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The thermal and chemical stability

of limestone aggregates

E. R A A S K (i)

The thermal stability of two limestones of different MgCO3 The standard free energy (AG ~ of reaction (1), calcu-
content was examined by thermogravimetry and by differential lated from the data by Parker, Wagman and Evans [3]
thermal analysis. The chemical stability was studied by measur-
ing the rates of dissolution of MgCO3 fraction of the limestones is - - 9.6 kJ at 298 K and at 400 K AG ~ is - - 10.3 kJ.
in Ca (OH)2 solution. The reaction can cause an expansion and Moreover, in an aqueous solution the activity of
fracture of limestone aggregates in concrete at elevated tem- Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3 are low; the molar solubility
peratures. of Mg(OH)z and CaCOz in water is an order of magni-
tude less than that of Ca(OH)2, according to the data
of H o d g m a n [4] (1962), and Linke and Seidell [5].
INTRODUC~ON Calculations with available data show that thei'e
is a driving force for reaction (1) when the molar
The thermal stability of a concrete made with concentration of Ca(OH)2 in solution is above
Portland cement is influenced by the type of aggregate 7.5 • 10 -4 m mole, that is when the p H of the solution
used in the mix. Hannant [1] and Imlach and Taylor is greater than 9. The majority of limestones are stable
[2] have shown that concretes made with limestones in concretes at ambient temperatures presumably
lost strength to a much greater degree than those made because the rate of conversion of MgCO3 to Mg(OH)z
with siliceous aggregates. The strength loss could be is insignificant, and the reaction will stop after all the
caused by chemical reactions between limestone and Ca(OH)z in the concrete has been converted to CaCO3
the calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)a, liberated on hydrat- by the ingress of atmospheric COz. However, in the
ion of Portland cement. Limestones quarried for U.S.A. and Canada there have been occurrences of
use as aggregates in concretes contain some magne- aggregate failure caused by the chemical attack [6, 7].
sium carbonate, MgCO3, which would be the species It has been noted that this type of reaction is more
first to be attacked in the alkaline media of hydrated likely to occur when the O H - ion concentration
cement paste. This would result from the exchange in the cement paste is high.
Instead of increasing the chemical potential, an
MgCO3 + Ca(OH)z --~ Mg(OH)z + CaCO3 (1) increase in temperature may have the same effect on
speeding up the rate of conversion of MgCO3 to
Mg(OH)2. This aspect has been studied here and
(1) Senior Research Officer, Central Electricity Research methods of preventing the attack on MgCOz in the
Laboratories, Leatherhead, Surrey, England. alkaline media of the cement paste are considered.

VOL. 7 . N ~ 4 2 - 1974 . H A T I ~ R I A U X ET C O N S T R U C T I O N S

TABLE I cient to lower the on-set temperature for CO2 -evolu-

CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF LIMESTONES tion by 50 K (fig. 1) compared with that for Merehead
Isothermal decomposition of a solid usually occurs
Constituent Cromhall Merehead in four sequential steps [9] : (a) an induction period,
per cent by weight limestone limestone (b) a slow reaction period, (c) a linear rate period
during which the area of interface between the decom-
CaO 46.2 52.5 posed and undecomposed face does not alter signifi-
MgO 7.5 2.8 cantly, and (d) the period of fall-off in rate as the area
SiOz 3.7 1.3
0.4 0.1 of the interface decreases. Stages (a) and (b) are not
FeO 0.4 0.3 discernable in figures 2 and 3, but stage (c), the linear
Na20 0.1 0.1 rate period, extends to over 50 % of the total decom-
K20 0.1 0.1 position range.
CO2 42.5 42.8 The linear rates at different temperatures were plott-
Total 100.9 100.0 ed on figure 4 to obtain the temperature coefficient of
decomposition (' activation energy ', E). The value of
Molar E was 176 kJ mole -1 for Cromhall limestone and the
fraction corresponding value for Merehead limestone was
CaCO3 0.808 0.927 190 kJ mole-L
MgCOa 0.174 0.068
FeCO3 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
Na2CO3 0.068 0.006
Silicates A DTA technique was selected which could be
used to estimate the amount of MgCO3 in limestone
when precautions are taken to prevent merging of
the two-stage thermal decomposition of a mixture
of MgCO3 and CaCO3, or double salt of MgCO3.
CaCO3. The MgCO3 fraction decomposes at lower
CHARACTERISTICS OF L I M E S T O N E temperature. When the decomposition takes place in
AGGREGATES a deep bed of ground limestone a partial reverse react-
ion takes place near the surface where CO2 partial
Two samples of limestone aggregate were chosen for pressure is low [10].
the study. Table I shows the chemical analysis of the MgCO3 CaCO3 9 --> MgO + CaO + 2COz (in bed) (2)
two samples. They may be taken to represent typical
high (Cromhall) and low (Merehead) magnesia lime- CaO + CO2 --~ CaCO3 (near surface) (3)
stones. With the Stanton Model 625 DTA apparatus, a
The recent studies of marine sediments [8] suggest 500 mg sample was placed in a 15 mm deep platinum
that a high MgCO3 content in CaCOa deposit (molar
fraction greater than 0.1) suggests a metastable form
of limestone. Over a period of time a ' l e a k a g e '
of magnesium occurs because of higher solubility of 50
MgCO3 compared with that of CaCO3, and the
metastable form changes to stable low magnesium
limestone. On this basis Cromhall aggregate having a
high MgCO3 content should have a lower thermal ,0 /:/
stability and would be attacked by Ca(OH)'2 in the
hydrated cement paste. Laboratory experiments were
designed to test the above assumption. //

Thermogravimetrie Analysis
For thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) limestone
samples of a narrow size fraction, 53 ~zm to 74 ~tm
diameter, were taken to limit any errors which might
arise from size variations. A 200 mg sample was 800 900 i000 ii00
placed in a shallow platinum tray, 1.5 mm deep,
and the furnace was purged with dry nitrogen (N2).
The results shown in figures 1 to 3 show that the Fig. 1. - - Effect of MgCO3 on thermal decomposition of lime-
thermal decomposition of limestone is influenced stone.
by the amount of MgCO3 present. The molar fraction A - CromhaIl limestone - 15.6 ~ MgCOa
of 0.174 of MgCO3 in Oldbury limestone was suffi- B - Merehead limestone - 4.8 % MgCO3

E. R A A S K

966 K 946oK
./" ,O

40 e~ ~ ' 9 9 898 K
40 _

/ / /
/ 30
/ /
30 -

/ ~90 K

- / / e 876 K

/ R


./ 9

"~ e ~ 800 K

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
TIME, sec x 10"4
TIME, sec x 10-4
Fig. 2. - - I s o t h e r m a l C O 2 evolution on heating C r o m h a l l lime- Fig. 3. - - I s o t h e r m a l C O 2 evolution on h e a t i n g M e r e h e a d lime-
stone. stone.

crucible, whereas for the more thermally sensitive improved thermal contact between the sample and the
Model 67, only a 45 mg sample was required. In this thermocouple junction.
case it was necessary to compact the sample to a disc, Figure 5 shows an endothermic decomposition peak
4 mm diameter, 1.5 m m deep, in a press. The high at 1085 K for Cromhall limestone and there is a
sensitivity of the Model 67 D T A unit is mainly due to corresponding peak in CO2-evolution rate at 1075 K



g v



1.05 1.15 125 1000 1100 1200 1300

Fig. 4. - - A r r h e n i u s plot o f decomposition rates. Fig. 5. - - H e a t a b s o r p t i o n on decomposition o f c a r b o n a t e s .

A - Cromhall limestone A - Cromhall limestone
B - Merehead limestone B - Merehead limestone

VOL. 7 - N ~ 42 - 1974 - M A T I ~ R I A U X ET CONSTRUCTIONS

8.0 _ /,

4.0 E 4



I000 II00 1200 1300


Fig. 6. - - Evolution of CO2 on thermal decomposition of car-

A - Cromhall limestone 0.2 0.4
B - Mereheadlimestone
MgCO 3 ADDED, m mole

Fig. 7. - - Calibration of Ca(OH)2 s o l u t i o n - - 7.5 m molar contain-

(fig. 6). Merehead limestone did not show any features ing 0.45 m mole Ca(OH)2 at 350 K.
of the two-stage decomposition. The first, smaller DTA
peak of dolomitic limestone is a useful method of
estimating the amount of MgCO3 if its molar fraction
is greater than 0.1. For smaller quantities chemical Mg(OH)2 is reached, the amount of MgCO3 reacted
analysis is required and the technique used is described is proportional to the decrease in conductivity due
in the next section. to the removal O H - and Ca ++ ions from the solution,
Ca + + 2 [OH]- + MgCO3 --~ Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3 (4)
A conductivity cell, 90 mm deep and 35 mm in
R E A C T I O N OF D O L O M I T I C L I M E S T O N E diameter, was constructed from PTFE having a cell
IN Ca (OH)2 S O L U T I O N constant of 1.2. An aliquot of 0.007 M solution contain-
ing 31 mg Ca(OH)2 in the cell was heated in an oil-
The rate of decomposition of the MgCO3 fraction bath to the required temperature in the range 335 K
of dolomitic limestone in calcium hydroxide solution to 365 K. Below 335 K the rate of reaction was too
can be determined by measuring the electrical conduct- slow for continuous monitoring and the measurement
ivity of the solution. After the solubility limit of above 365 K requires an autoclave. The stirred solution

[ I I I

6.0 - 6.0

9 +~ ar""+~ -t- _ at__ + ~ :


_> A
2,0 z.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 z 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
TIME, sec x 10.5 TIME, sec x 10.5

Fig. 8. - - Solubility of MgCO3 fraction of limestone in Ca(OH)2 Fig. 9. - - Solubility of MgCO3 fraction of limestone in Ca(OH)2
solution at 350 K, particle size 5 3 / z m to 74/~m. solution at 350 K, particle size ~ 53 #m.
A - Cromhall limestone A - Cromhall limestone
B - Mereheadlimestone B - Mereheadlimestone


was saturated with Mg(OH)2 by adding 5 mg of pure movement of the latter in the micro channels of the
micronized MgCO3 and it was allowed to react for 30 limestone which controls the rate of change.
minutes; a 200 mg sample of ground limestone was To prevent the attack on limestone it is necessary
then added. Figure 7 is the calibration graph obtained to remove Ca(OH)2 from the hydrated cement paste.
with pure MgCO3 and the results for two limestones One possibility is to add a pozzolanic material, for
are shown in figures 8 and 9. example p.f. ash, to the mix. A material is said to be
pozzolanic if it is capable of combining with Ca(OH)2
Experimental results suggest that the rate of convers- liberated on hydration of Portland cement [I2].
ion of MgCO3 fraction limestone to Mg(OH)z in
Ca(OH)2 solution is governed by diffusion inside the
solid particle. Glover and Raask [11] have suggested
that a test for a diffusion-controlled mechanism is to
plot the rate of change &conductivity ~ -
(do) against

the inverse of the square root of time as in figure 10. A selection of samples was prepared consisting of
The rate of dissolution of the MgCO3 expressed as neat Portland cement paste, mixtures of cement and
dw. ground Cromhall limestone with and without addi-
d-~ ~s given by tion of p.f. ash. The mix composition, curing time
dw (D Dt ) and curing environment are given below. Water to
~- -- 3 wo ~ r:~.a~-~_ (5) cement ratio by weight was 0.3 for all samples.
The cured samples were analysed by DTA technique
where w0 is the original molar fraction of MgCOz in as described previously. Figure 11 shows a typical DTA
the sample and w that at times t, a is the radius of curve of a fully cured OPC paste (Sample 1, Table II).
particles, D is the diffusion constant. Since the conduc- Endothermic decompositions of hydrated silicates,
Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 are easily noticeable; the latter
tivity change -~- is proportional to the amount are formed by the capture of atmospheric CO2. There
of MgCO3 reacted, eq. (5) can be changed to, is also some evidence for the presence of hydrated
aluminates and Mg(OH)2; the OPC sample used con-
tained 2 % of MgO.
dt - - 3 (20 ~. z:_g~ati: (6) The DTA curve A on figure 12 of partially cured OPC
shows a poorly defined decomposition zone of hydrat-
The experimental results fit the above diffusion ed silicates. On autoclaving a mixture of OPC and
equation (fig. 10), but this does not specify the diffus- dolomitic limestone, a great deal of Mg(OH)z had
ing species which control the rate of conversion of formed (Curve B), but additional p. f. ash prevented
MgCO3 to Mg(OH)z in Ca(OH)2 solution. HO- ions Mg(OH)2 formation (curve C). Most of the Ca(OH)2
have much greater mobility in aqueous solution than liberated from the cement had reacted with ash, and
Mg + and Ca++-ions, therefore it is likely that it is the all the Ca(OH)z was consumed when the autoclaved
sample was cured in water at 300 K for 28 days
(Curve D).
The ash to cement ratio 1 to 1, as in samples 4 and
_e ~ I i i _ 5 (Table III), is too high for use in making structural
.-r,, \
L i t

0.4 %


CaCO 3 -

4- 9 $
1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25
400 600 800 1000
F i g . 10. - - Conductivity changes o f C a ( O H ) 2 solution containing
Cromhall limestone. TEMPERATURE,K
A - P a r t i c l e size < 53 H m Fig. 11. - - Endothermic decomposition on heating hydrated
B - P a r t i c l e size 53 H m to 76 t a n Portland cement paste - cured for four years under water.


TABLE II l , r

Sample Curing time and

No Mix Composition environment

----1 Ordinary Portland

Cement 4 years in water

o P c : limestone 7 days in water

1 : 2

OPC :: limestone2 3 hours in auto- 10

clave at 425 K

OPC : limestone : p.f. ash 3 hours in auto-

1 1 1 , clave at 425 K

C limestone : p.f. ash 3 hours in auto-

1 1 clave at 425 K
q- 28 days in water

OPC : limestone 6 months in water

1 1.35 i
+ 6 months in 0
autoclave at 425 K 350 150 600 800
OPC : limestone : p.f. ashl 6 months in water
The effect of p.f. ash on Portland cement and ground
F i g . 12. - -
i 1 1.7 0.331 + 6 months in
autoclave at 425 K limestones mixes.
A - Cement/limestone mix culed for seven days in water
B - Cement/limestone mix cured in autoclave
C - Cement/limestone/ash mix cured in autoclave
D - Cement/limestone/ash mix cured in autoclave follow-
ed by 28 days in water
concrete. A more realistic ratio of cement to ash is
3 to 1, and this quantity of ash was sufficient to bind
all the Ca(OH)2 liberated from the cement, when the
mixture of limestone, cement and ash was cured at inside limestone as double carbonates, CaCO3.
300 K for six months, followed by another six months Na~CO3 9 5H20 and 2CaCOa 9 3K2CO3 9 6H20.
in the autoclave at 425 K (fig. 13). There was no Swenson and Gillott [15] have put forward a differ-
evidence of an attack on the MgCOa-fraction in ent explanation. They suggest that the dedolomiti-
limestone by Ca(OH)~ when p.f. ash was added. zation reactions expose clay impurities in limestone for
moisture penetration and expansion occurs as a result
of water uptake by the clay. O f course, both explana-
tions could be correct to some extent and it would be
DISCUSSION difficult to establish whether the expansive effect
caused by precipitation of magnesium hydroxide and
In the U.S.A. and Canada there has been much res- carbonates is greater than that of water uptake by
earch to explain the reasons for a large and disruptive the clay fraction.
expansion of some of the dolomitic limestone aggregates The microstructure of limestone is an important
when used in Portland cement concrete [6, 7]. It is factor : a fine grained texture of the rock dispersed by
generally agreed that a chemical attack on limestone micro channels of MgCO3 and clay impurity are the
by the alkaline media of cement paste is the prime characteristic features of expansive limestones [16].
cause for the disruptive effect. Hadley [13] suggested There are some channels in the limestones examined
that the presence of alkali-metal hydroxides is essen- in this work but the aggregates are stable in the alkali
tial to initiate the reaction at room temperature : media of Portland cement at ambient temperature.
The solubility tests described in Section 4 suggest
CaCO3 9 M g C O 3 -k N a O H --~ Mg(OH)2 -k that the two aggregates are stable up to 335 K; above
CaCOz + Na2CO3 (7) this temperature the MgCOa fraction of the limestones
can be attached by Ca(OH)2 released from Portland
In cement paste Na2CO3 reacts with Ca(OH)2 liberated cement. A concrete structure made with Merehead
on hydration of cement and N a O H is generated. As a limestone should not be subjected to the expansive
consequence of the above reactions, the products damage resulting from a chemical attack on the
deposited in the veins of limestone have a larger volume aggregate by the alkali media at any temperature.
than that originally occupied by the CaCO3. MgCOa The MgCO3 fraction of the limestone is small and
fraction. Sherwood and Newlon [14] postulated that p.f. ash was used in the concrete mix. In the presence
in addition to Mg(OH)2 alkalis are also precipitated of the additive MgCO3 the limestone will not be attack-


As a precautionary measure the aggregates likely

! to be used for future designs of the concrete structures
subjected to elevated temperatures should be tested for
60 their thermal stability. Thermal analysis (Section 3.2)
can be used to identify the presence of the potentially
unstable MgCOa fraction, and the conductivity tech-
nique described in Section 4 is a useful method for
studying the reaction rate between MgCOz and
Ca(OH)2. It would be prudent to specify the addition
of p.f. ash to the concrete mix when dolomitic lime-
, stone aggregates are to be used. There are other
advantages when p.f. ash is used in the mix to build
c~ large structures; the ash improves the workability
of the mix, it reduces the temperature peak in the
MgCO3 // initial stage of hydration and there can be some savings
< 20 Ca(OH)2 ~ /I in the cost of cement. Excellent guidance on the use of
p.f. ash in concrete mix is given by Barber, Jones,
Knight and Miles [17].

TA r

700 900 1100 CONCLUSIONS

1) Two limestone aggregates examined in this
F i g . 13. - - Stabilizing effect of p.f. ash on dolomitie limestone work had different magnesium carbonate contents,
the molar fraction of MgCOz in Cromhall limestone
A - Limestone concrete
was 0.174 and that in Merehead limestone was 0.068.
B - Limestone concrete with p.f. ash
The result of thermogravimetric (TG) and differential
thermal analysis (DTA) showed that the MgCOz
ed by Ca(OH)2 liberated from Portland cement; the fraction in limestone decomposed at lower tempera-
latter reacts with silica in ash to form an additional tures than the main constituent (CaCO3). The MgCOa
amount of calcium silicates, the bonding species in in Cromhall limestone lowered the temperature by
the hydrated cement paste. Thus p.f. ash in the con- 50 K, and the activation energy for COz evolution was
crete mix ensures that in case of temperature excur- also smaller by 14 kJ mole -1.
sions above 336 K the loss in strength of the concrete 2) The lower thermal instability of Cromhall
will not be as great. limestone was also reflected by the reduced chemical
A concrete structure made with Cromhall limestone stability of the material in Ca(OH)2 solution in the
aggregate could show some features of thermal insta- temperature range of 335 K to 365 K. The amount of
bility when the concrete is subjected to high tempe- reactive MgCO3 in limestone can be determined by
ratures. The limestone has a comparatively large measuring the electrical conductivity of a dispersion of
MgCO3 content which could be attacked by Ca(OH)2 ground sample in Ca(OH)2 solution. The reaction
above 335 K. [mlach and Taylor [2] showed that between MgCO3 in limestone and Ca(OH)2 is a
there was a loss in strength of small mortar specimens diffusion-controlled process, where ionic species
made with the ground limestone and kept immersed migrate inside the micro channels of limestone.
in water in an autoclave for six months. However,
the risk of aggregate failure due to the attack by 3) The reaction between the dolomitic limestone
Ca(OH)2 in the concrete is small. The reaction can and Ca(OH)2 formed on hydration of Portland cement
take place only via transport of the ionic species in can be prevented by addition of a pozzolanic material,
water and usually will lose free water on heating such as p.f. ash, to the concrete mix. Preferential
before any significant attack can occur; the rate of reaction of Ca(OH)2 with silica in ash leaves the aggre-
diffusion of water in concrete [11] is faster than the gate unscathed and an additional amount of calcium
rate of reaction of MgCO3-containing aggregates silicate, the binding constituent of the cement, is
with Ca(OH)2. formed.


The work was carried out at the Central Electricity

Research Laboratories, Leatherhead, and the paper is
published by permission of the Central Electricity
Generating Board.



Stabilit6 thermique et chimique des granulats calcaires d'origine chimique. On suggbre que la cause en est la
La stabilitJ thermique d'un bJton d ciment Portland r~action du MgCO3 avec du Ca(OH)z libOr~ par
est influenc~e par le type de granulat utilisJ dans le l'hydratation du ciment Portland. Afin d'en obtenir la
mJlange : la rJsistance m~canique des bOtons d base vOrification, on a congu une mdthode bas~e sur la mesure
de calcaire diminue beaucoup plus rapidement ~ des de la conductivitO Olectro-chimique pour Otudier la
tempJratures JlevJes que celle des bJtons comportant vitesse de dissolution du MgCOa clans des ~chantillons
des granulats siliceux. Cette perte de rJsistance est de calcaire pulvdrisOs et dispersOs dans une solution
peut-~tre due ~ l'attaque chimique des granulats cal- de Ca(OH)2. La rdaction est un processus contr6lk
caires par la pate alcaline de ciment hydratJ. par diffusion, donnant lieu d une migration d'espkces
La stabilitJ thermique de deux types de calcaire dz ioniques dans les microcanaux du calcaire. Dans le
teneurs en MgC03 diffJrentes a OtJ examinJe par thermo- cas du calcaire dt haute teneur en M g C 0 3 (fraction
gravimJtrie et par analyse thermique diffJrentielle. molaire 0,174), la rdaction pourrait conduire d la dila-
Un accroissement de la fraction molaire du MgC03 tation et puis d la rupture du granulat.
dans le calcaire de 0,068 d 0,174 a conduit dune dimi- On peut r~duire le risque d'une telle rupture en ajou-
nution de la tempJrature de dJcomposition et d u n tant des cendres volantes au mdlange de bOton. La silice
accroissement de la vitesse de dJgagement de C02. des centres r~agit avec le Ca(OH)2 du bOton, laissant
Cela indique qu'un calcaire dolomitique & haute teneur le granulat intact, et des quantit~s additionnelles de
en M g C 0 3 est susceptible de montrer une instabih'tJ silicates de chaux (liants du ciment) se forment.


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