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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code: J7601


First Semester

Applied Electronics


(Common to M.E. — Communication Systems and M.E. – Computer and


(Regulation 2009)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer ALL Questions

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Mention any two properties of a wide sense stationary (WSS) random process?

2. Write down the Wiener-Khintchine relation applied to random processes.

3. Mention the non-parametric methods of parameter estimation.

4. If the output random process y(n )is obtained by filtering WSS random process
x (n )with a stable LSI filter, h(n ) write down the relation between y(n )and
x (n )in terms of autocorrelation. Given that the autocorrelation of x (n ) is
rx k .)

5. State the Least Mean-Squared Error criterion.

6. Write down the system function H (z ) for a causal FIR Wiener filter.

7. What do you mean by adaptive channel equalization?

8. What is the purpose of normalized LMS algorithm?

9. Give an example for a polyphase filter structure.

10. Define a synthesis filter bank with a neat block diagram.

PART B —(5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) (i) State and prove the spectral factorization theorem. (8)

(ii) Show that the DFT of rx (k) is equal to magnitude squared value of
the spectrum of x (n )multiplied by . (8)


(b) (i) The autocorrelation sequence of a discrete random signal is

R x (k) = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 ]. Obtain a third order AR model by solving
Yule-Walker equations. Assume the modeling error as 0.1. (8)

(ii) Discuss in detail the significance of Parseval’s theorem. (8)

12. (a) Find the power spectrum for each of the following wide sense stationary
random processes that have the autocorrelation sequence given by:

(i) rx (k)= 2δ (k) + jδ (k − 1) − jδ (k − 1)

rx (k) = δ (k)+ 2(0.5) .

(ii) (8 + 8)


(b) (i) Discuss the Blackman Tukey method of power spectrum estimation
in detail. (8)

(ii) Bartlett’s method is used to estimate the power spectrum of a

process from a sequence of N = 2000 samples. What is the minimum
length L that may be used for each sequence if we are to have a
resolution of ∆ f = 0.005? (8)

13. (a) (i) Outline the procedure for design of a causal IIR Wiener filter that
produces minimum mean square estimate of x (n ). (8)

(ii) Explain forward linear prediction (FLP) and backward linear

prediction (BLP) with suitable examples. (8)


(b) (i) Briefly explain the usefulness of discrete Kalman filter in the
context of estimation of non-stationary processes. (6)

(ii) A random process x (n ) is generated as follows, x (n )

= αx (n − 1) + v(n )+ βv(n − 1)where v(n ) is white noise with mean,
mv and variance σ v Design a first order linear predictor,

x (n + 1) = w (0 )x (n ) + w()
1 x (n − 1) which minimizes the mean square
error in the prediction of x (n + 1) and find the minimum mean
square error. (10)

2 J7601
14. (a) (i) Explain how an adaptive linear predictor can be designed using the
Least Mean Square algorithm with a suitable example. (8)
(ii) Draw the block diagram of a symbol rate echo canceller and
explain. (8)

(b) (i) Write a detailed note on exponentially weighted Recursive Least
Square algorithm. (8)
(ii) With the aid of a neat schematic diagram describe how the problem
of adaptive channel equalization can be solved. (8)

15. (a) (i) Explain the need for sampling rate conversion by a rational factor
and how is it achieved. (8)
(ii) What do you mean by multi-resolution analysis and explain how
wavelet transforms can be used for this purpose. (8)

(b) (i) Enumerate the procedure involved in multistage implementation of
a multi-rate system. (8)
(ii) Develop an expression for the output y(n ) as a function of the input
x (n ) for the multi-rate structure of Fig. 15 (b)-(ii). (8)

Fig. 15 (b) – (ii)


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