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Reinforcement Skills

2.1. Basic Concepts of Giving Strengthening Skills

In teaching and learning activities, the award given is called reinforcement. Reinforcement can
be interpreted as a form of response, both verbal and nonverbal; against a behavior that may
increase the likelihood of recurrence of the behavior. The awards teachers give to students, after
showing good behavior, such as a nod of head, a smile, words of praise will be able to strengthen
the behavior and appearance of students to keep repeating it in other situations.
Providing wise and systematic reinforcement based on the right principles will give some
benefits for students to:
a. Increased attention to teaching and learning activities
b. Gain ease in following teacher presentation
c. Maintain and enhance high learning motivation
d. Transform and control behavior towards a more productive
e. Develop and organize themselves in their learning activities, and
f. Redirecting the way of thinking to a higher level

2.2. How to Gain Reinforcement

Some ways that teachers can use to strengthen their learners During the teaching-learning
process, among others:
1. Giving immediate reinforcement, ie giving reinforcement after the expected behavior or
student response appears.
2. Incomplete reinforcement, ie reinforcement-reinforcement for a student who gives a correct
answer to the teacher's question.
3. Reinforcement to a particular person, namely the provision of strengthening addressed to a
particular student by mentioning his name while looking directly at the student in question.
4. Strengthening to the group, ie strengthening addressed to a group of students (working group /
discussion), after completing a task well.
5. Variable reinforcement or variation of reinforcement, ie provision of reinforcement that is
varied or not monotonous.

2.3. Principles of Strengthening Use

Reinforcement given to students will be useful if the delivery is based on the following
a. Warmth and enthusiasm
The meaning of teachers in giving reinforcement to students should reveal the attitude and the
real style, not the attitude or style of pretending or forced
b. Meaningfulness
The meaning of the student must be generated an attitude of reinforcement given by the teacher
to him is a thing that should be received in accordance with his behavior and appearance.
c. Avoiding the use of a negative response when the teacher faces the problem student

2.4. the components of Skills Using Reinforcement

There are several components of strengthening skills that need to be understood and mastered by
teachers to be able to provide wise and systematic reinforcement, including:
a. Verbal reinforcement, ie reinforcement expressed / expressed using words or sentences-praise,
b. The non-verbal use of reinforcement is given without the use of words or phrases, but simply
by gestures like
1. Mimic and body movements
2. How to approach students (proximity), namely the approach of teachers to students to express
attention and pleasure to the work, behavior or appearance of students
3. Touch (contact)
4. Symbols or objects, namely by using symbols or certain objects.
5. Fun activities, namely through the assignment of duties - duties favored by students
H. small group and individual teaching skills
8.1. understanding and Purpose
Small group teaching is a teaching that allows teachers to deal with many students in groups,
ranging from 3 to 8 people per group, without putting aside one or a group of students and
attention. In this teaching the teacher provides an opportunity for the students to actively learn in
their respective groups.
The teaching of small groups and individuals is essentially characterized by:
a. There is a healthy, intimate interpersonal relationship between teachers and students, students
and students.
b. Students can learn according to their speed, way, ability, interest.
c. Students get help from teachers according to their needs
d. Students have opportunities in determining the objectives to be achieved, the ways of learning
to be pursued, materials and tools that will be used to achieve the goal.
Based on the nature of the group and individual teaching, the expected teachers are:
1. As an organizer of teaching and learning activities, which organizes learning activities in
selecting and forming group learning materials.
2. As a resource for students, teachers in this case must master the material being studied from
every moment ready to help provide information required students
3. As a motivator, the teacher should be able to motivate students to remain actively participate
in learning activities
4. As a facilitator, the teacher should provide materials that provide learning opportunities for
each group and / or individual student
5. As a counselor, the teacher should be able to help and guide students 'learning activities by
diagnosing students' learning difficulties
6. As a participant, the teacher should be able to make himself as a participant of student learning
8.2. components of the skills of group teaching and individuals
To make small group and individual teaching work well, teachers are expected to have and be
able to apply the following skills:
1. Skill approach personally
2. Organizing skills
3. Guiding skills and facilitate learning
4. Skills to plan and implement teaching and learning activities

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