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SEE TABLE 4-1 ON PAGE 74 for the Main Characteristics of

FOUR BASIC TYPES OF TISSUE the four basic types of tissue
1. Epithelial – composed of closely aggregated polyhedral
cells with strong adhesion to one another and attached Epithelial cells generally show polarity, with organelles
to a thin layer of ECM; cellular sheets that line the and membrane proteins distributed unevenly within the
cavities of organs and cover the body surface cell
Principal functions:  BASAL POLE – region of the cell contacting the
 Covering, lining and protecting surfaces (epidermis) connective tissue
 Absorption (intestinal lining)  APICAL POLE – opposite end, facing a space
 Secretion (parenchymal cells of glands)
2. Connective - Abundant ECM produced by its cells - Subjacent connective tissue possessed by epithelial
3. Nervous – long fine processes specialized to receive, cells at their basal surfaces
generate and transmit impulses - Presence of glycoproteins
4. Muscular - elongated cells specialized for contraction Using the TEM, it can be resolved into two structures:
- All these contain cells and molecules of the o 20-100 nm thick
extracellular matrix (ECM), form different organs of o Nearest the basal poles
the body o Network of fine fibrils comprising the basal
- Most organs can be divided into parenchyma & lamina
o PARENCHYMA which is composed of the o More diffuse and fibrous than basal lamina
cells responsible for the organ’s specialized o Beneath basal lamina
o STROMA cells which have a supporting role The macromolecules of the basal lamina are secreted at
in the organ except in the brain, spinal cord the basal poles of the epithelial cells and form three-
the stroma is always connective tissue dimensional arrays
 LAMININ – large glycoproteins that self – assemble
CHARACTERISTICS AND FEATURES OF EPITHELIAL CELLS as a lacelike network immediately below the cell’s
basal poles where they are held by transmembrane
- Shapes of cells: Columnar, cuboidal, squamous integrins
- Tall cells have elongated nuclei and squamous cells  TYPE IV COLLAGEN – monomers of type IV collagen,
have flatted nuclei. Cuboidal or pyramidal cells have contain three polypeptide chains and self-assemble
spherical nuclei further to form a feltlike layer
- Nuclei allow one to determine the number of cell  The laminin and Type IV collagen are held together
layers in an epithelium by the adhesive glycoprotein entactin/nidogen and
- Most epithelia rest on connective tissue that by perlecan, a proteoglycan
contains the microvaculature bringing nutrients and
oxygen These components are also produced by muscle cells,
adipocytes (fat-storing cells) and the cells supporting the
Lamina Propria - connective tissue that underlies the peripheral neurons
epithelia lining of organs of the digestive, respiratory and
urinary systems The more diffuse meshwork of reticular laminae contains
type III collagen and is bound to the basal laminae by
Papillae anchoring fibrils of type IV collagen
- area of contact between epithelium and connective
tissue may be increased by these irregularities at the
interface forming small evaginations
- occur most frequently in epithelial tissues subject to
- Provide structural support and polarity to epithelial o sites of string cell adhesion
cells o Encircles the epithelial cell, usually
- Attach epithelia to underlying connective tissue immediately below zonula occludens
- Proteins of the layered meshwork help filter o Adherent junction, firmly anchoring cell to
substances entering the epithelium from below, its neighbors
concentrate mitogenic growth factors and form a o Cell adhesion here is mediated by
scaffold for epithelial repair and regeneration cadherins, transmembrane glycoproteins of
- Components help organize proteins in plasma each cell that interact in the presence of Ca
membrane 2+
- Basement membrane proteins mediate many cell to o At the cytoplasmic ends, cadherin bind
cell interactions involving epithelia and mark routes catenin that is linked to the zonula
for certain cell migrations along epithelia adherens from part of the terminal web
 Desmosome/Macula Adherens
- Prominent in epithelial tissues o Resembles a single “spot- weld” and does
- Epithelial cells strongly adhere to neighboring cells not form a belt around the cell
and basal laminae, epithelia subject to friction o Disc – shaped structures at the surface of
one cell that are matched with identical
 Tight or Occluding junctions (Zonulae occludens) o Larger number of cadherin family called
o seal between adjacent cells desmoglein and desmocollin
o most apical of the junctions o On the cytoplasmic side of eac cell
o “zonula” – junction forms a band membrane, these proteins inset into a
completely encircling each cell dense attachment plaque of anchoring
o Seal between the membrane is due to proteins (plakoglobin and desmoplakin)
interactions between the transmembrane that bind intermediate filaments rather
proteins claudin and occluding of each cell than actin filaments
o Clearly seen after cryofracture as band of o Cable – like filaments of cytokeratin
branching strands in the membrane around mediate filaments of the cytoskeleton are
each cell’s apical end very strong, desmosomes provide firm
o Intercellular seal insures that molecules adhesion among the cells. In nonepithelial
crossing an epithelium cells, the intermediate filaments attached
o These continuous zones around epithelial to desmosomes are composed of other
cells prevent membrane proteins at the proteins, such as desmin or vimentin
apical cell surface from moving in the  Gap Junctions
membrane to the basal and lateral surfaces o channels for communication between
PRODUCED: Apical and Basolateral o mediate communication rather than
o APICAL CELL MEMBRANES – part of the adhesion or occlusion between cells
luminal compartment of a tissue or organ o functionally important in nearly all
o BASOLATERAL DOMAINS – part of a basal mammalian tissues
compartment that also encompasses the o cryofracture shows rgar gap junction consist
underlying connective tissue of aggregated transmembrane protein
 Adherent or Anchoring junctions: complexes that form circular patches in the
o sites of string cell adhesion plasma membrane
o The intercellular seal of this junctional type o gap junction proteins are called connexins
ensures that molecules crossing an form hexameric connexons each of which
epithelium in either direction do so by going has a central hydrophilic pore about 1.5 nm
through the cells (trancellular path) rather in diameter
than between them (paracellular path)
o When two cells attach, connexins in the STEREOCILIA
adjacent cell membrane move laterally and - Much less common type of apical process, restricted
align to form connexons between the two to absorptive epithelial cells lining the epididymis
cells, with each junction having dozens or and the proximal part of the ductus deferens in the
hundreds of aligned connexon pairs male reproductive system
o Gap junctions permit intercellular exchange - Increase the cell’s surface area, facilitating
of molecules with small less than 1.5 nm of absorption
diameters - Resemble microvilli in containing arrays of actin
o Cyclic nucleotides and ions move rapidly filaments and various actin – binding proteins, with
through gap junctions, allowing cells in smilar diameters and with similar connections to the
many tissues to act in a coordinated cell’s terminal web
manner rather than as independent units - Much longer and less motile than microvilli and may
o The basal domain of an epithelial cell show distal branching
attaches to the subjacent basal lamina by
junctions called Hemidesmosomes which CILIA
can be observed by TEM - Long projecting structures, larger than microvilli
o Hemidesmosomes are half- desmosome - Contain internal arrays of microtubules
contain integrins rather than cadherins - Most if not all cell types have at least one cilium of
o The transmembrane integrin proteins bind variable length, called primary cilium which is not
the extracellular macromolecules laminin motile but is enriched with receptors and signal
and collagen type IV transduction complexes for detection of light, odors ,
motion and flow of liquid past the cells. Primary cilia
- Motile cilia are found only in epithelia, where they
MICROVILLI are abundant on the apical domains of many
- Specialized for absorption, the apical surfaces cuboidal or columnar cells
present an array of projections - Typically 5-10 micrograms long and 0.2 micrograms
- In cells such as the lining of the small intestine, in diameter, which is longer and wider than a typical
apical surfaces are densely covered with uniform microvillus
microvilli visible as a brush or striated border on - Each cilium has a core structure consisting of nine
these cells peripheral microtubular doublets in which a few
- Average is about 1 microgram long and 0.1 tubulin protofilaments are shared
microgram wide but with hundreds or thousands - The nine doublets form an array around two central
present on the end of each absorptive cell, the total microtubules; 9+2 assembly of microtubules is called
surface area can increase by 20-30 fold an axoneme
- Glycocalyx covering intestinal microvilli is thick and - Kinesin and Dynein move along the peripheral
includes enxymes for digestion of certain microtubules for transport of molecular components
macromolecules into these structures
- Each microvillus contains many bundles of actin - Axonemes are continuous with basal bodies which
filaments capped and cross- linked to each other and are apical cytoplasmic structures just below the cell
to the surrounding plasma membrane by many membrane
different actin – binding proteins - Basal bodies are similar to centrioles having triplets
- Microfilament arrays are dynamic and undergo of microtubules and dynamic tubulin protofilaments
various myosin- based movements which help forming rootlets anchoring the entire structure to
maintain optimal conditions for absorption via the cytoskeleton
numerous channels, receptors, and other proteins in - Ciliary motion occurs to successive changes in the
the plasmalemma axoneme
- The actin filaments insert into the terminal web of - Complexes with axonemal dyneins bound to a
similar filaments at the base of the microvilli microtubule in each doublet extend as “arms”
extended to the next doublet
- With energy from ATP (adenosine triphosphate), Transitional epithelium or eurothelium
dynein powered sliding of adjacent doublets relative - Lines much of the urinary tract, extending from the
to each other bends the axoneme and a rapid series kidneys to the proximal part of the urethra
of these sliding movements produces the beating - Characterized by a superficial layer of large, dome-
motion of epithelial cilia like cells sometime called umbrella cells
- Flagellum has similar structure with cilia - Specialized to protect underlying tissues from the
hypertonic and potentially cytotoxic effects of urine
- Two main groups: covering (or lining) epithelia and Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
secretory(glandular) epithelia - Tall, irregular cells are attached to the basement
membrane but their nuclei are at different levels and
1. Covering or Lining Epithelia not all cells extend to see the free surface, giving a
- Organized into one or more layers that cover the stratified appearance
external surface or line the cavities of an organ - Lining of the upper respiratory tract, where cells are
 SIMPLE EPITHELIA - contain one cell layer heavily ciliated
o Squamous – thin cells
o Cuboidal – cell width and thickness roughly 2. Secretory Epithelia & Glands
similar - Glands function mainly to produce and secrete
o Columnar – cells taller than they are wide various macromolecules in epithelia
 STRATIFIED EPITHELIA – two or more layers - Products to be secreted are generally stored in the
o Most stratified epithelia are classified cells within small membrane – bound vesicles called
according to cell shape of the superficial secretory granules
layers: squamous, cuboidal, columnar - Secretory epithelial cells may synthesize, store and
release proteins in the pancreas, lipids (adrenal,
The very thin surface cells of stratified squamous epithelia sebaceous glands) or complex carbohydrates such as
can be “keratinized” (filled with keratin intermediate salivary glands
filaments) or “nonkeratinized” (with relatively sparse - Epithelia of mammary glands secrete all three
amounts of keratin substances
- Sweat glands are a little synthetic activity and
Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium secrete mostly water and electrolytes transferred
- found mainly in the epidermis of the skin where it from the blood
prevents dehydration of tissue
- Cells form many layers, with less differentiated - Scattered secretory cells sometimes called
cuboidal cells near the underlying connective tissue unicellular glands are common in simple cuboidal,
- Keratinazation makes cells more irregular in shape simple columnar, and pseudostratified epithelia of
and flatten as they accumulate keratin in the process many organs
and are moved progressively to the skin surface

Stratified Squamous nonkeratinized epithelium - An example is the goblet cell abundant in the lining
- Lines wet cavities (mouth, esophagus and vagina) of the small intestine
where water loss is not a problem
- Glands develop from covering epithelia during fetal
Stratified cuboidal and Stratified columnar epithelium life by means of cell proliferation and growth into
- Both relatively rare the underlying connective tissue, followed by further
- Stratified cuboidal epithelium is restricted to differentiation
excretory ducts of salivary and sweat glands
- Stratified columnar epithelium can be found in the - Exocrine glands retain their connection with the
conjunctiva lining the eyelids, where it is both surface epithelium, connection forming the tubular
protective and mucus secreting ducts lined with epithelium by which secreted
material leaves the gland
o Epithelia of exocrine glands are organized Exocrine glands with merocrine secretion can be serous
as a continuous system composed of many or mucous
small secretory portions and ducts that  SEROUS CELLS
transport the secretion out of the gland o synthesize proteins that are mostly
- Endocrine glands lose the connection to their nonglycosylated, such as digestive enzymes
original epithelium and therefore lack ducts o well developed RER and Golgi complexes
and are filled apically with secretory
- Stroma of connective tissue support both exocrine granules in different stages of maturation
and endocrine secretory units o stain intensely with basophilic and
acidophilic stains
- A layer of connective tissue also encloses the gland o Acini of the pancreas and parotid salivary
as its capsule surrounds the larger ducts and forms glands are composed of serous cells
partitions or septa that separate the gland into  MUCOUS CELLS
lobules each containing secretory units connected to o Such as goblet cells have RER and golgi
a small part of the duct system complexes and are filled apically with
secretory granules
KEYPOINTS o Contain heavily glycosylated proteins called
 Glands can be simple (ducts not branched) or mucins
compound (ducts with two or more branches) o When mucins are released from the cell,
 Secretory portions can be tubular (either short or they become hydrated and form mucus
long and coiled) or acinar (rounded and saclike); o Hydrophilic mucins are washed from cells
either type of secretory unity may be branched even during routine histological preparations,
if the duct is not branched causing mucinogen granules to stain poorly
 Compound glands can have branching ducts and can with eosin
have multiple tubular, acinar, or tubuloacinar o Sufficient oligosaccharides usually remain,
secretory portions however, to allow mucous cells to be
stained by the periodic acid-schiff (PAS)
3 BASIC MECHANISMS FOR RELEASING PRODUCTS OF  Some salivary glands are mixed seromucous glands
EPITHELIAL CELLS with both serous acini and mucous tubules. The
1. Merocrine secretion product of such gland is a mixture of digestive
- Most common; typical exocytosis of proteins or enzymes and watery mucus
glycoproteins from membrane bound vesicles

2. Holocrine Secretion Epithelia of many exocrine glands: sweat, lachrymal,

- Cells accumulate product as they mature and salivary and mammary glands contain contractile
undergo terminal cell differentiation culminating in myoepithelial cells located inside the basal lamina
complete cell disruption with release of the product
and cell debris into the gland’s lumen. Best seen in Long processes of these cells embrance an acinus as an
sebaceous glands octopus might embrace a rounded boulder. Along ducts,
they are more longitudinally arranged. Connected to
3. Apocrine Secretion each other and to the other epithelial cells by both gap
- Product at cell’s apical ends junctions and desmosomes, myoepithelial cells are rich in
- Product released together with a bit of cytoplasm actin filaments and myosins. Their contractions serve to
and plasma membrane help propel secretory products into and up the duct
- Mechanism by which droplets of lipid are secreted in system
the mammary gland
Endocrine signaling involves hormone transport in the
blood to target cells throughout the body with other
endocrine glands
The signaling is then termed as paracrine if close to the
hormone- secreting cell or autocrine if secreting the cell
by itself


SODIUM POTASSIUM PUMP – allows cells to maintain the
required low intracellular sodium concentration (5-15
mmol/L vs ~ 140 mmol/L in extracellular fluid)

Trancellular transport
 Specialize in the transfer of ions and water in either
direction across the epithelium. Apical tight
junctions prevent paracellular diffusion or backflow
between the cells
 Kidney tubules are sites of ion and water transport,
maintaining the body’s balance of salts and water
 Cells of the proximal renal tubules specialized
structurally for transcellular transport
 Apical surface is freely permeable to Na + and the
basolateral membranes have sodium pumps for the
active extrusion of Na + into the interstitial fluid
outside the tubules
 Osmotic and electrical balance is maintained by the
passive transfer of Cl- ions and water into the cell
 Basal membrane of these cells is elaborately folded,
with mitochondria located between folds to supply
ATP for Na+/K+ pumps
 Lateral membrane between cells further increase
the surface area for transport

 Thin cells have few organelles other than pinocytotic

vesicles which cross the thin cells in both directions
and release their contents on the opposite side by
exocytosis. This process is called trancytosis and also
occurs between apical and basolateral membranes
domains in cells of the simple


- Renewed continuously by mitotic activity and stem
cell population
- Fast in tissues such as intestinal epithelium, which is
replaced every week, or slow, as in the large glands
- In stratified epithelial tissues, stem cells and mitosis
occur only within the basal layer in contact with the
basal lamina
- Epithelia are normally capable of rapid repair and
replacement of apoptotic or damaged cells

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