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Hotel Concierge



All of the blind men trying to describe the alt-right elephant seem to agree that anti-political-
correctness is part of the picture. Maybe anti-PC isn’t the most important issue to any one alt-
righter, but it’s the stance that is most widespread among them, sensitive but not specific. Okay.
Why? 1/16
Movie reviewer/philosophizer “FilmHotel
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Hulk” weighs OF“P.C.
in with MANY Culture
The Big Joke - A tale
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of dissent in five acts”:       Follow

I’m sitting here at point of paralysis, trying to casually explain the rise of internet trolls, 4chan,
hardcore gamer culture, lulz, twitter-eggs, gamergate, pepe the frog, the alt-right, the rich
asshole and how they came all crashing together in spectacular ugliness…for the purposes of
this conversation just know that all display a combo of 1) being virulently anti-PC. 2) being the
kinds of people who have really sad, internal existences and internet they can be anonymous
and escape into. And 3) a core philosophy that sees the value of what I will call “the big joke.”

That is to say that the world itself is a joke.

I feel bad for mocking a lawful good superhero, but the above paragraph is the sickly sentimentality
of someone who has fed on his own vomited platitudes for too long. If I ever reach “the point of
paralysis” while explaining “lulz” or “twitter-eggs,” euthanize me.

There’s a reason The Dark Knight’s Joker struck such a cord with this populace and it wasn’t
just his good performance, it was his mantra: “Why so serious?” It was his ability to reign terror
and tear apart hypocrisy. It was the sense power that comes with having such a freeing attitude
toward the cares of society. The pure, bleak joy of nihilistic glee.

There isn’t a side. There isn’t a belief. The only goal is to burn down your side. After all, “Some
men just want to watch the world burn.”

Comparisons between children’s fantasy and adult reality tend toward the inane, but there’s a
particular irony here: back in ‘08, when The Dark Knight came out, every dinner party worth
schmoozing agreed that the pyromaniacs in question were supposed to represent Al Qaeda. And
when someone pointed this out, the accepted reply was to say something about how, well, it’s more
complicated than that, you see, back in the ‘80s everyone was doing a lot of cocaine and tweaking
pretty hard about the Soviet Union, and well, maybe we funded some terrorists here and there,
mistakes were made, that’s all I’m saying. It’s a little naive for Christopher Nolan to act like they’re
just bad.

Now the analogy has switched teams and it didn’t get any less idiotic. I too have observed that
some individuals are psychopaths who care about nothing except mashing the dopamine button. I
have never observed a group of such people, in fact I’m not sure it’s possible, shit would go
Reservoir Dogs before you could say “defect in the prisoner’s dilemma.” What makes fascism
terrifying is that most fascists are not psychopaths. Nurses get Milgram’d on the daily, told to hurt
people via IV pokes and pulled bandages, often doing this when patients are demented or delirious
or otherwise screaming No No No. And yet nurses are some of the most compassionate people in
existence. How do they stay sane? Any violation of another requires the same mentality: this is for
the greater good. Repeated like a mantra, whether you’re building a utopia or feeding the kids or
preparing to shoot up a school: this is for the greater good. It’s comforting to believe that the bad
guys are motivated by “nihilistic glee” because that means you aren’t one of them. “If anything, my
problem is…I care too much,” you say, between sobs, as you bring your boot down on the curb. 2/16
correctness is defined Hotel Concierge
as, “the — THE SOUND
avoidance, oftenOFconsidered
as taken to extremes, of
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forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of

people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

For the moment, I hope you can get past any associations you might have and understand that
the intent behind being politically correct is clear: empathy with marginalized groups.

We’re supposedly having a debate between PC and Anti-PC culture, but we can’t have a
debate unless we’re really talking about what we’re really talking about…We have get away
from so much of the false equivalency that surrounds this conversation…we can’t miss the only
two sides that matter:

Victim and victimizer.

Here’s the thing: no.

Film Crit Hulk’s argument has such polished stupidity that it reflects a shining truth: the switch from
“being politically correct” to “PC culture.” This is the sleight of hand common to all defenses of
political correctness. Being politically correct is something you do. PC culture is something you do
to others.

Two case studies, and hold off on your value judgments:

1. Milo Yiannopoulos mocks and misgenders a transgender student.

2. Harvard rescinds 10 admission offers to students who posted offensive memes. (Incidentally—
check out the cover photo of the linked articles.)

Intentionally misgendering someone is an aggressive act. This is true even if transgenderism is

attention whoring or special snowflakism or whatever—misgendering violates the Zeroth
Commandment of “Thou shalt call others by their chosen name.” You can argue that misgendering
is justified, that it’s impractical to cater to every pronoun, that you shouldn’t encourage a society-
wide “mental illness”—we can duke that out elsewhere—but don’t pretend it isn’t an act of

Contrast with the Harvard story: posting offensive memes in a private group chat is not an act of
aggression. It may suggest poor character, it certainly suggests weak judgment, and Harvard has
the right to kick ‘em out, but don’t pretend the dichotomy is between victim and victimizer
when there was no victim.

Discussions of political correctness go nowhere because one team is hurt by the first example and
retaliates with the second, the other is hurt by the second and retaliates with the first, and the
internet makes private public so it’s impossible to tell the difference.

Film Crit Hulk spends the rest of his 8000 word essay on variations of: 3/16
3/26/2018So I’ll ask again: why am I doing Hotel
this? Why— THE SOUND
write OF MANY
about ONEand
politics? Yes, it’s because
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I give a shit. It’s because I feel insanely lucky and want to express endless gratitude. I do not

consider it heroic or anything more self-serving than the simple idea that it is important. It’s
because I feel compelled and passionate about it.

Because I don’t think the world is a joke.

It’s the only one we got and I’m trying to run around with 60 million other Americans and try to
hold it together with duct tape. You can demonize this. You can demonize me. I don’t care.

I don’t think you should stunt like Jesus on the cross when your grand insight is "them
motherfuckers be crazy.” But sure, I’m willing to buy that Hulk believes his own gospel. What he
doesn’t get is that he holds the majority opinion. The Panopticon gives out mad brownie points for
calling out -isms, even private victimless -isms; why wouldn’t it, you’re giving it that much more
power over what used to be privacy. And maybe that’s fine, maybe if you’ve got nothing to hide
you’ve got nothing to fear, but don’t say I didn’t warn you: “When a measure becomes a target, it
ceases to be a good measure." If society subsidizes political correctness, then some virtuous
people will be PC but so will any competent sociopath. And no matter how noble the intentions
behind a policy, when sociopaths exploit that policy, exploit it to shame and punish people who
haven’t done anything wrong—well, you’ve got to admit that’s kind of funny.




27 notes Nov 6th, 2017


3/26/2018 Hotel Concierge — THE SOUND OF MANY ONE HANDS CLAPPING

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In The Company Of Men (1997) opens in an airport where two middle management guys have just
arrived: a bespectacled seborrheic named Howard, and an ex-jock good ol’ boy named…Chad.

Howard walks out of the bathroom. He’s been hit, by a woman, just for asking her the time. Like,
Mountain or Central. “Wait, wait. You’re telling me about some sort of unprovoked assault here?”
Chad says. “Did she give you the time at least?”

Howard doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t even seem to recognize it as a joke. And therein lies the
problem, for him and everyone else.

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3/26/2018 Hotel Concierge — THE SOUND OF MANY ONE HANDS CLAPPING

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If they could have believed that these images only obfuscated or masked the Platonic Idea of
God, there would have been no reason to destroy them. One can live with the idea of distorted
truth. But their metaphysical despair came from the idea that the image didn’t conceal anything
at all, and that these images were in essence not images, such as an original model would have
made them, but perfect simulacra, forever radiant with their own fascination. Thus this death of
the divine referential must be exorcised at all costs. (Simulacra and Simulation)

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“I like the Walrus best,“ said Alice, "because you see he was a little sorry for the poor oysters.”
“He ate more than the Carpenter, though,” said Tweedledee. “You see he held his handkerchief
in front, so that the Carpenter couldn’t count how many he took: contrariwise.”
“That was mean!” Alice said indignantly. “Then I like the Carpenter best—if he didn’t eat so
many as the Walrus.”
“But he ate as many as he could get,” said Tweedledum.
This was a puzzler. After a pause, Alice began, “Well! They were both very unpleasant
characters—” (Through the Looking-Glass)

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3/26/2018 Hotel Concierge — THE SOUND OF MANY ONE HANDS CLAPPING

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Trigger warning for everything that follows: the coddled, over-sensitive, “triggered” millennial
crybaby does not exist. Hold your applause—the COSTMC is an oxymoron because coddling does
not sensitize, it scleroses. Have you met these people? They can’t feel an emotion without an
audience and a week to rehearse. The performative offense of this group results from high
emotional tolerance, not low; sad-rage is heroin to everything else’s Motrin, and no matter how vast
the safe space, some kids are gonna hang at the outskirts hoping to score.

Of course, even the phoniest opportunist has a few real triggers—the type that precludes rage
because you’re numb in the fetal position. And of course, there are many uncoddled e.g.
traumatized people who are genuinely vulnerable to the many, many instances of genuine cruelty
and callousness.

Every community with a code of conduct is a safe space to some extent. My lawyer advises no
comment on whether safe spaces are good or bad in principle, because it depends: who is being
included, who is being excluded, where will they go, and who is enforcing the rules.

My concern is the way these debates are settled. And when the excluded protest against political
correctness—that human resources plot to merge all safe spaces under one state capitalist thumb
—they ditch culture war bushido and strike at whomever can be hurt the most.

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Slate Star Codex, “Some groups of people who may not 100% deserve our eternal scorn,”
defending Harry Potter political analogies:

Comparing politics to your favorite legends is as old as politics and legends. Herodotus used an
extended metaphor between the Persian invasions of his own time and the Trojan War. When
King Edward IV took the English throne in 1461, all anybody could talk about was how it
reminded them of King Arthur. John Dryden’s famous poem Absalom and Achitophel is a
bizarrely complicated analogy of 17th-century English politics to an obscure Biblical story.
Throughout American history people have compared King George to Pharaoh, Benedict Arnold
to Judas, Abraham Lincoln to Moses, et cetera.

Well, how many people know who Achitophel is these days? Even Achilles is kind of pushing it.
So we stick to what we know – and more important, what we expect everyone else will know
too. And so we get Harry Potter.

“But a children’s book?” Look, guys, fantasy is what the masses actually like. They liked it in
Classical Greece, where they had stories like Bellerophon riding a flying horse and fighting the
Chimera. They liked it in medieval Britain, where they would talk about the Knights of the Round
Table slaying dragons as they searched for the Holy Grail. The cultural norm where only kids
are allowed to read fantasy guilt-free and everybody else has to read James Joyce is a weird
blip in the literary record which is already being corrected. Besides, James Joyce makes for a
much less interesting source of political metaphors (“The 2016 election was a lot like Finnegan’s
Wake: I have no idea what just happened”)

Hoo boy did he walk into that one.

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Who do you think is running Congress? Farmers? Engineers? Teachers? Businessmen? No,
my friends. Congress is run by lawyers. A lawyer is trained for two things and two things only.
To clarify – that’s one. And to confuse – that’s the other. He does whichever is to his client’s
advantage. (Nashville)

The motives of race-nationalism are different today than in 1939 Germany. In that time and place,
per the Nuremberg Trials, lots of people became Nazis because…that’s they were supposed to do.
When your boss is bumping the new Wagner album and all cool kids are talking eugenics, sharing
Aryan memes, getting mad retweets and faves for their Holocaust jokes—well, you can convince
yourself of just about anything. And no one wants to feel left out.

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RACE 10/16
3/26/2018 Hotel Concierge — THE SOUND OF MANY ONE HANDS CLAPPING

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i’m trying to tell you now, it’s sabotage


A proposition may well be an incomplete picture of a certain situation, but it is always a

complete picture of something.

Scepticism is not irrefutable, but obviously nonsensical, when it tries to raise doubts where no
questions can be asked. For doubt can exist only where a question exists, a question only
where an answer exists, and an answer only where something can be said. (Tractatus Logicus-

We thus derive the first law of comedy, that which allows it to travel faster than light. By the logic of
a closed system: if the set-up exists, then so must the punchline. 11/16
3/26/2018 Hotel Concierge — THE SOUND OF MANY ONE HANDS CLAPPING

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Neo-nazi Richard Spencer getting punched in the
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 Springsteen
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The Tower 12/16
hey man there’s a hole in my headHotel
whereConcierge — THE SOUND
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1 And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.

2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and
they dwelt there.

3 And they said one to another: ‘Come, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.’ And they
had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.

4 And they said: 'Come, let us build us a city, and a tower, with its top in heaven, and let us
make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.’

5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

6 And the LORD said: 'Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is
what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do.

7 Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one
another’s speech.’

8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left
off to build the city.

9 Therefore was the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the
language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of
all the earth. (Genesis 11:1–9)

In Sunday School or Illustrated Classics, we are taught that God punished humanity for hubris, for
daring to disobey Mesopotamian zoning laws. That’s not what it says here.

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The Subprime Directive 13/16
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no one likes us / i don’t know why


Trying to extract useful information from the 24-hour thinkpiece cycle is like trying to learn English
by listening to low fidelity death metal: the signal to noise ratio is very, very low. (Admittedly, kind of
a silly comparison—one imbues the audience with depraved bloodlust for unspeakable atrocities,
the other is a genre of music.) The cacophony of 40,000 anhedonics exhausting every topical
combination of syllables would be enough to institutionalize the Dalai Lama; words are infectious;
once you find yourself forming political opinions about internet memes, your life is game over, A + B
+ Select + Start. I mean damn, I love pattern matching as much as the next former toy-sorter, but
sometimes it’s okay to accept that a cigar is a cigar and a butterfly in New Mexico was having a
bad day.

If you do want to stay “informed,” instead of doing something worthwhile like working at a soup
kitchen or practicing the yo-yo, my advice is that you train yourself to zoom out. No one post-
puberty will make a significant error of deductive reasoning. Nothing horrifies a teenager like
hypocrisy: the first thing we learn out of Eden is how to circle A —> B around into Z —> A. Logic is
easy, ask any expert on Aether. Nor will anyone worth rap battling commit a decisive factual error. 14/16
Our Hotel Concierge
flat earth has enough case studies — THE
to support SOUND
even theOFmost
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schizophrenic. Further, we humans of latitude have practiced the art of the squeal since our first

lung expansion. We may be terrible at diagnosis, but we are the GOAT at identifying symptoms. So
when you roll up your sleeves to shadowbox with a Bad Argument, you are going to face an
internally consistent worldview backed by genuine hurt and fitting examples. This is why change is
so difficult, and why other people are so infuriating: the problem is not bias, it is incompleteness.
The only way out is to spot what is not included, the lie of omission, which requires perspective.
Any given data point is both true and meaningless, a straight line across points makes you
Nostradamus. Most arguments are nonsense, but when everyone chooses the same type of
nonsense, that tells you something very interesting indeed.

With this methodology in mind, it is my contention that three of the most prevalent post-election
news trends are designed with a single goal in mind: to prevent you from looking too closely at this

—while humanity gets crunched into Google AdWords and fed to Cthulhu. The end of all things will
be search engine optimized, at least we can take comfort in that.

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