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Can Low-Level 50/60 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields Cause Biological Effects?

Author(s): P. A. Valberg, R. Kavet, C. N. Rafferty

Source: Radiation Research, Vol. 148, No. 1 (Jul., 1997), pp. 2-21
Published by: Radiation Research Society
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Accessed: 13/09/2010 00:53

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RADIATION RESEARCH 148, 2-21 (1997)
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Can Low-Level50/60 Hz Electricand MagneticFields

Cause BiologicalEffects?
P. A. Valberg,*t R. Kavet* and C. N. Rafferty*

*GradientCorporation,44 BrattleStreet,Cambridge,Massachusetts02138;tHarvardSchool of Public Health,665 HuntingtonAvenue,

Boston, Massachusetts02115;and tElectricPower ResearchInstitute,3412 HillviewAvenue,Palo Alto, California94303

tions observed between 50/60 Hz EMFs and disease reflect a

Valberg, A., Kavet, R. and Rafferty,C. N. Can Low-Level causal relationship is not supported by what is known about
50/60 Hz Electricand MagneticFields Cause BiologicalEffects? mechanisms. ? 1997 by Radiation Research Society
Radiat.Res. 148, 2-21 (1997).
Some epidemiologicalstudieshave suggestedthat exposureto EPIDEMIOLOGICAL
ambient,low-level 50/60 Hz electricand magneticfields (EMFs) STIMULATEDRESEARCHINTO THE MECHANISMS
increases risk of disease. Whetherthis association has a causal OF ELECTRICAND MAGNETICFIELDS
basis depends in part on whether the electrical, chemical and
mechanical "signals" induced within living cells by ambient The widespread use of electric power results in exposure
EMFs are detectablein the complexmilieu of voltages, currents of humans to low-level 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields
and forces presentwithin the living organism.Magneticrespon-
siveness has been found in some animals and bacteria;aquatic (EMFs). Interest in the health effects of EMFs has been
animals(e.g. sharksand rays) can sense weak electricfields. We motivated by several epidemiological studies reporting
outline the physics of several mechanismsby which EMFs may weak associations between surrogate measures of EMF
interact:(1) Energytransferby accelerationof ions and charged exposure and childhood cancers (1) and cancers in workers
proteins modifies cell membranesand receptor proteins; how- (2-4). The childhood studies have primarily used "wire
ever, EMFenergiesare far belowthose typicalof biomoleculesin codes" (utility-wire configurations outside the home) to
the cell. (2) Electricfields inducedinside the body exert force on rank the probable contribution of nearby power lines to the
electric chargesand electric moments;however,these forces are exposure of individuals to magnetic fields [ranging from
considerablysmallerthan typical biologicalforces.(3) The mag- 0.01 to 1.5 pT (0.1 to 15 mG)]. Occupational studies have
netic moments of ferromagnetic particles and free radical used job category in combination with some on-site meas-
molecules interact with magnetic fields, but magnetic-moment urements of magnetic fields. Weak epidemiological associ-
sensory cells have not been found in humans, and modification ations can only raise the possibility of a causal link between
of radicalrecombinationrates by EMFsin a biologicalsystem is
low-level EMFs and adverse health effects in humans.
highly problematic.(4) ResonantinteractionsinvolveEMFsdriv-
ing vibrational or orbital transitions in ion-biomolecule com- Establishing causality is much more difficult and requires,
plexes; these mechanisms conflict with accepted physics, and among other things, identifying mechanistic processes that
many experimentaltests have not found the predictedeffects. (5) are both responsive to EMFs at levels relevant to human
Temporalaveragingor spatial summationcan improvethe ratio exposure and consistent with known principles of physics,
of "signal" to "noise" in any system, but this "mechanism" chemistry and biology.
requires biological structures and neural processes having the The interactions of electric and magnetic fields with
necessarycapabilitiesof EMF detectionand temporalaveraging matter are governed by precise and exhaustively verified
that have not been found in humans. In summary, biological scientific laws, with no known exceptions in biology and
effects in humans due to extremelylow-frequencyEMFs of the medicine. Thermodynamics also provides a powerful
order of those found in residential environments[-2 pT (-20
and verified analytical framework, with no known viola-
mG)] are implausiblebased on currentunderstandingof physics
and biology. Biological effects in humans at higher fields [>10 tions in biology and medicine. Our analysis proceeds on
the basis of these laws, one consequence of which is that
pT (>100 mG)] might reach plausibilityas a resultof time-aver-
aging in combination with a magnetic-moment transduction the "signal" generated by environmental EMFs in body
mechanism;but even here, neitherspecializedEMFtransduction tissues is generally small in comparison to the electrical
structures nor appropriate averaging networks have been "noise" produced by thermal motions of charged ions
demonstrated.The hypothesisthat the epidemiologicalassocia- and molecules and by endogenous processes in cells.


EMF METRIC membranesoric
Sensoryeffect Transient,
normalvariation reversible Disease
No amplification No functional No adverseeffects
Not perceptible
by consequences
No transduction
FIG. 1. ConnectingEMF exposureto a disease requiresplausiblylinkingtogether a series of causalsteps. The links of the chain representthe
sequenceof eventsnecessaryif EMFexposureleads to disease;the arrowsleadingawayfromthe chainare alternativeoutcomes.The firststep, trans-
duction,has not been establishedfor typicalEMF levels. Even aftertransduction,additionalsteps are required,and reachingan adversehealtheffect
is only one of manyalternativeoutcomes.

Our quantitativecomparisonof signal and noise evalu- some absorptionof EMF energymustoccuror therecan be
ates the effectivenessof candidatemechanismsat 50/60Hz no effect.As shownin Fig. 1, for observablebiological(and
"benchmark"levels of EMFs that are at the high end of possiblyadversehealth)effectsto followtransduction, a cas-
typicalhumanexposurelevels, namely0.1 mT (1 G) mag- cade of sequentialevents at the molecular,cellularand tis-
netic field1and 1 kV/m electric field. These "benchmark" sue level wouldbe required,leadingwithoutinterruptionto
levels are usefulnot only becausethey representthe upper the finaloutcome.Figure1 also illustratesmultiplepointsin
levels of ambient50/60Hz EMFs,but also becausethey are the causalchainwherethe signalproducedmightbe within
"unit" levels, simplifying the scaling of conclusions to normalvariationsand would thereforehave no functional
higheror lowerfieldlevels. consequences.The firstmechanisticor transductionstep in
thismultisteppathwayhasbeen one of the mostelusive.
EMF "TRANSDUCTION"IS THE FIRST STEP IN THE Identifyingthe correct measure of EMF exposure, the
BIOEFFECTCAUSALCHAIN EMF metric,requiresunderstanding the biologicaleffectsat
a molecularlevel. Sincethe healthandviabilityof the human
Interactionsamongelectriccharges(on ions, molecules, body dependin a fundamentalway on the normalstructure
proteinsand membranes)are fundamentalto most biologi- and functionof largemolecules(e.g. proteins,nucleicacids,
cal phenomena. Hence one can imagine that exposure to carbohydratesand lipids), a theory on the mechanismof
environmentalEMFs,whichexertforces on fixed and mov- EMFsmustpredicthow EMFscouldinterferewith or mod-
ing charges,may have the potentialto modulatebiological ify the normalsynthesis,function or degradationof these
function.Confirmationof this possibilityrequiresquantita- molecules.A theoryof the mechanismsof EMF interaction
tive examinationof the forcesprovidedby EMFsrelativeto shouldpredictthresholdsof exposureeffectivenessin terms
the forcesthatmodifybiologicalfunction. of EMF amplitude,frequency,onset, intermittency,coher-
For EMFsto causeor exacerbatediseasein humans,they ence,exposureduration,polarization,etc.
wouldhave to triggera seriesof sequentialstepsthatlead to
the disease outcome. The causal chain (see Fig. 1) would SensorySystemsDetectWeakSignalsUsingBiophysically
begin with exposure of humansto some particular(as yet PlausibleProcesses
undefined)aspectof power-lineEMFs.To completethe first Sensorycapabilitiesincludenot only light,sound,chemi-
step, EMFs must interact with biological molecules (or cals and pressure,but also acceleration,position, gravity,
structures)in sucha way as to altertheirsize, shape,charge, heat and the passage of time. The physiologicalliterature
chemicalstate or energy.In this energy"transduction" step, describesover 50 sensorymodalities(5, 6). Sensorysystems
providewell-studiedmechanismsby whichorganismstrans-
duce energyin the environmentinto informationusefulfor
1Although tesla (T) is the appropriate (Systeme International) survival.The visual system is an example where receptor
unit of magnetic field, we occasionally use gauss (G) and milligauss cells in the retina are sensitive at the quantumlimit; they
(mG) becausethey are commonlyused units.The conversionis 10,000G to the absorptionof a singlephoton.Any influence
= 1 T, or, for example,1,000mG = 1 G = 10-4T = 0.1 mT = 100 pT. The respond
that weak-field EMFs have on humanhealth may likewise
equationsin this paperrequireuse of SI units.In cases where a calcula-
tion requiresa specificfrequency,60 Hz has been used, althougha com- require remarkable sensitivity,but necessarilysupportedby
parable result can be calculatedfor a powerfrequencyof 50 Hz. a mechanisticcause-and-effect relationship.

Sensorysystemsrepresentthe end productof manymil- sources. The relative orientation of the different fields is
lions of years of survivalpressure. Bialek's review (5) of important;it is the vectorsum of fieldsfromall sourcesthat
the physical limits to sensation and perception provides interactswith the biologicalsystemand not the individualE
lessons that are useful in the context of EMFs. Bialek's andB fieldsfromeach separatesource.
general conclusions are: (1) No "new" physics has been Time-varyingE and B fields also can exhibit linear or
necessaryto understandthe limits of performancefor sen- circular polarization or a combination of the two. This
sory systems. "Limitsto the detectabilityof small stimuli term refers to the manner in which the vector varies in
are set by noise." (2) Some sensory systems operate close time. In "linearpolarization,"the field vector remainspar-
to the physicallimit, but none have been found to violate allel to a single direction,but cyclicallychangesmagnitude
physical principles. In fact, Bialek states: "Perhaps[our] and polarityalong this line. In "circularpolarization,"the
most important [advance]has been the realization that a vectorremainsconstantin size, but rotatesin direction[i.e.
sensorysystemthat reachesthe physicallimitsto its perfor- traces out a circle 60 (or 50) times a second]. A combina-
manceis exceptional." tion of circularand linearpolarizationresultsin "elliptical
Bialek states in his summary that "The case studies polarization,"whichmeans that the field vector tracesout
reviewed...provide examples of single receptor cells that an ellipse. Linearlypolarizedmagneticfields are produced
performtheir appointedtaskswith a precisionand reliabil- by currentsin circuitsand coils where the currentsare all
ity that approaches the limits imposed by the laws of in phase (rise and fall in step). Circular(or elliptical)polar-
physics."Livingsystemshave been foundto be constrained izationrequirespresenceof currentsthat are out of phase,
by noise limits in the crucialarea of sensorytransduction, e.g. orthogonal,out-of-phaselaboratorycoils, or electrical
and EMFs should be consideredin that context. Accurate circuits with out-of-phase currents, or nearby "three-
analysisof noise limitsis likelyto be an overridingconsider- phase" transmissionlines. A rotating permanentmagnet
ationin judgingthe plausibilityof any mechanism. also producescircularlypolarizedmagneticfields.


Electric(E) and Magnetic(B) FieldsExertForceon
E and B fields exert force on electric charges, and the
All matter contains electricallychargedparticles(elec- total force (F) on an electricchargeof magnitudeq is com-
trons and protons), and the fundamentalunit of charge is posed of a contributionfrom the electricfield and a contri-
the coulomb (C). Separation of the charges in neutral butionfromthe magneticfield:
objects requires work, and the work-per-unit-charge
(joules per coulomb) is a unit called volts (V). Electric F = qE + q(v x B). (1)
chargesexert force on each other, and the size of the force
at a particularpoint is proportionalto the electricfield, E, The firsttermon the right-handside of Eq. (1) gives the
at that point. The size of the electric field decreases with coulomb force, the force exerted by the electric field on a
distancefrom the source.The units of the electricfield (the charge,actingin the directionof the electricfield.The unit
electricforce-per-unit-charge) can be expressedas newtons of force in the metric system is the newton (N); for exam-
per coulomb, but these units are equivalent to the more ple, the forceon a unitelectriccharge(1.6 x 10-19C) can be
commonunit for electricfield,volts per meter (V/m). expressedas:
Electric current is a movement of electric charge;the
units of electric current are coulombs per second, or 1.6 x 10-7
F (electricforce per unit charge) = {pN}, (2)
amperes(A), and electriccurrentproducesa magneticfield
(B). The size of the magnetic field is proportionalto the
amount of current, but decreases with distance from the m
electriccurrent.The unit for magneticfield (force-per-unit-
current-element)is newtonsper amp-meter,whichis equiv- wherepN is a piconewton= 10-12 N. A 10-pm-diameter cell
alent to the magnetic-fieldunit,tesla (T). Anothercommon "weighs"about 5 pN (in air), so to supportit in an electric
unit of magnetic field is the gauss (G) (1 T = 10,000 G), field of 1 V/m would requirethat it be chargedwith about
wherel/l,ooo of a gaussis a milligauss(mG). 32 millionelectrons.
The second term in Eq. (1) is the magnetic-field
Electric (E) and Magnetic (B) Fields Are Vectors (Have "Lorentz"force, and it shows that the magnitude of the
Direction and Magnitude) force exerted on an electricchargeby the magneticfield is
E and B fields are vectors,meaningthat they are speci- proportionalto the product of the size of the charge, its
fied by both a magnitude and a direction, and the vector velocity and the magneticfield. Moreover,the meaningof
natureis indicatedby an arrowover the symbols,e.g. (E) the vector cross product (x) is that the force acts at right
and (B). The moment-by-moment vector sum may be angles to both the magnetic field and the velocity. If the
largeror smaller than the fields attributableto individual velocityandmagneticfield are perpendicular,the force is at

a maximum,but if they are parallel, the force exerted by External EMFs Create Fields and Currentsin Body Tissues
the magneticfield is zero. Since no componentof the mag- In a conductingbody, some electrical charges are free
netic-fieldforce acts in the directionof the chargedparti- to move, and these charges position themselves in
cle's motion, the magnetic field cannot speed up or slow response to an external electric field so that the internal
downthe particle;thatis, a constantB fieldcannotchangea electric field is close to zero. At zero frequency, or d.c.
charged particle's kinetic energy, but it can change the (directcurrent),chargesmove to body surfacesso that the
directionof motion. cancellationis exact, and the internalelectric field is zero.
The electric field exerts force on chargedparticlesand For a.c. (alternating current) electric fields, the charges
can cause them to move if they are not fixed in place. If mustflow back and forth to maintainthe cancellation,and
chargesare free to move, the materialis called "electrically a small internalelectric field drivesthis flow. Because the
conducting,"and, in most materials,the resultingcurrent, electrical resistance (or "impedance")of living tissues is
J, can be representedby a (currentdensity) vector that is very muchsmallerthan the electricalimpedanceof air, the
proportionalin size to the electricfield and parallelto it: internalfield is quite small, with the ratio of internaland
externalelectric fields approximatelyequal to the ratio of
J = -E. (3) these impedances:

The constantof proportionality,a, is the electricalconduc-

internal E field Ei
tivityof the tissueand has unitsof siemensper meter (S/m).
external E field EOI
Conductivityis the inverseof resistivity,and S/m is equiva-
lent to 1/(fl-m) or A/(V-m); conductivityof humantissue
rangesfromabout0.05 (bone, fat, lungs)to 0.6 (blood) S/m; resistivityof tissue (1/a)
the conductivityof copperis 600,000S/m. (6)
impedanceof air (1/We)

Electric and Magnetic Fields Contain Energy Here, Eis the dielectricconstantof air, u is the conductivity
In additionto exertingforce on electriccharges,an elec- of tissue (0.05 to 0.6 S/m), and w is the EMF frequency(at
tricfieldcontainsenergy: 60 Hz, w = 377 radians/s).Equation(6) tells us that,for d.c.
fields (t = 0), there is zero internalelectricfield;at 60 Hz,
the resistivity (p = 1/r) of tissue (1.7 to 20 Q-m) is much
electricfieldenergy per unit volume e or2 2 (4) lower than the
impedanceof air (3 x 108f-m); therefore,
the interiorelectricfield is about 10-7to 10-9of the exterior
wheree is the dielectricconstant.In free space or (approxi- field.Thusan external60 Hz electricfield of 1,000V/m pro-
mately) in air, E = Eo= 8.85 x 10-12,where the units for Ecan duces a tissue field of 4 x 10-5V/m (7), whichis equivalent
be given as J/[(V/m)2.m3], C2/(N.m2)or F/m.For example,a to the field producedby connectinga 1.5-V flashlightbat-
1,000-V/melectricfieldhas energyper unitvolumeof about teryacross23 milesof tissue.
4 x 106 J/m3. At low frequencies, cell membranes are much more
Like the electricfield, the magneticfield not only exerts resistivethan eitherthe cytoplasmor the intracellularfluid,
forces on moving charges, but also stores energy. The and most of the tissue-average field appears across cell
amountof energystoredby a field,B, is givenby: membranes. The transmembranefield is approximately
3,000 times the field in the surroundingtissue, so that a
B2 1,000-V/mexternalfield resultsin a cell membranefield of
magneticfield energy per unit volume = 22, 1 (5) 0.12 V/m (8). In areasof the body wheretissueresistanceis
increaseddue to a small cross section and the presence of
low-conductivitybone (e.g. the ankle of a person standing
where t is magneticpermittivity.In free space or (approxi- on one foot), the internalelectric field will be proportion-
mately) in all non-ferrous materials, p = po = 47r x 10-7 = ately higher, maybe 100-fold, but will still be very much
1.257x 10-, wherethe unitsfor tIcan be writtenas m3.T2/J, lower than the external electric field. Equation (6) also
N/A2 or H/m. For example, a 0.1-mT magnetic field has shows that as w increases,the ratio Ei/Eoincreases;there-
energyper unitvolumeof about4 x 10-3J/m3. fore, the interior of the body is exposed to an increasing
By comparison, thermal, kinetic energycontent of liv- fraction of the electricfield at higherfrequencies.At a fre-
ing tissuesis about 2.2 x 108J/m3,or about 1010-fold larger. quency about 1 MHz, the internaland external E fields
The dimensional units of electric and magnetic fields are approximatelythe same size.
identify how EMFs exert a physical influence on matter, Fifty or 60 Hz magneticfields penetrate the body with
and any mechanism of EMFs must necessarilybe a function negligible attenuation. Moreover, time-varyingmagnetic
of EMF "force"or "energy."All effects of EMFs on bio- fieldscreatetime-varyingelectricfields,whichcauseelectric
logical systems must result from the force exerted by the currentsin a conductingobject.The currentsproducedare
electricandmagneticfieldson chargesin the system. proportional to the time rate of change of the magnetic

The Internal Electrical Effects due to Benchmark 50/60 Hz Electric (E) Fields
Benchmark Internal Internalcurrent Cell membrane E field,force Energydeposition
electricfield E field, V/m (7) density,mA/m2(29) field,V/m (8) on 10 charges rate,W/kg(29)

1,000V/m 4 x 10-5 Neck, 0.22 0.12 Tissue: 5.7 x 10-10

(1 kV/m) Chest,0.15 6 x 10-l pN
Ankle, 6.8 Membrane:
2 X 10-7pN

field (B/lat). For example, in a circular loop of radius r, ori- steady currents. Hence transients, i.e. rapid fluctuations or
ented perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, the mag- pulses in the magnetic field, can induce larger electric fields.
netic flux through the loop is given by the product of the Values for the time variations in the range of 40,000 mT/s
field magnitude times the area of the loop, arr2B.If the time have been measured in the proximity of mechanical
variation in B is sinusoidal with a frequency f, then B = Bo switches for light fixtures and other devices (10). Of course,
sin 2irft. Faraday's Law states that multiplying the area of a steady-state aBlat of 0.1 mT/s associated with a 0.3-1iT
the loop (A = rrr2)by aB/at gives the voltage induced, and 50/60 Hz continuous field persists for much longer times
dividing the voltage by the circumference of the loop, 2rrr, than the 40,000-mT/s transient, which may occur over tens
gives the electric field along all points of the loop, if the of nanoseconds. Adair (11) analyzed the effect of short-
electricalconductivityis uniform: term pulses from the point of view of momentum transfer
to calcium ions, macromolecules and individual cells and
concluded that, due to the short duration of such pulses, the
Eind = T dat
B impulse conveyed to cell elements is below thermal noise;
Adair's analysis has been modified by Gailey and Easterly
(12), but the overall conclusions are not affected.
= - r =- -rr r f Bo cos(2rft). (7)
The Faraday effect illustrates how time-varying magnetic
fields exert force on electric charges in the body. For The constituents of matter are in ceaseless (Brownian)
example, an a.c. magnetic field with a peak value of 0.1 motion, the energy of which varies with temperature. Cells
mT (f = 60 Hz) has a aB/lt of 37.7 mT/s, and would pro- are electrically noisy because they contain randomly mov-
duce an induced electric field of 0.0048 V/m around the ing charged ions and molecules, whose fluctuating distribu-
periphery of a (large) human of diameter 50 cm. The field tions give rise to non-uniform distributions of electric
strength (Eq. 7) depends on the size of the loop involved; charge, which produce randomly varying electric fields. This
in a small structure such as a spherical cell of diameter 10 inescapable noise, which depends only on temperature, is
pm, 0.1 mT would induce 10-7 V/m, just inside the cell called "thermal noise" ("Johnson" or "resistor noise"). The
membrane. The average tissue current induced at the product, kT, refers to the average kinetic energy of
periphery of the body by a 0.1-mT 60 Hz field2 is <1 molecules at the absolute temperature T (kelvin; 37?C =
mA/m2. At a more localized level, the current density may 310 K), where k is Boltzmann's constant (k = 1.38 x 10-23
be increased to 10 mA/m2 in pericellular spaces (9). In J/K). The chaotic motions of ions generate electrical noise
more central regions of the body, the currents would be over a wide range of frequencies. Hence the noise energy is
much smaller. In contrast, endogenous pericellular cur- proportional to the size of the frequency band of interest.
rents in the vicinity of firing neurons provide a back- Electrical noise due to random molecular motion can be
ground level of about 1,000 mA/m2 (9). derived from the Johnson-Nyquist expression for the root-
Tables I and II summarize the types of induced voltages, mean-square noise voltage, (VkT),that would be measured
currents and energies produced by benchmark levels of across a two-terminal resistor, R (in ohms, Df), over the fre-
50/60 Hz EMFs. However, when 50/60 Hz currents are quency band of interest, Af:
switched on or off, the time rate of change of magnetic
fields can far exceed the value of aBlat that exists during (VkT) = J4RkTAf. (8)

Although this expression was originally derived for a two-

2If the average conductivityof the body is -0.15 S/m, and J = frE, terminal resistor, the result is quite general and has been
then we can calculatethat a field of 0.0048V/m will producea currentof applied by Adair (8) to estimate the unavoidable electric-
0.72 mA/m2. field noise within the body due to thermal energy. For

The Internal Electrical Effects due to Benchmark50/60 Hz Magnetic(B) Fields
Benchmark Induced Inducedcurrent, Cell membrane E field,force Magneticforce, Energydeposition
magneticfield E field,V/m mA/m2(7, 9) field,V/m (8) on ten charges 0.2-pmparticle rate,W/kg(29)

0.1 mT Body, 4.8 x 10-3 Body, 1.2 14.4 2.3 x 10-5pN 2pN 1.3 x 10-10
(= 1,000mG Heart, 10-3 Heart,0.2 3.0 4.8 x 106 pN (basalmetabolic
-80 A/m) Cell, 2 x 10-7 Cell,0.01 6x 10-4 1.0 x 10- pN rate> 1.0W/kg)
Channel, 10-10 Pericellular,10

example,the resistorcan be a volumeof tissue,in the form If transductionis proposed to occur as a function of the
of a cube of length d on an edge, between two planes of membranevoltage of a single cell, the thermalnoise limit
separationd, that form the terminalsof the resistor.Since for single-cell effects is given in terms of membranevolt-
thermal, electrical-fieldnoise can be calculated from the age fluctuations, namely 1.3 x 10-5V. Electric fields of
thermal noise in the voltage, (EkT) = (VkT)/d, noise levels for -0.9 V/m in the tissue fluids surroundinga sphericalcell
the electricfield are givenby: would translateinto 2,700 V/m in the cell membrane,just
reachingthe noise level. That is, the thermallimit for tis-
4RkTAf sue fields that drive cellular effects originating at the
(EkT) (9)
membrane level is about 1 V/m. For sufficiently elon-
gated cells, the tissue field required is about tenfold
The resistivity,p, of tissue is relatedto the resistanceof the lower (0.1 V/m).
cube of tissue, R by R = p x (length/area) = p/d. Thus the Equation (10) shows that the noise level is decreasedif
electric-fieldnoise depends on the dimensionsof the vol- the bandwidth,Af, is decreased.This is analogousto being
ume in question: able to hear a pure tone in the presence of a louder back-
ground hiss. However, because the bandwidthenters the
= (10)
equation under the square root, it would have to be
(EkT) 3kTAf reducedby 100 to reducethe noise by a factorof 10;i.e., Af
wouldhave to be reducedfrom 100Hz to 1 Hz to bringthe
The appropriate size range for d in Eq. (10) is deter- cell membranenoise down from 1.3 x 10-5V to 1.3 x 10-6
mined by the size of the structureaffected by the voltage V. This change in zf would reduce the cell membraneE-
fluctuations,with the electric-field noise increasingwith fieldnoise to 260 V/m;this is still20-foldlargerthanthe cell
decreasing dimensions, as d-312.In fact, at molecular membranesignal (14.4 V/m, Table II) inducedat the body
dimensions, the field strength required to reverse the peripheryby a 0.1-mT,50/60Hz magneticfield. Moreover,
momentaof molecules in collision is very large, about 107 a biologicalresponsewith a frequencydependenceas nar-
V/m over dimensions of 10-10m; this represents the low- row as 60 ? 1 Hz is unknown.
est size range at which Eq. (10) would be valid. That is, "Stochastic resonance" is a process whereby noise
very large electric-fieldfluctuationscan be expected over added to an oscillating, nonlinear system can produce
the molecular scale as a consequence of thermal colli- responsesthat are not seen in the absence of noise (14). If
sions among molecules. the oscillatingsystemis close to a thresholdin the absence
For cells at body temperature,kT = 4.28 X 10-21 J, and of noise, the additionof a small amountof noise can have
the relevant frequency range over which the cell might a dramatic effect in the number of times the system
respond is 100 Hz, so Af = 100 Hz (i.e. 0-100 Hz, which crosses the threshold (if you average over an adequate
encompasses50/60Hz frequencies).For the cell membrane, period). However, this phenomenon is of little use in the
R 108fl (13),3 d = 5 X 10-9m, and the electrical noise is: situationdescribedabove, where the largestsignalsby far
are the noise. The addition of a small oscillatingsignal to
= 1.3 x 10-5 V, and (EkT)memb
(VkT)memb = 2,600 V/m. the largernoise would have a marginaleffect in the transi-
tion rate over the threshold.
In summary,the environmentof living cells is electri-
cally noisy, and if externallyimposedEMFs are to present
a signal discernibleby cells, the signalsmust somehow be
3Cellmembraneshave a resistanceper unit area thatvariesover 0.14 distinguishablein magnitude,frequency,coherence, etc.,
to 15 fl/m2.To look at minimumlevels of noise, we use the lowest resis- from the applicablethermalnoise level, characterizedby
tance in this range (0.14 lf/m2) and a large cell size (20 pm diameter).
The surfacearea of a sphericalcell is 'rd2, and the resistanceis 1.1 x 108 the energy, kT. Because of the small magnitudeof EMF-
Q. Largercells or cells with moresurfaceareawill have lowertransmem- induced signals, the process by which this can occur is
braneresistanceandcorrespondingly lowerelectricalnoise. not apparent.

Living Cells Exhibit Abundant Electrical Activity Multicellularorganismscan exhibitexquisitefield sensi-

In additionto thermalnoise, cells containother sources tivity.Sharksrespondto slowlyvaryingtissue (water)elec-
of electricalnoise such as (1) "shot"noise, (2) "llf" noise tric fields of 106 V/m (24-27). Both large numbersof cells
and (3) electrical signals from propagatingaction poten- distributedin a large organismand complexsignalamplifi-
tials in nerve and muscle cells (9, 15, 16). Shot noise cation and processingare requiredto achieve this perfor-
derives from the fact that electrical charge comes in dis- mance.The followingdiscussionof mechanismsillustrates
crete units. When a "constant" current is flowing, the why the signal-to-noise(S/N) ratiois one of the centralcon-
number of charges per second will not be constant over siderationsin evaluatingthe implicationsof the reported
short time scales, but will fluctuateup and down,governed bioeffectsof low-fieldEMFs.
by Poisson statistics,as does any processinvolvingdiscrete
events. An analogy can be drawnwith radioactivedecay, MECHANISM: DIRECT ENERGY TRANSFER
where the isotope half-life ("averagecurrent")is a precise
Power Lines "Radiate"Virtually No Energy
number, but the actual decays in a short period of time
("currentfluctuations")have a scatter to them. The elec- Unlike a radio antenna,an electric-powertransmission
trical noise due to this fluctuating charge distributionis line is a verypoor antenna,and the energythat is put into a
called shot noise. The llf noise, or flicker noise, is funda- radiative form is minuscule;it is not accurate to say that
mentalto manyprocesses,and,unlikethermalnoise, which significant"radiation"or "emissions"come from 50/60 Hz
is "white"(constantwith frequency),the magnitudeof 1lf power lines. A 100-mlength of transmissionline carrying
noise increases at lower frequencies;llf noise is not well 500 MW of 50/60 Hz electricalpower radiatesless than 10
understood, but it appears to be inherent to any process pW of energy, which would be approximately2 x 10-8
(e.g. ion flow througha channel) that evolves and changes W/m2at one meter from the line (28). Aside from electro-
with time. Finally, "action potentials" are vigorous magneticradiation,the heating effects of electric currents
changes in the membrane potential of nerve and muscle inducedwithin the body by 1-kV/mand 0.1-mTfields can
cells. Electric fields and currentsfrom normalphysiologi- be calculatedto be about 5 x 10-8W (29), which,normal-
cal functions derive from electrical activityof cells within ized to the body surfacearea, is also about 2 x 10-8W/m2.
the heart,muscles and brain,as recordedin electrocardio- In comparison,the electromagneticenergy flux from the
grams, electromyelograms and electroencephalograms, sun at noon is -1,400 W/m2;the energy flux from the full
respectively.Magneticsignalsfrom these sources also can moon is -2 X 10-3 W/m2,about 100,000-foldgreaterthan
be measured (e.g. magnetocardiograms,magnetomyelo- the energyfluxfrompowerlines.
grams and magnetoencephalograms).At low frequencies
(<1 kHz), shot noise, llf noise and noise from electrically Energy Can Appear as Accelerated Ions and Induced Ion
active tissues are manyfoldlargerthan the electricalnoise Currents
from thermaleffects (15, 17). At the molecularlevel, electricfields in tissue and 50/60
Cells varywidely in their responseto membranepertur- Hz magnetic fields can accelerate ions and charged pro-
bations by electrical fields. Steady electric-fieldgradients teins. The amount of energy that can be transferredto
can cause cells to migrateand extend processes("galvano- charged molecules is readily calculated, and Table III
taxis"),but 50/60 Hz electricfields as large as 1,200V/m in shows how far a tenfold-chargedmolecule would have to
tissuefluidshave not been foundto affectgalvanotaxis(18). be acceleratedto make a change in its energy that is com-
Depolarization of single (15-,m-diameter) heart cells in parable to thermal kinetic energies (the average kinetic
solutionrequireshighlevels of fieldin the fluid,of the order energy of each molecule is given by 3/2 k. T, which is 6.4
of 1,600V/m (19). Neithercellularmorphologynor the dis- x 10-21 J or -0.04 eV); the table shows that, even if free
tributionof charged,cell-surface,lipoproteinreceptorswas acceleration were allowed over the dimensions of the
alteredafterapplicationof 60 Hz, 2,300-V/mtissuefieldsin body, the 1,000-V/m and/or 0.1-mT fields would not be
humanfibrosarcomacells (20). Changesin the structureof able to impartenergyto chargedmolecules at a significant
artificiallipid layers,such as are characteristicof cell mem- rate. Of course,collisionswith othermoleculespreventany
branes, required 107V/m (which is much higher than the single molecule from unimpeded acceleration. The drift
thresholdof electroporationof cell membranes,namely105 velocityimposedis about 10-9of the thermalvelocity.Thus
V/m) (21). Yet synchronizationof Aplysiapacemakerneu- weak fields cannot modify the motions of individual
rons has been reported at 0.2 V/m (22), and reduction in moleculesin a mannerthat wouldbe biologicallyrelevant.
fibroblastprotein synthesishas been reportedat 0.01 V/m Electromagneticfields can transferenergy via currents
(23). The latter responsewas measuredafter 12 h of expo- inducedby inductiveand capacitivecoupling,with resultant
sure, and increasingthe field by over two ordersof magni- resistiveheating (I2Rheating) of body tissues.The energy
tude did not increasethe response.Overall,there is a vast, transfer can be calculated, and a human body exposed
five-orders-of-magnitudespan between a reported "no- simultaneouslyto 50/60Hz 0.1-mTand 1,000-V/mfieldswill
effect" level of 1,200 V/m in one cell system comparedto absorb about 5 x 10-7W of energy (29). This rate of energy
reportedeffectsat 0.01V/m in a differentcell system. absorption is 8 orders of magnitude (108) less than the

50/60 Hz EMF Energy Transferto a Tenfold-ChargedaMolecule
Internal,induced Energyachievableb Accelerationdistancebfor
External,appliedfield tissueE field over 20-pmcell "energy - kT - 0.04 eV"

1,000V/m 4 x 10-5V/m 10-8eV 100m

0.1 mT 4.8 x 10-3V/m 10-6eV 0.8 m
aA moleculethatdepartsfromelectricalneutralitywithan excessof 10 positiveor 10 negativecharges.
bTheseenergiesare calculatedas if the ion could accelerateunimpeded,i.e. as if in a vacuum.In fact, the chargedmoleculecan accelerateonly
about10-12s beforeexperiencinga collision.Whatthis meansis that the tissue E field will add a smalldriftvelocityto the thermalvelocityof random
molecularmotions.Thermalvelocities are of the orderof 1,000mph (450 m/s), whereasthe driftvelocity imposedby 4.8 x 10-3 V/m on a tenfold-
chargedion is aboutone inchper day (3 x 10-7m/s).

body's basal metabolicrate (-100 W). Because the wave- energies is shown in Table IV, which also shows the rel-
length of 60 Hz in tissue (-5 km) is far larger than the ative position of thermal energies (kT) in comparisonto
dimensionsof the humanbody, the EMF energycannotbe the strength of chemical bonds. Since the electric field
focusedinto a smallportionof the body. produced in tissue by a 1,000-V/m external 50/60 Hz
Some inducedcurrentscan be intense enough to trans- electric field is about 4 x 10-5 V/m, the maximumenergy
fer perceptible energy. Large time-varying magnetic a tenfold-chargedion can attain across a 10-pm-diameter
fields at low frequencies can produce physiological cell (even in a vacuum, with no collisions) is 4 X 10-9
effects. A rate of change, dBldt, of about 800 mT/s stim- eV. Hence our benchmarklevels of EMFs cannot accel-
ulates magnetophosphenes. These sensations of light erate ions to energies that can disturb even the weakest
flashes in the eye, produced by changing magnetic chemical bonds.
fields, are a well-established biological effect, presum- Electromagnetic radiation, although "wave-like" in
ably caused by the induced currents depolarizing cell nature, behaves like "particles"when being absorbed or
membranes within the retina. Magnetophosphenes emittedby matter.Thatis, absorptionand emissionof radi-
require about 7 mT at 20 Hz, but 30 mT at 50/60 Hz (30); ation occursin discreteenergy units,photons,with energy
phosphenes can also be produced by electric current content E = hv, where h is Planck'sconstant and v is the
appliedby means of electrodes at the temples (31). Fields frequency.Table V lists photon energies, and these ener-
with frequenciesin excess of about 100 Hz are ineffective gies can also be comparedto the chemical bond energies
in producingmagnetophosphenes. shown in Table IV. High-frequencyradiation,e.g. X-ray
Electriccurrentsinducedby time-varyingmagneticfields photons,have highenergycontentand can ionize biological
can stimulate action potentials in neurons. Although the molecules.Photonsin the visible and UV rangecan excite
exact nature of the induced electric currents is poorly moleculesand initiatemolecularshapechangesor chemical
understood,experimentalevidence shows that a threshold reactions.Photon energies of electromagneticradiationin
power-frequencycurrentdensity of about 10-20 A/m2 is
requiredto induceactionpotentialsin nerves(30). Even for
long neuronsorientedparallelto the current-density vector, TABLEIV
currentsin excessof 1-2 A/m2are necessary.At 50/60Hz, a Chemical Bond EnergiesRelative to Light,
whole-body magnetic field of about 100 mT would be Thermaland EMF Energies
requiredto achievethis level of inducedcurrentdensity.As eV/bond
was summarizedin Table II, 50/60 Hz 0.1-mT fields pro- Bond type kcal/mol (or per molecule)
duce V/loooof this thresholdcurrentdensity.
N-N, triplecovalentbond 225 9.5
0=0, doublecovalentbond 118 5.1
60 Hz EMF EnergyCannotBreakChemicalBonds 83
C-C, singlecovalentbond 3.6
Within living cells, collisions between molecules (pro- Photonsof greenlight 57 2.5
teins, nucleic acids, etc.) moving with thermal energies ATP hydrolysisa 0.3
occur at a rate (1012per second Ligand-to-receptorbond (33)
15 0.6
high per molecule) (32). 2.4 0.1
Each collision results in electrical distortion of the col- Hydrogenbond
Isomerizationof enzyme 0.7 0.03
liding entities. Biological molecules are constructed so 3/2kT 0.9 0.04
as to withstandthese electric fields and to resist the nor- EMF-acceleratedions"' 2.0 x 10-7 10-8
mal buffeting of thermal energies (0.3 kcal/mol = 0.04 "ATP= adenosinetriphosphate.
eV). To disrupt single covalent bonds, 83 kcal/mol (3.6 bTenfold-chargedions (ions with 10 excess positive or negative
eV) is required, and even hydrogen bonds have an aver- charges)acceleratedthrough4 x 10-5V/m field acrossa 20-pmdistance
age energy of 2.4 kcal/mol (0.1 eV). A range of bond (cell diameter).

Energy per Photon in Electromagnetic Waves

Descriptor Wavelength rangea Photon energya Photon effect

Soft Xray X = 1.2 nm 1,000 eV Ionize molecules

Visible light (green) X = 0.5 pm 2.5 eV Excite molecules
Far infrared (body temperature) X = 30 pm 0.04 eV Vibrate molecules
Millimeter radar X = 1.2 mm 10-3eV Vibrate, rotate molecules
Television/radio (e.g. 240 MHz)b = 1.2m 106 eV ?
Power-line 60 Hz X = 5,000 km 10-12 eV

a" = wavelength; v = frequency; c = speed of light = 3 x 108 m/s; h = Planck's constant = 6.62 x 10-34 J-s; then, E = photon energy = hv = hcl/
(4.14 x 10-15eV-s) x (v) = (1.24 x 10-6 eV-m) X (l/X).
bv = Elh = 240 MHz; period of oscillation = l/v = 0.4 x 10-9 s = 0.4 ns.

the microwave region and above can excite vibrational configuration or cell structures can be altered. The force on
energy levels of molecules. Lower frequencies, including a charged molecule exerted by EMFs is given by Eq. (1);
50/60 Hz EMFs, have vanishingly small photon energies. only part of this force will act to distort (as opposed to
The photon energy of 50/60 Hz electromagnetic waves is not translate) the molecule. For comparison purposes, we
relevant, however, to interactions which are not "radiative" assumed that the total force is of biological relevance, and
or in the "near field" of sources. we calculated the forces exerted by our benchmark EMFs
The characteristics of 60 Hz EMFs that are relevant to (1,000 V/m and 0.1 mT) on molecules with 10 charges
energy interactions with biological systems are summarized (Ca2+has only two charges, but proteins can carry a larger
in Table VI. These include wavelength much larger than number of unbalanced charges).
body size, and extremely low levels of energy deposition in Because of much recent work using the "atomic force
the body. microscope" and "optical tweezers," it is possible to com-
pare the calculated electrical forces against the forces that
MECHANISM:FORCEEXERTEDBY EMFs, COMPARED biological molecules can generate and sense. These tiny
TO BIOLOGICALFORCES forces (Table VII) are given in piconewtons (1 pN = 10-12
N); a milliliter of water weighs 1010pN, and a single, 20-pm-
The function of proteins depends on their three-dimen- diameter cell weighs about 40 pN.s Table VII compares the
sional configuration. If an electric field were to change the
largest forces that our benchmark EMFs can exert on a
shape of a protein anchored in the cell membrane or sus-
charged molecule with 10 unit charges against forces opera-
pended in the cytoplasm, the protein's ability to function as tive in biological structures which are either force genera-
an enzyme, a receptor or an ionic gate could be altered.
tors or force transducers.
Large enough electric fields could cause changes in mem- Table VII dramatically illustrates that EMF forces on
brane channels, which control fluxes of small ions and
even tenfold-charged molecules are nearly 1 million-fold
molecules across cell membranes; enzyme conformation,
smaller than typical biological forces. For example, 0.1 mT
which is key to an enzyme's catalytic activity in chemical
can induce a maximum cell membrane field of about 14
reactions; receptor protein shape, which may alter ligand
V/m, which results in a force of 2 x 10-5 pN. In compari-
binding to the receptor protein; membrane conformation,
which may modify biochemical reactions at the surfaces of son, most mammalian cell membranes maintain a voltage
of 50 mV across a distance of about 5 nm, giving an elec-
cell membranes; cell shape, which could alter secretion,
tricfield of 10 millionV/m (50 x 10-3 V/5 X 10-9 m), which
motility, phagocytosis or excitability; and shape of the
counterion cloud surrounding individual cells, which may yields a force of 16 pN. Hence proteins embedded in the
cell membrane normally experience million-fold larger
alter the electric-charge milieu of macromolecules.4 Effects
electric forces than can be exerted on them by external
at internal cell membranes (nucleus, mitochondria, etc.)
EMFs. Molecules sufficiently robust to withstand the
are unlikely since the resistive outer cell membrane shields
these inner membranes. The magnitude of the electric-field endogenous forces in Table VII (-10 pN) would be
force is the critical factor in evaluating whether protein
51t is important to distinguish between "weight," which is the force
exerted on something by gravity, and "mass," which is the quantity of
4The counterion cloud (also called the Helmholtz-Stern layer) is a matter. We are accustomed to express the weight of things in terms of
layer (-0.8 nm thick) of mobile positive ions that become attracted to the amount of mass they contain, but can do so only because, on the sur-
the anionic membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins of the membrane face of the earth, there is a strict proportionality (F = mg) between the
surface. Counterion polarization occurs above the membrane surface two. That is, a milliliter of water contains 1 g of mass, which is attracted
and is distinct from the transmembrane potential. to the Earth by a force of about 0.01 N, which is its "weight."

Characteristics of 60 Hz EMFs as They Relate to the Human Body
EMF parameters Relevant biological parameters

Descriptor Value Alternate units Descriptor Value

Wavelength (in air) 5 million metersa 3,110 miles Body size 2-m length
0.5-m diameter
60 Hz EMFs Molecular kinetic energy at
Photon energy 2.5 x 10-13 eV 2.43 X 108 J/mol 37?C (3/2 kT) 0.04 eV

Energy radiated by a 100-m section 10-5W (24) 2 x 10-14of power transmitted Human basal metabolic rate -100 W (basal)
of a 500-MW power line along the lineb -800 W (exercising)
Maximum heating rate at 0.1 mT; 5 x 10-8Wb Temperature rise = 1.5 x 10-8 ?C/day
1,000 V/m of human body

aWavelength in air. In tissue, the wavelength would be shorter because the speed of wave propagation is slower. Wavespeed in nonconductors is
given by c = (Epi)-12; g is about the same in air and tissue, but since E, the dielectric constant, for muscle tissue is about 106 times that of air, the wave-
length of 60 Hz waves in muscle tissue would be 50,000 m, still much greater than the dimensions of the body.
bGandhi and Chen (29) calculate currents induced be E and B fields, and maximum power can be calculated from Power = I2R. Temperature rise
can be calculated from the fact that the heat capacity of 70-kg body is 3 x 105 J/?C, and the heat input of 0.05 liW over 24 h is 4.3 X 103 J.

deformed by weak 50/60 Hz EMF forces (-10-5 pN) to an field gradients far beyond what is available in environmen-
extremely small degree. tal fields. Just like the Earth's magnetic field can physically
rotate the needle of a magnetic compass, this "magnetic-
MECHANISM: MAGNETIC FIELDS particle" mechanism postulates a direct interaction of mag-
AND MAGNETITE PARTICLES netic fields with microscopic magnets within the body
(46-48). The magnitude of the twisting force depends on
Normal body tissues and proteins are not ferromagnetic; the magnetic-field intensity, the particle magnetic moment
ferromagnetic crystals, however, have a permanent magne- and the angle between them. The torque, T, can be
tization, and magnetic fields can twist (torque) these parti- expressed mathematically as:
cles. Magnetic fields can also exert translational force on
ferromagnetic particles, but this would require magnetic- T = m x B = mBsin0, (11)

External 50/60 Hz EMF Forces Compared to Biological Forces
Force produced
(pN = 10-12 N) Reference

EMF force
Electric-field (1,000 V/m) force on a charged molecule(10+) 6 x 10-11pN
60 Hz, 0.1-mT induced force on a molecule in the cell membrane 2 x 10-5 pN
Force on a moving molecule(10+),due to magnetic field (0.1 mT) 1 x 10-7pN
Biological entity
Activation of a single hair cell in the inner ear 1 pN (5,34,35)
Single kinesin molecule acting against a microtubule 3 pN (36-38)
Single muscle myosin molecule pulling on an actin filament 4pN (39)
Force required to open a mechano-receptive, cell-membrane ion channel 14 pN (40)
DNA transcription (RNA polymerase force) 14 pN (41)
Charged molecule(10+),in cell membrane at resting potential (50 mV) 16 pN
Force required to stretch out a DNA molecule 20 pN (42)
Protein receptor to molecular ligand forces (molecular recognition) 90 pN (33,43)
DNA strand-to-strand binding force, per each complementary base pair 70 pN (44)
Force generated in flagellar motor (10-nm radius) of bacteria 100 pN (45)

aAn electric field of 1,000 V/m outside the body yields an internal E field of 4 x 10-5 V/m; if the tenfold-charged molecule is within a cell mem-
brane, the force is 3,000 times larger, i.e. 1.8 x 10-7 pN.
bThe maximum electric field induced by a 0.1-mT magnetic field is 4.8 x 103 V/m (i.e. at the body periphery); the consequent E field produced in
the cell membrane is taken to be 0.0048 x 3,000 = 14.4 V/m.
CLorentzforce on tenfold-charged ion with thermal average velocity (37?C) of calcium ions (-450 m/s).
d50 mV across a distance of about 5 nm is an electric field of 107 V/m.

where the cross product(x) between the vectors for mag- with the squareof the a.c. field amplitude(54). For our 0.1-
netic moment,m, and magneticfield,B, indicatesthe twist- mT benchmarka.c. magneticfield, viscosity7 times that of
ing force is at a maximumwhen the two vectorsare perpen- water and 0.2-gm magnetic crystals, Adair's calculation
dicularto each other,and is zero when they are parallel. gives an energytransferof -50 kT, but for a field of 10 pT,
Magnetic material is composed of "domains,"each of thiswouldfall below thermalnoise (to 0.5 kT). Or,if the vis-
which defines a region wherein individualmolecularmag- cosity of the intracellularmatrixwere 100 times larger,the
nets point in the same direction.If there are more domains energytransferwould also be decreasedto 0.5 kT, whichis
oriented in one directionthan in any other, the materialis againbelow the thermalnoise limit, even for 0.1-mT50/60
said to be magnetized.In "single-domain"particles,all the Hz fields. In summary,benchmarka.c. magneticfields in
molecularmoments are aligned,and the particlemagnetic combinationwith biologicallycoupledmagnetosomesof 0.5
momentis the productof the particlevolume and the mag- lim might give rise to a signal detectable by the cell; the
netizationper unitvolume.For magnetite(Fe304),the satu- plausibilityof this mechanismis underminedwhen biologi-
ration magnetizationis 90 A-m2/kgor 4.8 x 105A-m2/m3 callyreasonablevaluesfor particlesize and cytoplasmicvis-
(49). Hence a 0.2-im-diameter sphere would have a mag- cosityare assumed.Cuttingthe field size 500-fold(from100
netic moment of 2 x 10-15A-m2 and would experience a iT to 0.2 ,iT) decreasesthe energy of interaction250,000-
maximumtorqueof 2 X 10-19N-m in a field of 0.1 mT. This fold, from50 kT to 0.0002kT;thatis, fieldlevelsreportedin
can be thoughtof as force of 2 pN actingon a lever armof the epidemiologicalstudies(-0.2 jT) fallfarbelownoise.
0.1 Mm.As can be seen from Table VII, the 2-pN twisting
force caused by a 0.1-mTfield on a 0.2-Amsphere of mag- MECHANISM: MAGNETIC FIELDS AND
netic materialis comparableto biologicalforces.The prod- FREE RADICAL RECOMBINATION
uct mB also gives the energy of interaction,which in this
case is -50 kT. Thus the motion of magneticparticlespro- McLauchlan(55), Scaiano et al. (56) and others have
duced by a 0.1-mTfield could result in a detectable trans- proposedthat 50/60Hz magneticfieldsmay extendthe life-
ductiveevent, based on considerationsof thermalnoise and time of free radicals.Three characteristicsof free radical
force magnitude. moleculesare relevantto this mechanism:(1) A free radical
Kirschvinkand colleagues(46) reportedthe presenceof [e.g. hydroxylradical(OH') or superoxideanion (0O-)]is
pure, microscopicmagnetite crystalsin the human brain. very reactivechemically;but, undercertainconditions,two
Because these "microscopicbar magnets"can interactwith free radicalscan combine with each other such that their
ambientmagneticfields, they proposedthat biogenicmag- chemicalreactivityis canceled;(2) the reactivityis due to an
netite may accountfor a varietyof biologicaleffects of low- "unpairedelectron" [electrons can be thought of as tiny
frequencymagneticfields. However, a magnetite-contain- spinningtops, with an arrowpointingalongthe axis of spin;
ing "sensor cell" is yet to be identified in mammalian electronsin moleculesusuallycome in pairs,one with spin
species. In humans,the magnetitecrystalswere only about "up"(t) and the other with spin "down"(1)]; and (3) the
33 nm in diameter (46), and since the magnetic moment electron spin has a magnetic moment, which can interact
(and hence the magnetictorque) is proportionalto particle withmagneticfields.
volume,33-nmcrystalswould experiencea 223-foldsmaller Free radicalsare often formed in pairs either with their
torque (and energy of interaction) than that calculated spinsparallel("tripletstate")or with theirspins anti-paral-
above for a 200-nmsphere.A largenumberof Kirschvink's lel ("singletstate").Free radicalsmay recombineafterfor-
single-domainmagneticcrystalsneed to act in concert for mation. The quantum mechanics of the formation of a
the interaction energy with ambient magnetic fields to chemicalbond between two reactingradicalsrequiresthat
exceed the randomizingeffects of thermalagitations.Also, they be in the singlet state (i.e. t J, with the two electron
magnetitecrystalswould respondvigorouslyto changesin spinsanti-parallel)ratherthanthe tripletstate (i.e. t t, with
the apparent direction of the Earth's magnetic field that the two spins parallel). Because the electrons have mag-
result from motion and rotation of our bodies duringnor- netic moments,local magneticfields from other electrons
mal activity,whichwould seem to swampany effect caused (in orbitals of the same or nearby atoms) or from atomic
by weak 50/60 Hz magnetic fields. However, Kirschvink nuclei in the moleculemay flip one of the electronspinsso
(50) speculatesthat some cellularprocessesmay accommo- that the two radicalschange from singlet to triplet or vice
date to slow configurationalchanges(t > 0.1 s), yet respond versa;this changesthe likelihoodof recombination.Exter-
to rapid(60 Hz) field excursions. nally applied magnetic fields tend to "hold"the electron
Adair (51) has calculatedthat, for a.c. fields less than 5 magneticmoments and to reduce the probabilityof a spin
pT, any a.c. fieldeffect on magneticparticleswill be masked flip. For free radicalscreated in the triplet state (t 1), this
by thermalnoise, even given assumptionsof anomalously decreasesthe probabilityof free radicalrecombination.On
largemagnetosomestructuresand anomalouslysmallcyto- the other hand,this increasesthe probabilityof recombina-
plasmicviscosities.The high viscosityof the cytoplasmwill tion of radicalscreatedin the singletstate (t $).
dramaticallyreduce the amountof responseexpected with In systemsof organicradicals,triplet-singlet(T-S) inter-
a.c. (60 Hz) (52, 53). Moreover,the energy transfervaries change is seen to occur as a result of the radicals responding

to differentmagneticfieldsin theiratomicenvironment.An turbed for the required sample time. For example, to
applied external magnetic field can alter the rate of T-S achieve a 1 Hz bandwidthon a 60 Hz resonantmechanism
transitions(57-59). The effect does not dependon the spe- would requireat least 60 undisturbedcycles, or 1 s of per-
cificchemicalidentityof the radicals,but does requirefields turbation-freeintegrationtime, whichis difficultto achieve
of the orderof hundredsof gauss(tens of mT). in a fluid environmentwhere 1012molecularcollisions are
If the lifetimeof free radicalswere increased,the propor- occurringeverysecond.
tion reacting chemicallywith cell macromoleculeswould
increase, and potentially, adverse effects on cell function Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR)
wouldensue.Free radicalinteractionsoccurover time scales Mostmechanismsinvolving"resonance" predictthatonly
that are extremelyshort,e.g. nanosecondsto microseconds specific combinations of d.c. magnetic-fieldstrength (the
(56, 60), and any free radicaleffectswouldnot differentiate sourceof whichis the Earth'sfield) and a.c. magnetic-field
between50/60Hz magneticfieldsand the Earth'smagnetic frequencies are biologically effective. Because magnetic
field. That is, a mechanismbased on changingfree radical fieldsexertforceon movingchargedparticlesat rightangles
lifetimeswould not predictthat power-linemagneticfields to theirdirectionof motion,a staticmagneticfieldwill cause
are somehow more deleterious than the Earth's natural a chargedparticle(e.g. a Ca2+ion) to move in a circle at a
magneticfield(or otherstaticmagneticfields). ratethatis calledthe "cyclotronfrequency."Liboffproposed
The short time scales of free radical effects are due to thata resonantresponsecanbe elicitedby combininga static
the rapid rate of collisions among molecules in aqueous magneticfield with a parallel,time-varyingmagneticfield
solutions(_1012 per second);afterabout 10,000or so colli- whose frequencyis tuned to the cyclotronfrequencyof an
sions, the initiallyadjacentradicalpairhave diffusedapart ion (64-67). Liboff applied the equations describingion
and will no longerhave the opportunityto recombine,and cyclotronmotions in a vacuumto biology. However, since
magneticfields can no longer have an effect on the likeli- real cyclotron motion cannot take place in liquids, the
hood of recombination.Thus escape by diffusionoccursin motion was postulatedto take place in transmembraneion
less than0.1 ps,whereasone cycle of 60 Hz is 17 ms in dura- channels or on membrane surfaces where the ion was
tion, more than 100,000times slower.That is, for free radi- assumedto be isolated from other molecularinteractions.
cal recombinationeffects,all magneticfieldsup to about 105 The 50/60Hz fieldis postulatedto alterthe movementof cal-
Hz "look"like d.c., and this mechanismis not in any way cium ions throughchannelsin the cell membrane;thus the
specificto power-linemagneticfields. cyclotronresonancehypothesiscan be appliedto bioeffects
In summary,free radical effects are not selective for that show a strongdependenceon frequency.Accordingto
50/60 Hz power-line fields, and become effective at field ICR theory, the frequency,vc,of the a.c. magneticfield is
strengthsfar in excess of what is availablein the environ- relatedto the strengthof the d.c.magneticfield,B0,by:
ment.Furthermore,the bioeffectsof EMFsreportedin the
literature are not obvious candidatesfor the free radical qBo
mechanism.Althoughfree radicalsappearto play a role in vc = n rm, (12)
2 am
causinggeneticdamage(61), the evidencefor geneticdam-
age inducedby EMFsis generallynegative(62, 63). where n is an integer, and where the ion has mass m and
chargeq. For example,the 60 Hz resonance(n = 1) for Ca2+
MECHANISM: FREQUENCY-SELECTIVE, "RESONANCE" ions (qlm 5 x 106C/kg)occursat a staticfieldof 78.4 J,T,
RESPONSES REDUCE THE EFFECT OF NOISE and the similarresonance(n = 1) for Mg2+ions (qlm - 8 x
106C/kg) occursat 47.5 pT. For these same ions and static
Some mechanismsare selectivefor the "information"in fields, resonance would also occur at 120 Hz, 180 Hz, ... (n
EMFs. Such informationis often envisagedas alteringthe = 2, 3, ...). Many criticisms have been made of the ICR
transitionrates between quantummechanicalstates of the hypothesis (8, 32, 68, 69) because:
system.These transitionsexhibit "resonance"in the sense
that the frequencyband is narrow,and the noise level that 1. The requirementthat ions in a cell or membranechan-
needs to be exceededis reduced.However,the noise reduc- nel behave in a way comparableto ions in a vacuumis
tion comes at the price of additional requirements.One unrealistic.
requirementfor this mechanismto operateis that the sensi- 2. In the Earth'sgeomagneticfield (50 ,uT),the cyclotron
tivity of the biological system spans only a narrow fre- orbitalradius(for Ca2+)is over 1 m, and thusis far larger
quencyrange.If, for example,the interactionmechanismis thanthe dimensionsof a cell or even the organism.
finelytuned to exactlythe 60 Hz (or 50 Hz) frequency(i.e. 3. Molecularcollisions(damping)occurat a rate of 1012per
"resonant"),then the electricfieldsinducedin the biologi- second,preventing"orbital"motion.
cal system within a sufficientlynarrowband of frequency 4. The electromotiveforce providedby the oscillatingmag-
(e.g. 59.5 to 60.5 Hz) may be greaterthan thermalnoise in netic fieldreversesdirectioneach half cycle,averagingto
this same frequencyband.Anothernecessaryconditionfor zero. But even if rectified,the possibleenergytransferis
resonance-narrowing is that the resonantsystembe undis- minute [e.g., for an ion constrainedto move in an orbit

having the diameter of an ion channel (-10 nm), the adjacentenergy levels is proportionalto Ji(x), where Ji is
time required to exchange kT of energy with the ion the ith-orderBessel functionandwherex = iB1/Bo[a recent
usinga 0.1-mT60 Hz fieldis 44,000years]. reanalysisof Lednev'sIPR theory gives this as x = 2iB1/Bo
5. Since the time that an ion spends in a transmembrane (82), althoughLednevdoes not agree(83)].
channelis less than 1 ps, it wouldseem impossiblefor the Lednev acknowledgesthat the interactionof weak mag-
ion to "resonate"to 60 Hz fields. The very term "reso- netic fieldswith biologicalsystemsis "anomalous"because
nance" requires that the ion and field interact undis- of the low energycontent of the interactingmagneticfields
turbedfor at least a few cycles(-100,000 ps). whencomparedto ion thermalenergies.However,he claims
thathis theoryshowschangesin the probabilityof transitions
In additionto these flaws,a theoreticalanalysisof an ion betweenvibrationalenergylevels withoutany energypump-
confinedto a potentialwell and exposed to a combination ing into the system.He callsit analogousto "parametric res-
of parallel a.c. and d.c. magneticfields failed to find reso- onance"or the "quantum-beats effect."Lednev(81) identi-
nant behaviorat realisticvalues of model parameters(70). fied the followingfeaturesof his IPR theory:
Recent experimentshave failed to find resonantresponses
(71-78), and the ICR model lacks validity from both the 1. Differentialtransitionprobabilitieschangesign for even
experimentalandthe theoreticalstandpoints. versusodd subharmonicsof Vp,suggestingopposite bio-
logicaleffects;e.g., cell proliferationmay be increasedby
Ion Parametric Resonance (IPR) one and inhibitedby the other.
Anotherresonancemechanismwas proposedby Lednev 2. Monovalent ions such as H+, Li+,K+ and Na+ are not
(79-81), who predictedenhancedbioeffectsfor certaincom- expected to show any resonanceeffects becauseof their
binationsof paralleld.c. and a.c. magneticfield amplitudes shortdurationof bindingto proteinligands.
and frequencies.He postulateda "3-D harmonicoscillator" 3. The widthof the frequencyresponsecan be expectedto
interactionof ions of massm and chargeq attachedby elec- be between one and several hertz of the central fre-
trostaticforces to a bindingprotein (e.g. Ca2+ions attached quency, and is related to 7, the lifetime of an ion in the
to Ca2+-binding proteins like calmodulin). The d.c. field is bindingsite.
envisionedto split the vibrationallevels into adjacentZee- 4. Failure to find IPR indicates that the system is in the
man sublevels,and a shiftin the probabilityof ion transition wrong"physiologicalstate,"meaningthat the concentra-
between differentvibrationalenergylevels is postulatedto tions of Ca2+,calmodulin,cofactorsand activatorsmay
occurwhen an a.c. magneticfield is appliedin combination not be in the correctrange.
with a d.c. field. This, in turn,is hypothesizedto affect the
interactionof the ion with the surroundingligandsand,pre- A majordifficultywith the IPR mechanismderivesfrom
sumably, enzymaticactivity of the calcium-bindingpro- the fact that the vibrationalenergylevels for ion bindingto
tein. The (unspecified) biological effect is postulated to the protein ligand are likely in the infraredrange of the
reach a maximum (a resonant response) when the ion spectrum.The centralfrequencyof infraredspectrallines is
cyclotronresonancefrequencyis an integermultipleof the -1013 Hz, andif Zeemansplittingof these lines by 10 to 100
a.c. field frequency[i.e. when the applieda.c. frequencyis a Hz is to be relevant,then the infraredspectrallines mustbe
subharmonic (i = 1, 2, 3, ...) of the cyclotron frequency]. The extraordinarilynarrow (Q = flAf > 1011).Lednev's IPR
frequency,vp,for the a.c. magneticfield, B1 (peak value), mechanism has been criticized (84), and the same com-
relatesto the strengthof the staticmagneticfield,Bo,by the ments, listed below, applyto the Blanchardand Blackman
same cyclotronresonancerelationshipnoted earlier,which (82) versionof the IPR mechanism.Majorcriticismsinclude:
was derivedfor ion of massm andchargeq movingin a vac-
uum,exceptthati now appearsin the denominatorto desig- 1. IPR can be relevantonly to electromagnetictransitions.
nate differentsubharmonics: The rate of energy radiation from a charged object is
proportionalto the squareof its acceleration(85). For a
vc 1 qBo chargedparticleof a given energymovingin a potential
Vp . . .... (13) well, the accelerationwill be inversely proportionalto
i i 27rm
the mass;e.g., an electron will radiateinfraredphotons
In this case, resonancefrequencyis interpretedas due to at a rate 109times faster than a calcium ion. The time
the energy differencebetween adjacentvibrationalenergy requiredfor electric-dipoleradiationfrom an object as
levels that characterizethe bindingof the ion (e.g. Ca2+)to heavy as an ion (e.g. 40Ca2+)is of the orderof 8 s, but the
nearby ligands. Lednev's theory predicts that at fixed Bo, radiativeprocesswill be interruptedby collisionsin 10-12
and at resonantconditions,the magnitudeof the biological s; that is, the resonantsystemwill not be left undisturbed
reactiondepends on the peak amplitudeof the alternating for the time necessaryto exhibitresonancenarrowing.
field, B1. That is, the optimumfor transitionsdepends not 2. The IPR effect relies on the phase relationshipbetween
only on the frequencyof B1but also on its magnituderela- the excited states and the applied oscillatingfield (B1)
tive to Bo.The probabilityof transitionsoccurringbetween being fixed. However, if Bo and B1 are not turned on

synchronouslyrelative to each excited state, the appli- to alter activityin the postsynapticneuron,but simultane-
cation of B1 at randomtimes to a pre-existingexcited- ous activity in a large number of incoming neurons can
state phase must both increase and decrease the decay markedlyincrease the firing rate of the postsynapticneu-
probability for equivalent numbers of ions, and there ron. For example,if the presynapticneuronsare firingin a
wouldbe no net effect. randomfashion(stochasticnoise in individualneurons),the
3. IPR requiresrigorousspatialsymmetryin the bindingof inputis randomover time andthereis little net effect in the
the ion in its orbit for the energies of the two overlap- outputneuron.However,coherenteffects (e.g. of external
ping (degenerate) states to be split only by the applied EMFs) may simultaneouslypush a substantialnumberof
magneticfield.Due to the characteristically complexand the presynapticneurons into firing coherently and hence
asymmetricalenvironment of ions in biologicalsystems, give rise to an "EMF signal"in the postsynapticneuron.
the perfect sphericalsymmetryof the bindingenergies Thus the single-cellanalysis,whichwould seem to disallow
requiredby Lednev'smechanismis not possible. detectionof low-levelEMFs,may not precludedetectionof
weakfieldsby multicellularaggregates.
Numerous experiments have failed to find resonant Neuralintegrationhas been postulatedto be responsible
responses (71-78, 86). Observation of Lednev-like reso- for the acuteelectrosensitivityof certaincartilaginousfishes
nance behaviorin response to appliedmagneticfields has (25-27,92, 93). In elasmobranch as manyas
been reportedin mitogen-activatedlymphocytes(87). Neu- five integrating,signal-enhancing mechanismsmay operate:
rite outgrowth experiments (88) have shown agreement (1) The canalsof the ampullaeof Lorenzinihave wallsthat
with Blanchard and Blackman's adaptation of Lednev's are poorly conducting,and thus allow the weak seawater
model, but given the limitations cited above, the actual fieldoccurringacrossseveralcentimetersto be concentrated
basisof this agreementis unclear. over a singlelayerof sensorycells. (2) Tightjunctionsat the
apical face of each receptor cell concentratethe resulting
Larmor Precession electricalcurrentover a smallportionof the cell membrane.
A Larmorprecessionmechanismhas been describedby (3) As many as 10,000sensory cells per canal provide the
Edmonds(89) and has also been proposedby Male (90). In basisfor spatialaveraging,with a possible100-foldenhance-
this mechanism,an ion is envisioned to be vibratingin a ment of the signal-to-noiseratio.(4) The six afferentnerves
shieldedcavityunderthe influenceof a strongcentralforce. per ampullafireperiodicallyin a pacemakerfashion,so that
Larmor'stheorempredictsthat applyinga magneticfield to "phase-locking"to this signalmay increasesensitivity.(5)
this ion imposesaxialsymmetryon the originalmotion and Ampulla pairs may function as differentialamplifiersto
leadsto precessionof the ion's orbitalmotionat a frequency rejectelectricalnoiseendogenousto the fishitself.
whichis one-halfof the cyclotronfrequency,vc.If Larmor In summary,two typesof strategiesmay enhancethe sig-
precessionin the Earth'sstaticfield is combinedwith appli- nal-to-noiseratio.In the first,electricallyconnectedcells or
cationof an alternatingmagneticfluxin parallelto the static long processessuchas those seen in sharkampullaeconcen-
field,the energiesof interactionwith the ion-proteinbonds trate the effect of the applied electric fields across a
that constrainthe ion could conceivablybe altered. How- restrictedportionof the cell membrane,ratherthan incre-
ever, in a generaldiscussionof resonancephenomena,Polk mentallyacross many cell membranes;Weaver and Astu-
(91) has shown that, for an applieda.c. field of 0.1 mT, the mian (16) have shown that signal-to-noise ratios can be
time requiredto accumulateeven one-tenth of the energy expectedto go up as the 5/6powerof the numberof electri-
associatedwitha weakionicbond (0.1 eV) wouldbe 7 years. callyconnectedcells. In the secondstrategy,the signalitself
is integrated,rectifiedor phase-lockedso that the cumula-
Summary tive effects of the signalcan be distinguishedfrom random
The utilityof the "resonant"EMFmechanismsis compro- noise (94). In such a process, the nervous system may be
mised because of serious physicsproblemsand because a used to extract signal from noise by recognizing spatial
specificlink has not been establishedto the biology of the coincidenceor temporalcoherence6(94-96).
cell. The distributionof ions amongthermalvibrationlevels, Neural systems that are postulated to sum their
the orientationof the ion orbitalangularmomentaand the responses over space and time take advantageof the fact
orientationof nuclearmagneticmomentsare not knownto that, in contrast to electrical noise, external EMFs are in
influenceproteinchemistryin the body. step (spatiallycoherent) over a large numberof cells and
are steady in time (temporallycoherent) (97). In this case,
MECHANISM: SPATIAL AND/OR TEMPORAL for N neurons, incoherent noise increases by a factor of

Biological responses can result from the integration of 6F. S. Barnes, Possible mechanism by which biological systems can
multiple single-cell effects. In higher-level organisms, many separate coherent signals from noise. Presented at the First World
neuralpathwaysconvergeonto neuronswhere presynaptic Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, June
activity in any one of the incoming neurons is not sufficient 1992,Orlando,FL.

(N)12in the averageacrossthe population,while the com- PhysicalConsiderations

mon stimulusis additivelyenhancedby the factorN. TablesI and II summarizethe fields,forces,currentsand
Extrapolation of neural integration to 50/60 Hz EMF energytransferthat wouldbe generatedwithinthe body by
detectionschemes,however,is based on theoreticalmodels either 1,000-V/melectric fields or 0.1-mTmagneticfields.
and numericalsimulations,and have yet to be foundin real Electric fields induced in the body are calculated,and the
organisms.There is presentlyno evidence in mammalsfor strengthof the physicalside of the mechanism(Step 1) can
the existenceof groupsof cells that exhibitthe correctmor- be assessedby comparingthese valuesto generalnoise lev-
phology (e.g. electricallyconnected loops of cells) or sen- els for each parameterunderconsideration.Canmolecules,
sory modality(e.g. narrowfrequencyresponseor rectifica- membranes,structures,etc. distinguishthese inducedelec-
tion) for detectinglow-level50/60Hz EMFs. trical effects from endogenous, random,stochastic varia-
tions? As discussedearlier,for many of the possiblephysi-
PLAUSIBILITY MUST BE TESTED REGARDING BOTH cal interactions,the electricaleffects appearto be buriedin
PHYSICS AND BIOLOGY the noise. For example, the fields induced in tissue by the
1,000-V/m external electric field (4 x 10-5V/m) and the
Whatare the stepsby whichwe canjudgethe plausibility largest possible electric field induced by the 0.1-mT50/60
of a mechanism? A plausible candidate must link EMF Hz magneticfield (4.8 x 10-3 V/m) are small comparedto
exposureby a biophysicalmechanismto the beginningof a thermal electric fields across the whole cell (0.02 V/m).
cellularsignalingchain (Fig. 1). That is, the plausibilityof a Using microprobetechnologyin livingrats,Millerand col-
mechanismcan be judgedin two steps: leagues (98) have measuredendogenouselectric-fieldnoise
Step 1, Physics: Does the underlying physics make in the 60 Hz frequencyrange to be 0.006 to 4.5 V/m peak-
sense?Do the assumptionsaboutthe physicsof the biologi- to-peak,and0.0002to 0.04V/m rms.
cal systemmake sense? And how robustis the linkbetween
the EMF metricand the physicalphenomenonit produces Biological Considerations
in the cell? The biological aspect of mechanisms (Step 2) can be
Step2, Biology:How likelyis it that,in the cell, the physi- evaluatedby consideringwhetherthe changesin the target
cal phenomenonproducedby EMFscan resultin a biologi- systemare known to have functionalconsequences.Living
callysignificantchange?Does the biologicalend pointmake systems are self-regulating (homeostasis), and small
sense? And how likelyis it that the physicalphenomenonis changesin functionare not likelyto have a big effect. Some
linkedto a cell signaling(amplification)system? ions (Na+,CI-, K+,HCO3, etc.) and some proteins (actin,
For example,body fluidsare electricallyconducting,and myosin, albumin, etc.) are so ubiquitous that changes in
Faraday's law predicts that a 0.1-mT 50/60 Hz field can individualmolecules are not likely to control rate-limiting
drive a flow of ions. Thus, for Step 1, there is a physically processes,and thus smallchangeswill not be amplified.On
logical link between the applied EMFs and ion flow, but, the other hand, enzymes, receptor proteins, hormone
for Step 2, the linkbetweenthis weak ion currentandpossi- molecules, second-messengermolecules (e.g. Ca2+ions),
ble changes in cell function is highly uncertain.Likewise, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), membranechannels and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a procedure that membranepotential all represent "controlpoints"where
rotatesmagneticnuclei of some moleculesin biologicaltis- smallchangesin functionmay lead to largerconsequences.
sue, so Step 1 of the transductionprocessis knownto occur. Here again, living organismsexhibit reserve capacityand
However, nuclearspins have extremelyweak links to cell feedbackcontrol,whichact to restorenormalphysiological
chemistry,and thus the nuclearresonancehas no significant functionafterperturbation.Thus transientchangesor low-
effect on cell function or homeostasis, and a Step 2 effect level changesmay not lead to long-termeffects. Moreover,
thatcausesdiseasevia the nuclearspinsis implausible. there is a normalvariabilityin the concentrationof biologi-
Conversely,if we proposethat an EMF opens or closes a cal molecules over which physiologicalfunction does not
transmembrane,voltage-sensitiveion channel,then Step 2, change. If baseline calcium currentsthrough a cell mem-
the biological link to a cell signalingsystem, is unambigu- brane are increased by a few percent, or if secretion of a
ous. However,Step 1 is implausible;in the absenceof a spa- given hormoneis decreasedby a few percent,neithershort-
tial or temporal averaging mechanism, our benchmark termnor long-termmalfunctionsare likely.
EMFs produce physicalforces on cell membraneproteins In TableVIII, a summaryof this two-stepanalysisis pre-
that are many orders of magnitudeweaker than the elec- sented for mechanisms discussed earlier in this review.
tric-fieldforces needed to modify channel proteins. Like- Some qualitativeassessmentsare also made regardinghow
wise, if we could propose a mechanism wherein EMFs the benchmarklevels of a.c. fields may relate to biological
could damage DNA, Step 2, the biological link between consequences.Some of the field magnitudesthat mightbe
DNA damage and alterations in cell progeny, would be expected to be effective lie at or below our benchmark
clear, but Step 1, the physical delivery of the amount of magnetic field (0.1 mT). Yet Table VIII also shows that
energythat is requiredto disruptDNA, is not possiblewith each of the mechanismshas limitationsas an explanation
0.1-mTor 1,000-V/mexternalEMFs. for the reportedbioeffects of EMFs.The most solidly sup-

Comparison Several EMF Mechanisms
(Considering 50/60 Hz Fields of Magnitude either 1,000 V/m Electric or 0.1 mT Magnetic)

Typical "effective"
Mechanism Step 1, physicalinput Step 2, biological output field magnitudes Summarycritique
Energy input:radiation, Radiative flux, photon The energy perturbationsare 60 Hz thermal heating Neurons, sensory cells and
photons, induced I, ion energy, I2Rheating, undetectable;induced ion electricallyactive cells are the
virtuallynil at any practical
redistribution iontophoresis,electro- currentsare below level; magnetophosphenesat most sensitive, but EMFs at
osmosis are all extremely endogenous currentsand are 30 mT may be due to ion benchmarklevels do not
small;magnitudeof induced not likely to depolarize cells fluxes, which are known to triggeraction potentials;
chemical potentials is very triggerneuron firingat -100 currentsin shark electro-
small mT but are below noise at receptor cells may be an
-0.1 mT exception
Force on ions and on Force due to E fields and B- No established electric-force BenchmarkEMFs produce Biologically generated forces
charged:cell proteins, induced E fields on fixed and effect on messenger proteins, -14 V/m cell membranefield; between cell proteins and
cell organelles,cell moving chargesreadily gene transcriptionproteins, naturalmembrane E field is structuresappear to be far
membranes,cell calculated;high dielectric receptor proteins, membrane 107V/m; so benchmarkE greater than any force
glycocalyx constant of biological tissue pores, voltage-sensitive force is very weak generated by EMFs
yields greater electric channels
polarizationthan for H20
Ferromagneticcrystals Magnetic fields can twist Behavioralevidence in some >10 pT Bacrequiredin Plausible mechanism,but not
(magnetic-fieldforce) ferromagneticparticles;twist species suggests magnetite- presence of expected 50 uT specificfor 50/60 Hz EMFs,
motion is resisted by cell based sensory systems Bdcto be above noise, even viscous dampingof particle
viscosity;small particles adapted to detect the with large particles and motions at 50/60 Hz a serious
experience random thermal, Earth's field low cytoplasmicviscosity problem inside cell or on
kineticrotations, a "noisy" the cell membrane
competing motion
Modulationof free radical Large magneticfields can Chemical reactions with free -10 pT or greater (not Any effect at benchmark
lifetimes (magnetic-field modify free radical radicalcan damage expected to be specific to 50/60 Hz levels would also be
spin flip) recombinationand hence molecules importantto cell 50/60 Hz fields) expected from the Earth's
lifetime; effects not specific to function;increased free magnetic field
50/60 Hz frequencies;time radicaldamage has not been
constantsof free radical a reported EMF bioeffect
recombinationare extremely
ICR, ion cyclotron Very serious inconsistencies Perturbationof receptor- Experiments (reportingboth Overwhelmingscientific
resonance with basic physics are ligand binding or of ion- positive and null results) implausibilityof ions in
apparentfor this mechanism channel flux not established; usually have BC,, Bd, biological solutions moving
at a fundamentallevel biological function not yet 50 uT;most experiments in cyclotron orbits effectively
shown to respond to negative, positive reports rules out the physical
predicted resonance have not been reproducible basis of this mechanism
IPR, ion parametric Effect on transitionrates No demonstrated Experimentalresults overall The problems with collision
resonance between ion-ligand physiologicalrelevance of equivocal;maximaleffects damping,quantum
- coherence time and low
vibrationallevels as a ionic thermalvibrational expected at Bac Bdc, and
consequence of applied levels for cation binding to experiments have used -10- energy input point to null or
60 Hz magnetic fields is channels or to receptor 100 uT;as Ba, becomes much minimalperturbationof
implausiblebecause of proteins larger than Bdc,theory predicts chemical bonds; link to
collision damping,and lack diminishingeffects biological function is
of coherence of the implausible
Noise reduction Detection of signals below Neural networkshave the Averaging plausiblyenhances Stabilityrequirementson
(frequencyselectivity, broadbrandnoise levels capabilityto achieve long- S/N ratio in the range of 100 cells for detection of
multicellintegration, clearly possible if signals have term averages of weak to 1,000-fold;ampullae of temporal or spatial coherence
time averaging) spatial, temporal or signals;sensory ampullae of Lorenzini in the sharkmay very stringent;frequency
frequencyfeatures that Lorenzini in the shark may be sensitive to seawater selectivity of cells for exactly
distinguishthem from noise; be an example;for mammals, electric fields -105 V/m; 50 or 60 Hz (or harmonics)
the noise-reductionsystem neither EMF detection nor neural processingmay bring unexpected and without
must have an adequate time plausible link to diseases is signal out of the noise biological basis
span to perform the averaging known

ported experimental example of a weak bioeffect of EMFs For some mechanisms, consideration of higher field
is electroreception in fishes. Even so, many details of this levels does not resolve the problems identified, in which
process remain unknown (25-27, 92, 93). case the mechanism cannot be endorsed as having useful

explanatory or predictive value. Other mechanisms can- 1. Relative to the kinetic energies of molecular thermal
not be ruled out on the basis of magnitudealone because, motions, direct EMF energy effects are very small.The
in some occupational settings, environmental fields can EMFs present in normalenvironmentsare not capable
range up to >0.5 mT and can have complex temporal of energetically altering biological structures, which
characteristicsthat encompass a frequency range from 0 remain robust in the face of buffeting by far stronger
to 100,000Hz (99). thermalimpacts.
If we considerthe magnetic-fieldvalues that have been 2. Electric-fieldforces on chargedmoleculesand cell struc-
investigatedin the epidemiologicalliterature(below 1 uT, turesare muchsmallerthanforces typicallyexperienced
albeit by surrogatemeasures), the problem of selecting a by biologicalstructures.
plausible mechanismbecomes even more difficult. All of 3. Direct force on magneticparticlescan be comparableto
the mechanismsproposedto date fall shortof being able to typicalbiologicalforces, but microscopicferromagnetic
explain 50/60 Hz-specific magnetic-fieldeffects at typical particleswouldhave to be attachedto low-viscositysens-
environmentalfields. ing structures.Magnetitehas been isolatedfrom the tis-
How might biological systems cope with the problem sues of animals and humans, but associated sensory
of detecting 50/60 Hz fields? Perhaps living systems can structureshavenot been found.
design a biological polymer of substantiallength and high 4. Magnetic-field interaction with free radical magnetic
conductivity(100), which might function as a loop of wire momentscan alterradicallifetimesand thereforemodify
that could detect induced EMF signals.Electricalnoise is their availabilityfor chemicalreaction.So far, modifica-
proportional to the square root of the resistivity of the tion of free radicalsby EMFs has not been observedin
medium, and the resistivity of tissue (2 Qf-m)is 100 mil- biologicalsystemsor shownto operateat environmental
lion times greater than the resistivity of copper (1.7 x fieldlevels.
10-8f-m). The thermalnoise in a biologicalpolymerwith 5. Resonant mechanisms, although widely analyzed and
the conductivity of copper would be reduced by 10,000 investigatedexperimentally,have not been showneither
times. Similarly,the performanceof magneticparticlesas to be theoretically valid or to be supportedby experi-
50/60 Hz magnetic-field sensors is limited if they are mentalfindingsthat are reproducibleacrosslaboratories.
embedded in viscous media, such as the cytoplasm of a 6. Spatial and temporal averaging processes provide a
living cell. A 50/60 Hz magnetic-fieldsensor using ferro- means to increasethe sensitivityof biologicaldetection
magnetic particles would operate more efficiently if by the above mechanisms.Averagingprocesses are, in
enclosed in a low-viscosity fluid or in air, with the parti- fact, used by electronicinstrumentsthat measure50/60
cles attached to a vibration-sensitive ciliary bundle, like Hz EMFs;no biological structuresin humansthat have
that of a hair cell in the fluid-filled cavities of the inner similar capabilities for measuring50/60 Hz EMFs are
ear. A sensor could consist of hair cells loaded with ferro- knownto exist.Extraordinary electrosensitivityin sharks
magnetic particles and affixed to a tectorial membrane likely occurs due to specialized sensing systems, which
tuned to give maximal amplitude response in the 50/60 use integratingand averagingprocessesthat are, to date,
Hz range. Thus the question of finding an EMF transduc- only partiallydescribed.
tion mechanism is a challenge for both the theoretical
physicistand the experimentalbiologist. The hypothesis that the epidemiological associations
observed between 50/60 Hz EMFs and disease reflect a
CONCLUSIONS causal relationship is not supported by what is known
about mechanisms. In addition to the mechanisms we
Severalepidemiologicalstudieshave posed the challenge have discussed,a numberof other theories of EMF inter-
of understandingif and how weak 50/60 Hz EMFs can actions have been proposed. Most of the available theo-
cause biological effects in humans. Interpretationof the ries do not predict a priori, specific biological effects as a
resultsrequiresthat we integrateepidemiologicaland bio- function of a well-defined EMF exposure metric, nor do
logicalobservationswith the fundamentalphysicsof EMFs. they identify specific experimentalresultsthat would rule
Some weak-fieldbiologicaleffects (at frequenciesless than out that mechanism.A good theory is amenable to direct
50/60 Hz) are reproducible,namely electro-sensitivityin experimental testing; i.e., it clearly provides the proce-
sharksand rays (25-27, 92, 93) and magnetic-fieldsensitiv- dures for its own disproof.Also, a good theory differenti-
ity in honeybees(101-103).These behavioralresponsesare ates between the influence of power-line EMF exposure
attributed to specialized neuroreceptor cells and neural and the influence of EMFs normallypresent in biological
processing,but manybiophysicaland physiologicalaspects systems.More rigorousapproachesare needed to develop
of these systemsremainto be elucidated. the theoretical basis by which "EMFmechanisms"might
We identifiedand analyzedseveralclassesof interaction provide plausible explanations for possible biological
mechanismswith respectto their abilityto explainbiologi- effects of low-levelEMFs.
cal effects at benchmark50/60Hz field levels of 0.1 mT and
1 kV/m (and below): Received: August 27, 1996; accepted: March 24, 1997

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