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Data is information, any kind of information like a name, age, height, color, a picture, an image, a

Database: is a systematic collection of data, doe to data id organized is easy to manage it.

DBMS: DATA ABSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM are programs that helps you to organized data, to
manipulated data, and help in representation of data

Type of dbms: there are four types of dbms

Hierarchical network relational Objected oriented

Relation of database in forms New data typessave
of tables.
No soporta m – m data in objects has
Mas popular attributes
Mysql, accsess, postgresql

Sql: structure query language. Crud: create – read – update – delete

Database is used to prevent size problems, to helps to update efficiently, accuracy in data,
security of data, solve problems od redundancy, importance of your data

 If you lose your data that’s not an ERROR that’s UNACEPTABLE

 Allow data to grow and keep it manageable, keep it simple
 Structure your information

The way we relation tables are based on keys. Data is related, customers table, product table,
account table is related.
Are rarely use because its means that one customer just can have one direction. It seems that the
address instead of being another tablet another entity should be an attribute of customer table.


Parent table to child table

One to many: 1-M, one customer can have many orders. Example:


customerid name Last name address email

1 Alejandro Areiza Calle 78d “110 Ing.alejandro
2 Noel Areiza Calle 78d “110 Ing.alejandro


orderid product number total customerid

3 computador 1 300000 1
4 celular 1 1000000 2
RELATIONAL DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM are programs that helps you to organized data,
to manipulated data, and help in representation of data.

RDBMS helps you to manage your data, the important is not inly the size, is the importance of this
information. Security,performance,reliability,integrity.

Hardware issues without corrupting your data

WHY MICROSOFT SQL SERVER? Reporting services, Analysis Services, integration services(talking
to other databases)

1. What do you need? What do you want? What do you expect?
2. What tables do you need? Table is a entity, is an object.
3. What information goes into that specific table?
4. What relations do you need?

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