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Business Communication

Business Communication is any communication used to promote a product, service,

or organization – with the objective of making sale. In business communication, message is
conveyed through various channels of communication including internet, print (publications),
radio, television, outdoor, and word of mouth.

In business, communication is considered core among business, interpersonal skills and


Historical background
Thousands years ago, people used to communicate orally. Greeks used a phonetic alphabet
written from left to right. After that, many books appeared on written communication
principles. As a result of this, Greek started her very first library.

When communism was ruling China, communication had become the biggest challenge not
only within the vast government, but also between the government and people of China.
Postal services were then; launched in China. Rome introduced the postal service after China.
After that paper and printing press was invented in china that made communication much

Hence, today’s principles of communication are founded on a mixture of ancient oral and
written traditions.

It’s an arrangements between individuals and groups in human society that structure
relationships and activities (Business, Political, Religious or social). In other words, an
organization is a group of people identified by shared interests or purpose.

Effective Business Communication

A two-way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message
that is easily understood by the receiving party. Effective communication by business
managers facilitates information sharing between company employees and can substantially
contribute to its commercial success.

For business communication to be effective these qualities are essential:

1. Establish clear hierarchy

2. Use visual communication
3. Conflict Management
4. Consider Cultural Issues
5. Good Written communication

Face-to-face communication helps to establish a personal connection and will help sell the
product or service to the customer. These interactions can portray a whole different message
than written communication as tone, pitch, and body language is observed. Information is
easier to access and delivered immediately with interactions rather than waiting for an email
or phone call. Conflicts are also easily resolved this way, as verbal and non-verbal cues are
observed and acted upon. Communicating professionally is very important as one is
representing the company. Speak clearly and ask questions to understand the needs and
wants, let the recipient respond as one resolves the issue. Decisions are made more
confidently during a face-to-face interaction as the recipient asks questions to understand and
move forward with their decision.


When using email to communicate in the business world, it is important to be careful with the
choice of words. Miscommunication is very frequent as the reader does not have access to the
non-verbal cues that are available in face to face spoken communication, the pitch, tone, body
language and facial expression. Before beginning an email, make sure the email address one
is using is appropriate and professional, as is the message one has composed. Ensure that the
message is clear and to the point so that the recipient understands clearly the sender's intent.
Make sure to include the sender's signature, title, and other contact information at the end.


When making a business call, make it clear who is on the line and where one is from as well
as one's message when on the phone. Smile and have a positive attitude as the recipient will
be able to read the caller and that will affect how they react. When leaving a message, make
sure one is clear and brief. One should state their name and who they are and the purpose for
contacting them. If replying to a voicemail, try to respond as soon as possible and take into
consideration the time of day. Don't call too early or too late, as it is important to respect
other's time. Also be mindful of where one is and the noise level as well as the people one is
around when trying to reach someone by phone.

When making a sales call, hope for the person one are trying to connect to does not answer
the phone. Leave up to five enticing messages and one's target audience will be ready to
speak when one either gets a call back or one calls and reaches the person. The enticing
message prepares the person to speak to the representative. It may be that the person is not
interested based on what one had said in each voice message. Always be polite and accept
that one may have many more to call. If the individual is reached, one might ask if there
might be someone better suited for the advertised program.

If one is calling and leaving voice messages, include time of availability for call backs. There
is nothing worse than a call back coming to one when one is not available. Use the telephone
as a great communication tool. Be polite and always put oneself in the other person's position.
For more tips on making business calls and leaving enticing messages see Harlan J Brown's
book on Telephone Participation.


When listening to another employee or customer speak it is very important to be an active

listener. Here are some obstacles that you might have to overcome:

 Filters and Assumptions

 Biases and Prejudices
 Inattention and Impatience
 Surrounding Environment

A good way to overcome these factors is by using "LOTS" Better Communication method.
This method includes four steps in order to produce good listening skills and the ability to
respond with an educated statement. The four steps to this method are:

1. Listen
2. Observe
3. Think
4. Speak

Choice of Means and Mode of Communication - Choosing the right means and mode of
communication plays a vital role in the effectiveness of the message being communicated and
such a choice depends on various factors such as:

Organization Size and Policy - If the organisation is small, probably more communication
will be oral, than in larger organizations where it may be in writing. The policy for
communication also would play a major role in influencing one's choice of mode of

Cost Factor - The main point to be considered here would be to evaluate whether the cost
involved in sending the message would be commensurate with the results expected.

Nature of Message - Whether the message is confidential in nature, urgent or important etc.
and whether a matter would require hand delivery or be set by registered post etc. also
influences the choice of mode and means of communication.

Distance Involved - Whether the message to be sent is also another vital factor which could
influence the choice of means and modes of communication. For example, if a letter is to be
sent to a partner in a joint venture in Japan and it is urgent, you would not think of sending
someone to personally deliver it.

Resources - The resources available to both the sender and receiver would also influence
your choice. You can only send a fax if the other person/organization has a fax machine.
Therefore, we can see that the choice of a particular mode and means of communication will
depend on a case to case basis and is influenced by various factors.

Choosing communication method
When choosing a media of communication, it is important to consider who are the respective
audience and the objective of the message itself. Rich media are more interactive than lean
media and provide the opportunity for two-way communication: the receiver can ask
questions and express opinions easily in person.[5] To help such decision, one may roughly
refer to the continuum shown below.

From Richer to Leaner[6]

1.Face-to-Face Meeting
2.In-Person Oral Presentation
3.Online Meeting
6.Phone Call
7.Voice Message

15. Memo

Types of Business Communication

There are two types of business communication in an organization:

 Internal Communication
 External Communication

1. Internal Communication

Communication within an organization is called “Internal Communication”. It

includes all communication within an organization. It may be informal, formal function, or
department providing communication in various forms to employees.

Effective internal communication is a vital mean of addressing organizational

concerns. Good communication may help to increase job satisfaction, safety, productivity,
and profits and decrease grievances and turnover.

Under Internal Business Communication types, there come:

 Upward Communication
Upward communication is the flow of information from subordinates to superiors, or from
employees to management. Without upward communication, management works in a vacuum, not
knowing if the messages have been received properly, or if other problems exist in the organization.
By definition, communication is a two-way affair. Yet for effective two-way organizational
communication to occur, it must begin from the bottom.

Upward Communication is a mean for the staff to:

 Exchange information
 Offer ideas
 Express enthusiasm
 Achieve job satisfaction
 Provide feedback

 Downward Communication
Information flowing from the top of the organizational management hierarchy and telling people
in the organization what is important (mission) and what is valued (policies). Downward
communication generally provides information – which allows a subordinate to do something. For
example, instructions on how to complete a task. Downward communication comes after upward
communications have been successfully established.

This type of communication is needed in an organization to:

 Transmit vital information

 Give instructions
 Encourage 2-way discussion
 Announce decisions
 Seek cooperation
 Provide motivation
 Boost morale
 Increase efficiency
 Obtain feedback

 Horizontal/Literal communication
Horizontal communication normally involves coordinating information, and allows people with
the same or similar rank in an organization to cooperate or collaborate. Communication among
employees at the same level is crucial for the accomplishment of the assigned work.

Horizontal Communication is essential for:

 Solving problems
 Accomplishing tasks
 Improving teamwork
 Building goodwill
 Boosting efficiency

2. External Communication

Communication with people outside the company is called “external communication”.

Supervisors communicate with sources outside the organization, such as vendors and

It leads to better:

 Sales volume
 Public credibility
 Operational efficiency
 Company profits

It should improve:

 Overall performance
 Public goodwill
 Corporate image

Ultimately, it helps to achieve:

 Organizational goals
 Customer satisfaction

Application letter

Like your resume, your application letter is a summary of your experience, skills, and
achievements. However, the letter is written in greater detail and with an eye towards
demonstrating your personality. There are two types of application letters: solicited and

How can write an application letter ?

1. Write an engaging first paragraph. ...
2. State where you found the position to which you are applying. ...
3. Explain why hiring you will benefit the employer. ...
4. Briefly summarize your strengths, qualifications, and experience. ...
5. Paint a picture of yourself that's not on your resume.

What is a application letter for a job ?

A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a job application document sent with your
resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. The letter of application is
intended to provide detailed information on why are you are qualified for the job you
are applying for.

5 Types of Cover Letters for Your Job Search
When you are job hunting it's important to choose the appropriate cover letter for the
letter's goal. There are different types of cover letters including application letters,
letters of interest, and networking letters.

The cover letter you use will be determined by whether you are applying directly for a
job or seeking job search help.

Select the Right Type of Cover Letter

Be sure to choose a type of cover letter that reflects how you are applying for the job
or the type of job search assistance you are requesting.

Your cover letter should be designed specifically for that particular purpose and
customized for each position you seek.

General Types of Cover Letters

 Application Letter.
 An application letter is written to apply for a specific job opening. (sample
cover letters)
 Referral Cover Letter.
 A referral cover letter mentions the name of a person who referred you to a job
(sample referral cover letters)
 Letter of Interest.
 A letter of interest, also known as a prospecting letter, inquires about possible
job openings at a company. (sample letters of interest)

 Networking Letter.
 Networking letters request job search advice and assistance. (sample
networking letters)

 Value Proposition Letter.

A value proposition is a brief statement explaining what makes the candidate

unique. (sample value proposition letters)

Cover Letter Examples for Job Applications

Each cover letter that you write for a specific job opening should be targeted for that position.

Be sure to include details about how your professional experience relates to the qualifications
and requirements listed in the job posting. This makes it easy for the hiring manager to
determine that you're a good candidate.

 Job Application Letter

 Letter of Application
 Customized Cover Letter with Career Highlights
 When You're Applying for More Than One Job
 Cover Letter for a Job Promotion

Example Letters to Inquire About Openings

Your dream company may not advertise a job opening and there is a chance that
they're always seeking talented individuals. Take the initiative and send a letter with
your resume to let them know that you're available and interested in working for them.

 Letter of Interest (or Prospecting Letter)

 Value Proposition Cover Letter
 Cold Contact Cover Letter
 Letters That Sell Your Skills and Experience

Sample Letters Asking for Job Search Help

The people you know can be your greatest resource when it comes to seeking a new job.
Don't be afraid to ask for help from family, friends, colleagues and successful business
professionals. Most will be happy to help you if they can and they may know of the perfect
opportunity for you.

 Writing Letters to Ask for Job Search Help

 Requesting an Informational Meeting

Application Letter
What is Application Letter?

In another word, an application letter is also called as a cover letter. It is considered to be the
important document which you can send with your resume. In this document, you can add
information related to your skills and experiences. This letter basically gives the reason to the
employer to appoint you because it states your qualification for the particular job.

Have you found the perfect job opportunity? If yes, then definitely you will plan to send your
resume. It is important to send a resume but before that, you also need to submit an
application letter or cover letter.

Many people think it to be the waste of time. Writing tailor made application letter is not the
waste of time but it can add more value to your resume. In this letter, you can explain to your
employer that you can be a great asset to the team in order to perform a particular task. This
letter can open the door of employment for you if you perfectly highlight your skills.

In such letter, let the employer know the position for which you are applying. The aim of
your letter should be that you are called for an interview. It is said to be the first
correspondence which you will have with an employer. Employer finds it easy to judge the
applicant with the assistance of this letter.

Competition is tough and so it is important for your application to stand out.

Application Letter Writing Tips

In order to write strong letter of application, it is important for you to follow below-
mentioned tips:

Always write application letter

Yes, it is always advisable to write an application letter until and unless the employer
specifically does not mention details related to not sending such a letter. In the case, when a
company does not ask for application letter but also does not offer any kind of restrictions,
then in such scenario you should definitely send your application letter. Emailing such a letter
is also a considerable option.

Make use of business letter format

If you want to make such letter effective, then make use of business letter format. Friendly
letter format is strictly not allowed. In business letter format, you should always add contact
information at the top. Don’t forget to add salutation at the beginning and signature at the

Mention your skills and abilities

Understand that in such a letter, you are selling yourself. So it is important to mention your
skills and abilities in detail but without exaggerating. See to it that skills you mention can
benefit the company. If required, you can also add numerical values to your

Make use of key phrases or keywords

Have you read the job listing carefully? If yes, then circle the important phrases mentioned in
the job listing. Use those phrases in your application letter in order to create a good impact on
an employer.

Write concise letter

It is important to write a concise letter because the employer will not be interested in reading
a long letter. Your letter should not include more than 4 paragraphs.

Editing is important

Don’t just submit your letter without proofreading it. It is important to edit in order to avoid
any kind of errors. Editing can allow you to get rid of grammar and spelling errors.

First Step is Preparing Your Letter

 It is important for you to get familiar with the requirements of the job application. You
can get familiar when you know the set of requirements and set of your skills. Correlate
requirements as well as your skills and mention them effectively in your job
application letter.
 Don’t forget to add contact information on the top of the letter. This can make it easy
for a prospective employer to get in touch with you when needed. You can include
details like name, address, phone number, email address, LinkedIn profile details etc.
 In this letter, it is important for you to add the company related information. Name of
the employer, job title, company name, address etc. can be added in your job
application letter. Writing contact information of the company can allow an employer
to now that you are actually interested in the job offer.
 Never address your letter in a way like, “To Whomsoever It May Concern”. It is
important to address the letter to the right person.

Second Step is Writing Your Letter

 The first paragraph of your letter should always be engaging. You can add strong and
declarative statements. In short and specific manner, you can write the reason that
attracted you towards a particular job.
 It is important for you as a candidate to know the details about the post for which you
planning to apply. Inquire about the company and find out if you know anyone in the
company. It is always good to have a reference. It is important for you to mention the
source from where you found the job application in your letter. The source can be
anything like newspaper advertisement, job site, any particular employee reference etc.
 State the benefits of hiring you as a new employee for a particular task. Mention the
accomplishments that you have achieved before but only if it is related to the job that
you are applying now.
 In the second paragraph, you need to mention your skills that can show your strength
and experience. Look at the skills that you have mentioned in your CV and describe
briefly about it in your job application letter.

Third Step is Finishing Your Letter

 End your letter by summarizing, in short, that why you are the perfect candidate for a
particular job position.
 Conclude the letter by thanking your employer or hiring manager and show your
interest in further conversations or interviews.
 Show respect while signing off the letter and it can be shown by writing, ‘Yours
 Don’t forget to write your name underneath and sign a letter.


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