• monitors effectiveness of their practice and makes changes as needed.

OBSERVATIONS/COMMENDATIONS: Kaitlyn is very competent in this area She has students

setting goals and working on those goals with consistent conversation on what it is they
need to work toward. Kaitlyn is well aware of each of her students in her class, recognizing
that she has a combined grade of primarily English Language Learners and that her parents
have limited literacy and English skills. She uses a variety of modalities when teaching, I have
observed her use visuals during instructions on the Smartboard or Whiteboard. All her
students have access to mini whiteboards, markers and erasers at any given point. She uses
manipulafives when teaching math and has developed math games for the Daily 3 that she
does in the classroom. Kaitlyn when teaching science and social studies will also use
experiments or visuals so that learning is concrete. She is always willing to listen to
suggestions and seeks help from other colleagues or myself when something is not working
well so that she can prepare and deliver the best lesson for her students.


Kaitlyn has met the Teacher Qualification Standards in Accommodation for Context and
Learning Needs


KSA #3: The teacher understands the subject disciplines that they teach

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher demonstrates evidence of preparation and personal


DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• understands the knowledge, concepts, methodologies and assumptions of the programs

they teach,

• prepares teaching materials as outlined in daily planning, in advance of the lesson.

KSA #5 The teacher engages in a range of planning activities

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher demonstrates effective planning skills that promote student



Horizon School Division

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• maintains long-range and short-range plans that reflect the Program of Studies, and that
specify objectives, time, and plan for evaluation,

• correlates/integrates subject matter where appropriate,

• maintains up-to-date daily planning,

• participates in developing appropriate plans for individual students and student groups,
according to programming and/or policy requirements,

• provides adequate plans and procedures for substitute teachers.


Kaitlyn had her long range planning complete in a timely manner and always has her daily
lesson plans ready and accessible on her desk. She generally included in her long range
planning a fimeline, the topic, activities being used and related back to the program of
studies. She has always sent her lessons to me a couple of days in advance and they are very
detailed in the expectations for students and include what is being taught. Kaitlyn also plans
for what she wants the Educational Assistants in her room to focus on with the students and
this is crucial so that everyone is working on the same goals to move the students forward.
Kaitlyn keeps her log of student reading up to date using CCPensieve from the Daily 5 CAFE
and uses this to help students in her class set individual language and reading goals.


Kaitlyn has met the requirements of Planning and Preparation in relation to the Teacher
Quality Standards


KSA #6: The teacher creates and maintains environments that are conducive to student

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher creates, organizes and manages environments that are
conducive to student learning and provide for student safety.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• models beliefs, principles, values and intellectual characteristics outlined in the Guides
to Education and Program of Studies, and guides students to do the same,

Horizon School Division
• establishes learning environments, both on and off-campus, where students feel
physically, psychologically, socially and culturally secure,

• uses appropriate strategies to maintain on-task student behavior,

• manages student conduct and discipline in accordance with policies, regulations, and
legal requirements,

• promotes self-discipline,

• organizes the learning environment to promote learning,

• establishes systematic, effective procedural class routines,

• demonstrates care for physical facilities, equipment and instructional materials.


Kaitlyn has an amazing way in interacting with her students. She is highly effective in keeping
a calm and engaging classroom through her use of breathing techniques, chimes to get
students attention and gentle reminders of focusing on the task at hand. I have also
observed Kaitlyn multiple times getting down to her students level at their desks, pulling up
a chair beside them or just sitting down on the carpet with them. She has a true rapport
with her students where they reciprocate respect and caring for one another. Kaitlyn uses
the Daily 5 and has truly incorporated the Daily 3 in her classroom, and the routines for
these structures is embedded in all that Kaitlyn and her students do. It is seamless when she
calls them to the learning carpet or when she dismisses them to go back to their work
spaces. She is always at the door to great her students in the morning and to say good-bye
at the end of the day, she is even there to greet them when they come back from a recess
break. Kaitlyn has a warm, inviting classroom that is inclusive to all children. In my
observations, she has always had materials prepared and organized for her lessons. Kaitlyn
has hd students use some sign language to communicate what they need without disrupting
their classmates, this has led to a very calm and manageable classroom. She consistently
uses praise and encouragement when working with her students.


Kaitlyn meets the Teacher Quality Standard for Classroom Organization and Management

Horizon School Division

KSA #7: The teacher translates curriculum content and objectives into meaningful learning

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher implements an effective lesson.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• applies appropriate knowledge, concepts, methodologies and assumptions of the

subject area,

• provides effective structures for learning,

• implements a variety of meaningful, stimulating and challenging learning activities and

resources congruent with the topic and students being taught,

• encourages student participation related to objectives,

• checks for understanding,

• promotes an understanding of knowledge, skills and attitudes in context of the

curriculum as a whole,

• demonstrates flexibility by using learning opportunities as they present themselves,

• incorporates appropriate technologies into instruction to enhance learning and


• promotes opportunities for applications of learning to the home, community, and

broader environment,

• uses effective questioning techniques

• communicates effectively with the students.

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher fosters a positive relationship with students.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• displays personal characteristics that promote positive, caring relationships with


• is readily available to all students,

Horizon School Division
• makes an effort to know and treat each student as an individual,

• uses discretion in situations relating to student confidentiality.

KSA #8: The teacher applies a variety of technologies to meet students’ learning needs


Kaitlyn truly believes and uses the Gradual Release Model with her students, she always
demonstrates and instructs in the “I Do” then she works with students in a “We do” and
finally she has students work independently in the “I do.” Kaitlyn has students practice new
learning multiple times and I have seen evidence in my observations that they truly
understand the content she had taught them. She tries to have students personally connect
with what she is teaching, has them engaged by allowing children to set goals and direction
in their learning. Kaitlyn is so successful with her delivery of content, because she has spent
the time in her planning. She makes learning fun in her classroom, by connecting curriculum
content with learning activities that are engaging and of interest for her students. Kaitlyn
demonstrated a math calendar activity for me in November and she taught and practiced
over 10 concepts in five minutes of teaching. She helps students learn and develop problem
solving skills by the instructional strategies that she uses. Kaitlyn can leave students to work
independently as she works with individual students or small groups because of the
excellent classroom management strategies that she has in place. She creates lessons that
allow for all students to have opportunities to be successful.


Kaitlyn has met the Teacher Quality Standards for Instruction.


KSA #9: The teacher gathers and uses information about the students’ learning needs and

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher plans and prepares appropriate evaluation activities.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• develops a written evaluation plan in accordance with Policy HK Student Evaluation,


• makes methods of evaluation clear and purposeful,

• prepares evaluation instruments which reflect intended outcomes,


Horizon School Division

• maintains an accurate record of student achievement,

• uses a variety of information collected throughout a reporting period to determine

students’ results for progress reports.

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher uses diagnosis and assessment results for the benefit of the

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• anatyzes results and implements strategies to meet diagnosed needs,

• communicates results to students, parents, and administrators in a meaningful manner,

• helps students, parents, educators and others (where deemed necessary), interpret and
understand the results of diagnoses and assessments, and the implications for students,

• helps students develop the ability to diagnose their own learning needs and to assess
their progress toward learning goals,

• listens and responds to concerns from students, parents, and administrators,

• assists school councils and members of the community to understand the purposes,
meanings, outcomes and the implications of assessments,

• uses their interpretations of diagnoses and assessments including students’ work and
results to guide their own professional growth.


Kaitlyn uses CCPensieve to collect data on individual students and their reading goals. She
uses Fountas and Pinnell to assess her students reading levels and comprehension. Kaitlyn
also gathers data through class discussions, tests and assignments or activities that the
students complete. Kaitlyn continues to work and grow in this area as she determines what
best data to collect to inform her teaching. I believe that Kaitlyn knows the strengths and
areas of weakness that her students have. She is constantly touching base with them in the
classroom through formal and informal conversations, tasks and projects. Kaitlyn will use
the other teachers, her mentor, or the school PLC group to help her when she is not sure
how to intervene for a student. In order to keep patents up to date with information and to
create transparency, she uses a number of methods such as phone calls home, e-mails,
agendas, REMIND and conversations with parents as they pick up their children. Kaitlyn will

Horizon School Division
move students ahead when they are ready rather than moving forward as a class it is based
on individual strengths and needs.


Kaitlyn has met the requirements for student evaluation and the standards of the Teaching
Quality Standards in this area.


KSA #2: Teachers are aware of the legislated, moral and ethical frameworks within which
they work.

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher demonstrates professional conduct.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• adheres to policies and procedures of the district and carries out those duties that are
assigned to the teacher by the principal or the board (School Act, Section 18),

• adheres to the “Code of Professional Conduct” and the “Declaration of Rights and
Responsibilities for Teachers” as set out by the Alberta Teachers’ Association.

• recognizes they are bound by standards of conduct expected of a caring, knowledgeable

and reasonable adult who is entrusted with the custody, care or education of students or

• recognizes their actions are bound in moral, ethical and legal considerations regarding
their obligations to students, parents, administrators, school authorities, communities,
and society at large.

KSA #10: The teacher establishes and maintains partnerships among school, home and the

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher promotes home-school, School Council and community

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• supports and assists the administration in carrying out public relations, including a
positive perception of the school, and communications,

C Horizon School Division
• strives to involve parents in their child’s schooling, • is receptive to parental input when
it relates to student development,

• supports and participates in parent-teacher activities,

• displays a knowledge of community resources and needs, and incorporates them into
the school context where appropriate.

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher promotes a sense of community within the school.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• communicates with students in a caring manner,

• values and respects each member of the school community,

• provides a reasonable level of support to school sponsored activities,

• works cooperatively with school team members.

KSA #11: The teacher demonstrates the characteristics of a career-long learner

KEY INDICATOR: The teacher demonstrates commitment to career long learning.

DESCRIPTORS. The teacher:

• demonstrates commitment by participation in professional activities (e.g. professional

organizations, course work, workshops, conferences),

• takes advantage of opportunities to learn from colleagues, students, parents and


• keeps abreast of developments in subject matter and issues, including advances in

teaching/learning technologies, related to teaching.


Kaitlyn has a number of ties in the community. She has coached, judged events such as the
4H club, she is part of the curling community and she golfs in Vauxhall. Kaitlyn has attended
all school events with her colleagues and communicates with parents when their child is
receiving an award at the school so that the parents are able to attend. She has attended
professional development to continue to grow as a professional, some examples would be
the Beginning Teachers Conference, Daily 5/CAFE conference, division wide PD, PLC groups
and coaching. In speaking with Dale and Kaitlyn, I am confident that she understands and

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adheres to Horizon School Division policies and procedures. She fulilihls her duties at the
school as well. Kaitlyn is a beginning teacher who sees herself and acts as a professional and
follows and will continue to follow the ATA Professional Code of Conduct.


Kaitlyn meets the requirements of Personal and Professional Attributes in the Teacher
Quality Standards

It has been an absolute pleasure to be in Kaitlyn’s classroom and observing her calm, caring
demeanor with her students. She has grown immensely this year and I have no doubt that
she will continue to grow as a professional. I have observed an outstanding beginning
teacher in her classroom management and goal setting for her students. Kaitlyn runs her
classroom with ease and engages her students effectively in their learning.

I’<JlcA t Qoib
Teacher Date

Tern-Lynn Duncan Date

Director of Learning

Horizon School Division

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