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Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500

PMME 2016

Experimental analysis of thermal energy storage by phase change

material system for cooling and heating applications 

Jaykumar H. Patela*, Dr. M. N. Qureshib, Dr. P. H. Darjia

C.U.Shah University, Wadhwan City,363030, Gujarat, India
College of Engineering,King Khalid University, Abha, KSA and The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, 390001, Gujarat,India


International Energy Agency Solar Heating & Cooling programme states the fact that space heating and cooling demand account
for over 75% of the energy consumed in single and multi-family homes. By avoiding conventional methods for thermal storage,
phase change materials (PCMs) provide heat storage and provide nearly constant temperature and at much higher energy storage
densities. This technology can meet up to maximum of this demand depending on the region’s climate. Active and passive
systems are used for this purpose. This study belongs to passive system, night ambient temperatures and solar energy for cooling
and heating of buildings. PCMs could be stored with building substance used in floor to enhance their thermal storage capacity.
Compare to other principles for thermal energy storage latent heat storage is competent because of small changes in temperature
leads to storage density, promising technologies with low heat losses and attractive prices. This research is carried out to assess
the performance of air based PCM storage system for cooling and heating of building. The execution of the concentrated on
Phase change material storage system was noted maximum when melting point of Phase change material was 22.5°C in winter
season and 28.8°C(∼29°C) during summer period. Summer, whereas 26.8°C was found during remaining part of the year. When
the temperature goes below 26.8°C, cooling capacity of system is more as compare to heating capacity. Study also concludes that
the effect of melting point of PCM has a great effect on cooling in summer period and its storage can be used in winter season.

© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of International Conference on Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy
(July 29th – 30th) 2016, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Keywords: solar air heating; heating of building; cooling of building; thermal comfort; phase change material

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License, which
permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9825340656
E-mail address:

2214-7853 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of International Conference on Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy (July 29th – 30th)
2016, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500 1491

1. Introduction
Worldwide trends on energy consumption show that primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions have
increased by 49% and 43% throughout the last decade. Energy consumption rates may change from country to
country depending on its social, cultural and economic conditions. Developing nations (South America, Middle
East, Africa and Southeast Asia) recently have recorded energy consumption rate of 3.2% on average while it is
1.1% for most of the developed nations (US, Japan, Australia and Western Europe), (International Energy Agency -
IEA, 2013). The consumption of fossil fuels for transportation and power generation will increase the level of
carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which make air poisons and there will be influence on global warming and
climate change. It also will affect ecology and environment. In order to control this situation by using renewable
sources of energy like wind power, solar energy, hydropower etc.[1]. Using the technologies like combine heat and
power, solar thermal, thermal energy storage and heat pumps for heating and cooling of the buildings can save CO2
emission equal to 2.2 Giga tonnes and save 650 million tonnes oil equivalent energy[2]. Figure 1 shows the total
energy consumption by fuel for building sectors.

Fig.1. Energy consumption by building sectors from different fuels. (Source IEA Data and analysis [2])

IEA indicates that use of adequate energy conservation systems for buildings sectors. To optimise the use
of convectional energy sources solar energy is the vital energy source than other energy. Passive solar thermal
energy systems are used to reduce energy consumption in building for cooling and heating [3].Thus, in this study
low energy techniques and passive system for cooling and heating buildings are discussed. These techniques are
used to cool and heat the buildings space with minimum or without use of electricity. In passive techniques also
added other technologies like heat pump can improve the efficiency in cooling and heating of the building [4,5,6,7].
Building space cooling without utilization of mechanical refrigeration known as free cooling which is part of passive
techniques. In free cooling thermal energy storage system is utilized in which cold air is storage at night time and
delivered it when required [8,9,10].likewise to fulfil the requirement of heating solar air heater is utilize for heating
in building with minimum use of electricity[11]. Recent development shows number of applications of solar air
heater for heating of buildings. Therefore, both the systems have own advantages in different seasons. So for
nonstop process of cooling and heating throughout the year, thermal storage system plays very important role
[11].The requirements of thermal energy storage is one of the best solution because of intermittent energy sources
are utilized, it fills gap between thermal energy supply and energy demand and recompense of the solar variation in
solar heating systems [12]. A building integrated with thermal storage systems could transfer maximum load coming
from the air condition. Thus capital investment for power generation and utilization could me reduced and reflect
with less expensive energy to society [13]. Selected characteristic data related of thermal storage materials are
shown in Table 1. It includes the properties like volumes, masses, efficiency and power etc. Data mentioned in
Table 1, are taken at temperature rise of 15ºC during heat storage and heat storage capacity of 278 kWh.
The relative mass and volume occupied by each storage media is based on ice. Also it would be concluded
from Table 1 that phase change material storage systems have maximum energy storage capacity with less material
1492 Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500

needed [14]. Fundamentally there are three kinds of thermal storage sensible heat storage, latent heat storage and
thermo-chemical storage.
Ultimately latent heat storage is preferred for PCMs because of it changes the phase of substance to store
and released energy without change in temperature. This system offers storage of density which is 15 times greater
than sensible stores [15]. PCM recommended the building space cooling because it has temperature range is
between 20°C and 30°C which is suitable to buildings [16]. The main reasons behind PCMs are well suitable for
cooling, less consumption of electricity and less pay back periods etc.[9]. Now integration of solar air heater with
PCMs are the best way to get comfort heating during winter and save around 13% of total energy utilization [17]. As
per Yu et al. solar air heating system has average efficiency in excess of 55% annually. they also defined that the
COP of same system was 22.6% COP of this system was 22.6% compare to other air heating sources COP was
3.6% [11]. Finally, PCMs play major role to get comfort condition in building for heating and cooling with
minimum bill, reduces the CO2 emission and saving of convectional energy sources.

Table1. Various thermal storage system comparisons. (Source -ECES and Roth, K. Zogg, R. and Brodr ick, J. (2006))

Material Mass(Kg) Volume(m3) Capacity(Kwh/h) Efficiency (%) Relative Mass Relative volume
Rock 66500 29 20-60 45-60 23 11
Hot Water 17000 15 20-80 50-85 5 5.4
PCM (organic) 5250 5.6 50-160 75-90 2 3
PCM (in organic) 4445 2.9 50-150 70-85 1.3 1
ICE 3250 3 100 80-90 1 1
Thermal chemical 3985 11.4 120-150 75-100 1.6 1.2

The selection of phase change material in such manner for cooling and heating of building so at the end air
temperature of the storage system meets the condition of comfort level. In design of PCM system the airflow rate
and melting point parameters plays very important role. These parameters define the temperature of air at the exit of
the PCM storage unit and comfort level range [18,19]. After reviewing the literature finally concluded that the
selection of melting point was depending upon the average temperature of hottest month in summer to get efficient
cooling and to get effective storage. Also survey states that melting point would be equivalent to the comfort
temperature of the hottest summer month [10, 20].Similarly for heating purpose PCM storage unit is integrated with
solar air heating system. In which the temperature of melting point of the PCM is equal to the average comfort
temperature of the winter months for best performance [19].
The study of waqas and kumar states that comfort temperature difference is very large in so many area of the
world. They also did the study for summer and winter climate conditions and they were observed that comfort
climate condition was 24°C ± 2°C and in summer season melting point of the PCM storage unit was 26.5°C ± 1°C,
although for the wintertime was 22.5°C ± 2°C. at the same time the phase change temperature of the PCM was
22.5°C ± 1°C [19]. In the present research, attempt has been made to find out the proper methods for finding the
melting point in PCM storage system for both cooling and heating applications for building in summer and winter.
Also this study states that a single PCM storage system is preferable (efficient) or separate system will preferable for
summer and winter season. Current study is also aimed to study the specific costs of high-density storage for
building applications.

2. Climatic data for very cold and hot city in Gujarat, India and comfortable temperature for winter and
summer seasons
Naliya town is in the state of Gujarat (India) exhibits the coldest weather in winter and hot in summer
seasons. In this city summer season start from April to September and winter seasons start from October to March.
In the present research, Naliya town is selected for evaluating the performance of Phase change material storage
system during summer and winter seasons. According to Meteonorm [21], data related solar radiation and ambient
air temperature on hourly basis were recorded. In the present research comfort temperature is attached with ambient
temperature. So for the comfort temperature with the relation of ambient temperature can be defined based on
following equations.
Tc=18.5+0.36 T0 , Where T0= (1)
Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500 1493

Fig.2. (a) Comfortable temperature in summer Fig.2 (b) Comfortable temperature in winter

Fig.3. (a) Solar radiation per day in winter months; Fig.3. (b) Average hourly ambient temperature

Figure 2(a) indicates the comfortable temperature in summer. It shows that the comfort temperature line is lies
intermediate in minimum and maximum ambient temperatures. It also indicates that the comfort temperature can be
easily achieved by using minimum ambient temperature. Similarly, in Figure 2(b) for winter in same city comfort
temperature lines are above than ambient temperatures. So in winter season to achieve comfort in temperature
external heating unit is required. To achieve the comfort temperature or free cooling the solar air heating system is
to be combined with phase change material storage unit. Figure 3(a) indicates the solar radiation per day in winter
months and Figure 3(b) indicates the average hourly ambient temperature. It also shows that the maximum solar
radiation in month of February is 625 W/m2.

3. Development of PCM storage system and its specifications

The schematic diagram shows integrated system for cooling and heating with PCM storage. Basically this
system consists a fan to pressurise the air for ventilation of air through PCM blocks, flat PCM slabs and for winter
seasons flat plate solar air collector. Table 2 (a), 2(b) and 2(c) specification of air solar collector and PCM storage -
1494 Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500

unit is described. In order to get heating and cooling which is divided in to two parts one is charging mode operation
and second is comfort mode operation. Figure 4 (a) indicates the winter season set up with solar air collector and a
fan for forced ventilation of air through PCM slabs. In winter during the charging mode solar air collector heat the
air and passes through the PCM storage system. This process makes the changes in phases of Solid PCM to liquid.
During the day time (8:00AM to 5:00PM) this mode is to be kept for storage.
Table 2. (a) Specification of thermal storage system

Specifications Details
Length of unit 1.5 m
Width of unit 0.5 m
Air gap for changing in flow rate 0.00495 m (10 m3/h)

Table 2. (b) Specification of storage material

Characteristics Standard value

Type of phase change material SP (sault and paraffin)

Melting point of PCM ∼24°C for winter and∼ 28°C for summer
Specific heat capacity of PCM (Cp_pcm) 2.35 kJ/kg K
Density 1383 kg/m3
Thickness of PCM container 0.00546 m

Dimensions of PCM container 1.5 × 0.5 m

Thermal conductivity (K) 0.646 W/m K

Latent heat 180 kJ/kg

Mass Around 10 kg

Table 2. (c) Specifications for solar collector

Specification of solar air collectors

Collector type Glazed air-based collector with single airflow
Area 1 m2
Required Air gap 0.015 m

Also airflow kept high in sunshine time to get extreme quantity of solar energy can be storing in PCM unit.
This process is known as charging mode operation for winter season. In the second mode the operation which is
during night period ambient air can pump to room or space through PCM storage system and get heated by the
PCM. During this period Liquid PCM converts into Solid PCM. This process is done during night time (6:00PM to
8:00PM) which is known as comfort mode operation for winter season.

However, in the summer season the same operation is carried out which is shown in Figure 4(b). Solid state
of PCM is in storage unit because of passing ambient air during night. So in day time hot air is passes through the
PCM storage system and it absorbs the heat from the hot air. Finally cooled air is conveyed to the room and gets
comfort temperature. Similarly, in summer for second charging mode operation is carried out at night time. In which
liquid PCM is to gain the ambient air and gets solid state PCM. During night time maximum efficiency is archive to
get solidified PCM by higher air flow rate. For solidification of PCM cool ambient air is used.
Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500 1495

4. Mathematical representation of solar air collector, Phase change material storage system and their
performance analysis.

A solar air collector involves glass cover, absorber plate and insulators. Phase change material storage
system contains of parallel quadrilateral channels for airflow [22,23]. To evaluate the air temperature at the end
three studies were carried out one is heat transfer mechanism, second is air as it passes over the PCM and third is air
temperature at the exit of the PCM storage. Voller and Cross it is defined that 2D heat transfer model is design and
an enthalpy based mathematical model is developed for heat transfer procedure is required in PCM [10, 19].

Fig.4 (a) winter season setup of PCMs Fig.4 (b) Summer season setup of PCMs

Enthalpy based model are briefly explaining by following equations.

=Kpcm × ( + ) (2)

Total sum of sensible heat and latent heat of the materials are known as volumetric enthalpy (H). Which is defined
by ,

H= ( , Where (3)

H= +λ ,Where (4)

As in above equations of solid phase of PCM state that the latent heat of material is zero and it contain
sensible heat. For the liquid phase of the material total volumetric enthalpy is grouping of sensible and heat latent.
After getting the value of H temperature of PCM can be calculated as using below equations. Basically in this
system two main components are to be used; 1. Solar air collector and 2. PCM storage unit. Finally, integration of
these two is used for heating and cooling of the building. Thermal properties of air & PCM, physical data of solar air
collector, thermo physical properties of PCM etc. are required to make integrated model of this two components.
Figure 5 shows the complete demonstration of input data.
1496 Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500

Fig.5. PCM Storage System Input Data.

The very important study of this research is performance of PCM storage system. As per discussion in
above section there are basically two seasons’ summer and winter. In which two operations are carried out that is
charging mode operation and comfort mode operation.

Performance of cooling capacity of storage unit during comfort mode operation during cooling in summer
Cooling capacity (CC %) = (5)

Also Amount of the phase change material is charged or become solidified in month of summer season will be
evaluated from this indicator.

2. Performance of heating capacity of storage unit at time of winter season (comfort mode operation).

Heating capacity (HC%)= (6)

Also for charging mode operation Amount of the phase change material charged or liquefied will be evaluated
through this indicator.

5. General discussion on PCM system analysis and its results

After getting the results from simulation and physical climate data following discussions are carried out.
During the sunshine time charging mode can be take place. Its results analysis shows that the amount (in %) of PCM
liquefied whereas in the summer season charging mode study presents the percentage of PCM solidified.
Similarly, in winter season for comfort mode operation and its analysis results are presented percentage of PCM
changed to the solid phase. On same line in summer season presents the results in terms of air temperature at the
outlet of the storage unit and percentage of PCM liquefied due to absorption of heat from the hot ambient air.
Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500 1497

The performance of charging mode operation and comfort mode operation can be achieved by HC and CC. The
final results of the whole system after simulations for summer season and winter season showed in Table 3 & Table
4 respectively. For winter season results shows the storage during charging and comfort modes and air temperature
at the outlet of the solar air collector shown in Table 3. Likewise, in summer seasons the performance in
relationships of the percentage of the PCM solidified during charging time period and air temperature at the PCM
storage outlet shown in Table 4.

6. Discussion on the results of winter season for heating of space.

During the comfort mode operation (Time between 12:00 PM to 8:00AM) the ambient air is passes
through the Phase change material storage system and gets the heat from PCM system. This ambient air gets heated
by liquid phase PCM and it will be solidified after releasing the heat. At the same time comfort region having a
Phase change material melting point of 22. 5°C.Now completion the comfort mode timing 45% of liquid is to be
solidified and other is reaming in liquid phase only. But during the charging (Time between 8:00AM to 4:00PM)
mode the analysis shows that within 7 hours all the solid phase converted in to the liquid phase so we get 100%
storage capacity available. Due to this performance maximum hot air can be delivered to the space as per
requirement. After completion of charging mode operation again start the comfort mode and about 16 hours of
comfort mode 80% of PCM is to be utilised. Than after, a sunshine hour comes and solar air collector will charge
the PCM system.

Table 3. Winter season Efficiency of PCM storage system during when charging and comfort mode

Month Solar-radiation HC (%) Comfort Average Liquid Phase Solid Phase percentage
average (W/m2) mode operation ambient percentage for Charging mode
temperature comfort mode operation
December 250.8 24.5 12.6 73.5 83.4
January 245.8 87.6 10.9 76.4 85.2
February 360.5 92.3 13.4 64.3 93.8

Concluding the results as shown in Table 3 PCM is charged maximum in February i.e 93.8% because of
higher amount of solar radiation can be achieved by the system and in the month of January and December 85% and
84% also state that the heating capacity in the month of February is highest because of mean
temperature is highest in this month.

6.1 Discussion on the results and analysis of summer season for cooling of space

In summer season the analysis is carried out for charging mode of PCM storage System during early 8
hours of a day. The analysis is based on the amount of solidification of this operation air flow is to be kept
high for better performance of PCM system [18]. So the total performance of this PCM system is 70%
(solidification of PCM) during this mode to get comfort in to the space or room. Similarly, in same season the
analysis is carried out for comfort mode for remaining 16 hours. In this 16 hours melting point of PCM is ~ 26.8°C
which is within comfort level area.

Table 4. Performance of PCM storage systems during when charging and comfort mode

Month Average ambient Cooling capacity CC solid phase percentage on liquid phase
temperature (°C) (%) Charging mode operation Charging mode
(%) operation (%)
May 2932 8536 63 19.59
June 32.71 65.12 43.2 28.77
July 29.4 68.2 28.3 32.71
August 27.6 66.25 32.4 53.67

Results and discussion of summer season are shown in table 4. The results clearly show the around 60% PCM is
solidified and around 20% remains in liquid state other percentage are in mixture conditions. In the month of August
highest cooling efficiency is obtained due to lower ambient temperature as compared to June.
1498 Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500

6.2 Discussion on the effect of melting point of PCM on PCM storage Unit

Melting point of PCM is significant parameter for checking the thermal performance of the PCM storage
system. The purpose behind this parameter is to check the effect on heating capacity and cooling capacity. This
parameter (melting point) is varying in between 20°C to 29°C. The effect of melting point on CC and PCM charge
during summer season is described in figure 6. Figure 6(a) shows the cooling capacity is maximum, when melting
point is 28.8°C(∼29°C). Results shows cooling capacity is drop when melting point is drop. Here the data shown in
Figure 6(b) state very significant remark that minimum melting point is 20-25°C is required for charging of PCM.
But also at same time cooling capacity is 35-45%.

Effect of melting point on heating capacity during winter season is described in Figure 7. Figure 7(a) and
7(b) indicates the melting point is varying between 20°C to 29°C. Figure 7(a) shows maximum heating capacity
when the melting point is 22-24°C corresponding to the 1 m2 of glazed solar air per the results heating
capacity and charging mode is in relation like the PCM charge capacity will drop at same time heating capacity at
comfort mode is also drops. Finally, sharp drop in heating capacity is not found compare to cooling capacity.

6.3 Combined study of Phase change material storage unite for winter and summer seasons

From above performance of PCM storage is maximum in winter when melting point is 22.5°C and in
summer when melting point is 28.8°C(∼29°C). Storage material can be available for single melting point either
22.5°C or 28.8°C (∼29°C). Because of this reason this study is carried out both winter heating and summer cooling.
The equation is satisfied for the HC and CC in both seasons. To calculate the value during comfort mode airflow
rate is 10m3/h.

∑ and HC(Tm) = ∑ (7)

°C °C °C °C
CC (27°C) = (8)

Fig. 6 (a) Effect of melting point on cooling capacity Fig. 6 (b) Percentage of PCM charging under the effect of melting point
Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500 1499

Using equation number 7 & 8 one can calculate the cumulative of heating and cooling capacities of melting
point from 20°C to 29°C. Figure 8(a) shows cooling capacity and heating capacity for comfort mode and figure8 (b)
shows PCM charged during charging mode. Figure 8(a) shows that the drop in heating capacity was approximate of
10°C and at same time cooling capacity drops 59% during changing in PCM from 20°C to 29°C. Also in the charge
quantity of PCM storage system is gets drop only of 28% in winter season while 69% in summer season.
The significant observations are the cumulative of CC and the cumulative HC are equal to 73% when the melting
point is 26. 8° common PCM storage system can be design for both the seasons for space heating and cooling at
melting point will be 26.8°C, airflow rate of 10m3/h and solar air collector used for the winter season has an area of
1 m2.

Fig.7. (a) Effect of melting point on heating capacity Fig.7. (b) Percentage of PCM charging under the effect of melting
Point in summer

Fig.8. (a) HC & CC of PCM System with melting point Fig.8. (b) % PCM charge against melting point Performance
1500 Jaykumar H Patel et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 1490–1500

7. Conclusions
In the present performance based research, the phase change materials can be used for heating and cooling
of building space in summer and winter seasons. Also this system can lead to save the convection energy sources.
As per the results maximum efficiency of the system was in summer when melting point is about 28.8°C(∼29°C).
Similarly, in winter it was around up 22.5°C. As per the phase change material properties storage material has single
melting point. Finally, it was, it was found that the storage unit has maximum efficiency when melting point was
26.8°C and melting point system can run in both the seasons. At same temperature in summer seasons the storage
system performance was dropped and heating capacity enhanced. If melting point is higher than 26.8°C at that point
cooling capacity is improved. However, when the melting point is 28.8°C (∼29°C) in summer season maximum
cooling can be achieved and maximum heating in winter seasons.


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