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Use of crushed seashell by-products for sandy

subgrade stabilization for pavement purpose

Gaby Ruiz, Mgtr1 and Pierre Farfán, Eng.2
University of Piura, Peru,
Professional Engineer, Peru,

Abstract– This research aims to explore an alternative species to be grown and actually is exported to China, United
utilization of seashell wastes in sandy subgrade stabilization to Kingdom, Canada, Iceland, Australia and Chile [26]. In
reduce environmental pollution. Crushed Peruvian Scallop was Sechura, Northern Peru, more than 80% of national production
mixed to silty sand subgrade through mechanical stabilization at is managed and up to 25 000 metric tons (TM) of empty hard
20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% soil subgrade replacement. Evaluation of
seashell is discarded as wastes annually in municipal landfills
crushed seashell (CSS) reveals that it can be considered as a gravel
material, with flat but not elongated particles of 25% of Los [27]. New tendencies of Peruvian government environmental
Angeles Abrasion loss value. Laboratory test and analysis standards are been applied to processing plants which require
determined it meets requirements to be used as subbase and base other waste management alternatives [28].
coarse at 45% replacement of soil fine aggregate. CSS addition in This research aims to explore the effect of addition of
sandy soil increases maximum density using less water than control crushed seashell to sandy subgrades trough mechanical
group with the same compaction energy. CSS addition also stabilization for pavement application.
increases the CBR of sandy soil from 51% to more than 100%. It
can be concluded that crushed waste Peruvian Scallop has the
potential to perform as a mechanical soil stabilizer or for soil II. METHODOLOGY
modification for pavement applications.
Keywords—Subgrade stabilization, seashell, pavement. A. Experimental material
1) Subgrade material: Fine silty sand with some
I. INTRODUCTION calcareous stone (SM) from Sechura, Peru was used as
subgrade material. Table I presents soil properties of subgrade
Shellfish is an expanding economic activity worldwide material.
[1]. These residues pose environmental pollution because of
unpleasant odor, insects and fungi from open-dump sites [2-9]. TABLE I
More effort to find use of these wastes is required to PROPERTIES OF NATURAL SOIL AND CRUSHED SEASHELL
Parameter Natural soil Crushed seashell
reduce environmental problems [1, 9]. Using wastes in civil
engineering materials offer a low energy consumption energy Liquid Limit (%) --- ---
Plastic Limit (%) --- ---
alternative to recycling [9-10].
Plasticity Index (%) NP NP
Some research has been done on the use of waste Natural water content (%) 7.8 0.3
seashells in civil engineering materials: periwinkles, crushed Specific Gravity 2.58 2.50
scallop and crepidula shells as aggregate replacement in Percentage < 0.074 mm 17.0 0.0
concrete [2-8, 11-17]; in powder condition as cementitious SUCS Classification SM GP
materials [18, 19, 20] or as filler in hot mixes [21]. General
findings reveal that seashells can be used as aggregate 2) Seashell waste: Seashell waste was recovered from
replacement, but salt content and chloride ion presence on municipal landfill located in Sechura. The Peruvian Scallop is
seashells can be harmless to concrete or asphalt mixes. Some a bivalve mollusk with two symmetrical hard shell sections
others researchers had explored its use in pavement subgrade joined at one end by a hinged ligament. The shells are
stabilization of clayed or compressive soils [22-25]. Results essentially calcareous material [29] in flat and curved shaped
show that crushed shell can be effectively utilized as subgrade of almost 2 to 3 mm of thickness. One of the hard shells is
improvement, reducing plasticity and increasing the bearing more concave than the other. Interior side of the shells is
capacity. Typically for subgrade stabilization, lime is used in smooth and the exterior one is porous and ribbed in a radial
cohesive clay-type oils, while cement or fly ash is used in non- orientation. Before crushing, size of samples used in this
cohesive sandy-type soils. The amount of cement mixed with research ranged from 8.0 cm. to 12 cm. Fig. 1 shows some
the soil is usually 3 to 10% by dry weight of the soil, with samples of Peruvian scallops identified in this research.
higher percentages for more fine material having a greater
surface area [38]. But no technical information on the use of
crushed waste scallop for pavement base applications were
In this research, Peruvian Scallop is used for stabilization
of sandy subgrade in pavement application. In Peru, Peruvian
scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) is one of the most important

14th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Engineering Innovations for
Global Sustainability”, 20-22 July 2016, San José, Costa Rica. 1
Fig. 1 Sample of Peruvian scallop used in present research.
Fig. 2 Grain size distribution of natural subgrade and crushed shell.
B. Crushed seashell preparation
Unless salt content is not harmful to soil stabilization, B. Los Angeles abrasion
seashell waste was cleaned to eliminate its effect on Original subgrade soil is sand which Los Angeles
compaction. Empty seashell was washed to remove dirt and abrasion ranges 12% to 37%. CSS abrasion value was 25.2%.
any organic matter using water, sun dried, crushed using a This value means that crushed seashell has a high resistance to
handy effort and a manual grinder and sieved through a 2” abrasion and mass loss, thus is similar to natural soil. Based on
ASTM sieve. only this test, it can be concluded that sea shells have resistive
C. Mixture proportions properties to be used as subbase course and base course [32,
Four mixes were prepared. Soil was replaced with 38].
crushed seashell (CSS) in weight (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) C. Flat and elongated particles
and compared against the control group (0%) without At a specified test ratio of 3 to 1, it was found 99% of
seashells. particles were only flat, 0% was only elongated and 0% was
D. Testing methods flat and elongated. This is coherent to shape of shells, which
Grain-size distribution [30], Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, are laminar even after crushing. But it also indicates that
and Plasticity Index [31], and Los Angeles abrasion [32-33] crushing processes can reduce particles to get shapes with
tests were applied to natural sand and also to CSS materials. enough symmetry to consider them not elongated, reducing
Also, flat and elongated particles [34] in CSS were evaluated the amount of elongates particles in the material (Fig. 3).
considering them as coarse aggregate. California Bearing ASTM specifications [33] requires by weight no more
Ratio (CBR) and moisture-density relations using modified than 20% of flat and elongated particles for subbase course
Proctor compaction test were used, according to ASTM and and no more than 15% for base course. This material meets
AASHTO specifications for road applications [35-36] to both requirements.
evaluate CSS addition effect on natural soil.
A. Effect on grain size gradation
Natural soil from subgrade is silty fine sand with 14% of
gravel and no more than 17% of silt without plasticity (SM).
CSS can be considered as gravel with 24% of fine sand and no
more than 3% of fines without plasticity (GP). Using
AASHTO classification, they qualify as A-2-4 (0) and A-1-a Fig. 3 Flat but not elongated particles of CSS generated after crushing.
(0) respectively. Fig. 2 shows grain size distribution of both
Neither natural soil nor CSS has plasticity. Some D. Mixture gradation
plasticity can be helpful in compaction reducing mechanical Fig. 4 presents the grain size distribution of mixes
effort to get better density. In this case, more compaction obtained when CSS is added to natural soil. It can be observed
effort can be required or even, spreading or lack of stability of that with increasing CSS content, soil is less fine. Table II
the landfill obtained with compacted mixes can be expected. details changes of the soil classification when crushed seashell
is added; it varies from a SM to a GW.

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14th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Engineering Innovations for
Global Sustainability”, 20-22 July 2016, San José, Costa Rica. 2
On the other hand, as gradation A is for zones above 3000
m.a.s.l. (above sea level), freezing resistance of natural soil
can be improved when CSS replacement is increased. It can be
also interpreted that 80% CSS mix has more voids and can let
water to freeze inside of the material with little effect on the
bearing capacity. It can be confirmed using the classification
of mixed soil that goes from silty sand (SM), when original
soil to gravel well graded (GW) when 80% of CSS is added.
E Compaction properties
Moisture and density relations of original soil and mixes
were evaluated. Modify Proctor Density were evaluated and
plotted in Fig. 5; values are detailed in Table III. Results show
that CSS increases the maximum dried density on the soil until
Fig. 4 Grain size distribution of soil and crushed shell combinations. a replacement of 45%. More than 45% of CSS in natural soil
reduces the maximum dry density. In all cases, less water
According to [37], grain size distribution of mixes should content for compaction is required. The reason for lower
reach gradations B, C, or D for pavement purposes. [37] optimum moisture content is a reduction in fines content.
recommends some gradation requirements to assure good This effect can be explained because natural soil is sand
performance of base and subbase courses for roads (gradations and the CSS acts as gravel. Small particles of sand act as a
A, B, C and D). Natural soil gradation is out of specifications, matrix and CSS particles as a dispersed phase. Unless particles
but almost closed to gradation D. of CSS are flat, they are big enough to permit enough mobility
It can be observed that when CSS content is increased, in between the continuous phase of sand. The presence of
grain size distribution of mixes transitions from gradation D to more than 45% of CSS particles generates more voids and
A. That means that CSS acts as gravel, giving to the natural requires more sand to fill in the spaces between the big
soil the coarse material does not have. particles, reducing density.
The absence of plastic fines on natural soil and also in On the other hand, more content of CSS particles on
mixes evaluated, limits their utilization to a base-course or natural soil requires less water content to get good
subbase materials. Use of some other stabilizing material, as compaction. It can be attributed to shape and size of particles.
clay, lime, cement or asphalt available locally, could permit When particles are bigger, small surface of particles are
the material to get requirements as a surface course layer. available and less water to lubricate each particles is required.
Presence of non-plastic fines contributes to use those binders So, using CSS in addition to natural soil, better density can be
effectively. obtained using less water with the same compaction energy.
This is an important consideration for projects constructed in
EFFECT OF CSS ADDITION ON GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF NATURAL drier Peruvian climates where moisture sensitivity is a
SOIL concern.
Opening Natural Crushed CSS Content
(mm) soil seashell 20% 45% 65% 80%
2 50.8 100 100 100 100 100 100
1¾ 43.75 100 100 100 100 100 100
1½ 38.1 100 95 99 97.8 96.8 96
1 25.4 100 85 97 93.3 90.3 88
¾ 19.1 100 75 95 88.8 83.8 80
3/8 9.53 97 40 85.6 71.4 60 51.4
4 4.76 92 20 77.6 59.6 45.2 34.4
10 2 86 5 69.8 49.6 33.4 21.2
20 0.85 82 0 65.6 45.1 28.7 16.4
40 0.426 78 0 62.4 42.9 27.3 15.6
60 0.25 75 0 60 41.3 26.3 15
140 0.106 26 0 20.8 14.3 9.1 5.2
200 0.074 17 0 13.6 9.4 6 3.4
A-2-4 A-1-a A-2-4 A-1-b A-1-a A-1-a
AASHTO (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Fig. 5 Effect of soil replacement by CSS on compaction properties.

14th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Engineering Innovations for
Global Sustainability”, 20-22 July 2016, San José, Costa Rica. 3
TABLE III CSS replacement goes to 45%, it could meet high load traffic
base course requirements. In any case, it is evident that surface
Parameter soil
CSS addition course or the use of some binder material to improve wear and
SM 20% 45% 65% 80% tear is required because of lack of cohesion in the material.
Optimal water content (%) 9.8 7.4 6.0 4.6 2.5 No expansion was found in all mixes or natural soil. It can
Dry Density (gr/cm3) 1.87 1.96 2.03 1.96 1.84 be attributed to shortage of neither fines nor plasticity in the
CSS effect on CBR was also evaluated. CBR values were F. Changes on grain size distribution after compaction
evaluated at 100% maximum dry density and optimum water Compaction tests can change grain size distribution.
content determined in Modify Proctor test for each Application of high compaction energy may break particles,
replacement (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) and in a soaked especially if they are flat. So, grain size distribution was
condition. Values of CBR of samples with CSS addition evaluated in samples with 65% of CSS replacement after the
content are plotted in Fig. 6. compaction (Fig. 7).
CSS addition increases the CBR of natural soil. The
specimen with 45% of CSS replacement had the highest CBR
of 121% which was better than the CBR of 51% for the
specimen with 0% replacement. Because the presence of
larger particles of CSS act as gravel, the soil with CSS
behaviours as a high quality material, more likely the standard
crushed rock material used as comparison in CBR test.
However, a tendency to get a maximum CBR for a
determined CSS content can be observed. More than 45% of
CSS tends to reduce the CBR value in the mix, but still higher
than natural soil. It seems that excess of flat particles of CSS
generates more voids in the soil that could not be filled by
sand. On the other hand, lack of fines reduces stability of
particles and soil tends to collapse easily during the
It is interesting to notice that even when 80% CSS
replacement has less maximum dry unit weight than natural Fig. 7 Grain size distribution of material before and after compaction process.
soil (Fig. 5), CBR value is still higher than control group
(0%). This can offer the opportunity to include crushed A significative reduction of larger particles can be
seashell as part of subgrade materials in high proportion observed. Because of flat shape of crushed seashell,
without compromise the quality of natural soil. compaction energy crushes more them, reducing the size of
these grains. Even though, sample with 65% CSS replacement
still have good bearing capacity.
CSS can be considered as a gravel material, with flat but
not elongated particles of 25% of Los Angeles loss value. It
meets requirements to be used as subbase and base coarse.
CSS addition to sandy soil increases maximum density of
sandy soil using less water than control group with the same
compaction energy. CSS addition increases the CBR of sandy
soil from 51% to more than 100%.
CSS addition to sandy soil can be used efficiently as a
mechanical stabilization of sandy soil to improve pavement
requirements, even for high load traffic base course.
Lack of cohesion in sandy soil and CSS requires the use
of a binder to use as a surface course in rural roads.
It can be concluded that crushed waste Peruvian Scallop
has the potential to perform as a mechanical soil stabilizer or
Fig. 6 Effect of CSS replacement on CBR.
for soil modification. Changes in physical properties of
Compared to AASHTO specifications, more than 20% seashell may be of concern as any variation could have an
CSS replacement makes the soil to qualify as a base course. If effect on mechanical properties. This consideration justifies
further research.

14th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Engineering Innovations for
Global Sustainability”, 20-22 July 2016, San José, Costa Rica. 4
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Global Sustainability”, 20-22 July 2016, San José, Costa Rica. 5

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