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Logic of Phantasy 80

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 18
Seminar 18: Wednesday, April 26, 1967

Does it not appear that something analogous, which would only be properly here the emergence of the

dimension of measure or of proportion, as original meaning, is implied in this moment of interval which,

after having written 1 + o = 1/o, completes it with the One which was absent from it even though

immanent, and which, because of being distinguished in this second moment, takes on the figure of the

function here of the signifier sex as repressed.


的出现,作为具有原創性的意义。当我们写下1 + o = 1/o 後,这个间隔的时刻用这个「一」完成它,即使就



It is in the measure that the relation to the enigmatic One, taken here in its pure conjunction, One plus

small o, can, in our symbolism, imply a function of the One as representing the enigma of sex qua

repressed, and that this enigma of sex is going to present itself to us as being able to realise the

substitution, the metaphor, overlapping with its proportion the small o itself. What does that mean?




The One, you are going to object to me, is in no way repressed. Like here, where keeping to an

approximate formula, I made a chain of signifiers as regards which it would be necessary that effectively

none of them should reproduce this repressed signifier, (this indeed is why I must distinguish the

repressed), here does this One of the first line, go against the articulation that I am trying to give you of





Surely not, because of the following: the fact is, as you know, (if you have taken the trouble to exercise

yourself a little, the tiniest little bit with what I showed you about the use that should be made of the

small o with respect to One, namely, having marked its difference and carried out its subtraction from

the One), to remark, as I told you, that One minus o is equal to nothing other than to o to the power of

two or o squared, to which there succeeds, provided you withdraw this o-squared back to the o,

brought in here in the first operation, to which there succeeds an o-cubed, which is reproduced here on

o-squared, by the same mode of operation, to obtain here an o-to the fourth power; all the even

powers lining up, as I told you, on one side, over against the odd powers on the other, (o-to the fifth

power, o-to the seventh power) which are staggered here, and their total realising this sum which

amounts to small o. What we (6) then have on the top of this proportion, is nothing other than o + (o-

squared+o-cubed+o-to the fourth power) and so on, which begins from o-squared up to infinity,

being strictly equal to the big One.









The result is that you have here a rather good image of what I called in the signifying chain the

metonymical effect that for a long time I already illustrated by the sliding in this chain of the small o




That is not all. If the measure this given in this operation of writing - for it is a matter of nothing else - is

correct, there flows from it, very immediately, that it is enough for us to make this whole block of the One

plus small o pass to the function of One for which it is imposed as a substitution, to obtain the following:

that I can very easily offer myself the luxury of, as a way of continuing to amuse you, I mean, not writing

the last 1, reproducing at its level the earlier manoeuvre, which allows me to write subsequently: One

over o which, if you continue to proceed along the same path, is followed by the formula o/1-o - the

which 1 – o being equal to o squared - is nothing other than o (N.B. later corrected by Lacan to 1/o),

the final identification which in a way, sanctions the fact that throughout these detours, these detours

which are not nothing since it is here that we can learn to make there operate correctly the relations of

the small o to sex, brings us back purely and simply to this identity of the small o.









For those for whom this still remains a little difficult, do not omit the fact that this small o is something

that is altogether existent! I have not done it up to the present, but I can write out its value. Everyone

knows it, O they not? It is the square root of five mines one over two. And, if you want to write it in

figures, if I remember correctly, it is something of the order of 2.236068 (N.B. Corrected later) . I no

longer remember very clearly. Here it is exactly 67 and not 68 but subsequently there are 9's etc. It goes

on for a some time. In short, do not hold me to it.




67,而不是68,但是随后还剩9 等等。它可一演算下去。总之,我就不这样做了。

It is a memory of the time ... in any case in my time one learnt mathematics like that, one knew a certain

quantity of numbers by heart. When I was fifteen years old, I knew the six first page of my logarithmic

tables by heart. I will explain to you another time the use of that, but it is quite certain that it would not be

one of the less good methods of selection for candidates to the function of psychoanalyst. We have not

reached that yet... I have so much trouble bringing in the slightest thing on this delicate subject, (7) that I

have not even suggested, up to the present, that this criterion should be used (laughter). It is certainly

as good as those that are presently used!






We will take up again then, in this formula, these moments to designate properly speaking here in the

1+o, the high point of these formulations which best designate what we can call the sexual subject.



If the One designates in its first moment as enigma, the signifying function of sex, it is from the moment

that the 1+o comes to the denominator of equality as we see it being developed here, always the same,

that there emerges, as you can see, even though I did not write it imprudently, at the upper level, this

famous two of the dyad that one cannot write under the form of 2 without having warned that this

requires some supplementary remarks, on this occasion, about what is called the associativity of

addition. In other words, that I detach the second 1 here in so far as it is in this parenthesis, to group it in

the same parenthesis with the other 1 which precedes it, but which has a different function. Now, it is not

difficult to notice in these three terms - this 1, this 1 and this small o - the three intervals that are in

question here, namely, those that pose the small o as a problem with respect to the two other 1's.








What can all of this mean? (laughter).


In order to confront the small o with the unit - which is simply to establish the function of measure - well

then, one must begin by writing this unit. It is this function that I introduced a long time ago, under the

term of unary stroke. "Unary", I said, because it can happen that I lower my voice. So then, where does

one write it, this unary trait which is essential to operate for the measure of the little o-object, because

no little o-object has a back. I think it is precisely the usefulness, I think that you have always known it,

of what I called the locus of the Other, in so far as it is precisely here represented as summoned by this

whole logical approach.







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