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Vietnam at a glance 12/9/09

POVERTY and SOCIAL Asia & Low-
Development diamond*
Vietnam Pacific income
Population, mid-year (millions) 86.2 1,931 973
Life expectancy
GNI per capita (Atlas method, US$) 890 2,631 524
GNI (Atlas method, US$ billions) 76.6 5,081 510
Average annual growth, 2002-08
Population (%) 1.3 0.8 2.1
GNI Gross
Labor force (%) 2.2 1.2 2.7
per primary
Most recent estimate (latest year available, 2002-08) capita enrollment
Poverty (% of population below national poverty line) 29 .. ..
Urban population (% of total population) 26 44 29
Life expectancy at birth (years) 74 72 59
Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births) 12 22 78
Child malnutrition (% of children under 5) 20 13 28 Access to improved water source
Access to an improved water source (% of population) 92 87 67
Literacy (% of population age 15+) .. 93 64
Gross primary enrollment (% of school-age population) 102 111 98
Vietnam Low-income group
Male 105 112 102
Female 99 110 95


1988 1998 2007 2008
Economic ratios*
GDP (US$ billions) 25.4 27.2 68.6 89.8
Gross capital formation/GDP 17.8 29.0 43.1 41.1
Exports of goods and services/GDP 3.9 44.8 76.9 78.2
Gross domestic savings/GDP .. 21.7 28.2 24.6
Gross national savings/GDP .. 24.0 34.6 29.4
Current account balance/GDP -2.6 -3.9 -10.2 -11.9
Domestic Capital
Interest payments/GDP 0.0 1.6 0.9 0.6
Total debt/GDP 2.4 82.5 34.8 29.1
Total debt service/exports .. 9.1 2.2 1.9
Present value of debt/GDP .. .. 30.0 22.7
Present value of debt/exports .. .. 36.9 28.7
1988-98 1998-08 2007 2008 2008-12
(average annual growth)
GDP 8.0 7.4 8.5 6.2 6.3
Vietnam Low-income group
GDP per capita 5.9 6.1 7.2 4.9 5.1
Exports of goods and services 18.9 14.0 11.3 5.0 3.1


1988 1998 2007 2008 Growth of capital and GDP (%)
(% of GDP)
Agriculture 46.3 25.8 20.4 22.1 25
Industry 24.0 32.5 41.5 39.7 20
Manufacturing 18.1 17.1 21.4 21.1 10
Services 29.7 41.7 38.2 38.2 5
Household final consumption expenditure .. 70.6 66.7 69.3 03 04 05 06 07 08
General gov't final consumption expenditure .. 7.6 6.1 6.2 GCF GDP
Imports of goods and services 15.0 52.2 92.7 94.7

1988-98 1998-08 2007 2008

Growth of exports and imports (%)
(average annual growth)
Agriculture 4.0 4.0 3.8 4.1
Industry 10.7 9.9 10.2 6.1 20
Manufacturing 8.3 11.6 13.3 9.9 10
Services 8.8 6.9 8.9 7.2
Household final consumption expenditure .. 7.1 17.5 9.0 03 04 05 06 07 08
General gov't final consumption expenditure .. 6.6 8.9 7.5
Gross capital formation 22.4 11.7 24.2 8.5 Exports Imports
Imports of goods and services 18.5 15.0 27.6 7.6

Note: 2008 data are preliminary estimates.

This table was produced from the Development Economics LDB database.
* The diamonds show four key indicators in the country (in bold) compared with its income-group average. If data are missing, the diamond will
be incomplete.
1988 1998 2007 2008
Inflation (%)
Domestic prices
(% change)
Consumer prices 374.2 7.2 7.3 7.3
Implicit GDP deflator 411.0 8.8 8.2 21.7
Government finance 5
(% of GDP, includes current grants) 0
Current revenue 11.3 20.0 25.1 26.0 03 04 05 06 07 08
Current budget balance -2.8 5.0 5.0 5.8 GDP deflator CPI
Overall surplus/deficit .. -0.5 -2.2 -1.1

1988 1998 2007 2008
Export and import levels (US$ mill.)
(US$ millions)
Total exports (fob) 733 9,360 48,561 62,685 80,000
Rice .. 884 1,490 2,894
Fuel .. 1,410 8,488 10,357 60,000
Manufactures .. 4,350 26,783 33,953
Total imports (cif) 1,412 11,500 62,682 80,713
Food .. 1 3 7 20,000
Fuel and energy .. 946 7,710 1,097
Capital goods .. 3,513 17,350 2,268 0

02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Export price index (2000=100) .. 97 151 174
Import price index (2000=100) .. 107 131 152 Exports Imports
Terms of trade (2000=100) .. 90 115 114

1988 1998 2007 2008
Current account balance to GDP (%)
(US$ millions)
Exports of goods and services .. 11,965 54,591 69,781 0
Imports of goods and services .. 13,481 65,845 83,398 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Resource balance .. -1,516 -11,254 -13,617
Net income .. -668 -2,168 -4,400
Net current transfers 17 1,123 6,430 7,312 -9

Current account balance -659 -1,061 -6,992 -10,705 -12

Financing items (net) .. 2,640 17,193 11,190 -15

Changes in net reserves .. -1,579 -10,201 -485
Reserves including gold (US$ millions) .. 1,765 21,578 ..
Conversion rate (DEC, local/US$) 606.5 13,268.0 16,666.2 16,450.0


1988 1998 2007 2008
Composition of 2008 debt (US$ mill.)
(US$ millions)
Total debt outstanding and disbursed 617 22,458 23,865 26,158
IBRD 0 0 0 0
IDA 60 851 4,549 5,074 G: 4,419 B: 5,074

Total debt service 3 1,096 1,249 1,344

IBRD 0 0 0 0 C: 121
F: 1,900
IDA 0 5 64 75
Composition of net resource flows D: 2,903
Official grants 79 236 657 776
Official creditors -1 1,044 1,279 1,195
Private creditors 0 -366 -88 -77
Foreign direct investment (net inflows) 8 1,671 6,700 9,579
Portfolio equity (net inflows) 0 0 6,243 -578 E: 11,741

World Bank program

Commitments 0 427 973 1,097
Disbursements 0 254 748 592 A - IBRD E - Bilateral
Principal repayments 0 1 30 37 B - IDA D - Other multilateral F - Private
C - IMF G - Short-term
Net flows 0 253 718 555
Interest payments 0 5 34 38
Net transfers 0 248 684 517

Note: This table was produced from the Development Economics LDB database. 12/9/09

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