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Eagle Couriers Pvt . Ltd .


Date : 8/12/2017
Invoice # APoo1
Maharastra knowledge Carporation Ltd .

ICC Trade Tower ,

Senpati Bapat Road ,

Pune -411007

Sr. No. Description Rate (RS) Quality Total

1. Book Delivery out of state 150 100 15000
2. CD Delivery within local Area 40 100 4000

3. Air Mail within 200 10 2000

4. Local Mail 10 500 5000

5. International Mail 500 5 5000

Subtotal 31000

Sales Tax 3100

Total Amount 34100

Make all checks payable to Eagle couriers Pvt. Ltd.

Thank you For Business!

Eagle Couries, 104, Moledina Road ,Camp ,Pune -411001 Confidential 

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