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Biol 2420 Lecture 25


1. Propulsion and Motility

2. Secretion

3. Digestion

4. Absorption

5. Storage

6. Immune Barrier




Peristalsis (the rhythmic contractions that move food through the digestive tract)

Mass Movements


a. exocrine - to the lumen

water, hcl hco3 enzymes bile mucus etc

b. endocrine - to the blood

hormones to regulate the system


the breakdown of molecules

a. Mechanical

mastication, churning and wringing, segmentation

b. Chemical

pH and enzymes

uptake of nutrients and water into the blood and lymph

Storage and Elimination

the temporary storage and elimination of non-digestible substances

Immune Barrier

tight junctions between columnar epithelium provide a physical barrier to the penetration of
pathological organisms and their toxins - like sealing bands between cells

Peyers patches - immuno-competent lymphatic tissue in the ileum.

Mucosa has intraepithelial Lymphocytes (Tk-cells)

Kupffer cells (basically macrophages) in the liver

Bacterial flora in the colon - 400 different species that outcompete pathogens

Tight Junctions: a multi-protein complex

Contractile Cytoskeletal Elements, Cytoplasmic complex, and integral membrane proteins

function to limit uncontrolled passage of molecules from the lumen into body fluids

Digestion Accessory Organs

A. Oral Cavity

Teeth and Tongue

Saliva Glands

Parotid, Sublingual, Submandibular

B. Pharynx

C. Esophagus (10s time)

D. Stomach (3-4h time)

E. Small Intestine (7-9h time)

carnivores' are shorter than herbivores

I. Duodenum (25-30cm long)

II. Jejenum (1-2m long)

III. Ileum (4-5m long)

Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas all secrete into the duodenum

F. Caecum (includes appendix)

G. Large Intestine, Colon (1d time)

H. Rectum (1-5d time)

I. Anus

Tissue Layers:


mucous epithelium

overlies the basement membrane

in Esophagus - stratified squamous

In stomach and bowels - simple columnar

Lamina Propria

loose CT layer

small blood vessels, lacteals, immune cells

Muscularis Mucosa

a thin muscle layer

separates the mucosa and submucosa

an anatomical landmark

keepe the surface and underlying glands in a constant state of gentle agitation

thick CT with glands, nerves and blood vessels

host to the Submucosal Plexus

Muscularis Externa

2 layers of muscle (3 in the stomach with oblique)

inner circular - constrict and dilate

outer longitudinal - shorten and lengthen

Myenteric Plexus - second nerve network

*Eso has Skel muscle, slowly turns to SM

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