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Unit 2, Lesson 2 8th Grade U.S. History 
The Articles of Confederation
Name: Danielle Date:
Discussion and Debate Prep

Did the newly independent America create the type of government it was looking for with the 
Articles of Confederation​?   

Points For: Points Against:

1. + In all 13 states people are able to enjoy  1. - Can’t prepare for war if there is a 
rights as a citizen (Free speech, going in  threat, only if a war is actually started. 
and out of different states, every citizen  2. - Choice of paying taxes lead to the 
is equal and has a right of freedom).  government's debt 
Section 4 of the Articles of Confederation  3. - Each state had its own currency led to 
states, “Shall be entitled to all privileges  inflation 
and immunities of free citizens in the  4. - When states were asked to pay for 
several states.”  war, they couldn’t enforce everyone to 
2. + The 13 states have a social contract  pay for it. And if they did, the burden 
with each other.   would be uneven. Section 9 states, “All 
3. + No war, states cannot start war against  charges of war, and all other expenses 
each other unless another nation starts  that shall be incurred for the common 
war with them.  defense or general welfare.” 
4. + Congress has to approve everything    


Yes or No? (And Why.) 

No because the government although tryed to charge the states with taxes, they did not enforce 
it well leaving the government in debt. And they made it so that they didn’t let states prepare for 
battle until they actually saw what was going on.The congress was also weak and couldn’t 
properly maintain the 13 states. 

D. Nicoll  2017 Adapted from A. Niese 

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