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Budget Constrained Selection of Cloud Storage

Services for Advanced Processing in Datacenters

Catalin Negru, Florin Pop, Ovidiu Cristian Marcu, Mariana Mocanu, Valentin Cristea
Computer Science Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest
• Context and Motivation
• Related work
• Optimal Storage Service Selection Problem
• Problem Modeling
• Optimization Results
• Conclusions
• O&A
Context and Motivation
• Cyber-infrastructure systems - support operations such as advanced
data acquisition, storage, management, integration, visualization, and
• Large volumes of data - generated, at various speeds, and have to
be stored for further analysis and processing operations;
• Cloud storage services- the ideal candidate;
• Problem:
▫ selection of storage service in a multi-cloud environment;
▫ the access time for this data must be minimized;
▫ Budget constraints add extra complexity;
▫ Multi-objective optimization problem.
Related work
• Storage service selection is very closely related to the data placement
▫ Cost optimization;
▫ QoS;
▫ Carbon footprint reduction;
• Multi objective optimization for placing user data over multiple clouds in the
context of socially aware services;
• Automated selection of cloud storage services, based on a machine-readable
description of the capabilities;
• Cost minimization model based on binary linear programing aiming to find a
cost efficient storage scheme;
Optimal Storage Service Selection Problem
• Data collected from different heterogeneous sources distributed
geographically are primarily stored at various cloud storage providers
and are brought in a processing datacenter for the analysis and
processing purposes;
• Cost optimization;
• Good level of QoS in terms of latency;
• The cloud user must make the optimal selection between various
cloud storage providers
Optimal Storage Service Selection Problem (1)
Optimal Storage Service Selection Problem (2)
Problem Modeling

• We consider the following model:

▫ n data source locations
▫ each source Li produce:
 Data(Li) amount of data, i = 1…n;
▫ m Cloud storage providers that can be accessed from any data location
 each provider Cj, j = 1…m being able to store an infinite amount of data.
Problem Modeling
• We introduce the following cost functions:
• transfer cost of data from the location Li to a Cloud
storage provider Cj;
• transfer cost of data stored in Cloud location C j to
the datacenter;
• the budget needed to store data for Cloud provider Cj
Problem Modeling (1)
• We introduce the assignment binary matrix A
with the following mean:
▫ A(i,j) = 1 if all amount of data from
location Li, denoted by Data(Li) is stored
on Cloud provider Cj.
Problem Modeling (2)

• The optimization problem can

be described, under a total budget
constraint B and a request D
(D is an n elements binary array that
specifies a data processing request;
if Dj = 1 then all data from Cloud
provider Cj will be transferred to
the datacenter), as follow:

Optimization Results
• We start with Equation 5 and we can observe that the last two
equations have no explicit A(i,j) variable in their expression, so we can
change the optimization problem considering Data(Cj), for j = 1…m as
decision variables at the optimum. We can re-write the formula with
the following notations:

Optimization Results (1)

• We used Octave to solve this Linear Programming problem by using the

glpk function, with the following values:

Optimization Results (2)
Optimization Results (3)
• Now, according with Equation 2, we can formulate a new optimization
problem from Equation 3, as follow:
• We presented the problem of optimal service selection in cloud storage systems in the
presence of budget constraints.

• We modeled this as a multi-objective optimization problem. In order to optimize the

cost for storage services, while meeting the constraints on budget and QoS parameters
such as latency, we proposed a greedy algorithm.

• We were able to find near optimal solutions while relaxing some constraints because of
the fact that this type of problem is a multi-objective optimization problem.

Thank you!

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