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Name: Diego González No.

Curso: 196281

1. Why do 1.6 million people die every year? Because this people in the
world is drinking dirty water.

2. Why will water soon be more valuable than oil? This will be because the
water is each day shorter in the world.

3. Why is desalination exiting? The problem is what there are many peoples
in the world what do 2000 years

4. Why too many children are dying? The children is dying because they are
not have food and water

5. Can you describe what Hydrologists are doing? They are doing
technologies for will can to use the water of sea

6. Make a brief comment on this article. (Please write minimum 5lines)

- This article likes me because it help us to use the water correctly

and this show us the problem in the world with the children what
die for starve and thirst, and what if not care the water in ones
years the water will be shorter what the oil, and too the article to
count how the hydrologists is cleaning the water.

 Lea todo el artículo, con cuidado hasta entenderlo.

 Una vez leído el artículo, desarrolle el cuestionario.

 Envíe el cuestionario desarrollado por escrito en inglés.

 Haga un breve comentario de lo que Usted piensa de éste artículo.

 Este proyecto tendrá una calificación de 100 puntos y valdrá un 20 % de la

nota final.

 Escriba su nombre completo en el proyecto, indicando el número del

curso que esta cursando, con el fin de saber de quien es el proyecto y
el nivel del curso.

Based on what you have learned in this course, please do the
second part of this project.

1.- We learn that a noun is a word that names anything; is the name of any
person, place, animal, or thing. A noun is a naming word.

a. - Write 5 nouns name of people

-Jaime -luis -Alexandra -diego -Daniela

b. - Write 5 nouns name of animals

-Gato -Leon -zorro -Loro -perro

c. - Write 5 nouns name op place

-Bogotá -Amazonas -Medellin -cali -´santa marta

d. - Write 5 nouns name of things.

-computer -phone -book - t-shirt -boots

2. - Pick out the Nouns that name people in these sentences:

Example: those women are teachers in my school.

Answer: women, teachers

1. The boy saw his brother.

Answer -boy –brother

2. The teacher speaks to his pupils.

Answer –teacher –pupils

3. My sister is a clever girl.

Answaer –sister –girl

4. That boy is my friend.

Answer –boy –friend

5. There is a man and a woman in the picture.

Answer –man –woman

6. Three doctors work in this hospital.

Answer -doctors

3. - Pick out the nouns that name things in these sentences.

1. There is a pen on the desk.

Answer –pen –desk

2. The boy kicked the football through the goal.

Answer -football

3. Put the chalk on the table.

Answer – chalk table

4. On the plate there were some apples and oranges.

Answer – plate –apples –oranges

5. The car went quickly along the road.

Answer –car –road

6. There were some new pencils in the box.

Answer – pencils -box
4. - Pick out the nuns that name animals in these sentences. (Animals here
includes birds, fish, and insects)

1. The dog is running in the field.

Answer –dog

2. Look! The cat has caught a mouse.

Answer –cat –mouse

3. I saw lions and tigers in the zoo.

Answer –lions –tigers

4. The bird is singing in the tree.

Answer –bird

5. Try to keep flies and other insects away from the food.
Answer –insects –flies

6. Here is a hen with twelve chickens.

Answer –chickens –hen

7. We get milk from cows.

Answer -cows

5. - Write the plural of the following nouns below.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Boy Boys Cow Cows

Girl Girls Pig Pigs

Dog Dogs Table Tables

Pen Pens Pencil Pencils

Book Books Door Doors

Cat Cats Duck Ducks

Horse Horses Shoe Shoes

Computer Computers Telephone Telephones

Ship Ships Plain Plains

6. - An adjective is a word which describes or qualifies a noun or Pronoun.

Pick out the adjectives in the following sentences.

Example: look at the old black car

1. They live in a big red house.

Answer – big –red

2. Lloyd is a clever boy.

Answer –clever

3. This plant has small yellow flowers.

Answer –small –yellow

4. Mr. Suarez is a kind man.

Answer –kind

5. The camel is a very useful animal.

Answer – useful

6. In New York they have warm weather in summer and cold weather in
Answer –warm -cold

7- A verb is a doing word. We use verbs to say what people and things do.
Verbs express an action. A verb is a word by which we make a statement or
ask a question.
Pick out the verbs expressing an action in the following sentences.

Example: The train stopped at the station.

Answer: stopped

1 The boy ran out of the house.

Answer –ran

2 The girl danced.

Answer –danced

3 The teacher gave us a lesson

Answer –gave

4 Birds sing.
Answer –sing

5 The man smokes a pipe.

Answer –smokes

6 Fish swim in the sea.

Answer -swim

7 The camel carries a load.

Answer –carries

8 The train started again.

Answer –started

9 A car came to our door.

Answer –came

10 The sun shines.

Answer –shines

8. - Pick out the verbs in the following sentences.

1. The little boy hurt his foot.

Answer –hurt
2. He cried bitterly
Answer –cried

3. The sun is shining

Answer – shining

4. The boys saw the football match.

Answer –saw

5. Richard slept until nine o’clock.

Answer –slept

6. Cotton grows in the field.

Answer –grows

7. The children fed the animals.

Answer –fed

9. - Pronouns are word that we use instead of the nouns. Words that stand
instead of nouns are called pronouns.

Pick out the pronouns in the following.

1. John is a boy. He is at home.

Answer –he

2. Mary is a girl. She is in the class.

Answer –she

3. They are brother and sister.

Answer –they

4. We know them very well.

Answer –we

5. They stayed with us last year.

Answer –they

6. John is a clever boy. I like him.

Answer –I

7. Mary is our friend. She is twelve years old. We like her.

Answer –she –we

8. They have a bicycle. It is yellow.

Answer –they -it

10. - Gender is the classification of nouns or pronouns according to the sex, if

any, of the objects they represent.

a. - Give the feminine of the following nouns and pronouns.

Example: grandfather (masculine)

Answer: grandmother (feminine)

1. he (she) 8 policeman (policewoman)

2. him (her) 9 actor (actress)
3. boy (girl) 10 lion (lioness)
4. king (queen) 11 gentleman (lady)
5. prince (princess) 12 mister (Mrs)
6. husband (wife) 13 nephew (niece)
7. father (mother) 14 uncle (aunt)

b. - .- Give the masculine of the following nouns and pronouns.

1. her (him) 8 actress (actor)

2. she (he) 9 lady (gentleman)
3. queen (king) 10 niece (nephew)
4. wife (husband) 11 duchess (duche)
5. daughter () 12 aunt (uncle)
6. woman (man) 13 lioness (lion)
7. girl (boy) 14 princess (prince)

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