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Ashley Roomsburg



Reflection: Domain 2

In order to succeed as a teacher, it is important to have a classroom environment that is

conducive to learning. As described in Domain 2 of the Danielson (2013) framework, there are

many measures teachers can take to have classroom control as well as a positive environment in

the classroom. As a new teacher, it will be important for me to take steps to ensure my classroom

meets the needs of my students and has a positive culture. I will have to ensure to have

procedures in place that fit my students and classroom, and make them clear and obtainable for

my students. Through readings as well as videos in this course, as well as my observations in my

student teaching, I have been able to devise some strategies to create this environment for my

future students.

It is important to have an environment of respect and rapport within my classroom. This

includes relationships with myself and the students, the students with their peers, and myself

with the families that I serve. It is important to create respect and rapport by showing respect to

my students, and commending them for their efforts and what they do right in the classroom

(Sullivan, 2017). Using the right words with my students can help them respect me and feel

cared about, as well as show that I respect them. It is important to create a classroom where

students respect each other, which can be done by implementing specific rules such as keeping

hands and feet to themselves, to show the importance of being kind to each other (InService

Works). I have observed parent-teacher conferences during my student teaching, which has also

shown me how to show respect to the parents. Talking about students’ strengths and weaknesses,
with skill, tact, and understanding, helps to create an environment of respect between the parents

and teachers. Every parent is in a different situation, and if we show respect for that as well as

offer assistance, there will be better relationships between parents and teachers.

Establishing a culture for learning in the classroom helps to ensure that learning actually

occurs during the school day. When students feel respected and able to answer questions, without

negative consequences, students can participate more in questioning and inquiry in the classroom

(Morris et al, 2000). It is important to remind students, while working in pairs, to be kind to each

other and work cooperatively without mocking or disrespecting each other. Students will feel

like their ideas matter in the classroom, which will encourage questioning and learning. In my

student teaching, I try to call on many different levels of students and allow them to

communicate with peers if they need help answering a question, rather than just telling them that

they are “wrong”. I would rather have them talk with a peer to get the answer that it looked for,

than to think they are wrong and not want to answer the question the next time they have a


There are many procedures that need to be established from the beginning of the year to

manage the classroom. Students need to have a set routine and clear expectations that do not

change much from day to day so that they do not lose much classroom learning time (Rosen &

Rosen). When students know what is coming next in the classroom, and the proper ways to

transition from the beginning of the year, they will be able to make better use of their time in the

classroom and the teacher will have their classroom run smoothly. In my student teaching, the

teacher has already set clear expectations of what the students are to do during each period of

learning during the day, and I have upheld these expectations in order to ensure a smooth

transition from the teacher to the student teacher.

Managing student behavior can help prevent disruptions in learning in the classroom, as

well as help teach students proper social skills they will need throughout their lives. It is

important to establish a set of a few rules on the first day of class, and be sure students

understand what these rules are and how to follow them (InService Works). I also think it is

important to set clearly measurable rewards and consequences for behavior in the classroom,

much like in my student teaching classroom. Having a color coded system of behavior, where

students can move up for rewards or down to reflect on negative behavior, can help students

track how they are doing each day. It also shows them that their behavior throughout the day can

change, and that they can turn their day around and have a positive day. Methods like this are

non-discriminatory and do not single out students. When students have enough days with good

behavior, they can trade in their behavior tickets for rewards from a prize cabinet. It allows all

students opportunities to have a good behavioral day, and to receive tangible rewards for their

good behavior.

Organizing the classroom so that learning can occur is important to ensure learning is

able to occur in a safe and managed way. It is important to arrange the classroom in a way where

students are safe and not bumping into each other or objects, materials are accessible, and the

classroom is able to flow from one activity to the next (Morgan, 2006). I see this in my student

teaching classroom by having set areas for different materials that are easily accessible to the

students. I will ensure to continue this, as well as to make sure there is enough room between

large objects for students to easily move from one activity to the next activity. It is important in

organization to also ensure the students know what materials they should have at their desks, and

which they should return to their designated area. I will make sure to establish this early in the
school year so that materials are in their designated spots and students are to complete their

assignments without confusion.

Creating an environment of respect and rapport, establishing a culture for learning,

managing the classroom, managing student behavior, and organizing the students and classroom

for learning will all contribute to the teaching and learning process. Having the environment of

respect and rapport will make the students happier in the classroom and more receptive to

learning, while also making it easier as the teacher to work with the students and have a positive

impact. Establishing a culture for learning will help encourage students to learn and work

together, while making it easier as the teacher to have positive student participation and getting

to know my students learning strengths and needs. Managing the classroom will enhance student

learning by setting clear expectations so that they can focus on learning, while allowing myself

as the teacher to work on academia without worrying about constant reminders of classroom

schedules and expectations. Managing student behavior will allow students to know their

expected behaviors as well as consequences and rewards, while allowing myself as the teacher to

set clear goals and expectations to focus on learning. Organizing the room will make the entire

process easier as well while students are able to complete assignments with proper materials

while I will be able to keep the classroom organized and safe to avoid incidents or loss of

instructional time. The classroom environment is a keystone of learning in the classroom that

helps not only the students, but the teacher as well. Having a plan will help me to accomplish

these goals.

Danielson, Charlotte. The Framework for Teaching: Evaluation Instrument. Danielson Group,


InService Works (Producer). (n.d.). Establishing Rules and Consequences: Step-by-Step

Through Week One [Video file]. Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium


Morgan, N. (Director), & Morgan, N. (Producer). (2006). Managing the Learning Environment

[Video file]. Learning Seed. Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium database.

Morris, B. (Director), & Rose, S., & Morris, B. (Producers). (2000). Setting the Stage: Creating a

Learning Community [Video file]. Annenberg Learner. Retrieved from Academic Video

Online: Premium database.

Rosen, C. (Director), & Rosen, C. (Producer). (n.d.). Classroom Management (Elementary): A

Morning with Linda Kasarjian and her First Grade Class [Video file]. Teachers Network.

Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium database.

Sullivan, M. (2017). Transforming Teacher Talk. ASCD. Retrieved February 3, 2018, from

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