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International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012) 2582–2589

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A constitutive equation for graphene based on density functional theory

Mei Xu a, Jeffrey T. Paci b,c,⇑, Jay Oswald e, Ted Belytschko d
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2145 N. Sheridan Rd., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8W 3V6
Department of Chemistry, 2145 N. Sheridan Rd., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2145 N. Sheridan Rd., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An anisotropic strain energy function is proposed for tensile loading in graphene that provides a nonlin-
Received 8 March 2011 ear, hyperelastic constitutive equation. In the proposed function, the energy depends on the principal
Received in revised form 22 May 2012 invariants of the right Cauchy–Green tensor and the strains in the zigzag and armchair directions. The
Available online 1 June 2012
use of the zigzag and armchair strains gives the model the ability to account for anisotropic behavior
at moderate deformations. The constitutive law parameters are determined by a least squares fit to
Keywords: the energies predicted by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, and a good match is obtained
to the DFT results for zigzag and armchair graphene sheets with various loading combinations. The
Elastic constants
law is applied in a continuum calculation of nanoindentation of a graphene membrane. The force–deflec-
Nanoindentation tion predicted with this model show excellent agreement with analogous experimental results, thus pro-
viding a strong link between DFT calculations and nanoexperiments.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction hypothesis and creating free-standing single layers using a micro-

mechanical cleavage technique. This pioneering work drew consid-
Quantum mechanics opens the possibility of developing consti- erable attention to this ‘‘newly-discovered’’ material. The high
tutive equations for crystalline materials and, with time, even mechanical strength, excellent thermal conductivity, and unusual
more complex materials. While mechanicians have so far relied electrical properties of graphene present many opportunities for
on experiments to develop these equations, this approach is often application in composite materials (Stankovich et al., 2006; Paci
limited, particularly for small crystals. By using quantum mechan- et al., 2007) and nanoelectronic devices (Li et al., 2008; Ohta
ics, the response of a crystal to various loadings can be obtained, et al., 2006; Sakhaee-Pour et al., 2008; Stoller et al., 2008), and have
and an accurate constitutive equation can be derived. In this paper, led to the creation of a large body of related scientific work.
we develop such an equation for graphene by this approach. By The successful isolation of graphene sheets was quickly fol-
means of a unit cell, we obtain the response to various loadings, lowed by many laboratory studies. Frank et al. (2007) measured
and then develop a constitutive equation that fits closely our quan- the effective spring constants of stacks of graphene sheets up to
tum–mechanical density functional theory (DFT) results. five layers by the atomic force microscopy deflection measure-
Graphene is a two-dimensional form of carbon, consisting of a ments. The first experimental measurement of the mechanical
single layer of atoms in a hexagonal arrangement. Initially it was properties of a single layer was made by Lee et al. (2008). They
thought that such a crystal would be thermodynamically unstable measured the deflection at the center point of the graphene sheets
and could not exist (Mermin, 1968). Early reports of the exfoliation in nanoindentation experiments, and obtained distributions of the
of graphene layers from graphite suggested thicknesses of tens to Young’s modulus. Assuming a graphene thickness 0.335 nm, the
hundreds of layers (Lu et al., 1999; Shioyama, 2001); the binding resulting modulus is 1:0  0:1 TPa.
between the layers was assumed to be due to van der Waals forces. The mechanical properties of both nanotubes and graphene
Recently, Novoselov and Geim and colleagues (Geim and Novose- sheets have been studied extensively by computational and theo-
lov, 2007; Novoselov et al., 2005) invalidated the instability retical methods. In a sense, the study of graphene can be traced
back to when Wallace (1947) reported the band structure of graph-
ite. Sanchez-Portal et al. (1999) and Van Lier et al. (2000) deter-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemistry, University of Victoria, mined the Young’s modulus of graphene sheets with DFT and
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8W 3V6. Tel.: +1 250 853 3264; fax: +1 250 721 used the results to estimate the elastic properties of open and
7147. closed carbon nanotubes. Kudin et al. (2001) performed similar
E-mail address: (J.T. Paci).

0020-7683/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Xu et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012) 2582–2589 2583

calculations on graphene to estimate the flexural rigidity of carbon diagonal components of the Green strain tensor. The equation con-
nanotubes. Liu et al. (2007) computed the stress–strain relation of sists of three parts. The first describes the mechanical behavior of
graphene under uniaxial tension by DFT computations in both the compressible isotropic materials under deformations that cause
armchair and zigzag directions. Ogata and Shibutani (2003) small changes in area, and the second and third describe deforma-
determined the ideal tensile strength and the band structure of sin- tions involving large area changes and anisotropy. It was observed
gle-walled carbon nanotubes by DFT and tight binding methods. in the experiments of Tsoukleri et al. (2009) that the suspended
Dumitrica et al. (2003) studied the fracture of carbon nanotubes graphene sheets buckled at about 0.7% compressive strain. It is
for a large temperature range with DFT computations. Liu et al. not clear how to initiate this instability in DFT simulations. There-
(2007) examined the stress–strain relation of graphene under uni- fore, compression behavior is not considered in the material model
axial tension by DFT simulations, and Konstantinova et al. (2006) presented here.
used similar methods to analyze the stability of the graphene Our approach is different than that of Wei et al. (2009) in which
structure. a fifth-order Taylor series of the strain energy was constructed. Our
The mechanical properties of nanotubes have also been studied model is a modification of a standard isotropic hyperelastic work
by variants of the Cauchy-Born rule with the Tersoff-Brenner po- energy potential. The approach of Wei et al. represents the strain
tential (Brenner, 1990, 2002). Zhao et al. (2009) studied the depen- energy function as a polynomial expansion of the right-Cauchy
dence between the size and chirality of graphene nanoribbons and Green tensor, while our approach bases the strain energy function
their elastic properties using the AIREBO potential, which is a po- on a polynomial expansion of the invariants of the right-Cauchy
tential similar to Tersoff-Brenner, and a tight-binding method. Ar- Green tensor and adds anisotropic terms as low order corrections.
royo and Belytschko (2002, 2004) presented an exponential While the Wei formulation may be more accurate at very high
Cauchy-Born rule that accounted for the curvature of the nanotube. strains, due to the larger number of parameters used, our model
They studied the mechanical behavior of single layer crystalline is significantly simpler and straight-forward to implement (Xu
sheets under finite deformation to simulate carbon nanotubes. et al., 2012). A constitutive equation for graphene was also previ-
Zhang et al. (2005) performed coupled molecular and continuum ously developed based on comparisons to molecular mechanics
mechanics simulations on finite size graphene sheets with defects simulations (Gil et al., 2010). However, this equation is only appli-
to estimate the fracture strength of carbon nanotubes. Huang et al. cable in simulations of nanoindentation experiments, whereas
(2006b) used a Taylor series approach closely related to the Cau- ours is more general. Nonlinear strain energy functions have been
chy-Born rule to study the elastic properties of graphene; they similarly developed for graphene nanoribbons, for which the effect
made an extensive study of previously published values for of the surface energy of free edges is important (Lu et al., 2011). A
Young’s modulus and the role of the ‘‘thickness’’ of the carbon general continuum description of graphene sheets based on calcu-
sheet on the elastic modulus. Scarpa et al. (2009) proposed a lations using the Tersoff-Brenner potential that accounts for in-
truss-type analytical model to describe the in-plane linear elastic plane and bending elasticity has also been developed (Lu and
properties of graphene. Huang, 2009).
First principles-based studies on large systems require tremen- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Details of
dous computing power, making it prohibitively computationally the DFT calculations are given in Section 2. Section 3 describes
expensive to simulate graphene sheets composed of more than the development of the two-dimensional anisotropic hyperelastic
10,000 atoms with most types of DFT calculations. Force-field- constitutive law. The constitutive law is then applied to a nanoin-
based molecular mechanics (FF-MM) simulations of this size and dentation experiment of circular graphene sheets (Lee et al., 2008),
larger are computationally feasible. However, the elastic properties which is presented with a numerical/experimental comparison in
arising from the commonly used empirical potentials for carbon, Section 4. Conclusions are given in Section 5.
such as the Tersoff-Brenner potential, show anisotropy at small
strains, and are generally inconsistent with DFT results. For exam-
ple, Liu et al. (2007) showed that the tensile stress–strain behavior 2. DFT Studies of mechanical properties of graphene
for different chiralities are nearly identical up to 15% strain using
DFT, whereas they are distinctly different for the Tersoff-Brenner 2.1. Computational setup
potential (Khare et al., 2008b). This inconsistency is often problem-
atic in coupled quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical com- DFT calculations were performed using the SIESTA computa-
putations as discussed in Khare et al. (2007). An energy scaling tional software package (Soler et al., 2002). A Perdew–
scheme was presented by Khare et al. (2008a) that matches the Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional that uses a generalized gradient
strength obtained from FF-MM simulations to DFT results, but approximation (GGA) in estimating the DFT exchange–correlation
the approach lacks generality. term was chosen. A double-f plus polarization orbital (DZP) basis
Recently several important experimental studies have made it set was used. Carbon atoms were modeled using a Troullier–Martins
possible to assess the adequacy of various mechanical models for pseudopotential (Troullier and Martins, 1991) with a core radius of
graphene. Lee et al. (2008) performed nanoindentation experi- 1:15a0 ða0 ¼ 0:529 ÅÞ and a nonlinear exchange–correlation
ments on circular graphene sheets, and obtained strikingly consis- correction pseudo core radius of 1:50a0 .
tent results that suggest that defects were almost absent. They Three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions were used. We
used a second order polynomial in the Green strain to fit the uni- considered two unit cells: a 4-atom cluster and a 32-atom cluster pffiffiffi
axial stress–strain behavior of their sheets, but their polynomial (see Fig. 1). The dimension
pffiffiffi for the unit cell in Fig. 1a is lx ¼ 3r 0 ;
was calibrated for only uniaxial tension. Peng et al. (2008) and ly ¼ 3r0 and it is lx ¼ 4 3r 0 ; ly ¼ 6r 0 for the unit cell in Fig. 1b. r 0
Locascio et al. (2009) have made measurements of single-walled indicates the length of equilibrium carbon–carbon bond in graph-
and multi-walled carbon nanotubes that agree quite well with ene. Below, we will refer to the x- and y-directions as ‘‘armchair’’
the DFT calculations of Zhang et al. (2005), which have led to an in- and ‘‘zigzag’’ directions, respectively. Note that different labeling
crease in confidence in DFT calculations. conventions are sometimes used by other authors. The dimension
In this paper we present a two-dimensional anisotropic hyper- of the unit cells along the z-direction, lz , was chosen to eliminate
elastic constitutive model calibrated using DFT calculations on a spurious interactions due to the periodic boundary condition in
graphene unit cell. The constitutive equation is a function of two the z-direction. A 30  30  1 k-grid proved sufficient for accurately
invariants of the right Cauchy–Green tensor and also the two sampling the Brillouin zone for the 4-atom unit cell and an
2584 M. Xu et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012) 2582–2589


y (zigzag
x (armchair lx lx
z direction)
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. The unit cells used in DFT simulations. (a) 4-atom unit cell; (b) 32-atom unit cell.

8  15  1 k-grid for the 32-atom unit cell. A conjugate gradient 2.2. Results and discussion
solver was used for geometry optimization. All the results were
for 0 K and electron spin polarization was not allowed. The DFT results for 4- and 32-atom unit cells are identical. This
In computing the Young’s modulus of graphene, it is common to suggests that graphene can be homogenized using such small unit
use 3.4 Å (Baskin and Meyer, 1955), the interlayer distance of cells, although we did not perform an exhaustive examination of
graphite sheets, as the thickness, which is denoted by h. In our this issue. The stress–strain curves when the sheet is under uniax-
treatment, we assume that this thickness is independent of load. ial tension along the zigzag and armchair directions are shown in
The stresses output by SIESTA were scaled by a ¼ lz =h to calculate Fig. 2a. The results are presented in terms of the Cauchy (physical)
the equivalent stresses, reij , on surfaces with thickness h, which are stress, r, the principal stretch, ki ; i ¼ 1; 2; and the engineering
strain, i . The strain is related to the principal stretch by
li li  li
r ¼ arij i; j ¼ 1; 2 ð1Þ
i ¼ ki  1 ¼ 0
1¼ 0
; ð2Þ
ij li li
where li is the length of the undeformed unit cell along the ith
dimension and li is the length of the deformed, stressed unit cell.
where rij is the stress on the unit-cell wall output by SIESTA. Some of the results are presented in terms of the deformation gra-
The stress tolerance used was 0.1 GPa, so the maximum uncer- dient, F ¼ @/=@X, where / is the motion and X ¼ fX; Y; Zg are the
a GPa. The use of smaller stress
tainty of the normalized stress is 10 vectors of material coordinates. Equivalently, F ¼ @x=@X, where
tolerances makes calculations more computationally demanding. x ¼ /ðXÞ.
Because both the stress tolerance and the computational cost are The material response of graphene under tensile stress obtained
proportional to the length of the unit cell along the z axis, lz was cho- by DFT computations are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen in panel a
sen such that it was just large enough to avoid any spurious interac- that, for a thickness of 3.4 Å, the maximum tensile stresses are
tion along the z-direction. We tested lz ¼ 60 Å; 30 Å; 10 Å; 5 Å. It 107.2 GPa and 117.5 GPa for the zigzag and armchair directions,
turned out that 10 Å was the best choice among the four. Both respectively. The corresponding stretch at the maxima of the stres-
60 Å and 30 Å have a higher computation cost and 5 Å does not ses are 1.20 and 1.25. The maximum stresses are very close to the
eliminate spurious interactions. Smaller stress tolerances were con- onset of the phonon instability as calculated by Liu et al. (2007). It
sidered but they require much more computational time and can is also shown in Fig. 2a that the mechanical response of the graph-
lead to unphysical results. For example, with a very small stress tol- ene sheet under uniaxial tension is almost linear until 10% strain.
erance, lz converges to 5.4 Å, which is not consistent with experi- Subsequently it deviates significantly from linearity. For example,
mental observations (Baskin and Meyer, 1955). The reason for this the slope of the curve at zero strain is four times greater than at
is that the graphene layers interact by van der Waals forces, which 15% strain. It also can be seen that the stress–strain curves of the
PBE/DZP does not represent accurately; PBE was designed to de- graphene sheet in the armchair and zigzag directions are almost
scribe covalent bond interactions which are much stronger. The identical until the engineering strain is about 15%. Thus for small
equilibrium C–C bond length in graphene lattice was found by strain the material is nearly isotropic. Anisotropy develops at mod-
geometry optimization to be 1.43 Å. erate stretch. At approximately 15% strain, the zigzag stiffness rap-
Variable cell PBE/DZP computations with stress boundary con- idly decreases to zero, whereas in the armchair direction, the
ditions, which correspond to uniaxial tension along the zigzag stiffness is maintained much longer. For equal biaxial stretching,
and armchair directions were performed. Under uniaxial tension, the mechanical behavior of the armchair and zigzag directions
only one stress component was non-zero, which was the normal are identical (see Fig. 2b). No anisotropy was observed under equal
stress on the surface where the tensile load was applied. The stress biaxial stretching, a finding consistent with the maintained hexag-
increment was 1 GPa. The computations failed to converge when onal symmetry of the system for this case. It is then reasonable to
the modulus of graphene sheet became negative (strain softening). treat graphene as an isotropic material for biaxial strain and small
Therefore, a displacement boundary condition was used instead at uniaxial tensile strain.
the onset of strain softening. We also computed the material re- To compare DFT and molecular mechanics (MM) methods, the
sponse for graphene under equal biaxial stretching. Displacement MM results for the Tersoff-Brenner potential (Brenner et al.,
boundary conditions were used and the stretches in both the arm- 2002) are also shown in Fig. 2. The curves from MM calculations
chair and zigzag directions were enforced to be the same. terminate when instability occurs, which may be caused by defect
M. Xu et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012) 2582–2589 2585

(a) 120 (b) 100

Cauchy Stress (GPa)

Cauchy Stress (GPa)

Uniaxial Tension 40 Equal Biaxial Stretching
zigzag (DFT, i=2) zigzag (DFT, i=2)
armchair (DFT, i=1) 20 armchair (DFT, i=1)
20 zigzag (Brenner Potential, i=2) zigzag (Brenner Potential, i=2)
armchair (Brenner Potential, i=1) armchair (Brenner Potential, i=1)
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2
Engineering Strain εi Engineering Strain εi

Fig. 2. Material response calculated by DFT and MM for the graphene sheet under (a) uniaxial tension along zigzag and armchair directions; (b) equal biaxial stretching.

0 0 0
nucleation. Fig. 2a shows that the graphene sheet has different b1 ¼ 0:05; b2 ¼ 0:15; b3 ¼ 0:07; b4 ¼ 0:09; b5 ¼ 0:12 ð4Þ
stiffnesses along the zigzag and armchair directions and the tensile    
b1 b1
strength differs by 5–10% from the DFT results depending on the f1 ¼ H E22  H E11  ð5Þ
2 2
loading direction. The orthotropicity of the Tersoff-Brenner-based    
b2 b2
predictions of the type shown in Fig. 2a has been previously re- f2 ¼ H E22  H E11  ð6Þ
ported (Reddy et al., 2006; Lu et al., 2011). It also can be seen in
2 2
Fig. 2b, that the slope of the equal biaxial stretching curve at small fj ¼ H E22  bj HðE11 Þ j ¼ 3; 4; 5 ð7Þ
strains from MM calculations is smaller than the DFT results, and qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
0 0
therefore the stresses predicted in biaxial tension are significantly bj ¼ 2bj þ 1 1  m 2bj þ 1  1  1 j ¼ 3; 4; 5 ð8Þ
lower than those for DFT.
where HðÞ is the Heaviside function, bj are the threshold values in
strain where the anisotropic terms are activated, and m is the Pois-
3. Proposed constitutive law for graphene son’s ratio which will be discussed later in this section. The terms in
Eqs. (5)–(7) account for the anisotropy.
Graphene at room temperature and below appears to exhibit The constants, ci and dk , were determined using the uniaxial
perfectly reversible mechanical behavior. There is evidence that at tension results for the armchair direction. When the coefficients

high temperatures (T > 2000 CÞ (Huang et al., 2006a), the response obtained were applied to biaxial stretching, the fitted stress–strain
is plastic, which is characterized by Stone–Wales dislocations as de- curve started to deviate from the DFT results at J  1:05. Therefore,
scribed by Ding et al. (2007)). However, the activation temperature the a1 and a2 terms were added to obtain a good fit for biaxial
for these dislocations is quite high, so they can probably be ignored stretching. The a3 to a5 terms account for the anisotropy under uni-
for constitutive models in the range T  0—400 K. Therefore, we axial tension. The exponents of these terms were chosen such that
have chosen a hyperelastic constitutive equation for graphene. the terms do not introduce discontinuities in the resulting stresses
Based on the observation in the previous section, we developed a and tangent stiffnesses. There are other options for the a3 to a5
two-dimensional anisotropic hyperelastic law. Only the material terms. For example, instead of I2 , the first principal invariant, I1 ,
behavior under tensile stresses is considered, because the graphene could be used as the variable.
sheet buckles under compression (Tsoukleri et al., 2009). The strain The second Piola–Kirchhoff (PK2) stress tensor S of a hyperelas-
energy density function is a function of the principal invariants, tic material can be obtained by taking the derivative of the strain
(I1 ; I2 ), of the right Cauchy–Green tensor, C, and the diagonal com- energy density, w, with respect to C, so
ponents of the Green strain, (E11 ; E22 ). The first principle invariant  
I1 ¼ trðCÞ ¼ C 11 þ C 22 , and the second principle invariant I2 ¼ @w @w @I1 @w @I2 @w @E11 @w @E22
S¼2 ¼2 þ þ þ ð9Þ
detðCÞ, where C 11 and C 22 are the principal values of the Right-Cau- @C @I1 @C @I2 @C @E11 @C @E22 @C
chy Green deformation tensor. The deformation gradient, F, and
The last two terms varnish because @E@w11 ¼ @E@w22 ¼ 0. The derivatives of
the Green strain, E, tensors are related to the right Cauchy–Green
the invariants with respect to the right Cauchy–Green tensor are gi-
tensor by C ¼ FT F ¼ 2E þ I, where I is the identity tensor.
ven in Belystchko et al. (2001). They are
The potential reads
¼I ð10Þ
N1 X
N2 X
N1 @C
2k i
wðI1 ; I2 ; E11 ; E22 Þ ¼ ci ðI1  2Þi þ dk ðln J Þ  2 ci ðln J Þ and
i¼1 k¼1 i¼1

X @I2
3 ¼ I2 C1 ð11Þ
þ al fl ðE11 ; E22 ÞðJ  bl Þ½lnðJ  bl Þ ð3Þ @C
The relation between the PK2 stress and the Cauchy stress r is given
pffiffiffiffi by
where ci ; dk , and al are the fitting coefficients, and J ¼ det ðFÞ ¼ I2 .  
@w @w
N 1 and N 2 are the number of polynomial terms in the constitutive r ¼ J1 FSFT ¼ 2J1 B þ I2 I ð12Þ
@I1 @I2
equation. They can be adjusted to find the optimal fit. The defini-
tions of the functions, fi , are where B ¼ FFT is the left Cauchy–Green tensor.
2586 M. Xu et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012) 2582–2589

30 Table 1
DFT−armchair (i=1) Coefficients in Eq. (3) of the proposed hyperelastic constitutive model for graphene.
Strain Energy Density (10 9J/m3)

DFT−zigzag (i=2)
25 DFT−biaxial (i=1 or 2) i 1 2 3 4 5
ci ðGPaÞ 210.75 98.72 6.91 – –
20 di ðGPaÞ 307.87 237.26 – – –
ai ðGPaÞ 30.00 51.67 833.33 2000.00 1000.00


10 Proposed Constitutive
Equation-armchair(i=1) 0.3
Proposed Constitutive DFT−zigzag(i=2)
5 Equation-zigzag(i=2) DFT−armchair(i=1)
Proposed Constitutive Proposed Constitutive Equation−zigzag(i=2)
Equation-biaxial(i=1,2) Proposed Constitutive Equation−armchair(i=1)

Poisson’s Ratio
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2
Engineering Strain εi

Fig. 3. Strain energy densities from the proposed constitutive equation for
graphene under uniaxial tension along the armchair and zigzag directions, and
under equal biaxial stretching, compared to DFT results.

The tangent modulus is related to the second derivative of the

strain energy density with respect to the right Cauchy–Green ten- 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
sor, i.e., Engineering Strain εi
CSE ¼ 4 ð13Þ Fig. 5. Poisson’s ratios from the proposed constitutive equation for graphene under
@C@C uniaxial tension along the armchair and zigzag directions, compared to DFT results.

or in component form
1 SE @2w @ 2 w 2 @w     1 Our energy criterion is independent of deformation in the sheet
C ¼ 2 dij dkl þ I þ I2 C 1 C 1  thickness direction. Substituting Eqs. (18) and (3) into Eq. (12) gives
4 ijkl @I1 @I22 2 @I 2 ij kl 2
  equations for the Cauchy stress components
 I2 C 1 C 1 þ C 1 C 1 ð14Þ
@I2 ik jl il jk
N1 X
N2 X
r1 ¼ 2J1 ici ðI1  2Þi1 k21 þ 2J 1 kdk ðln JÞ2k1  2J 1 ici ðln JÞi1
The tangent modules CSE relates PK2 to the Green strain by i¼1 k¼1 i¼1
5 X
dS ¼ CSE dE ð15Þ þ
al fl ½lnðJ  bl Þ þ 3 al fl ½lnðJ  bl Þ
l¼1 l¼1
The relationship between the stress invariants and the principal N1 N2 N1
stretch ratios are r2 ¼ 2J1 ici ðI1  2Þi1 k22 þ 2J 1 kdk ðlnJÞ2k1  2J 1 ici ðln JÞi1
i¼1 k¼1 i¼1
I1 ¼ k21 þ k22 ð16Þ X
5 X
3 2
þ al fl ½lnðJ  bl Þ þ 3 al fl ½lnðJ  bl Þ ð20Þ
and l¼1 l¼1

I2 ¼ k21 k22 ¼ J 2 ð17Þ

The fitting procedure is similar to the one described in Oswald et al.
Under uniaxial tension, the deformation gradient can be written as (2007). We first fit the terms with the DFT results for the graphene
  unit cell under uniaxial tension along the armchair direction. The
k1 0
F¼ ð18Þ last term in Eq. (20) vanishes because E22 is negative when the
0 k2 graphene sheet is under uniaxial tension along the armchair

(a) 120
(b) 100
Cauchy stress σi (GPa)
Cauchy stress σi (GPa)

100 80

DFT−armchair (i=1)
60 DFT−zigzag (i=2)
Proposed Constitutive Equation 40
−armchair (i=1) DFT(i=1,2)
Proposed Constitutive Equation Proposed Constitutive Equation(i=1,2)
−zigzag (i=2) 20
Uniaxial Tension Equal Biaxial Stretching
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2
Engineering strain εi Engineering strain εi

Fig. 4. Results from the proposed constitutive equation for graphene under (a) uniaxial tension along armchair and zigzag directions, and (b) equal biaxial stretching,
compared to DFT results.
M. Xu et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (2012) 2582–2589 2587

Table 2 After substituting the ck , where k ¼ 1; . . . ; N 1 , thus obtained into Eq.

The elastic constants of graphene and the strain at onset of material softening from (19), dk , where k ¼ 1; . . . ; N 2 , were found in an analogous way. For
the proposed hyperelastic constitutive law and the literature.
N1 ¼ 3 and N 2 ¼ 2, the fitted constitutive equation shows good
Young’s Poisson’s Stretch at rmax agreement with the PBE/DZP results.
Modulus (TPa) ratio The coefficients a1 and a2 were determined from the biaxial
Hyperelastic model 1.030 0.221 1.19(zigzag)1.24 stretching results, and a3 through a5 were calibrated using the dif-
(armchair) ference in the tensile stresses between the uniaxial tensions along
DFT by Kudin et al. (2001) 1.015 0.149 –
the zigzag and armchair directions. The fitted strain energy densi-
DFT by Liu et al. (2007) 1.034 0.186 1.19 (zigzag)1.27
(armchair) ties are shown in Fig. 3, and are compared to the energy densities
Experiment by Lee et al. 0.853–1.147 – 1.25 from the DFT calculations. The resulting stress–strain relations are
(2008) shown in Fig. 4, along with the DFT results. Very good agreement
MM by Arroyo and 0.715 0.397 –
was obtained in all cases. The fitting coefficients are listed in Table 1.
Belytschko (2004) with
Brenner as given in
Poisson’s ratios in the armchair and zigzag directions are com-
Brenner (1990) pared between the DFT results and the proposed constitutive mod-
Experiment⁄ by Peng et al. 1.057 – 1.12 el in Fig. 5. The ratios were calculated by finding the transverse
(2008) strain that made the stress state uniaxial. The curves for the arm-
Tight binding⁄ by Ogata and 0.972 – 1.20
chair direction are almost identical. The Poisson’s ratio curve for
Shibutani (2003)
Coupled MM/CM⁄ by Zhang 0.859 – 1.18 (zigzag) the zigzag direction from the constitutive equation takes an unre-
et al. (2005) 1.30 (armchair) alistic bend away and then back toward the DFT results at strains
DFT⁄ by Sanchez-Portal 1.800 – 1.19 (zigzag)1.14 larger than  7%. This behavior is due to a limitation of this equa-
et al. (1999) (armchair)
tion for predicting this response accurately for these strains. At
Coupled QM/MM⁄⁄ by 1.049 — 1.12 (zigzag)
Khare et al. (2007)
very small strains, the DFT results are inaccurate due to the stress
tolerance of 0.1 GPa. For example, an uniaxial engineering strain of
⁄ ⁄⁄
Obtained from the reported stress–strain curves of carbon nanotubes. Obtained 0.3% in the armchair direction generates a tensile stress of 1 GPa,
from the stress–strain curve of graphene with a one-atom vacancy.
however the transverse stress generated by this uniaxial strain is
less than 0.1 GPa. Therefore, the resulting Poisson’s ratios from
PBE/DZP calculations are not accurate at very small strains, so we
R did not report them in the figure.
The elastic constants of graphene can be calculated using the
I coefficients from Table 1; the shear modulus is l ¼ 2c1 ¼ 421:5
GPa, the Lamé constant K ¼ 2d1 ¼ 615:74 GPa, Young’s modulus
rI 9K l 3K2l
is Y ¼ 3Kþ l ¼ 1:030 TPa, and Poisson’s ratio is m ¼ 2ð3KþlÞ ¼ 0:22.
Y (nm)

The elastic constants of graphene and the strain at onset of mate-

0 rial softening from the proposed constitutive equation are com-
pared to values from the literature in Table 2. Literature-reported
results for carbon nanotubes are also shown. It can be seen that
R the mechanical properties from the continuum model match the
various DFT-based results better than those predicted using empir-
ical potentials.
−R 0 R
X (nm)
4. Indentation example
Fig. 6. A sketch of the finite element mesh of a circular graphene sheet of radius, R.
r I indicates the distance between node I and the center of the membrane. To test the effectiveness of this constitutive model, we consider
the nanoindentation experiment of Lee et al. (2008). In their exper-
iment, graphene sheets of radius 500 nm and 750 nm were in-
direction. A function of only ck can be obtained by subtracting Eq. dented in the center to various indentation depths, d, and the
(20) from Eq. (19), which gives force–deflection relations were obtained to evaluate the elastic
N1 constants. We simulated the experiments numerically. A simple
r1  r2 ¼ 2A ici Bi1 ð21Þ in-house total Lagrangian-based nonlinear static finite element
i¼1 code was used. A sketch of the finite element model is shown in
where A ¼ J1 ðk21  k22 Þ, and B ¼ I1  2. A least-squares fit with Fig. 6. The graphene sheet of radius R consists of 1495 nodes and
N 1 ¼ 3 was used to determine the coefficients ci . 2864 linear triangular membrane elements. The boundary of a
To fit the PBE/DZP results, a residual, r, was defined as sheet was fixed (ux ¼ uy ¼ uz ¼ 0 8X; Y 2 fX 2 þ Y 2 ¼ R2 g), and the
X 2 center node was displaced by d. Lee et al. showed that the load–
r¼ Pj  Pfit
j ð22Þ deflection curves are not sensitive to the indenter size, except that
j it was easier to break the sheets with smaller indenters.
The simulated load–deflection curves with R ¼ 500 nm and
where j ranges from 1 to the number of load steps in the PBE/DZP
R ¼ 750 nm are shown in Fig. 7, with the experimental data. Excel-
computations, P j are the PBE/DZP results for different strains and
lent agreement was obtained. The simulation curves terminate
j are the corresponding values computed from Eq. (21). The fitting
where the numerical computations failed to converge. The termi-
coefficients were obtained by setting the derivatives of r with re-
nations may indicate the fracture loads. This will be investigated
spect to the fitting coefficients to zero, i.e.,
in subsequent work, where the importance of bending stiffness
@r X XN1
i1 k1
will also be explored. For the R ¼ 500 nm model, the breaking force
¼2 Pj  2Aj ici Bj Aj kBj ¼ 0 k ¼ 1; . . . ; N1 ð23Þ was 1567 nN and the maximum deflection was 110 nm. They are
@ck j i¼1
2188 nN and 160 nm for the R ¼ 750 nm sheet. The breaking
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