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Students’ difficulties with integration in electricity

Dong-Hai Nguyen and N. Sanjay Rebello
Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA
(Received 30 January 2011; published 28 June 2011)
This study investigates the common difficulties that students in introductory physics experience when
solving problems involving integration in the context of electricity. We conducted teaching-learning
interviews with 15 students in a second-semester calculus-based introductory physics course on several
problems involving integration. We found that although most of the students could recognize the need for
an integral in solving the problem, they failed to set up the desired integral. We provide evidence that this
failure can be attributed to students’ inability to understand the infinitesimal term in the integral and/or
failure to understand the notion of accumulation of an infinitesimal physical quantity. This work supports
and extends previous research on students’ difficulties with integration in physics.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.7.010113 PACS numbers: 01.50.Zv

I. INTRODUCTION findings support and extend other works on related topics is

presented in Sec. V. The limitation of the study as well as
Students in calculus-based physics courses are often future work will be discussed in Sec. VI.
expected to have sufficient mathematical knowledge and
skills to be applied to physics problems. Yet research in
physics problem solving indicates that students’ transfer II. RELATED LITERATURE
from mathematics to physics does not happen as often and Research on students’ application of calculus in physics
easily as we expect. This is not because students do not suggested that students might not conceptually understand
have the necessary mathematical resources but because mathematical processes although they could easily carry
they cannot appropriately activate those resources in phys- out the calculations [3]. Among the earliest research on
ics contexts [1,2]. students’ understanding of integration was the work of
Integration is a very powerful mathematical tool widely Orton [4]. In that study, 110 British students aged 16–22
used in physics, especially in electricity and magnetism were interviewed on several tasks involving the concepts of
(E&M). Many problems in E&M require extensive appli- limit and integration. Orton found that students’ errors with
cation of integration. In this study, we take a close look at these basic concepts of calculus could be classified as
students solving electricity problems involving integration structural (fundamental or conceptual), executive (opera-
to detect the difficulties students encounter when applying tional and procedural), or arbitrary. He also found that the
the integral concept in physics problem solving. majority of students did not view the integral as the limit of
While the study focuses on students’ difficulties with a Riemann sum and talked about such limit as an approxi-
integration, we do not describe how consistent students mation, not as an exact answer, although they had no
were with the same incorrect reasoning. The reason we difficulty evaluating a given Riemann sum.
decided not to pursue this kind of longitudinal analysis was Yeatts and Hundhausen [5], based on their teaching
because in the teaching-learning interviews we provided
experience, described students’ difficulties when transfer-
students with hints to enable them to eventually solve each
ring from calculus to physics in three categories. The first
problem. Thus, their reasoning on the subsequent problems
category—‘‘notation and symbolism’’—included difficul-
might have been affected. Therefore, measurements of the
ties that arose from students’ rote memory of, and hence,
consistency of students’ difficulties across interviews
reliance on the symbols used in each context. Mathematics
would not be valid.
and physics might use the same notation or symbol to mean
In the next section, we provide an overview of the
different things, thus causing difficulties to students. The
related literature on students’ difficulties with integration
second category—‘‘the distraction factor’’—occurred
in calculus and in E&M. Section III describes the context
and methodology of the study. The findings from the inter- when the surface features of the problem hindered the
views are presented in Sec. IV. A discussion on how our underlying mathematical process. The third category was
‘‘compartmentalization of knowledge,’’ which occurred
when students stored knowledge of different disciplines
in different ‘‘cabinets’’ and activated knowledge in each
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distri- ‘‘cabinet’’ only in the corresponding discipline.
bution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and Grundmeier et al. [6] surveyed 52 students who had
the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. completed a calculus class that covered the theory and

1554-9178=11=7(1)=010113(11) 010113-1 Ó 2011 American Physical Society


techniques of integration to explore students’ ability to integrate because there is a quantity that depends on an-
give a definition of the definite integral in words and in other quantity. The parts-of-a-whole symbolic form is
symbols, to interpret and represent an integral graphically, described as ‘‘amounts of generic substance, associated
to evaluate integrals, and to recognize the use of integrals with terms that contribute to a whole.’’ Interpreting an
in the real world. They found that students’ knowledge of integral as an accumulation of infinitesimally small ele-
the definition of the integral did not affect their ability to ments indicates the use of parts-of-a-whole cue. Meredith
perform routine calculation on the integrals. They also and Marrongelle also found that the dependence cue was
found that students could ‘‘perform integration as a proce- more commonly used by students than the parts-of-a-
dure with limited understanding that they are finding the whole cue, although ‘‘the use of the dependence symbolic
area under the curve and that this area is being found as a form led to inaccuracies if the quantity being integrated
limit of estimation for that area.’’ was not a rate or a density’’ ([8], p. 577). They suggested
Thompson and Silverman [7] pointed out that, for stu- that the parts-of-a-whole symbolic form was a more
dents to perceive the area under a curve as representing a powerful and flexible resource to cue integration. They
quantity other than area (e.g., velocity, work), it was im- also proposed instructional strategies to promote students’
portant that students considered the quantity being accu- use of the parts-of-a-whole recourse to cue integration in
mulated as a sum of infinitesimal bits that were formed physics problems.
multiplicatively. They also proposed the accumulation Most recently, Wallace and Chasteen [10] found that
model which considered integration as an accumulation part of students’ difficulties with Ampère’s law was due
of the bits that were made of two multiplicative quantities. to students not viewing the integral in Ampère’s law as
This model emphasized the two ‘‘layers’’ of integration: representing a sum, which aligned with the work of
the multiplicative layer when the bits were formed and the Manogue et al. [11] on the same topic.
accumulative layer when the bits were accumulated. In our In our point of view, the application of integration in a
study, we found evidence of students’ failure in interpret- physics problem can be divided into four steps:
ing the meaning of the area under the curve when they did Step 1: recognize the need for an integral.
Step 2: set up the expression for the infinitesimal
not understand the structure of the Riemann sum. The hints
we provided to the students to help them set up the correct
Step 3: accumulate the infinitesimal quantities.
integrals were also built upon the structure of the Riemann
Step 4: compute the integral.
The work by Meredith and Marrongelle [8] investigated
Cui et al. [2] investigated students’ retention and transfer
the first step. Although they did mention that students
from calculus to physics. They found that students had
might misapply the symbolic forms in setting up an inte-
significant difficulties distinguishing variables and con-
gral, they did not investigate this misapplication in detail.
stants in an integral as well as determining the limits of The work of Cui et al. [2] mentioned some of the difficul-
an integral. They also found that four out of seven inter- ties students had when applying integral in physics (i.e.,
viewees recognized the use of integral in a physics problem step 2) but did not discuss them in detail. Our current study
by recalling the strategy they had learned from in-class adds the missing piece to the picture. We investigate stu-
examples while the other three students had a rough idea of dents’ difficulties in all four steps of the process, especially
an integral as a sum of an infinite number of small those in steps 2 and 3. Specifically, we examine the re-
elements. search question: What are the common difficulties that
Meredith and Marrongelle [8] investigated the resources students encounter when solving problems in electricity
that students used to cue integration in electrostatics prob- involving integration?
lems. They used the notion of Sherin’s symbolic forms [9]
to describe these resources. A symbolic form is a cognitive
mathematical primitive which allows students to ‘‘asso- III. METHODOLOGY
ciate a simple conceptual schema with an arrangement of In the spring semester of 2009, 20 students at a large
symbols in an equation’’ ([9], p. 482). Meredith and Midwestern U.S. university were randomly selected from a
Marrongelle identified three symbolic forms that students pool of 102 volunteers enrolled in a first-semester calculus-
used to cue integration, namely, the recall cue, the depen- based physics course (which we call Engineering Physics 1
dence cue, and the parts-of-a-whole cue. Recall is not a or EP1) to participate in our study on problem solving in
symbolic form because it does not have a mathematical mechanics. In that study, each of these 20 students was
structure, but it is commonly used in cueing integration. interviewed four times during the spring 2009 semester
The recall cue is identified when students recall a previ- (interviews 1–4). In the fall semester of 2009, 15 of these
ously learned strategy when solving a problem. The de- 20 students, who were enrolled in the second-semester
pendence symbolic form is described as ‘‘a whole depends calculus-based physics course (Engineering Physics 2 or
on the quantity associated with an individual symbol.’’ EP2) at that time, agreed to continue with our study in
The dependence cue is identified when students decide to electricity and magnetism. Among these 15 students, there


were 9 males and 6 females. By the time of the interviews, looked for the most common errors and the emergent
all of these students had completed two semesters and were themes.
taking the third semester of college calculus.
Each of these 15 students went through another se- IV. RESULTS
quence of four interviews (interviews 5–8) during the
fall 2009 semester. Each interview occurred within two Many problems in E&M involve calculating a physical
weeks after the students had completed an exam in their quantity from other nonconstant quantities. Unlike typical
EP2 course. The materials covered in the interviews were problems in calculus courses in which students are given
the materials that had been tested in the most recent exams. integrals to compute, physics problems usually do not have
All of the interviews were conducted by the first author predetermined integrals and even do not indicate that in-
of this paper. The interviews that we used are called tegrals are needed to solve the problems. Hence, students
teaching-learning interviews [12–14]. Unlike more com- must be able to recognize the need for an integral and set
monly used clinical interviews where the goal is to probe up the desired integral from the physics scenario described
students’ reasoning, the focus of a teaching-learning in the problem statement. So the first important step in
interview is to find out not just how students reason, but solving a problem is to recognize whether or not a problem
also how students might change the ways in which they requires integration. This step is not trivial for most stu-
reason based on scaffolding and hints provided by the dents because they usually apply the formulas from the
interviewer. Thus, teaching-learning interviews are used textbook without noticing the conditions under which
to find out how people learn and how such learning can those formulas hold. For example, the formula of resist-
be facilitated. In this spirit, students when presented ance R ¼  LA only holds for a conductor with constant
with a problem were asked to think aloud as they attempted resistivity  and constant cross-sectional area A along its
to solve the problem on their own. If the student was length L, so if  or A or both of them are not constant, then
unable to proceed, or was clearly headed in a wrong an integral must be employed to calculate resistance.
direction, after a while the interviewer would interject by Research by Meredith and Marrongelle [8], as mentioned
in the literature review, reveals the resources that students
asking the student leading questions and providing hints to
invoke to cue integration.
enable the student to progress toward the solution of the
The central idea underlying the integral is
accumulation—adding up infinitesimal amounts of a
In each of the four one-hour interviews, students were
physical quantity to obtain the total amount of that quantity
asked to solve three to five problems on a topic in elec-
(e.g., resistance) or adding up infinitesimal effects to obtain
tricity and magnetism. The topics included charge distri-
the total effect (e.g., electric field). So to obtain a correct
bution and electric field in interview 5, resistance and
integral, students must have the correct expression for the
capacitance in interview 6, current density and Ampère’s infinitesimal elements and add up those elements in an
law in interview 7, and RLC circuit in interview 8. These appropriate manner (e.g., vectorially, reciprocally). An
problems spanned a broad range of difficulty and required integral is ready to be computed only after all these steps
several different mathematical skills. In this paper, we are done correctly. In summary, the application of integra-
only discuss the problems involving integration. The tion in physics problems can be divided into four steps:
problem statements will be presented in the results (i) recognize the need for an integral, (ii) set up the
and discussion section when students’ difficulties in solv- expression of the infinitesimal elements, (iii) accumulate
ing the problems are discussed. Students’ difficulties with the infinitesimal elements, and (iv) compute the integral.
integration in Ampère’s law require in-depth studies on this A common theme observed in our interviews was that all
topic, which have been completed by Manogue et al. [11] students, at some point during the interviews, expressed
and Wallace and Chasteen [10], so we will not discuss their understanding of an integral as an accumulation of
students’ difficulties with integration in Ampère’s law in infinitesimal elements. However, only one or two of them
this paper. could carry out this strategy without assistance from the
All interviews were videotaped and audiotaped and were interviewer. All other students were not confident in per-
transcribed verbatim. Students’ worksheets as well as in- forming the steps and needed guidance through the
terviewer’s field notes were also collected. We first exam- process.
ined the field notes to identify interesting points in each In each of the following subsections, we discuss the
interview then referred to the student’s worksheet and difficulties students encounter at each of the steps men-
interview transcripts for details on what students wrote tioned above. At each step, we will start with a general
and said. We focused our attention on how students recog- description of the difficulties and then present examples of
nized the need of an integral and how they set up and those difficulties in each of the problems under investiga-
computed the desired integral. We listed all errors students tion as well as the number of students making each error.
made and the number of students making each error, and We will use pseudonyms for the students mentioned in
the hints provided by the interviewer, if any. Finally, we these subsections.


A. Students’ recognition of integration integral to calculate the electric field. In other words, the
Most of the students in our interviews did not have recall cue was used by the students to cue integration in
significant difficulty recognizing the need for integration these familiar problems.
in solving the problems. We observed that the nonconstant On the cylindrical conductor problem (Fig. 3), 12 out of
physical quantity given in the problem statement was the 15 students stated, with different levels of confidence, that
major cue for integration, while recalling similar situations an integral was needed because the resistivity was chang-
was the strategy used by a few students. These findings are ing along the conductor. The reasoning provided by David
consistent with those of Meredith and Marrongelle which ‘‘since  isn’t constant we’re going to have to do an
state that the recall cue and the dependence cue are the integral’’ was typical for students who were confident
most common cues used by the students to cue integration with their reasoning. On the other hand, the question posed
in electrostatic problems. So in this subsection, we will by Mary, after setting up the expression xLA , ‘‘Do I have to
describe how our students recognized the use of integration put an integral somewhere?’’ indicated her uncertainty
in our interview problems and also relate with the findings about the use of integration in the problem. The remaining
of Meredith and Marrongelle in their study. three students also arrived at the expression xL A but stated
The charged arch problem (Fig. 1) and the charged rod that was the final answer. When the interviewer hinted that
problem (Fig. 2) were asked in interview 5. These problems the final answer should not contain x, these students were
were very similar to the homework and exam problems in able to recognize that they needed an integral. The follow-
the course, so all students stated that they had to set up an ing excerpt is typical among this group of students.

FIG. 1. The charged arch problem (interview 5).

FIG. 2. The charged rod problem (interview 5).


FIG. 3. The cylindrical conductor problem (interview 6).

Interviewer: Is this [ xLA ] your final answer? R summing the length pieces. Um so . . . [writes
we’re just
Brian: Uh . . . yes. R ¼ 1 dLD2
] . . . little d and big D, so we have to incor-
Interviewer: But that answer contains x which is porate that in there somehow.
changing. The other two students wrote an integral with dA—the
Brian: Okay . . . so . . . should I use integration? infinitesimal cross-sectional area—as the infinitesimal
The cylindrical problem was not asked on any home- term. This error will be discussed in Sec. IV B because it
work or exam in the course, so the recall cue was not is related to the expression of the infinitesimal quantity.
employed. Instead, the majority of students recognized The capacitor problem (Fig. 5) was the last problem of
the need for an integral based on the nonconstant resistivity interview 6. Only 12 out of 15 students got to this problem
that was given; i.e., they employed the dependence cue in within the one-hour time limit of the interview. All of them
this problem. Guiding the students to think of the depen- stated that they had to use integral to calculate the capaci-
dence cue was the strategy employed by the interviewer to tance because the diameter was not constant. The follow-
hint students who did not spontaneously recognize the use ing excerpt is typical for this reasoning.
of the integral as in the excerpt above. Interviewer: Now we have the last problem. [the capaci-
The truncated-cone conductor problem (Fig. 4) fol- tor problem]
lowed the cylindrical conductor problem in interview 6. James: Okay . . . So here we’re trying to find capacitance
Thirteen out of 15 students were able to recognize which equals "D0 A . Diameter is not going to be constant so
comparing this problem with the cylindrical conductor R
we are going to have C equals [writes C ¼ "D0 A ] "0 is still
problem. They stated that they could use the integral set constant though.
up in the cylindrical conductor problem except that the area In this excerpt, the student recalled the formula for the
was then a variable. The following excerpt demonstrates capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor and identified
this reasoning. nonconstant and constant quantities. As he recognized
Interviewer: Let’s move on to the next problem [the that the diameters of the plates were not the same, he
truncated-cone conductor problem] decided that the capacitance must be calculated by an
James: Alright. The tiny bit in R equals constant  times integral. This is evidence of the use of the dependence
change in L over change in area [writes dR ¼ dL A , then cue to cue integration in this problem.
1 2
replaces A with 4 D ] so basically this is the same integral The current problem (Fig. 6) was asked in interview 7.
as in the problem we’ve just done. This one now has two This problem was one of the homework problems that
variables. We’re not summing any changes in diameter, students were asked prior to the interview. Thirteen out

FIG. 4. The truncated-cone conductor problem (interview 6).


FIG. 5. The capacitor problem (interview 6).

FIG. 6. The current problem (interview 7).

of 15 students stated that they needed to have an integral to changing’’ indicates that she used the dependence cue to
calculate the total current. These students recognized the cue integration after the hint.
use of integral by recalling the homework problem or In conclusion, we found that most of the students could
reasoning on the nonconstant current density, i.e., both easily recognize the need for an integral in the problem.
the recall cue and the dependence cue were used by the Students’ familiarity with the problems and the presence of
students in this problem. The other two students attempted the nonconstant quantities were the major cues for students
to find the total current by multiplying the current density to think of using integration. This finding agrees with the
at the surface of the wire by the total cross-sectional area of finding of Meredith and Marrongelle that the recall cue and
the wire. Upon being hinted that the current density had the dependence cue were most commonly used by students
different values at different distances from the center of the to cue integration in physics problems [8]. In our study,
wire, these students stated that they had to do an integral. students usually used the recall cue in problems which
The following excerpt was from an interview with one of were familiar to them, and used the dependence cue in
these students. unfamiliar problems. Guiding students’ attention to the
Interviewer: How do you find the total current in this nonconstant quantity to trigger the dependence cue was
problem? [the current problem] also a productive strategy used by the interviewer to help
Chelsea: Current is j times A. students recognize the use of the integral when they could
Interviewer: What value of j in this problem? not invoke it by themselves.
Chelsea: Well j is  times r, and the radius is R, so j is 
times R. [writes I ¼ RA]
B. Set up the expression for the
Interviewer: So what is A?
infinitesimal quantities
Chelsea: A is . . . pi R squared . . . [writes I ¼ RA ¼
RR2 ¼ R3 ] In order to calculate an integral, one must know the
Interviewer: But the current density is changing as you variable of integration. One way to do that is to look at
go from the center to the edge of the wire, so it’s not always the infinitesimal term (e.g., dx; dr; d; . . . ) in the integral.
 times R. In physics problems, the infinitesimal term also carries a
Chelsea: Oh okay . . . so then I will do an integral. physical meaning that must be understood while setting up
Interviewer: How do you know you have to do an the integral. For example, ifRFðxÞ is a function of force with
integral? respect to position x, then FðxÞdx means integrating the
Chelsea: ‘Cause you said j was changing. product of the force FðxÞ at position x and the correspond-
In this excerpt, the student attempted to use the value of ing infinitesimal distance dx, in the direction of the force to
the current density at the edge of the wire to plug in the obtain theR total work done over the whole distance.
equation for current. Upon being hinted that the current However, FðtÞdt means integrating the product of the
density was changing, she was able to recognize the need force FðtÞ at time t and the corresponding infinitesimal
for an integral. Her reasoning ‘‘cause you said j was time interval dt to obtain the total impulse due to the force


over the total time interval. In these examples, dx and dt ðxÞ that’s gonna go from 0 . . . to . . . L [does the integral
not only indicate the variable of integration but also have and gets 2L
their own physical meanings: infinitesimal distance and Interviewer: Okay . . . Let’s see, you appended dx into
infinitesimal time interval. So it is mathematically incom- the integrand before taking the integral. What is the mean-
R and physically meaningless to write the integral as ing of dx?
FðxÞ. However, it was observed that many students in our Stephanie: It is the variable of the integral.
interviews either set up the integral without the infinitesi- Interviewer: Yeah, right, but what is the physical quan-
mal term or simply appended it to the integrand or to tity that dx represents?
whatever quantity was changing. These actions essentially Stephanie: Physical quantity? Um . . . I don’t know . . .
changed the physical meaning of the integrand. It’s just dx.
Charged arch problem (Fig. 1).—Starting with the Interviewer: Alright, dx is a small length segment along
formula for the electric field due to a point charge E ¼ the conductor. With that, can you tell the meaning of the
1 q whole integral that you have?
4"0 r2 , all students were able to write the electric field due
1 dq Stephanie: Um . . . going from there to there. [two ends
to a charge element dq as dE ¼ 4" 2 .
0 r of the cylinder]
Charged rod problem (Fig. 2).—This problem followed Interviewer: No, I mean the process underlying
the charged arch problem in the same interview. After integration.
doing the charged arch problem, all students knew that Stephanie: Is it the adding small pieces thing?
1 dq
they had to integrate dE ¼ 4" 0 r
2 . Interviewer: Yeah, right. So in your integral, what are the
Cylindrical conductor problem (Fig. 3).—To solve this pieces that you add?
problem, one must set up the expression dR ¼ ðxÞ dx A for
Stephanie: The x values . . . or the cross-section values.
the infinitesimal resistance of a thin slice of the Rconductor, Interviewer: Okay, from your integral, the small piece is
then integrate it to find the total resistance R ¼ L0 ðxÞ dxA , D2
ðxÞdx. Can you explain the physical meaning of this
where A is the constant cross-sectional area of the conduc- term?
tor. Eight out of 15 students started with the formula of Stephanie: I don’t know.
resistance R ¼  LA and then set up the integral R ¼ LA  Interviewer: Okay, in this expression for the piece, you
R R have the total length L, resistivity ðxÞ, and infinitesimal
ðxÞ or R ¼ LA ðxÞdx. The first integral was mathe- 2
matically incomplete and the second integral did not rep- length dx on the numerator and area D 4 on the denomi-
resent any physical quantity. By simply appending the nator. But in the formula for resistance R ¼ L A , there is
infinitesimal term dx into the integrand, students changed only one length on the numerator. So the expression you
the physical meaning of the infinitesimal quantity. For have does not represent resistance of a piece of the
example, the expression dx A represents the resistance of
the infinitesimally thin conductor whose length was dx, Stephanie: So I should remove this L then.
while the expression L Interviewer: Yes, because you already have the infini-
A dx, obtained by appending dx into
tesimal length dx.
the formula for resistance, did not represent any physical
Stephanie: Got ya.
quantity. The following excerpt was taken from theRinter-
Stephanie easily recognized that she needed to do an
view with a student who set up the integral R ¼ LA ðxÞ
integral ‘‘to go from the zero point to L.’’ However, the
and then appended the term dx into the integrand when
integral she set up after that did not have an infinitesimal
being asked about the variable of integration. term dx. She indicated that she did not know what the
Stephanie: So general equation [writes R ¼ L A ¼ D2 ] interviewer meant by ‘‘infinitesimal term’’ and simply
and then this [] is a function of x and . . . I have to do appended it to her integral without any changes to the
something with the integral because we have to go from the integrand. Her answer to the interviewer’s question on
zero point to L. the physical meaning of dx—‘‘I don’t know . . . it’s just
Interviewer: Okay, so integral R 4Lof what? dx’’—indicated that she did not know what dx represented.
Stephanie: Of ðxÞ. [writes D 2 ðxÞ] Even after being told explicitly that dx represented an
Interviewer: Uh huh. But what variable are you taking infinitesimal length segment, she was still unable to inter-
integral with? pret the physical meaning of the expression she set up for
Stephanie: Variable here is x. the pieces, and therefore was unable to recognize that her
Interviewer: So you should have an infinitesimal term to expression for the infinitesimal piece did not represent the
indicate that . . . resistance of an infinitesimal conductor. This excerpt is an
Stephanie: What do you mean by infinitesimal term? example of the instance that students’ lack of understand-
Interviewer: I mean dx. R ing of the infinitesimal term led them to set up incorrect
Stephanie: Okay. [writes L0 D 2 ðxÞdx] So four L over expressions for the infinitesimal quantity. In this case,
pi D squared are all constants and you have the integral of Stephanie included both L and dx in the expression of


infinitesimal resistance because she did not know what dx ing (i.e., area A in these cases) without understanding the
meant in the problem. meaning of the infinitesimal term in the integral.
Among the remaining seven students, one student rec- Current problem (Fig. 6).—The correct expression for
ognized that she needed an infinitesimal length dL in place the infinitesimal current in the wire is jðrÞdA, where jðrÞ is
of L in the formula, which was correct. Three other stu- the current density at a distance r from the center of the
dents recognized this after being reminded that L was the wire and dA is the area of an infinitesimally thin ring on
length of the whole conductor while we only considered the cross section of the wire. Thirteen out of 15 students
the length dx of an infinitesimal conductor at location x. made mistakes similar to those observed in R the cylindrical
The other three students did not know what to do in the conductor
R problems: they set up I ¼ A jðrÞ or I ¼
problem and needed step by step instruction to solve the A jðrÞdr, where A was the total cross-sectional area of
problem. the wire. This is further evidence that students seemed to
Truncated-cone conductor problem (Fig. 4).—Twelve integrate whatever was changing without understanding
out of 15 students stated that they could use the integral the physical meaning of the expression for the infinitesimal
set up in the cylindrical conductor problem but with area quantity, which usually led them to incorrect integrals.
being a variable. They could also recognize that since there When R the interviewer reminded students about the formula
were two variables in that integral, x and A, they had to I ¼ jðrÞdA, all students agreed that they had seen it
write one variable in terms of the other in order to integrate. before but then failed to explain what dA meant in that
The transcript presented when we discussed this problem formula.
in Sec. IVA is an example from this group of students. All In conclusion, we found that students’ failure in setting
of the students needed a lot of guidance on basic geometry up the expression for the infinitesimal quantity was due to
to write the area A in terms of x. their lack of understanding of the physical meaning carried
One student set up the correct integral but stated that the by the infinitesimal term (e.g., dx; dr; d; . . . ) and the
limits of integral were from d to D because the diameter expression for the infinitesimal quantity. This lack of
was changing. Upon being hinted that dx indicated inte- understanding caused students to ignore the infinitesimal
gration with respect to x, hence the limits should be the term or to simply append it to the integrand, or even to
range of x, this student recognized that the limits were from prefix d to whatever quantity was changing when setting up
0 to L. Therefore, we interpret this student’s wrong choice the expression for the infinitesimal quantity. All of these
of limits as evidence that she did not understand that dx actions essentially changed the physical meaning of the
indicated the integration variable x. expression being set up as discussed in the truncated-cone
Two other students set up the integral for resistance as conductor, the capacitor, and the current problems above.
R 2
R ¼ ðD=2Þ L
ðd=2Þ2 dA
. These students stated that because area A
was changing, they used the infinitesimal area dA. C. Accumulating the infinitesimal quantities
Obviously, the term L dA did not represent the infinitesimal
It was observed in our interviews that after having the
resistance of a thin slice of the conductor. correct expression for the infinitesimal quantity, almost all
Capacitor problem (Fig. 5).—To solve this problem, students started integrating that expression without attend-
students needed to think of a capacitor with a large sepa- ing to how these quantities should be added up.
ration between the plates as a series combination of several Charged arch problem (Fig. 1).— Electric field is a
capacitors made of fictitious plates separated by an infini- vector quantity, so the electric fields dE due to the infini-
tesimal distance dx. This strategy was novel to many tesimal elements of charge on the arch must be added
students, so they attempted to use the formula for capaci- vectorially. Eight out of 15 students in our interview did
tance of a capacitor with small separation. The students not notice the vector nature of dE and integrated the whole
needed to be told that the formula was only applicable to dE, while the other seven students used symmetry to argue
the case when the separation was small compared to the that only the y component of the electric field due to each
diameters of the plates, and hence they had to consider the charge element contributed to the total field and integrated
capacitor with a large separation as being made of several only the y component of dE.
plates close to each other. Then, 10 out of 12 students were Charged rod problem (Fig. 2).—The electric fields dE
able to set up the correct expression for capacitance of a due to all infinitesimal elements of charge dq on the rod
capacitor with infinitesimal separation between the plates were pointing in the same direction so the total field could
be obtained by simply integrating dE. So even though all of
dC ¼ " AðxÞdx . The other two students used the differential the students could do this step, we could not conclude
area dA and got dC ¼ " dA L . This error was similar to the whether they understood that they were adding vectors
error observed in the truncated-cone resistor problem, having the same direction or were just adding the electric
where students had L dA as the infinitesimal resistance. fields as if they were scalars.
This type of error suggested that these students seemed Cylindrical conductor and truncated-cone conductor
to simply prefix ‘‘d’’ to whatever quantity that was chang- problems (Figs. 3 and 4).—The slices that made up the


conductor were connected in series, so the total resistance Interviewer: Yes, and what is the equation for capacitors
could be obtained by adding up the resistance of these in series?
slices. When the thickness of each slice became infinitesi- Aaron: It’s the one over thing.
mally small, this was done by integrating dR. Similarly, in Interviewer: So how should you integrate in this
the current problem (Fig. 6), because the currents in all thin problem?
rings that made up the cross section of the wire were in the Aaron: Well . . . because integral meansR 1 sum . . . and I
same direction, the total current could be obtained by have . . . so the integral is . . . [writes dC ]
integrating the infinitesimal current dI in each ring. In In this excerpt, Aaron indicated an understanding of the
these three problems, the total quantities were obtained meaning of the integrand, the structure of the integrand
R simply integrating
R the infinitesimal quantities, i.e., R ¼ (i.e., dx must be in the numerator), and the formula for
dR and I ¼ dI, so we could not conclude whether or capacitors in series. However, he was unable to recognize
not students understood how the infinitesimal quantities that the capacitors were in series until he drew the fictitious
must be accumulated. plates between the two plates of the capacitor. Similar
Capacitor problem (Fig. 5).—The capacitor in this prob- situations also occurred with other students who integrated
lem could be viewed as a series of capacitors whose plates dC. This evidence suggested that students’ lack of visual-
were separated by a small distance. The equivalent capaci- ization of the physical scenario might account for their
tance could be found by adding the capacitance of each disregard of how the quantity must be accumulated.
individual capacitor reciprocally, i.e., C1eq ¼ C11 þ C12 þ    ,
R 1
which became C1eq ¼ dC when the separation between the D. Computing the integral
plates became infinitesimally small. This problem de- The last step in applying integration to physics problems
manded more than just integrating the infinitesimal quan- is to compute the integral set up in the previous three steps.
tities to obtain the total quantity. It also required an This was expected to be an easy task for students because
understanding of integration in association with the physi- they had practiced computing integrals in their calculus
cal situation of the problem. courses. However, students still had some difficulties with
Out of 12 students who attempted the capacitor problem, computing the integrals in our interview problems.
only two students spontaneously recognized that they had Charged arch problem (Fig. 1).—Upon having the in-
1 R 1 dq
to integrate dC . The other 10 students integrated dC and got tegral for the electric field due to the arch E ¼ 4" 2 
R R 0 r
the integral C ¼ dC ¼ L0 " AðxÞ dx . These students imme- cos, 13 out of 15 students were unable to recall the
diately recognized that this integral had dx in the denomi- relation dq ¼ ds between the charge element dq and
nator, so they attempted to bring dx to the numerator the length ds of that element along the arch. Eleven out
although they could not give a reason why they could do of 15 students could not relate infinitesimal length of the
that. The interviewer had to give hints to cue students’ arc to the infinitesimal angle it subtended at the center:
attention to the arrangement of the capacitors. The follow- ds ¼ rd. After the variable conversion, the resulting
R 2
simplified integral was =2 =2 cos d. All 15 students
ing excerpt is typical in this situation.
Aaron: . . . since L is going to turn into dx I think . . . but needed to be given the equation cos2  ¼ 12 ð1 þ cos2Þ
to make that . . . it should be dx in the denominator . . . and two of them needed assistance in computing the in-
R d2
[writes L0 " dx4 and then flips the integrand] tegral explicitly.
Interviewer: Why did you flip it? Charged rod problem (Fig. 2).—We found that students’
Aaron: Well, so that dx is in the numerator. difficulties with computing the integral in this problem
Interviewer: You must have a reason for flipping the were due to students’ inability to interpret the physical
integrand. meaning of symbols. Twelve out of 15 students interpreted
Aaron: Oh, okay . . . r in Coulomb’s law as ‘‘radius,’’ so they were unable to
Interviewer: What does your integrand mean? decide whether r was a constant or a variable in the
Aaron: Like if you slice it up it’s just one of the slices. integral. The charged rod problem came right after the
Interviewer: Okay, but when you add up capacitance, charged arch problem, so all students were then able to
you must know how the capacitors are connected, that is, in write dq ¼ ds, but 11 of them were unable to recognize
parallel or in series. that ds ¼ dx in this problem.
Aaron: Um . . . it doesn’t say. Cylindrical conductor problem (Fig. 3).—The integral
Interviewer: Look at how the plates are arranged. in this problem was very simple so all students were able to
Aaron: Um . . . compute it without assistance from the interviewer.
Interviewer: You should draw some of the fictitious Truncated-cone conductor (Fig. 4) and capacitor prob-
plates to see how they are arranged. lems (Fig. 5).—The most difficult part of computing this
Aaron: [draws the plates] Okay . . . so . . . they are in integral was to figure out the expression for the cross-
series, aren’t they? sectional area as a function of position. However, because


it was not the purpose of the interview to test students’ incorrect expression for the infinitesimal quantity and/or
geometric skills, the expression for AðxÞ was provided to accumulating the infinitesimal quantities in an inappropri-
the students if they failed to get it R
after a few attempts. The ate manner. Determining the limits of the integrals, relating
resulting simplified integral was L0 fDþ½ðdDÞ=Lxg 2 , where variables in an integral, and computing the integrals alge-
D, d, L were constants. Only two students succeeded in braically were also difficulties faced by some of the
computing this integral using substitution. Others needed students.
to be given the result of the integral. In the truncated-cone These findings align with those from other research on
conductor problem, one student set the limits of the inte- students’ difficulties with integration. We found that the
gral as d and D (i.e., the diameters of the conductor at two nonconstant quantity given, either mathematically (e.g.,
ends) based on the fact that the diameter was changing. The resistivity as a function of position, charge distribution as
same error was made by five students when solving the a function of angle) or pictorially (e.g., figure of a conduc-
capacitor problem, including those who had the correct tor with changing diameter), in the problem statement was
limits for the integral in the truncated-cone conductor the cue for most students to think of integration in a
problem. problem. This finding supports the conclusion of
Current problem (Fig. 6).—The most difficult part of Meredith and Marrongelle [8] that the most common re-
computing the integral in this problem was to write the source that students use to cue integration is the depen-
differential cross-sectional area dA in terms of the distance dence cue. However, the dependence cue, as pointed out by
r from the center of the wire. Asking students to take the Meredith and Marrongelle, is only helpful when the non-
derivative of the cross-sectional area A ¼ r2 helped stu- constant quantity is a density or a rate of change. This
dents derive the expression dA ¼ 2rdr. The resulting finding also aligns with the fact that many students in our
integral was very simple, so all students were able to study failed to set up the correct integral in problems
compute it. involving nonconstant quantities which were not rates of
In summary, we found that students encountered a num- change (e.g., resistivity, diameter).
ber of difficulties in computing the integrals in physics Although most of the students indicated an understand-
problems. Some of these difficulties could be attributed ing of integration as an accumulating process, they were
primarily to students’ misunderstanding of the physical not confident in carrying out the process and needed de-
meaning of symbols in the integrals. Other difficulties tailed guidance from the interviewer. Some of the students
arose when students could not recall basic mathematical had difficulties determining the limits of integral. These
equations. A few students still had difficulties determining observations are similar to those described by Cui et al. [2].
the limits of the integrals. Many students were unable to Our study extends the literature on students’ use of
compute mathematical integrals. integration in physics problem solving. We found that the
major difficulties students encountered when attempting to
V. CONCLUSION set up an integral in a physics problem were due to stu-
In this study, we took a close look at students solving dents’ inability to understand the infinitesimal term in the
problems involving integration in the context of electricity. integral and failure to understand the notion of accumu-
We found that students’ failure in applying integration to lation of an infinitesimal quantity.
our interview problems occurred when students set up the Meredith and Marrongelle [8] suggested that the parts-
expressions for the infinitesimal quantities and accumu- of-a-whole symbolic form was a powerful and flexible
lated those quantities using integral. These difficulties resource to cue integration and proposed instructional
might be attributed primarily to students’ inability to in- strategies to promote students’ use of this recourse as a
terpret the meaning of the infinitesimal term dx in the cue for integration in physics problems. Our study points
integral and to students’ disregard of how the quantities out that setting up a correct integral in a physics problem
must be added up. A few students still had difficulties requires more than recognizing the need for an integral. It
recognizing when an integral was needed in a problem. also requires setting up the correct expression for the
Students also had difficulties in computing the integrals infinitesimal quantity that each ‘‘part’’ represents and ac-
they had set up, mostly because they were unable to cumulating that quantity in a correct manner. There were
interpret the physical meaning of the symbols and invoke several students in our interviews who mentioned the sum
basic mathematical equations. of infinitesimally small elements (although they did not use
We answer our research question: What are the common that terminology) at some point while solving the prob-
difficulties that students encounter when solving problems lems, indicating that they had a rough idea of the parts-of-
in electricity involving integration? Students generally did a-whole resource, but then set up the incorrect expression
not have significant difficulty recognizing the need for for the ‘‘part’’ or did not pay attention to how the ‘‘parts’’
integration in a problem. However, students did have should be added up. So we expand upon the conclusion of
significant difficulties setting up and computing the Meredith and Marrongelle that although the parts-of-a-
desired integral. These difficulties included setting up an whole symbolic form is the most powerful and flexible


way to think of integration, it does not guarantee the quantities in an appropriate manner. Therefore, our tutori-
correctness of the integral that is set up. als will focus on helping students learn the meaning of the
infinitesimal quantity (e.g., dx; dr; d; . . . ) in the integral
VI. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE WORK and the accumulation process underlying the integral. Our
tentative strategy is to use a sample related problem seg-
The research methodology used in this study was indi-
mented into a sequence of several smaller exercises. The
vidual interview. This method allowed us to gain detailed
first exercise asks students to calculate the total value of a
insight into students’ performance on the problems and
physical quantity of some individual objects (e.g., the
also enabled us to interview the same students several
equivalent resistance of a few separate resistors,
times on different topics during the semester. On the other
the equivalent capacitance of a few separate capacitors).
hand, the individual interview method limited the number
The follow-up exercises are variations of the first exercise.
of student participants in the study. There were only 15
In these exercises, the individual objects evolve to become
students in our study compared to more than 200 students
infinitesimal parts of a larger object. We hypothesize
enrolled in the course. Because of this fact, the major
that by solving these exercises students might learn how
limitation of this study is the generalizability of its
the total quantity of an object becomes an infinitesimal
quantity of a larger object and how a sum becomes an
Based on our interview findings, we plan to develop
tutorial materials to address students’ difficulties with in-
tegration and implement them with all of the students in the
course (usually around 200þ students) in future semesters
when the course is offered to test the effects of those We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of
materials in helping students learn to solve physics prob- Dr. Elizabeth Gire, currently at University of Memphis,
lems involving integration. As discussed in this paper, the for her participation in the discussions on the design of the
major challenges students faced when solving problems interview protocols used in this study. This work is sup-
involving integration were in setting up the expression ported in part by U.S. National Science Foundation Grant
for the infinitesimal quantity and accumulating those No. 0816207.

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