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C O M B U S T I O N A N D F L A M E 5 2 : 2 5 - 3 5 (1983) 25

Chemical Kinetics of the Oxidation of Methyl Tert-Butyi Ether (MTBE)


Ddpartment de Chimie Physique des Rdactions, INPL-ENSIC 1, rue Grandville 54042 Nancy, France

An experimentalinvestigationin a conventionalstatic apparatusof the oxidationof equim01ecularmethyltea-

butylether (MTBE)-oxygen mixtures has shown that MTBE oxidizes far less readily than alkanes like
neopentane or 2,2-dimethylhotane. In the investigatedpressure (up to 1000 Tort) and temperature ranges (300-
500"C) we have not observed any cool flame formation; the mixtures either react slowly or ignite. Such
behaviour is in line with the well-known antiknock effect of MTBE since this ether is already largely used as
an octane booster in commercial gasolines, especiallyin Germanyand in the UnitedStates.
An evaluationof the rate constantsof the possible elementarysteps by the methods of thermochemicalkinetics
has allowed us to propose a reaction scheme which is in satisfactoryagreementwith our experimentalresults. It
is shownthat the reactionof MTBE-oxygen mixturesaround450°C does not reallypresentthe characteristicsof a
genuineoxidation reaction and appears more as a thermal degradation. This reaction chiefly gives
formaldehydeand rather unreactive t-C4 H9" radicalswhich react with oxygento give i-C4H8 and HO2 ". The
HO2" radicalscannothe efficientpropagating radicals in oxidationreactions.
In the presence of 2% added HBr, the ignitionlimits of equimolecularmixtures of MTBE and 02 are
considerably lowered (~500C), and with 10% added HBr, the usual cool flame behaviorof
hydrocarbonoxidationsare similarly observed for MTBE/O: mixtures.

INTRODUCTION Wentrup [4] and with Choo et al. [5] that the re-action is a
The expanding use of MTBE (methyl tert - butyl ether, 2 - four-center elimination, very sensitive to wall effects.
methoxy, 2-methyl propane) as a gasoline component
suggested to us a fundamental investi-gation of the
oxidation of this compound, aiming at a better EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
understanding of its rather high octane number .(octane
blending value: 115 to 136 RON [1 ] ). MTBE properties MTBE was purchased from Fluka (purum, 98%) or from
are well adapted to its use in gasoline and it is easily Merck (99%). Equimolecular mixtures MTBE/oxygen were
manufactured b y a sim-ple reaction between isobutene and admitted in an evacuated cylindrical reaction vessel made
methanol. The present capacity of MTBE units is over of Pyrex glass (volume 350 ml) incorporated in a
1,300,000 tons per year in the United States and 600,000 conventional static reaction system. Temperatures ranged
tons per year in Europe [2]. from 300 to 500 ° and experiments were performed at
pressures up to 1 arm b y ufing an injection device similar
to those used in gas chromatographs and also proposed by
We had already investigated the pyrolysis of MTBE [3]
and found in agreement with Daly and Lucquin and coworkers [6] in cool flame investigations.
The reaction was fol-lowed by means of a 0 - 200 Torr
pressure trans-ducer (SEDEME PR 200) and a time gauge
*Visiting professor. Current address: Department of
thermo-couple positioned at the center o f the reaction yes-
Chemistry, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

CopyrightI~) 1983by The CombustionInstitute

Published by ElsevierSciencePublishingCo., Inc. O010-2180/83/503.00
52 VanderbiltAvenue, New York, NY 10017

sel. The thermocouple, made of fine chromel-alumel The low reactivity of MTBE, as compared to that
wires (80/an) , was not catalytic, in agree-ment with o f alkanes, is also apparent from a pressure-
Ben-Aim [7]. temperature diagram. Thus, in the oxidation of
Reaction products were usually analyzed by gas neopentane (2,2-dimethylpropane), a cool flame
chromatography: formaldehyde was analyzed by region was observed by Fish [8] in the usual ranges o
colorimetry, water by using a reactive column o f f pressure and temperature with the mixture 1 neo
C2Ca and H202 by polarography. C5Hi2 + 2 0 2 .
Our experimental results (slow reaction-cool
flame limit) in the case o f equimolecular neopen-
Pressure-TemperatureDiagrams tane-oxygen mixtures are quite similar to those of
Fish (Fig. 1). This comparison also shows that our
The oxidation of MTBE is much slower than that of apparatus gives experimental results which are close
alkanes of similar structure. By measuring the to those o f other authors.
consumption of reactants, we have observed that, in On the contrary, in the case of MTBE, we do not
the case o f equimolecular mixtures, the rate o f observe any cool flame region, even when our
oxidation o f MTBE at 450°C was approximately the investigation is extended with the injection tech-
same as that of 2,2-dimethylbutane at ca. 300°C. nique towards higher temperatures and pressures. We
obtain only
Fig. 1. Pressure-temperaturediagramof neopentaneoxidation: - - , 1 ; 2
neopentane-oxygen mixtures (from Fish [ 8 ] ) ; - - - , 1:1 neopentane-
oxygenmixtures (present work).

Fig. 2. Temperature (AT) and pressure rise (zkP) prof'~es in the oxidation of equi-
molecular MTBE-O 2 mixtures: , zXT; - - - , ,aP; A , slow reaction (T = 470°C, total
pressure = 168 Torr); B, ignition (T - 462°C, total pressure = 192 Torr).

liquid phase; its vaporization tends to cool down

1. a slow reaction (Fig. 2A)
the reaction vessel, which can explain the discrep-
2. or an ignition (Fig. 2B).
ancy between its initial and final baselines in the A
The beginning o f the A T versus time curve is T-time profiles. Our experimental pressure tem-
not significant because MTBE is injected in the perature diagram is shown in Fig. 3.

T °C

500, \ O,. O


Slow Combustion
~ 0 ~

P (roar)
0 ' 2~o ' 400' ' 6~o ' 8~0 ' 1000'

Fig. 3. Pressure-temperature diagram of ignition limits for equimolecuiar

MTBE-O 2 mixtures.

500~ T°C

450_ o/

~I~~"° ~ MTBE + 2 °/oHBr

e ~ ~ O ~ 0 ...~._

"~NxMTBE +10~o HBr"

I \
Slow combustion ]
350_ ignition

1 £lames

__ -m.
100 200 3 0
P (tort)
Fig. 4. Influenceof HBr upon the ignition limits of equimolecularMTBE--O2 mixtures.

The absence o f cool flames under our experi- (Fig. 4). In the presence o f 2% added HBr, the slow
mental conditions is quite consistent with the anti- reaction/ignition limit is lowered b y approxi-mately
knock effect of MTBE, considering the connec-tions 50°C. When we add 10% HBr, this limit is again
between cool flames and two-stage ignition put lowered and we observe cool flames (A T -~ 50°C)
forward by Fish, Affleck, and coworkers [9] and also for initial total pressure around 200 Torr and at initial
the rfiathematical model for hydrocarbon temperatures around 300°C (i.e., in the usual pressure
autoignition proposed by Quinn and coworkers and temperature ranges where cool flames are
[10] . It is worth noting that these results do not mean observed with alkanes and many other organic
that cool flames cannot be observed under more substances, such as ketones and esters).
severe conditions, for instance, at higher pres-sures.
Such an experimental investigation, however, would
require a different reactor. The absence o f a negative Reaction Products
temperature coefficient for the slow reac-tion
confirms the previous experimental results. We have not tried to detect and to analyze all the
However, we have observed a very different pic- reaction products, however we have measured the
ture when the oxidation of MTBE is investigated in amounts o f the major products and the con-sumption
the presence o f relatively small amounts o f HBr of the reactants: oxygen and MTBE. Our

experimental results are plotted in Fig. 5. They show I P (for'r) P

that [... .,ion produds] [MTBE]A/ 54

1. i-C4Hs and CH20 are the major primary

8. H20/
2. the slope of the curve accounting for MTBE
consumption is nearly equal to that o f i-C4Hs
We have also observed that the yields o f metha-
6 /J ic<H/

nol are approximately the same as in the pyrolysis "'-* MTBE / / 50

reaction and that there is an excess o f isobutene over
formaldehyde. Despite the scattering of the
experimental points, it appears that the difference /Zo "
(isobutene) - (formaldehyde) is o f the same order of , ~ .48
magnitude as the methanol yields. If we com-pare
these results with those obtained in the case of the
pure MTBE pyrolysis reaction under the same
experimental conditions [3], it appears that all o f the
methanol formed can be accounted for by the 4-
center molecular reaction (i.e. the pyroly-sis
0 2 4 6 8 10
t, (mi,.)
MTBE (C5H120) = i-C4H a +CHaOH,
Fig. 5. Slow oxidation of equimolecular MTBE-O2
k ~- 1013.6e-59,0001RT S-1 .
mix-tures; product yields and reactant consumption
versus time T = 453°C; total pressure = 100 Torr.
Therefore, the formaldehyde and excess isobutene
yields are measures o f the more complex oxidation
ping reactions (4), (5) are an order of magnitude or
processes induced by the presence o f O 2.
more slower than these dominant reactions. Thus the
reaction channels (6), ( - 6 ) , (8); (10), ( - i 0 ) , (11);
and (7), ( - 7 ) , ( 9 ) a r e processes that would be
more important in oxidations o f MTBE carried out at
lower temperatures. However, they are not very
important in the reaction o f MTBE/Oz mixtures at
The experimental results on the thermal reactions o f temperatures employed in this study (i.e., T =
MTBE in the presence and absence o f O z can be 726°K).
rationalized in terms o f the reactions shown in Fig. Returning to the dominant reactions, we see that
6. The thermochemistries o f the pertinent species are R" and R' . radicals (Table 1) can interconvert via a
given in Table 1, and thermochemical kinetic five-center transition state. This isomerization is
estimates o f the relevant rate constants are given in comparable in rate to the R' . decomposition via
Table 2. The major aspects o f the system can be reaction (3) to t-Bu. + CH 2 = 0 (and eventually to
understood in terms o f just a few "domi-nant" isobutene and HO z .), and several times faster than
reactions, namely, the isomerization and de- the decomposition via reaction (1) o f R- to CHsO" +
composition reaction channels (1), (2), ( - 2 ) , (3) o f isobutene. Thus the estimated reaction
the two radicals (R. = CHaOC(CHa)2CHz.; R' . = t- to products o f R" radicals via channels (1), (8), (3),
BuOCH2") generated by H-abstraction from the and (11) are [ignoring terms in the denominators
MTBE reactant. This follows from the fact that at of the radical steady state expressions which are
reaction temperatures the oxygen-trap-

CH20 + *OH CH20 + HO 2"

c.3, t ?Ha t
(~Id2=COCH 3 ÷ "CH 2 0 0 H CH 2 = CCH2OOPI + CH30 . CH2=C(CH3) 2 ÷ .OCH2OOH


CH 3 c%
CMZ-I?-OCH3 CH3--C--O-- CH2--O--OH
• CH 2

C H 3 ) 2 C = CH • HO 2"

size or transitio n (I $ omerization ;
c.2o • ( ~c.2oo. siZe or transition
stat e ring : 6)
i r a t e rln9 : 7)

~"~, c% CH 3
• CH 3 - C - O C H 2" CH3--C-O--CH2--O--O.
c . 3 - c - oc . 3
(( - Io )

*I[+02] /[.o2]

CH 3 (2) CH 3
CHs-- IC--OCH s I
(-2) c.,

('1) [ D e c o m p o s i l i o . . . . . po,;,ion (3)

CHS- ~ ÷ OCN 3 CH3 -- C . + CH20
CH 2 CH 3

HO 2" + i-C4H 8
Fig. 6. Schematic mechanism of MTBE oxidation.

less than 10% o f the dominant term(s)]

Radical generated Reaction channel Rate expression1 Rate (numerical)
CHaO. (1) k I (R.) 1.7 X 107 (R.)
CH30. (8) k8K 6 (R.) 2.2 X 105 (R.)
HO2. (3) k 2 (R.) 5.5 X 107 (R.)
HO2. (11) klo (R.) 2.2 X 105 (R,)

k 5 (R.) (02)
I Note that at the steady state (RO2-)= = 1.01 ( R . ) .
k8K 6 + k l o + k _ 5


Species AHf (kcal/mole) a ~o (cal/mole °K)a

t-BuOCH3 -69.0 85.8

CH2=C(CH3)2 -3.8 70.0
CH20 -26.0 52.3
R., CHaOC(CHa)2CH 2. -23.1 89.7 d
R'., t-BuOCH2. -27.1 87.4 c
CHaOC(CH3)2CH2OO. -52.2 105.7 b
CH3OC (CH3) (CH2OOH)CH2 • -41.7 111.8 a
•CH2OOH 9.9 69.1 c
CH2=C(CHa)OCHa -34.3 81.0
CH30. 3.5 55.0 e
CH2 =C(CHa)CH2OOH - 20.9 92.0
(CH3)2(CH2OOH)COCH 2. -45.8 110.4 c
t-BuOCH2OO. -60.2 103.1b
HOOCH2OC(CHa)2CH 2. -49.8 110.0 d
HO2. 3.0 54.4 b
t-Bu, 8.7 72.1f
CH302. 4.2 64.4 b
CH3OH -48.0 57.3

a Heats of formation and entropies (all at 298°K) were calculated from group additivity relations [14].
b Based on DH° (ROO-H) = 87.6 kcal/mole [15].
c Based on DH°(ROCH2-H) = 94.0 kcal/mole [13, 14].
d Based on DH°(RCH2-H) = 98.0 kcal/mole [14].
e Based on DH°(RO-H) = 104.0 kcal/mole [14].
f Based on DH°(t-Bu-H) = 92.0 kcal/mole [ 14].

These numbers suggest that only about 24% of the R. CHaO" + 02 ( l a ) C H 2 0 + HO2",
radicals formed in propagation reactions de-compose to the
kl3 ~ 108.5 X e - 4 0 0 0 / R T M- 1 s-l,
"active" chain carrier CHaO . radi-cal. The remainder
produce the relatively inert HO2" radical. In addition, the CHaO- + MTBE t14)
> t--BuOCH2. + CHaOH ,
chain propagation ability of CHaO . is moderated in our
k14 --- 10s.a × e-5000/nTM-~ s-1.
system b y its metathesis reaction with 02 [reaction (13)] .
In a similar fashion, the rate constants of Table 2 indicate
The latter competes more or less equally with that the R' . radicals react almost exclu-sively to HO 2 • and
H-abstraction [reaction (14)] : isobutene . Thus,

Radical generated Reaction channel Rate expression Rate (numerical)

HO2" (3) k 3 (R'.) 2.7 × 108 (R'.)
HO2 • (9) k7K 4 (02) (R'.) 1.8 X 105 (R'.)
k _ 2 k I (R'.)
CH30. (1) 1.3 × 106 (R'.)

Here, more than 99% of the product radicals are the bonds o f the t - butyl group: 94 kcal/mole for the former
"inert" HO 2 • radicals. [13, 1 4 ] ; 9 8 kcal/mole for the latter [14] .
The (C-H) b o n d in the methoxy group is sig-nificantly This means that radical attack on MTBE will favor
weaker (by 4 kcal/mole) than the (C-H) production o f R " radicals over R .. In fact, if
32 J . C . B R O C A R D ET AL .


Thermochemical Kinetic Rate Constant Estimatesa

E (kcal/ E (kcal/
Reactions A mole) k (726°K, s- 1 ) Reactions A mole) k (726°K, s--l)

(1) 1014.7 s- 1 24.8 1.7 X 107 (7) 1012.o s--1 26.4 1.1 X 104
(-1) 109.3 M--1 s--1 2.0 5.0 × 108 (-7) 1010.5 s--1 16.0 4.6 X 105
(2) 1012.5 s- 1 15.8 5.5 × 107 (8) 1015.1 s--1 26.3 1.5 X 107
(-2) 1013.o s- 1 20.8 5.4 × 106 (-8) 109.3 M- I s- I 2.0 5.0 X 108
(3) 1014"4 s- 1 19.8 2.7 × 108 (9) 1015.1 s- 1 26.3 1.5 x 107
(-3) 108.5 M--1 s--1 10.0 2.9 X 105 (-9) 109.3 M- I s- 1 2.0 5.0 X 108
(4) 109.5 M- 1 s - 10.0 109.5 (02) = 106.5 (10) 1011.8 s--1 21.4 2.2 x 105
(-4) 1014'5 s- 1 30.6 1.8 × 105 ( - 10) 1011.3 s- 1 16.0 3.0 X 106
(5) 109.5 M--1 s--10.0 109.5 (02) = 106.5 (I 1) 1014.4 s- 1 19.8 2.7 X 108
(-5) 1014.8 s- 1 27.8 2.6 x 106 ( - 11) 106.5 M- 1 s- 1 10.0 2.9 X 105
(6) 1013'4 s- 1 21.0 1.2 × 107 (12) 1014.3 s- 1 32.7 2.9 x 104
(-6) 1012"1s- 1 10.6 8.1 x 108 ( - 12) 107.5 M--1 s--1 15.4 6.9 x 102

a Reactions( - 1), ( - 8 ) , ( - 9 ) are RO. additions (Mar- A-factors for reactions (2), (6), (7), (10) were obtained from the
kownikoff) to isobutenes. These strong electrophiles should add approximate relation,
with quite low activation energies [12], and with "looser" than
normal tight transition states [14]. Thermochemical kinetic
estimates for the "normal" A-factor of addition give A -~ 108.3
A =- X r p d X exp s- 1 ,
M- 1 s- 1 , and we have set these values higher by a factor of 10 h R
(A 1 = A _ 8 = A _ 9 = 109.3 M- 1 s--I). Reactions ( - 3 ) and ( -
1 1 ) are t-butyl-type radical additions to the oxygen side of where rpd = reaction path degeneracy = number of ab-
CH2=O. While addition to the carbon of the carbonyl is facile stractable H atoms, and Anirot ~ = change in the number of
(Eae t -~ 2 kcal) [12], addition to the oxygen is much more internal rotations as reactant moves to transition state. The
difficult. We estimate E _ 13 -~ E_11 -~ 10.0 kcal. This is reverse reaction A-factors were then calculated from the
consistent with the experi-mental activation [16] energy and reaction entropies. For example,
enthalpy [14] of the methoxymethyl radical decomposition:
ekT f(2 - 5 + 1)3.5_1
A2=- X 3 X exp - 1012.5s -- l;
h R
A _ 2 = (1012.5 X e2.3/R) = 1013.0 s- 1 .
CH3OCH 2. ~- >CH 3 . + C H 2 0 , AH ° =9.4 kcal; b
Activation energies for the isomerization reactions were set
Ef = 19 kcal/mole; E b = 9.6 kcal/mole. equal to the activation energies for H-abstraction of the
analogous radical + substrate bimolecular reaction plus the
The t-Bu. radical additions to CH20 have the same strain energy of the cyclic transition state. The latter were taken
thermochemistry, and it is reasonable to assume similar to be 1.0 kcal (6-center), 6.3 kcal (5-center), and 6.4 kcal (7-
kinetics. center). To illustrate,
A-factors and activation energies of the decomposition
reactions (1), (3), (8), (9), (11), (12)were obtained from their E 2 = Eaet(C2H 5. + CH3OCH3) + Estrain(5.eenter)
back Arrhenius parameters and their thermochemis-tries. = 9.5 + 6.3 = 15.8 kcal/mole.

The intramolecular H-abstraction, radical isomeriza-tion Activation energies of RO 2. abstraction of H were taken to be
reactions proceed via 5-center (2), ( - 2 ) , 6-center (6), ( - 6 ) , 14 kcal (tertiary H), 17 keal (secondary H), and 20 kcal
and 7-center (10), (-10), (7), ( - 7 ) , transition states. (primary H) in accord with suggestions by Benson and Nangia [
11 ].

the propagating radical is HO 2 ., R' . will be favored propagate fast chain reactions.
over R" by a factor o f about ( 1 / 3 ) e 4 ° ° ° l a w = 5.4 z, It is interesting to compare the free radical chain
a at 453°C . It follows, then, that the relatively low reaction pathways o f the symmetric ethers, di-tert-butyl
reactivity o f MTBE to induce free radical de- ether (t-BuOt-Bu) and dimethyl ether (CHaOCHa), with
composition is directly due to the near quantita-tive ( ' 9 that o f the mixed ether o f this study. The radicals
5 % ) productio n o f HO 2. radicals in its product produced by H-abstraction from these symmetric ethers
formation reactions. And, as noted b y Nangia and and their subsequent decomposition products are
Benson [ 11 ] a, HO z . radicals c a n n o t

R" + t-BuOt-Bu ~- RH + t-BuOC(CHs)2CH 2.

chain t- BuOC(CHa)2 CH 2 • t-BuO. + CHg=C(CHa) 2

t-BuO. CHaCOCH a + CH a •

(chain carrier is R . -- CH a .);


chain [ R . + CH aOCH a > RH + C H a 0 C H

/ CHsOCH 2" 2. C H 2 0 + CH a-

(chain carrier is R- = CH a .).

Thus thermal degradation o f bot h ethers pro-duce chain transfer agent which essentially metathe-sizes
methyl radicals which are goo d chain carriers at high "active" alkyl radicals to "inactive" HO 2-radicals.
temperatures in the absence or presence o f oxygen (i.e., Specifically, the antiknock character o f MTBE can be
H-abstractions b y methyl radicals are relatively fast, and traced directly to three kinetic and thermochemical
at high temperatures oxygen is no t effective trap for CH properties:
a • because o f the reversi-bility o f the trapping reaction,
CH a - + 0 2 1. it has relatively weak C - H bonds on the m e t h
C H a 0 2 . ). The symmetric ethers, therefore, o x y methyl, which directs H-abstraction re-actions to
thermally degrade at muc h faster rates than the that site;
unsymmetric MTBE 4. It follows that MTBE is a good 2. decomposition o f the radical produced b y H-
antiknock additive because it serves as a abstraction from the m e t h o x y group is signifi-cantly
faster than all competing processes, and produces the
2 The back activation energies for R. and R'. with H202 are rather inactive t-Bu • radical which in 02 generates the
undoubtedly very similar, hence Eact for R. + H202 even less active HO2" radical;
should be larger than that for R'. by the reaction endo- 3. isomerization o f the radical produced b y H-
thermicity difference; the factor 1/3 arises from reac-tion abstraction from the t - butyl group (to the radi-cal
path degeneracy: 9H to give R. and 3H to give
formed b y H-abstraction from the m e t h o x y group) is
a The RO2-H bond dissociation energy is relatively low significantly faster than its decomposi-tion to the
(~87.6 kcal/mole); hence almost all H-abstraction reac- "active" C H s O . radical.
tions of.HO2" are endotherrnic, high activation energy Our results in the presence o f HBr are also
processes. Thus Benson estimatesEae t (HO2 ° abstraction
of tertiary H) ~, 14 kcal [11]. This suggests Eaet ~ 17 kcal con-sistent with the proposed inhibition
(secondary H), and Eae t ;~ 20 kcal (primary H). mechanism as well as with the important kinetic
4 We have observed that, conl~ary to that of MTBE, an role o f the t-Bu-and HO2 • radicals. Thus, as
addition of di-tert butyl ether does not increase the in-
duction period of cool flames in alkane oxidation [17]. noted b y several authors [ 18, 19] HBr accelerates
reaction rates b y replacing the less active free
radicals (e.g., HO2", t - Bu . )

with the relatively reactive Br. atoms, e.g., reac- propagate chain reactions. The oxidation o f MTBE
tion (15): is also a rather difficult reaction, which suggests that
this ether cannot initiate radical chain reactions.
HO z • + HBr ~ H 2 0 2 + Br' . (15) We think that it is possible to extend the basic
principle o f this interpretation to the antiknock ef-
The net result is the propagation o f long chain fect o f MTBE in m o t o r engines, even if the ele-
processes, sustained in part b y Br- atoms, and mentar y steps can be somewhat different because
maintained at lower temperatures where the equi- o f the different experimental conditions (especially
librium position o f reaction (5) favors RO2" m u c h higher pressures). MTBE on its ow n is an
species. Oxidation pathways are thereby promoted, interesting gasoline component, as it does not
and these can lead to OH . production, degenerate readily oxidize. It also seems able to produce
chain branching, and the production o f cool flames rather unreactive species which slow down the
(as observed). propagation sequences responsible for autoig-
nition, since engine knoc k is a two-stage ignition
CONCLUSION preceded and controlled b y a cool flame [9] .

We believe that the previous mechanism is con-sistent

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